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RE: My Kid Set Fire to His School

in #education7 years ago

Schools today do the most damage to children. Imagine sending your child to learn things that have no impact on todays world and at the same time expecting that very child to excel in the real world after graduation. It's a big sad life we are giving these kids and i believe that is why most self-made millionaires quit school .


The same system has been in place since the 50's. Everything else evolves and changes with the times, why not education? It is truly mind boggling when you think about it...

That's precisely why i would want to train my children personally just as you are doing together with my wife. That way i can get to see what fits and what does not

Exactly! I wish you the best of luck. It will be difficult, yet extremely rewarding :)

yes, and it's true. I think Steve Jobs was a drop out. Bill Gates was a drop out, I think. They went and educated themselves outside of school. Jordan Peterson always says if you want to learn, read. A lot of successful people went out and learnt what they wanted and needed to for the lifestyle and the business they wanted to create for themselves and then they executed and did it. And most of them made it or are making it right now.

Exactly. They focussed all their eneries on the stuff that matter to them and improved upon it. Without some these greats, life would have been boring today.

So true. Reading is key.

You almost have to go out on your own nowadays in order to make something of yourself.

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