Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/10/18> I love how people can get so “offended” ….

in #blog7 years ago

I have always been known to be a person who knows how to yank people’s chains or stir the pot of excrement. The fact is, I may have even offended some people with the title to this daily dose or even with my opening sentence. If you’re scratching your head right now on trying to figure out what is going on well, that makes two of us. So let’s just see how many ways these few sentences I’ve written thus far could have offended people.

The title is a great place to start, so we’ll start there.

People now a day’s get offended over two things; nothing and everything. So when I even mention the word “offended” and don’t say what it is that might be offensive, well that is downright offensive in itself because I have listed “nothing”, which is one of the two things that offend people. So it was easy to get the people who get offended over “nothing” offended because that is exactly what I pointed out; nothing.

The people who get offended over everything I’m sure I took care of offending with my opening sentence.

Yanking people’s chains has surely got to do with slavery, so I must be a racist. Here is where it might get a little tricky and I don’t want to lose any of you who may not have been reading my stuff since back in September of last year. Yes, I am a racist, I didn’t know I was one but after close examination of the definition of the word “race” and given my background, I self identified as a “racist”, for clarity and in my defense of being a racist I have included the link to that post here, I hope you will read it before you kick me to the curb from your reading list.

But even if the chains comment didn’t offend, surely I got some people offended using the word “excrement” instead of “shit”. For those folks I do offer my sincere apology, it was kind of chicken shit on my part to change a well known expression by substituting words in the expression. Words, sayings and expressions that have been around a long time shouldn’t be messed with by people like me.

So what in the hell as gotten the old man to where we are today, and just where the hell are we going? Those are both good questions and I happen to have the answers forth coming.

I don’t know if ya’ll happened to see some “controversial “ picture that a company called H&M used in a recent advertisement for a hoodie that they make and sell. Well it seems to have sparked quite a dumpster fire in the cyber space Tuesday, the only reason I happen to know about it is because I saw the thing posted over on Sola on Tuesday.

A Sola user named Yasser Attia posted what looked like a screen shot of someone else’s phone that showed a picture of a young black kid wearing a green hoodie . Now I have seen plenty of young kids wearing hoodies, in fact I bought my youngest boy a hoodie for Christmas from Bass Pro Shops, so kids and hoodies aren’t an issue. The particular hoodie did have a saying on the front that seemed to be the “problem”, it read “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle”.

OMG, how racist can H&M be? A black kid wearing a hoodie and referring to a monkey and jungle? Yep, I saw it with my own eyes and you can too if you haven’t already seen it, just go over to Sola and look up old Yasser Attia. I’ll try to link it here, but no guarantees. The caption on the screen shot said the person was “offended” and would not be working with H&M anymore.

Well the first comment on Yasser's post came from a person who goes by “FunkyF” and it set the tone for a discussion on racists and racism. I happen to agree with FunkyF, people who see racist everywhere are racists, maybe not in their minds, but they sure the hell are in mine. If they are not racists and I’m wrong then they surely have other mental issues is all I’m going to say. Yasser was laying in the weeds so to speak and fired back at FunkyF, “Are you serious? So you don’t find this racist? Making a black kid wear a shirt that says coolest MONKEY in the jungle.”

FunkyF responded back with what I feel is a very good reply, “Yasser Attia, I think that black kid is NOT monkey and I think anyone can wear this T-shirt because anyone is NOT monkey. So you have a different opinion?”
It was at this point I had to jump in on the action, being that I am smart and I can be an ass at times, so why not throw a smart ass, but correct, comment in on this dumpster fire. “Absolutely and should be offended, nobody uses the word “coolest” anymore it should be “baddest” for sure.” That comment got no response back from Yasser, whom I’m pretty sure thought I was siding with by using the opening of “Absolutely and should be offended” , but it was not the case. I agreed with FunkyF, but I don’t think FunkyF realized it, I got no comment back from FunkyF either.

That comment though was well received by the Sola community at large, it received 9 AP which over here at steemit would equate to nine up votes. It currently has the most AP of any comments on this card, as posts are called over there.

I went back later in the evening and happened to pick up on the discussion. Someone named Snowglimmer had notified us that H&M “has withdrawn the pic in the meantime”. To which Yasser commented “Which means they admit they did wrong” Well Snowglimmer wasn’t buying in on the racist part of it , and the tweet that H&M tweeted didn’t admit to anything racist. They just said that the image of their hoodie was wrong, deeply sorry, and they got it wrong.

Which surely makes my position correct, coolest was not the right choice of words, “baddest” would have been more appropriate. Now before you go and try and tell me that “baddest” isn’t a word, go hang around a playground where kids from all walks of life are playing and you will hear “baddest” used in several conversations . I like to play basketball and I go to the local park every now and then and shoot hoops with these teenagers, T-Bone doesn’t like it, but I’ve been told by some that I’m the “baddest old man” that has played with them. Baddest means good for those of you who aren’t up on hood basketball lingo.

I get really tired really fast hearing people scream racist and racism. The wife and I used to refer to the kids as monkeys all the time because they liked to climb our trees when they were young. I purposely left the lower branches so they could climb the trees. It wasn’t uncommon for them to fall every now and then, which led to either the wife or I saying,”monkey down”, which meant “you go check on them’ and make sure they are OK.

That young black kid in that photograph had to have a parent or guardian who contracted with H&M either directly or indirectly through an agency. It is pretty safe to assume that the young kid was paid to wear the hoodie, I am guessing that the hoodie and the saying wasn’t a problem with whoever represented the boy and cashed the check. So if the parents or guardian would allow him to wear it and be photographed knowing that it was being used for advertising why should anyone have a problem with it?

They shouldn’t and there in lays the problem; people don’t mind their own business. That statement I made may not even be correct any longer now that I look at it, because all to often people who are “offended” are suing or being paid off to go away and leave companies alone when the “offended “ start making a stink of things. Being paid would qualify it as a business I guess.
The claim of racism has in fact become a form of corporate extortion for some folks, Jesse Jackson is a master at this and so is Al Sharpton just to name a couple.

Can any of you please offend me so I can extort some steem from you? Please?
Until next time,

link to card at Sola ://sola.ai/posts/NGI2YzN/1


We thought we'd give you a break from all the crowds, commotion and autograph seekers in that other publication and showcase you once again in ours. (Maybe we want to keep you all to ourselves for a while.)

Anyway, you and your views on political correctness resonated so strongly with that old rascal @catweasel, he hijacked your post in here for himself ... and when I saw that gave me some extra room on the train-car, I told him he could keep you.

We gave you very deluxe accommodations with a window seat and everything. Besides, it's the scenic route. The company is great ... and we're glad to have you along. (You're my favorite curmudgeon. But don't tell you-know-who I said that.)

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. He's really not as annoying as you might think. <--- He always makes me say that.)

Well thanks so kindly for the deluxe accommodations, it's a big change from that padded cell with no windows. The view looks great from my seat as well, so I think I'll just settle in and enjoy the view and see where we go. Thanks for including me, very greatly appreciated.

I think you are right on the money here. It is not the issue of the writing on the hoodie, but the issue of people perspectives, and their view of the world. Some people no matter the race would see this as a funny anecdote of being the coolest kid on the block and a monkey a reference to a kid while others see the racist reference in "monkey" word.

I think how some people minds are conditioned in this world plays a huge part in how they perceive the world around them. Including this hoodie issue.

I truly believe sometimes the people who are more "vulgar" are the most honest people. Because they speak like they see it. And, that is what you are my friend.

Great post, enjoyed reading, have an amazing day. :)

Looks like I can get no extortion money from you. One thing I have always said, and it is right at the top of my blog space, "Here to share the truth, no matter how much it hurts you." It may only be the truth as I see, but the truth none the less in my world.
Whoa, hold your horses right there, I think you might have just called me a "vulgar" person, I may just be offended now. If you don't want me to ruin you , maybe you need to transfer me some steem. Yep, I'm sure you have , but since we are friends I'll let slide this time.
Thanks reading and commenting.

Well, you did warn them so it is their choice to follow your posts. :)lol

hahaha I did call you a bit "vulgar". So are you offended or not? But, if you decide to ruin me please do so with a good music in the background. Some soft jazz or some advanterous music like the one from the movie Avatar. So at least I can listen to some music while you do your thing. :P

But, thank you for letting me slide this time. :) lol

Have a great "vulgar" day my friend. :)

No, we are good. Your description is pretty accurate I may be just a "bit" at times but it is usually when I discuss things like this subject. You have a great day as well.

Great post I saw the furor over that hoodie and just shook my head in disgust that it became such an issue that is ridiculous in my opinion

It seems to me a lot of people go out of their way looking for things to be offended by

Thanks Jay, I always appreciate your comments, but I have to take issue with you with your reply on this one. It is no longer"a lot of people" it is most people, and they don't go "out of their way" either, they just get offended by everything and nothing as I stated in the post. I credit that to them just being lazy, why be selective, it limits their opportunities to potential extortion money if they do that.
And I'm still trying to figure out how I can twist your reply around and get offended myself so I can extort steem from you, so you are not out of the woods yet. I don't give up easily.

I am glad to see you took issue or perhaps were even offended at my reply
I have spent decades working on my abilities to offend people and would have been worried if I didn’t offend someone

As for extorting me for Steem that is unlikely to happen as I have toughened up as part of my training for being offensive

I've been offending people my whole life, just comes natural for me, I would hated to have had to work at it, the job doesn't pay enough to dedicate time and effort to it but since it is a natural talent for me I do share it wherever I can, I am kind of like a graffiti artist of words, and any post or conversation is my canvas.
Since you have already informed me that extorting you probably won't work I'm not even going to try. Someone will respond that will offend me and I will take them to the cleaners, I pretty confident of that.

Baddest post.

To be offended is a choice.

Judgements say more about the person judging than the thing being judged.

Gotta breathe that shit out.


Great read.


Thanks sweetie, can't find one thing you said that I can even attempt to extort any steem from you.

You may offend some people, but you always make me smile with your posts. I loved your definition of a racist (just read that racist article you posted 4 months ago) and enjoyed this piece too. You were right in replying to Yasser. If the parents/ guardians of the child have no problem in him wearing that hoodie, others should not make a mountain out of molehill of it too. This has become quite prevalent here- people pick up little trivial things and blow them out of proportion. This is one reason why real issues aren't discussed as much.

Thank you darling for taking the time to go back and read that piece from September. That post earned me a whopping $0.00 in earnings, and to be totally honest, it was better in my opinion than the highest earning post that earned me over $50.
Since you actually acknowledged reading that post I am not even going to try and find a way to become offended by your reply. Your steeem is safe from any extortion plan I could have put together.
Besides, I agree that people take little trivial thing and blow them up out of proportion as you said. Real issues are for real people to discuss, and real people as in honest real people who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade are few and far between.
Now some people might take that last sentence of mine and become offended, but to damn bad. I can't lay down four cards suited in clubs and one card suited in spades and call it a flush in a poker game. A spade is a spade , it is not a club.

Hahahaha loved your reply!

Thanks for your support, and happy you liked the reply.

This post totally offended me. Offended me because it was so utterly defensive in nature. Defensive in its mere effort to prevent the absolutely un-PC PC brigade from unleashing a storm which wouldn’t fill any tea glass at all, let alone cover spinning blades with excrements.

Mostly though, I’m offended by the fact that we need to defend ourselves, and our superhero talent that common sense has become nowadays, against all that *touch me not shit whic has invaded us in the last decade.

Of course, I’m but a bitter Gen X’er in their eyes. But common sense and pride I have. Also much more tolerance than they, the PC ones, manage to show and bring to the table.

Yea, I feel like I accomplished something thanks @fknmayhem. Oh damn, I got excited when I saw that you said I offended you, and all you did was reel me in like a fish on a hook.
I guess we'll just have to be bitter together, old bitter man & bitter Gen X'er, but at least we'll have a couple things in common, those being the common sense and pride.
Thanks for a great reply.

I can intentionally rub people the wrong way or stir up conversation, and you couldn't be more correct about people getting offended by nothing and everything. People need to chill :) Great post. Thank you

Thanks I appreciate you stopping by and throwing a comment my way. Did you by chance go and read the post I gave the link to on me admitting to being a racist? I think you would like that one as well. I propose I change of the use of the term "racist" to "colorist" because there is only one race, the human race. People who start breaking things down by the color of a person's skin could and should be call colorist. They give us real racists a bad name.

LOL, good word. Colorists.


Keep stiring.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Those things hurt, but somebody has to do it so it may as well be me. I will keep the pot well mixed.

I get so tired of folks getting offended at the slightest drop of a hat. (hope I didn't offend you). It is every where. Don't look sideways at anyone. They might get offended. Don't say Merry Christmas or Happy New Year. It might offend someone. Don't tell anyone you like their perfume. It might offend. When does it end?

I don't get offended at the drop of hat, I wear hats all the time and unfortunately they will drop every now and then. I do get pissed off with it though, cleaning, shaping and blocking a hat takes time and toll on the structure of the hat. But i know you meant figuratively rather than literally and no it didn't offend me, I am still waiting though, I am looking forward to try and extort some steem like those professional racketeers as mentioned at the end of the daily dose, those two have made a living out being offended and hurt by comments.
I am sure someone will come along and offend me, if not I may have to come back to your comment and take another look at it, so for you and your question of, "when does it end ?" The answer is, "not yet."

you know little to nothing about bbq. just because you are from texas you think you know meats... you know about as much about meats as the effect methane gas has on the planet. you are round earth racist, a global freeze truther.

Have another pint on me, Mr. Butt. You are getting close. The truth doesn't offend me.

damn...i was tired.... i hit send and realized i should of stuck with your lack of bbq skills...all the other stuff just watered it down... your bbq pride was the weakness...i should have focused my offensive dagger there. 😎

Yes, that would have gotten you a place as someone who "offended me", you could go back and use the "edit" button and clean it up. Then I could go ahead on and start the extortion process , extracting coins from your butt. I may need to borrow your dagger and a pair of rubber gloves though.

suttnpapper offence effort take 2.

People like you should not have children, a danger of passing on faulty genes is eminent. To withstand living with you for a life time tells me your wife is an extraordinary woman....if you were ever to get divorced....she should recieve 75% of everything instead of the customary 50/50. Just because you are from Texas...doesn't mean you know BBQ. A slow smoked brisket from you is like a chewy dried up lump of meat...like beef jerky but without the flavor or skill.

All right there Mr.Butt, now I am offended. I will have to sue you for libel for attacking my bbq skills. You will have to pay for what you have said, because my right to be offended trumps your right to freedom of speech. I offer up two character witnesses in Jesse and Al, plus I am sending sliced beef brisket sandwich for each member of the court and jury, there is NO way you can deny offending me so you may as well just transfer me 100 SBD for starters , and then 40 more each month on the 15th.
Martin Luther King Holiday is on Monday the 15th , so since it is a holiday you can make the payment on the 16th.

100 sbd?!?!?....I'll see you in court buddy...good luck finding me with the summons.

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