3 Things To Make Steemit.com A Better Experience: 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day 7

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)

I've loved my time here on Steemit, even through the many ups and downs. I'm still here, and I'm very excited about what the future holds for both Steemit/STEEM and myself on this platform.

@Dragosroua is challenging Steemians to a 30-Day Writing Challenge. For day #7, he's asking us to write about the three things that Steemit must do immediately to make Steemit.com a better place for its community.

#1. Solve the Bad Whale Problem

Our involvement with Steemit is a relationship. Relationships only work if there's trust, which has to be earned and then not broken.

Imagine you're dating someone and you're lied to. A single I'm sorry won't make up for this break in trust. With Steemit, every major problem with the platform is a break in trust that needs to be corrected as soon as possible to avoid doing further damage to relationships.

The bad whale problem is a serious problem that impacts every member in one way or another. We have bad actors with power in our community who would rather hurt others to help themselves rather than work together so everyone can benefit.

#2. Communicate Better with the Community

SMTs (2).png

When there is no communication, fear spreads. STEEM Inc. has not been very vocal or transparent with what is going on behind the scenes. Unfortunately, there are users who leave because of fear, a drop in price, or lack of communication from management (FUD comes in all shapes and sizes). And while some people say "fine, good riddance" to those who have left, to build the biggest and best community possible, we need communication and to answer questions and address fears, uncertainties, and doubts head-on.

#3. Welcome and Help New Users

Five months in, Steemit is STILL complicated and I learn something everyday. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram -- they are all simple and easy to use. Steemit is not simple, and people give up before giving it a real chance. We need to simplify the process of starting and growing here on Steemit, and properly welcome and support new members. There are a lot of users who are willing to go out of their way to help newbies, but new Steemians rarely know where to go for help (I sure didn't).

I once discussed starting an unofficial welcome team, which I would still like to do, but I have gotten caught up in life since. Welcoming and supporting users is a huge key to success, and would make the Steemit experience much better for all users.

What three things would you do to make Steemit a better experience for users?

Previous 30-Day Writing Challenge Posts


I agree totally with you especially the first and the last one.

Thanks for the comment and for reading/stopping by!

Very interesting points, And I totally agree with all of them.
I have seen whales arguing over steemit posts, their quality, using bots a variety of issues.... yet as new members we are not really given a set of guidelines to follow, So depending on where you are getting your advise, will affect how others will view you within the comunity.

Either way I'm enjoying it all so far, I have met loads of interesting people (including yourself) and have read and learnt so many different things, that without coming across them on steemit I probably would have never bothered to seek out myself!

Thanks Philippe

yet as new members we are not really given a set of guidelines to follow, So depending on where you are getting your advise, will affect how others will view you within the comunity.

So true.

Yes, I have learned so many things here as well that I wouldn't anywhere else.

Hi Michaelluchies,
thank you for the proposals. I think you have targeted them out very well.

Regards, Achim

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Following you now.

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