Dannystravels in Rio De Janeiro

in #busy6 years ago


Hi I'm Danny! I'm travelling around the world! Follow my posts.

I've been preparing for a trip to Brazil and whilst looking for an AirBnb I dug through old photos I'd forgotten about, and was reminiscing about some of the places I've been and wanted to revisit.



A trip to Brazil is not complete without visiting Cidade Maravilhosa. This translates to "the marvellous city" and is more commonly known as Rio De Janeiro.

Life in Rio revolves around the beach. A typical Carioca (resident of Rio) will often spend their entire day down at the beach.



The famous Copacabana boardwalk


Iconic Two Brothers Mountain in the background


Theatro Municapal - Downtown Rio


Once you've got your spot on the beach you don't need to get up for the rest of the day - even your beer is hand delivered. Check out these guys above delivering ice cold Skol.



One of the reasons I love Rio is because of the high density of nature within the city. This is owing to having the largest urban rainforest in the world in the city itself. We spotted a friendly Marmoset.




There is of course a much darker side to Rio too, and crime rates are still very high here. This is mainly down to the massive numbers of people living in favelas and existing on a very low income.

Despite the poverty and danger the favelas are a huge part of the soul and character of Rio. To give you an idea there are estimated to be 12 million people living in these slums. That is more than the population of London.


Follow me here and check my old posts!

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Thanks for this virtual walk around Rio! Great shots!

While you were in Rio, did you wander up into the favelas?

Yes! In fact when we trekked up Two Brothers mountain we had to go via Vidigal favela. I'm going to write something about it when I get back with a decent Wifi connection.

Excellent. I have a friend who took a walk through and loved it. (During the day)

Fantastic pictures of Rio- I really love that city and planning to visit there one day. I had hoped to go during the world cup in 2014 but didn't make it. That beach is really my favorite- looking forward to more pics when you do visit again :)

Thank you for this comment and for checking out the post. You just reminded me I have a video somewhere from the World Cup in 2014. I saw Argentina play Bosnia and it was absolutely incredible. I'll try and upload to dTube next week!

That would be great to watch :)

Did you take some more pictures of the street art? Must be quite colorful and diverse from what I've heard!?

Yep! My next post is going to be about the Selarón steps probably which is a really famous landmark (and perhaps counts as street art)

Wow! Incredible photos! That place just moved a whole bunch of places up my bucket list 😊 thanks for the great work @dannytravels

There are so many things to do and see here. I think I'll be writing about this trip for quite a few posts now.

Cool! I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts buddy

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You should try Florianopolis too

That monkey does not look friendly at all! How was the Vidigal favela, dangerous to walk through?

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