Cooking-Lesson no. 11 "How To Make Kimchi Stew/Soup"

in #cooking-lesson5 years ago


Good day everyone!

Here I am again for my 11th #cooking-lesson recipe, and for today's recipe I will show you how to make another korean dish the "Kimchi Stew".

Kimchi Stew is made with kimchi, pork, sliced tofu and different kinds of vegetables and spices. I love eating this food because of its unique savory, spicy and little sour taste and also it is very easy to make, you only need to prepare the ingridients then put all the ingridients on a stone bowl or wok then set the fire and that's all. That's what I like about stew dishes you just need to prepare all of the ingridients and cooking is not a problem Lol.


How to Make Kimchi Stew


  • sliced kimchi 100g

  • thin slice pork belly 100g

  • sliced onion 1pc

  • chopped garlic 3cloves

  • onion leeks (sliced)

  • diced soft/firm tofu 100g

  • cabbage (sliced)

  • soybean paste(doenjang) 1teaspoon

  • chili flakes 1/2 spoon

  • beef powder 1/2 teaspoon


20191115_210310.jpgPrepare all the ingridients first then put all the ingridients together(except the spices) in a Korean stone bowl(dalsot) or you can also use wok or any kind of cooking pot available in your kitchen.

20191127_012842.jpg then after setting all the ingridients together in a cooking bowl, put enough amount of water to fill the bowl then set it on fire and then add all the remaining powder ingridients and spices like the soybean paste, chili flakes and beef powder.

20191115_210747.jpgthen after setting all of the ingridients, boil it for at least 5 minutes.

Then my Kimchi Stew is done and ready to eat, I put a small amount of chili flakes and chopped onion leeks on the top to make my Kimchi Stew looks delicious lol.

Take note:

You can add or reduce some of the ingridients and spices depending on the taste you want. For example... you want more spicy you can add more chili flakes or chili powder or if you want a touch of sweet taste you can add sugar, and also you can add any vegetable you want like carrot or raddish. It's all up to you Lol.

This is my 11th #cooking-lesson recipe and if you ever missed my previous recipes you can check it on the links below:




Cooking-Lesson No. 4, How to make Kare-kare

Cooking-Lesson no. 5, How To Make Handmade Noodles

Cooking-Lesson no. 6 How to make Kamotecue/Sugar Coated Sweet Potato

Cooking-Lesson no. 7 How to make Spicy Cucumber Salad

Cooking-Lesson no. 8 How to Make Budae-Jjigea/Army Base Stew

Cooking-Lesson no. 9 "How to Cook Budae-Jjigea or Army Base Stew

Cooking-Lesson no. 10 "How to Cook Sauteed Canned Sardines With Moringa and Chili Leaves"

Thats all for now, thanks for dropping by..
And thank you on your time spent reading this content.



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Yah I think it was, you can try this recipe also Lol... by the way thank you for dropping by. ^^

Thank you for the support @hafizullah, my bad I don't have a twitter account yet, because of this I will surely make a twitter account.. ^^

I travel into Manhattan just to have this soup! Thank you for the recipe, you've made it so simple.
And thank you for the curangel curation for my brussels sprouts recipe.

You're welcome, and your brussels sprouts recipe is such a good content. ^^ by the way thank you for dropping by.

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