"What’s Your Favorite Writing Topic?" 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day 14

I get paid to write, and I'm extremely fortunate to have people willing to pay me for putting my thoughts (and theirs) into stories by typing on a keyboard. I love my job, but defining what my favorite topic to write about is much more difficult than one would think, and it appears to change from time-to-time.


@Dragosroua is challenging Steemians to a 30-Day Writing Challenge. For day #12, he asks, "What’s Your Favorite Writing Topic? Why?" Here's my response.

My Favorite Writing Topic

I used to hate to write until the day I paired my love of sports with writing. I started a blog nearly 14 years ago, and soon after I started a business selling used ticket stubs from sporting events. It was a very odd business, but I absolutely loved it. Through my writing, I was able to market my business and even get opportunities to contribue to national magazines and speak at a summit in Las Vegas. This experience helped me understand the power of writing, and I gained respect and appreciation for it.

After I graduated college with a degree in entrepreneurship, I began working for a nonprofit that worked with young entrepreneurs. It was a field I was fascinated with, and once again, I found success writing. I was asked to become the Interview Editor for a entrepreneur publication, and I was able to write the stories of over 100 young entrepreneurs and interview them in a podcast format.

Today, I write for businesses and for myself, on topics all across the board, including the world of cryptocurrency. This past month, I've written about, cryptocurrencies, marine refrigeration, horse racing, poker, digital citizenship, parenting, small business, and so much more.

So what's my favorite writing topic today? It's a hard question to answer, but if you're forcing me to pick just one thing, I guess I would choose entrepreneurship. After all, it encompases so many amazing things, including the world of cryptocurrency and the businesses we love and hate. It's also what allows me to be able to earn a living from the comfort of my home office.

What's your favorite writing topic? Comment below

Previous 30-Day Writing Challenge Posts

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