Freewrite House Punday - And a Chance to Win!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


Day 12 brought to you by @improv

Every Monday is Punday!

The entire Steemit community is invited to participate in @FreewriteHouse's Punday challenge! There are a few small prizes available, but more importantly, there is GLORY to be won.


What is Punday?

Punday is the best day. It's the day we post a topic upon which you are invited to pun in the comments. You get to read all the incredible puns, and you can try your hand at puns, and you can just bask in the warmth and love that punsters offer. I am your Puntender, and I serve hot puncakes with Mapun Syrpun.


How arose Punday?

40 weeks ago, as the calendar counts it, @improv thought about what he knew how to do and could teach. The most useful skill he possesses is his ability to pun on demand, and so he wrote a post ( to teach Steemit everything he knew. He proceeded to invite puns week after week until a small, but mighty crowd of punsters gathered to pun every week. Eventually they taught him about POCKET, and the POCKET Choice awards were also born.


What are the Prizes?

Every eligible pun (which is to say, every on-topic pun that stays on the side of common decency - racism, sexism, etc. are not allowed) receives an upvote from @improv. Furthermore, winners each win an upvote on a post of their choice from @improv, and a @tipu tip! Categories you can win are:

  1. POCKET Choice: On Friday, @improv will post the POCKET Choice post. In the comments, any Steemit user with POCKET can send some to a punster. The punster with the largest accumulation of POCKET sent to them there will win the POCKET Choice Awards for that week, and get to join the POCKET Choice Awards winner's circle. Once annually, a member of the POCKET Choice Awards winner's circle will win 1000 POCKET from @improv.
  2. Best Video Pun: Whichever pun delivered by video is deemed the best by the judge will win.
  3. Best Overall Pun: All eligible puns are eligible, and whichever pun is deemed the best (according to arcane and esoteric pun magery wielded by the Puntender) will win.


So... how do I participate?

Follow @FreewriteHouse and @Improv and keep your eyes peeled for Punday posts! This week's is here

What we want to know from you:

  • Do you love to pun?
  • Do you want a regular Punday in the Freewrite House on this page?
  • Do you rather find a link to Monday-Punday here and play on @improv's page with all the punsters already there?


Win, Win, Win!!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership: Leave us a comment
Which has something to do with this post
Is at least 50 words
We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Here is a free word count tool

At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

7:32 PM Pacific Time. 3/27/2018. contest is now closed.

Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next 2 days - and maybe longer.


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt



Punday sounds fun! Although it isn't my specialty, I think I'd have a lot of fun reading the entries... and who knows? Maybe I'd get inspired and start speaking puns in tongues?

I do have a question though... should there be a room in the Freewrite House for those of us who are writing ongoing series with the prompts? It sure seems like there are a few of us... @freedomtowrite,, @pixiehunter, @svashta, @wandrnrose7 (I'm just seeing hers now), me... I'm sure there are a number of others I'm forgetting, haven't come across yet, or just am not aware of. I'm not sure what I'm suggesting, only pointing out that it looks like an interesting subculture within the freewrites, and I wonder if there's anything in that?

8 bennettitalia

You are in the drawing. Oh you mindreader!!! Seems to me that there is something like that on the schedule for tomorrow.... Wednesday. hmmmm. Seems we all are on the same page here at the Freewrite House. Makes it exciting. And do check out @fireawaymarmot. His ongoing story is amazing!!

:D right on! And I will, thanks... I don't know who this is but I'm assuming it's Marianne ;)

Yes, I am sorry. If there is no other name at the end of the comment - assume it is me 🤪

:D ok, will do! Good morning :)

well... it is still morning where I am, but barely lol. I'm a night owl, I can't help it.

I love this idea too! I don't know exactly how it would work...but I was thinking of a way for everyone to know when there's an addition added. 🤔

Lol yeah I have no idea... but it seems like there should be something... notifications of new installments might be good :)

cool. I didn't see it at the time of publishing. Updating now....

Totes! Yeah, I don't always get it published early in the day.

I love a good pun! I also get a kick out of a super-literal coworker who does not get puns, metaphors, or dry humor. I do not know if I could come up with a pun on demand (I have been trying for about 10 minutes to come up with a witty pun for this post), but it could be fun trying.

6 ghostsinahatbox

You are in the drawing!! You can try it today for a win on the punning front if you go over to @improv's profile. But here, we are still giving away the Steem basic income memberships. Two are better than one :) (mw)

Have you checked out the HOW-TO? It helps you come up with puns on demand!

I did check out the how-to, thanks @improv. Your instructions are clear, but I think I overthink things.

Then you got this! Just let your mind drift! Or, walk through it with me. Take the first step. We'll work through a few together.


Pun on demand.

What a skill to not boast about. I don't think I am a decent puntender. I like that you promote them to the #freewrite community but it is nice to join the older punmasters. So I will vote to keep a link to the weekly punday from @improv account here.


Keep the freewrite spirit! All posts from the awesome community #freewrite get an automic sponsor vote from @lablockchain ;-).

7 jyezie

You are in the drawing :) Btw. I noticed that your bot comes right away after publishing the post. We do appreciate it but you are going to loose out on any curation rewards..... Just saying. Maybe 20 minutes after publishing helps you to grow your account a bit too... (mw)

I know but I am not going to optimise it right now (wait exactly 30 minutes to not share the reward, count the number of X% votes I can do per day and per tag , ...). That gives a bit more reward to the authors too :-D.
I will surely work on that, there are some plagiarism or tag abuse going on and waiting a bit, I can spot the flags etc.

We very much appreciate what you do for the community. Just wanting to make sure that it becomes a sustainable project :)

I think that the ability of making puns is one of the most refined in the use of a language, because you have to master the meanings, both of the original word or sentence and of the new one born from the pun, the pronunciation, that must match or get very close... I'm quite a PUNisher in Italian, but in English I'm only a PUNY PUNk.
For this reason, I tried to participate in some of the @improv 's challenges, but not so often.
It's a very kind PUNrpose by him to share the Punday in this blog... I think maybe he could double the pun and run both a Punday from his account and another from Freewritehouse. That would be PUNtastic! I hope not too much demanding

I hear you!! Puns are hard for me :) And running it sometimes from this page might be a good idea.... We are going to give it a try and see what sticks. :) (mw)

I personally love puns, but I absolutely suck at making them, unless there is some sort of magical sparkle in the air at the precise moment. I love reading them and find them absolutely hilarious, though. I'm usually somewhat quick witted, but I've been trying to think of a wonderfully punny comment for this post and yet my brain is still utterly and completely blank.

I love the idea, though and look forward to visiting just to read other people's puns. I may have to start working out my punny bone so I can improve. Maybe I'll learn something from your Pundays?

1 eroticabian

You are in the drawing!! Improv is a master at puning. Myself - not so much. Somehow, my brain doesn't want to twist that way. But many are so very funny. I guess we need Punners and pun appreciators in this world 😄 (mw)

Hey, you admitted to having a punny bone, so you are not that far off from punville. :-)

Maybe I'm halfway there already. Admitting it is the first step, right?

Everybody can learn! Check out the how-to! I guarantee there are real tips that will help you pun on demand! Here's this week's pun post:

I will check it out! I have always wanted to be better at them. Thank you.

I think puns are fantastic, and they get my funny bone just like a good bad joke! Really brightens up my day! I'd love to see them more. I think I'd have to be right on my witty to participate, but maybe after reading them awhile they'll just start popping out! Haha @freedompoint is great a fast witty jokes i'll have to get him on it!

2 freedomtowrite

You are in!! Yes, get him on it!! I can see the Dlive you two are going to create!!!

Haha I bet, if anything, we would have a lot of fun!

Ohhh, a punday at da freewritehouse. What a grand fun day that would be. Unless someone forgets to bring me some mapun syrpun for some punberry puncakes.
Sometimes I laugh at my own punny jokes, but hey at least someone thinks they are funny, right? How would we vote on who was the punniest?

3 pixiehunter

You are in!! We need to ask @improv how the judging would go. Puns are completely out of my league - but he is an expert!! (mw)

Let folks know in the comment thread on their pun that you love their pun, and use the POCKET Choice awards to let your pocket speak for your favorite! Included in each Pocket post is a suggestion about how you can get some Pocket!

I'm also offering 1000 Pocket to anyone who makes me a graphic that people would include as a badge or trophy or letterman's jacket kind of symbol like those jackets they give to golfer's, you know? I see that in movies... Anyways, something that people would proudly display in posts to signify that they belong in the POCKET Choice Winner's Circle.

Also here's this week's

Thank you @improv. Very helpful and now to jump on your prompt and check them out.

I would love to read some puns, I'm not sure I've ever read a decent pun though. Prolly the crowd I hang with, in my mind. I guess I could try and have fun with a pun. @improv since you created Punday would you rather us visit your post or start punning here, in the @freewritehouse? I think that should be your call, you don't want to lose your followers that pun with you now. The new @freewritehouse is going to be my new daycare, trying to keep me out of trouble. Good luck with that. 😋

4 wonderwop

You are in!! That is the question! Here, at his page or both.... as you know, we are trying to figure out how to make it fun for all. Maybe a special once a month punday here and we remind you on Mondays to hop on over to @improv's page... So, we are supposed to keep you out of trouble when we are trying so hard to get you into trouble 😉 (mw)

Ha! I think we've discussed a bit of both. Whichever post IS the Punday post is where you'll submit your puns, but we've discussed sometimes its being @FreewriteHouse, sometimes @improv still. I'll surely always post a link to it if it's not on my page, though, so just keeping your eyes peeled for my posts will always lead you down the punth.
Two puns dipunned in a pund, And I--
I took the pun less trapunned by,
And that has punned all the differpun.

Here is today's Punday Post!

Oops, wrong place again. Wow. I need to learn the layout of the house a bit better ;)

Why? it is not the wrong place at all!! But we need a few more words to enter you into the drawing - like 33 more 🤪

I don't know. Guess I got confused with all the different posts! I didn't use the proper word, "sizzling," though I did attempt some "punnery--" it's just elsewhere, and, I'm about "punned out" for the afternoon... Yup. Tried to just come up with something, but, just emptiness. Wait: What sound does this large animal make when it steps on hot asphalt? Sizz-ele-phant. That doesn't even make sense, but, okay

5 gjones15

You are in. Just 3 more days of contests and then, things will calm down a bit... Just a little tiny bit. But basically, the daily prompt is at @mariannewest and all the other fun activities we have created since we started the freewrite journey are going to be at the Freewrite House. We shall see with time if that works or not... (mw)

There's nothing wrong with anything you're doing. It's only, to participate in any particular contest, you must find the contest's rules themselves. As for the Punday contests, those are on my account at the moment! The topic for the day is generally at the very end of each post, after all the prize announcements from the previous week. ;)

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