Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Advice to your younger self....)

in #contest6 years ago

Phew... I'm a couple of days behind on this contest post... but it is getting out! Anyway, thanks to everyone who shared their various inner demons from last week. They were an interesting range of good hearted to more nasty ones, and some funny ones and some very serious ones....

This week, I been caught by an ongoing segment by the 730 Report on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, where they pose the following question to a weekly guest:

What would be your advice to your younger (school age) self?

My Question

  1. What would be your advice to your younger (school age) self? Note, this would be life advice and NOT things like invest in Bitcoin and get rich by selling in 2018....

My sample answer


As the oldest child of the first generation to two immigrants to Australia, I was always embarrassed about how my parents didn't fit into the society in Australia. Not for lack of trying though, but they did find it quite difficult as it was such a different place and culture to what they grew up in. So, the fact that they were both full time working parents in demanding jobs in a new country with no supporting family made things quite difficult for them.

They spoke English well (my mum better than my father), and they did their best to integrate... but it was always a little different!

Now, my wife and I are immigrants (the nicer word is expats... but it is pretty much the same thing) to Netherlands and my girls are very much Dutch (except they hold Australian passports...). We are in a new land, with a different language (which my wife speaks better than I) with no supporting family close by... sounds familiar!

I wish I could go back and slap myself, and tell my younger self to be more patient and understanding of the situation that my parents found themselves in. Not that I was a terrible child or anything... but this eternal patience is something that I learnt later on...


  1. Upvote is not required, but appreciated!
  2. Resteem is NOT necessary!
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!
  6. PLEASE PLEASE Don’t upvote your OWN comment. I can’t stop you doing it, but it seems to mess up the distribution of the Bounty for everyone else. If you upvote your own comment, I will consider it an invalid entry when doing the draw.

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Last week's winners

The last post paid out 0.008 SBD and 2.757 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 3 shares.

The winners by random draw are:



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Goodmorning, I love Reading the story about your parents and your experience eventhough it was the sample answer it was appreciated.
My TO-SELF-NOTE-ADVICE would be WRITE A LIFE JOURNAL. Thats a diary if life Where i put in dates of achievements, dates of failure, jobs and contacts. Friendships that ended and restpartijen New ones. Its not like a normal dear diary thing that you do every day but a life one. Things you want to remember When you ate All grown up.
I locked doing it for me so I have 4 now for the kids When for when they leave the house its adorable sweet and real. So I wish I had My own to remenis about the early days 😉
Gr. Britt

Thanks for looking at the others, it's great if people read the others and get some interaction going!

Yes... the universe has a great sense of humour, dumping me in the same situation....

A life journal! That's an interesting idea, it will be a great gift to them when they are older!

Thats my present when they leave the house

That's something I try to do somewhat digitally now! I used to keep paper journals with lists and things I should do, did, or need to remember. Basically what you are describing! Nowadays though I find the smartphone the perfect tool for this!

I mean, often I had stuff popping up in my mind, but my Journal was still at home... Well, it is very rare that I forget my phone at home...

On the other hand, going through paper journals years later, its much more fun! It is something you've written with your own hands on a piece of paper. Handwriting can show much more than just typing. Was it written neatly with care, or just a quick scribble while on the go? And then, of course, you can add random things like photo's business cards and what have you.

While writing this, I realize I should also keep writing stuff on paper :) Thanks!

Haha, i use my phone for the kattebelletjes too, but i take part in the @matkodurko contest learn&earn and for that i use a paper one i fill in at night after the day ends, and for the kids i have the life journals with all their life achievements and all other stuff

The winners and the new SBI Giveaway (Cringe...) can be found here:

That the advantages of people being invested in your success become progressively more difficult to procure as you get older.
More specifically, I should do one of the following.

Stay in Wisconsin and immediately begin trying to get hired as a professional actor.
Or decide which city I want to build a career in and move there as soon as possible and begin trying to get work as an actor.

Also, take really good care of my body while it's a little easier.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope the caring takes off, Thats a New life next to your own caracther , and the body is the temple so take care

Moving around as an artist is really quite a monumntal decision... so much of it is based on reputation, and moving means that you have to basically start from scratch again... I did it a few times, I'm never sure if was a good idea!


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The winners and the new SBI Giveaway (Cringe...) can be found here:

I would definitely tell myself to save a bit percentage of every dollar I make. Like at least 25% when I'm in school not fully supporting myself, and maybe 10% when I am supporting myself but it's easy cause my expenses are low.

Thing is, I don't know how I'd make myself believe it. I'm pretty sure I heard this idea back then, but it seemed so unnecessary. It took a job loss, multiple experiences with the random unexpected costs that drain a casual savings dry, and a long period of trying to make ends meet with consistently lower income than expected to finally teach me that saving is not extra, it's necessary.

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Oh, now as a freelancer... I really try to set aside money for the future... however, it is difficult to do with all the routine expenses and all of that! However, when you are much younger... it is even more difficult to do! That said, there are is a flip side in spending money for something good and worthwhile!... but it is a constant balancing act...

Well I agree it is difficult, in that I couldn't do it then... But somehow I manage to do it better now when the stakes are higher and my income has gone down. So I think my past self could have done better!

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The advice I would give my younger self, wow it would be a book LOL. I guess the biggest bit of advice would have to be is

'There is nothing wrong with YOU. It is the other person who has the deficiency.' 'You are not responsible for every problem in the world regardless of whoever says it. You are not omnipotent.'

I understand the words now. I can see how if I had learned them when I was younger then I probably would not have felt like life's punching bag. At least my father's, my brother's or my ex-husband.

I can really relate with you on this. I too used to feed myself with all these unhealthy thoughts that everything wrong with me and around me, is somehow my own fault. But I've learned my lesson now and I'm so glad I did.

Logically, I know. I don't dwell on any of this and many people will say I'm one of the more positive people they've met. If I were taught a little sooner on how to deal with much of this, it could have saved years.

Each day is new and I just embrace it for what it is. I fight the demons daily, but they don't run my life.

I feel ya. It would surely be better to have learned those lessons earlier. But hey, it's better late than never :)

Ah yes... you can't take personal responsibility or blame for everything (although, there are many people who would quite quickly take personal CREDIT for everything...). You can only be responsible for the things that you directly take action (or not...) upon, and everything else... you do the best you can!

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Another proof that life has its ways... you ending up in the same situation as your parents.

I's like to go back to my teenager years and tell myself that I was losing out on so much by being such a good girl. Good student (teacher's pet), never went partying, never got into trouble.

When I hear people tell stories about their high school years, I am so jealous. I have no stories to tell. All I have done during those years was sit in the front row in class, by choice, always studied my lessons and made my homework, hoping the teacher would pick to answer his question. After school, I went home, did my homework and spend the rest of the day reading.

Don't worry, I definitely made up for all those lost years afterwards, hahaha.

The advice I would give is something I only learned in my 20s (and 30s, and still learnin, lol):
Good girls go to heaven (if there would be such a thing, but bad girls go everywhere :0)

Yes, the universe has a wicked sense of humour....

I think I was the same... not a girl though... but I don't think I would want to change things... I'm quite happy with the way things were back then! Although, I wasn't quite so willing to be picked for the questions... I would hide and hope not to be asked!

I was a good student, learning didn't cost me a lot of effort, so being able to answer the questions teachers asked me was what gave me some self-esteem during those days :0)

The winners and the new SBI Giveaway (Cringe...) can be found here:

My younger self was interested in truth and curious. If I could go back I would advice him to stay on path and keep faith.
People will try to convince otherwise to take part in wrong doing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Keeping faith is believing and believing is life the circle is round again

Staying out of trouble at an early age is a difficult thing to learn... that there is more to life than the thrill and excitement of something illicit! Hopefully, you are still happy with where you are now!

The winners and the new SBI Giveaway (Cringe...) can be found here:

To my younger self, I would advice that no matter what happens , never regret but just live life because you will understand life better as you live life forward.

I hope I get to participate with this answer? Thanks for bringing this thought to me now @bengy

Posted using Partiko Android

Live life to the Max is My motto its over before you know it

Live life to the Max
Is My motto its over
Before you know it

                 - brittandjosie

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Dont you like
Live life to the max

Good motto honey @brittandjosie

Yes you have to make the party yourself, the party wont come to you

Definitely, this would be a worthy thing to tell you younger self! That you should take the time to experience things and not to worry about the past or the future!


Posted using Partiko Android

The winners and the new SBI Giveaway (Cringe...) can be found here:

#Advice to my younger self:

Go with your gut, and #trust your #intuition.

Also, #believe in yourself and take #action!

Great #contest.. Thanks, @bengy!!!

Haha! That is great advice for your younger self! Especially, the self belief... doubt can be such a destructive force!

And that Will apply whatever you age is !
Great one

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