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RE: Freewrite House Punday - And a Chance to Win!

in #contest6 years ago

I personally love puns, but I absolutely suck at making them, unless there is some sort of magical sparkle in the air at the precise moment. I love reading them and find them absolutely hilarious, though. I'm usually somewhat quick witted, but I've been trying to think of a wonderfully punny comment for this post and yet my brain is still utterly and completely blank.

I love the idea, though and look forward to visiting just to read other people's puns. I may have to start working out my punny bone so I can improve. Maybe I'll learn something from your Pundays?


1 eroticabian

You are in the drawing!! Improv is a master at puning. Myself - not so much. Somehow, my brain doesn't want to twist that way. But many are so very funny. I guess we need Punners and pun appreciators in this world 😄 (mw)

Hey, you admitted to having a punny bone, so you are not that far off from punville. :-)

Maybe I'm halfway there already. Admitting it is the first step, right?

Everybody can learn! Check out the how-to! I guarantee there are real tips that will help you pun on demand! Here's this week's pun post:

I will check it out! I have always wanted to be better at them. Thank you.

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