Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Cringe....)

in #contest6 years ago

Thanks to everyone who posted a reply in the Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Advice to your younger self....) last week! There were so many interesting pieces of advice our younger selves... Apologies for the funny @steem-bounty distribution, I'm still trying to figure out what is going on.

This week, I was just remembering back to something that I had done when I much younger... the sort of thing that you think back and think... why? Well, also at the moment that I did it, I also wanted to sink into the ground....

Anyway, I was going for a hopefully more light-hearted question this week! What was the most cringe-worthy (embarassing...) thing that you've done... or the one that you are willing to share... perhaps, there are still moments that you don't want to share!

My Question

  1. What is the most embarrassing (cringe-worthy) thing you have done?

My sample answer


During a performance, I do enjoy talking to the audience if I have a chance (easier in English, Dutch is still very scary for me to do!)... however, usually I'm doing this off the cuff (no notes...) as that is the way that I prefer to do it.

Now, quite a number of years ago... I did this performance of the Biber "Crucifixion" Sonata, which is a piece that is always in my repertoire. It's a great piece that is pretty showy... and it comes with an interesting story... being that it is one of the Sonatas that depict the Catholic Stations of the Cross. Plus, it utilises an intentionally mis-tuned violin (Scordatura)

Now, as I was explaining about the cycle of sonatas... I was talking about this particular one, and in an effort to describe the Crucifixion, I started to demonstrate the position that you always see Jesus when he is depicted in artworks on the Cross. So, arms out... blah!...

Trust me... I knew as I was doing it, that this was a really stupid thing to be doing.... but I just could not stop my mind in time! Oh, I really just wanted to sink into the ground at that moment... It doesn't help that my wife reminds me of it every now and then...


  1. Upvote is not required, but appreciated!
  2. Resteem is NOT necessary!
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!
  6. PLEASE PLEASE Don’t upvote your OWN comment. I can’t stop you doing it, but it seems to mess up the distribution of the Bounty for everyone else. If you upvote your own comment, I will consider it an invalid entry when doing the draw.

Steem Basic Income

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With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people). OF course, this is not simply an altruistic move, as the sponsor of a Steem Basic Income share also gets a share, so it is a great way to help others whilst helping yourself!

Last week's winners

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I can't even begin to count all the embarrassing moments I've experienced, and I think I'm still not ready to share most of them... so let me think...

When I was about 16, I had a huge crush on my Dutch teacher. While in class, I had been writing a poem, in which I expressed my adoration for him. When we left the classroom, it must have slipped out of my diary, because a couple of hours later, he called me into his (empty) classroom and told me he had found it, read it and was flattered by it. I could only mumble something and ran away. never been able to look him in the eye again after that moment

Ouch! And you still had the whole year of lessons ahead of you! I think it I was the teacher I would have not said that I found it...

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:

The Walking dead

I remember an incident when I was in secondary school. I was staying in a boarding school and it was my first few months in the school.
As usual in the evening, we will have a preparatory class from 7pm until 10pm. We were supposed to do revision or homework.
But, boys being boys, we usually sleep in the class.

So there was this one fine night, and I was having a good nap on my desk, I could not really remember what dream I was having. But when I opened my eyes, I was standing in front of the classroom with my hands on the air!

I can see my friends puzzled and staring at me. It seems like I was sleepwalking!
I was so embarrassed that I immediately went back to my dormitory room.

My friend told me the next day what I actually did. I walked from my desk after smashing my book to the blackboard and start swinging my hands like a Conductor in orchestra.

After that day, my friend called me the walking zombie for the next few years.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh my gosh! That's quite a bit frightening as well! Glad it only worked out to be funny and not anything more serious...

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:

For me, I just need to burst it out my bubble. The most embarassing moment that I had when I was in a Fifth Grader. After a flag ceremony at school our principal and teachers instructed as to plow and making a garden. All the dust, dying leaves and those bushes that need to be uprooted but accidentally, I just hold something hard...and oh, my gosh! Its my guy classmate below his pants. I don't even know coz he just squatting beside my back. Then the bell rang for announcing the winner for fastest gardener. It was so horrible and shameful, I felt sorry for him. I did not meant it. LOL

Lol! Oh my... I couldn't stop laughing at this! Luckily no permanent damage was done!

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:

Not the most embarrassing, but one I'm willing to tell:

When in college, a bunch of guys were sitting around one night discussing great bands. I was trying to fit in with everyone. someone mentioned Pink Floyd and I chimed in "I Love Him!! He's great!"

Hahaha!! Needless to say, I was derisively told that it was not a he, but a group! Then summarily made fun of for the next few minutes (seemed like an hour).

Sad thing was, I actually knew they were a group, but was just trying so hard to impress others that I said it wrong. Of course no one believed that and it only made it worse.

Haha. Now just a fond memory, but at the time was quite embarrasing.

Trying too hard almost always backfires!

True true... Trying hard is always prone to embarrassment! In that vein, I've come to terms that I'll never be one of the cool ones... I'm a nerd and proud of it!

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:

Thank you again for doing this how cool to win a share. Hmm this one what to say let me think.

I will be back I have to have done something stupid but work is calling.

Ha ha... So work is the stupid thing?

Ya the stupid thing that is keeping me busy haha.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:


Once y cousin invite to a dance of his school, well i have admit that in thouse years i was trying to leanr how to be a "Breakdancer" , everything was going good and i didt have to courage to take out a girl to dance, so i start with my "Breakdance", i have to say that im not a dancer... At that moment i didnt feel like embarasing but when i remmenber that moment when i was trying to "Dance" well i still feel embarrasing, i have to say that at that time i had 15 years, now i have 30 years old...

Ha ha! I love those moments... Where you are completely not embarrassed at the time... But then you think back and... Well... Let's say we all have a few of those!

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:

Wait, what about that story makes you cringe? That everyone already knows what Jesus looks like on the cross?

I don't cringe about this now that I'm an adult, but when I was a kid, I was once in charge of calling the class by name to line up, and the first name I called was the girl I had a crush on, and she wasn't even in the class!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha ha... I'm a musician, not an actor! So I'm more easily embarrassed when I'm talking and making hand gestures!

Ah... Primary school love... I have some memories of those as well...

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:

I know this isn't the most embarrassing thing I've ever done, but it also comes to mind when I think about embarrassment. I was riding my Harley Davidson motorcycle on the interstate with a couple of friends, on a road trip to Chattanooga, TN. I had on a nylon zip up shirt, it had built in support, and it was a very hot day, so nothing underneath. I felt a cooling breeze and looked down, the zipper had broken, and the shirt had come apart, leaving me completely bare in the middle. I got a few honks from truck drivers, while trying to hold my shirt together with one hand and drive the motorcycle with the other. I had to pull off and get a shirt out of my backpack and change it right there. Being hot and sticky, that was no easy feat either. Of course, my friends had to tell the story everywhere we went that weekend, plus back at work the next week. Yikes!

Lol! I hope you didn't cause any traffic accidents!

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:

I have a tale from grade school that my friend will never let me live down. I'll share it here, so it can forevermore be a part of the Steem blockchain.

It was in 6th grade, discussing something. I believe it was either favorite drinks, or at least something related to that. Anyways, a classmate of mine made a comment that they wished all beverages were root beer. I replied, apparently quite loudly, that that would be awful because then everyone would be drunk all the time. The whole class started laughing, including the teacher, and I sat there confused. I hadn't known root beer was anything other than a kind of beer, because I never drank soda. Eventually they told me why they were laughing, and man did I feel dumb. Luckily my memory is horrid and I do not recall this happening very clearly, but my friend does and still gets a chuckle out of it when he talks about it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha ha! That's pretty funny! In a bit of a reverse twist... I only just found out that you can get alcoholic ginger beer!

Haha. Beverages are definitely oddly named. I could totally understand someone thinking ginger beer was a kind of root beer, seeing as ginger is a root, but nope. We don't have the most logical of languages haha.

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners and the new Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Dream Destination...) can be found here:

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