Nocturn Episode 12 - a Painting based Adventure Game for Steemit: "The Ghost of the House". 11 SBD in prizes

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Night falls. Is this real or did you just wake up in a dream? The story continues...

In short: I post a dark, mysterious painting with an accompanying storyline. Within (+/-) 24 hours, anybody can choose one of 2 options on how the story continues: by upvoting an option or making a comment on what you would do. The most upvoted or commented option after (+/-) 24 hours of posting will determine the way the story continues and which painting I will post next. Have fun!

Read all about the what-why-who-when-rewards of this adventure game in the introduction. Check out the first episode. Episode 2. Episode 3. Episode 4. Episode 5. Episode 6. Epidsode 7. Episode 8. Episode 9. Episode 10. And the previous episode 11.

Update: as I'm getting some votes and interaction in this game, I have (for now) set aside at least 11 SBD to be divided among the most consistent upvoters/commenters. I love how this game has gotten some traction, and I feel like I can give away some SBD. Thank you! (This amount has already grown since the start, isn't Steemit awesome?)

Episode 12: "The Ghost of the House"

A desperate situation called for desperate measures. You had two ideas, which both were superb, but you just couldn't decide which one was the best: the first idea was calling out to Laura to rescue you, the second was to finally take control of the dream and make it lucid so you were in control. In a plot twist -usually found at the end of the game- the contrast of these two ideas short-circuited Djinn's mind and he was unable to decide how the story should go on." (option 1 was chosen°).

I know this may seem an easy way out, but let me tell you it's not - I tried the experiment to let the players decide Nocturn's finale, but I just wasn't able to decide. All credit and respect for @deemarshall and @fraenk for coming up with awesome and creative ways of finishing the story. I just cannot decide :)

At the end of a staircase, you see a new doorway, and light is pouring in. It is sunlight - it is six o' Clock, dawn has finally come. Djinn appears as the slightest of spirits against the wall.

"This is the exit, adventurer, I am letting you go. You have played well. I salute you once more."

"Then I'm not becoming your handmaiden?", you stammer.

"I have all the handmaidens I need in my stories," Djinn calmly responds.

"And Laura?," you dare to ask.

"Somebody will find Laura's portrait, eventually."

"And the figures of five I cast upon?", quite a different voice in your head asks.

"You have met some of them, but not all of them. The night was too short to meet all of them, apparently. Maybe another time, adventurer."

"But I wanted this to be a lucid dream," you argue.

"It was always lucid, adventurer. A dream within a dream within a dream. Let's meet again, let's play again, in another time, another place, another dream, shall we?"

Djinn fades and you go towards the door, towards the morning sun. Was it really just a splendid dream?

Option 1: You go towards the door, towards the morning sun.
Option 2: You go towards the door, towards the morning sun.

And with that, there comes just one more Episode of Nocturn (that will make 13 of them, I didn't plan that, but it's certainly a nice figure!). Thank you, everybody for all the upvotes, thank you everybody who cast a vote - either by upvoting or commenting. I really had an awesome time writing all these episodes. Thank you, thank you! I will post an epilogue to wrap up the story and probably some kind of 'making of' in the coming days. It was fun!

Are you in for another adventure? Let me know, feedback is greatly appreciated, let me know what you enjoyed or what you found confusing. Thanks and have a splendid night!

°Episode 11: option 1 (Do! Double!) got 2 vote from @deemarshall and @fraenk (thanks!), option 2 (Nothing. Die.) got no votes (phew, thanks!). For this episode, everybody could choose their own storyline. I received two equally awesome choices, so I did not want to choose and incorporated them both.

Original painting titled "The Ghost of the House", 24x30cm, original painting sold, limited edition prints possible. Contact me.


You should check out a book called "Wolf in White Van" by John Darnielle. It's about a guy who makes a choose your move game that is played via mail. Don't want to give much away, so that's all I'll say about it.

That's good, I'll check that out, thank you!

When I read this it made me think it might be up your alley.

Just read the synopsis on amazon, looks good, I might buy that, thanks for the tip!

That's cool. The author is also the founder of the band The Mountain Goats. One of my favorite lyricists ever.

It was so fun taking part, a real dope time! Another adventure? Yes please. I enjoyed the mix of creepiness and danger. It gave two depths to the story. Everything was clear once I got the hang of it. My bad. You know me, always one step behind but get there in the end. I am so happy you enjoyed making this.

Thanks @deemarshall, glad to see you got the hang of it and enjoyed! More adventure will come, but not immediately - looks like I'll have to start painting first :)

Option 1: You go towards the door, towards the morning sun.

you are making this a hard choice... ught

Option 2: You go towards the door, towards the morning sun ;)

I take Option 2, lulz

thanks for running this... I didn't manage to catch it every time, but when I did it was always fun... you're quite a writer!

Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed! :)

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