The Magnificent Seven # 15 -- The 7 best posts we found in our latest travels

in #curation6 years ago


The Magnificent Seven

is a post from the independent curation team @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. These are the best seven posts we found in our latest travels through the Steem-osphere. We invite you to enjoy their exceptional quality as much as we did and encourage you to show your appreciation for the fine contributions of these writers and artists to the Steemit community. We are sure your upvotes and comments on their blogs would be most welcome!


Editor's Note: Sometimes in creating these posts we make a vague attempt to "order" them ... from the strongest or most interesting posts on down. Sometimes we fail miserably at this because everything here is good. We even argue between ourselves because one likes a post, the other doesn't, one likes a post a lot ... the other doesn't agree.

We publish this on @catweasel's blog, so he wins. But I am threatening to start my own curation list on my own blog and he can start contributing more effort here than just eating potato skins and reading fine posts.

Today's array is simply presented in the order we found them. It was impossible to make another choice. Who can say that a fine photo is worth more or less than a great written article, or that science commands more weight and respect than a photo array on cooking? So with that in mind, here's today's list. You can read them start to finish and enjoy every one. Such an "organization issue" is really a fine one to have.



Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/10/18
I love how people can get so "offended"


This fine piece of work was found at
The Steem Engine
The STEEM Engine is an initiative dedicated
to promoting meaningful engagement across Steemit.
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The Holocene Mass Extinction Part 3: Climate Change

This fine piece of work was found at
The Steem Engine
The STEEM Engine is an initiative dedicated
to promoting meaningful engagement across Steemit.
Find out more about us and join us today!



A Cold Sunday Hike
to a Frozen Waterfall


This fine piece of work was found at
The Steem Engine
The STEEM Engine is an initiative dedicated
to promoting meaningful engagement across Steemit.
Find out more about us and join us today!


Image Source

Here is the link to Ramble On #1.
We think you might benefit from reading it first.

Making a Deal With the Devil


This fine piece of work was found at
The Steem Engine
The STEEM Engine is an initiative dedicated
to promoting meaningful engagement across Steemit.
Find out more about us and join us today!



Early morning golden glow

This fine piece of work was found at
The Steem Engine
The STEEM Engine is an initiative dedicated
to promoting meaningful engagement across Steemit.
Find out more about us and join us today!



Palayok Cooking the Old Way

This fine piece of work was found at
The Steem Engine
The STEEM Engine is an initiative dedicated
to promoting meaningful engagement across Steemit.
Find out more about us and join us today!


Image Source

Is Virtual Reality Dangerous?
Will the Teslasuit Help?


This fine piece of work was found by
@enchantedspirit because @arbitrarykitten
never lets her down.


The Magnificent Seven is a project by the independent curation team @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. These will be the best seven posts we find in our travels.

Trust us, we're curators.






A big thank you for the inclusion (a double one really). And for helping share mine, and these other links to others here at Steemit. I am finding The STEEM Engine, and curation posts such as this fine one, are a great way to discover the hidden gems that are all around us here.

Many thanks, your support is truly appreciated :)

I'm thrilled to have been selected as one of the magnificent seven. Thank you.

Thanks for including me!

Nice collection of posts and photographs! Keep up the good work!

Your curation choice become one of my favorite source of quality posts here on steemit. Big thank you for your effort :)

Thanks for doing this! It's nice to see these initiatives to highlight quality content on Steemit!

Thanks for including me with all the other superb posts you selected, many I have seen but off to check the others now

This was definitely an eclectic mix of posts today - you guys are making the post-promotion room easy to sift through ;) Thanks for putting these together!

Nice to be included with such fine works the others have produced here and that you two have curated. Thanks.

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