// Security NEWS // Firefox 69 Will Integrate a Password Generator

in #news5 years ago

Version 69 of Firefox, which will be released next September, will include a random password generator to complete the integrated password manager.


While Firefox version 68 should be released on July 7, we already know that the next version of the famous browser scheduled for September 3 will include a random password generator.


A tool that complements Lockwise (formerly Lockbox), its password manager available on both computers and mobile devices.

The new password generator of Firefox is not enabled by default in Firefox Nightly.
It is controlled by an advanced configuration option that Firefox users may set to on or off to allow or disable the functionality.

  • Load about:config in the Firefox address bar.
  • Confirm that you will be careful.
  • Search for signon.generation.available.
  • Set the preference to True to enable the password generator or set it to False to disable it.


After making openness - Web standards, open source - its firXWst priority, Mozilla is now fully committed to protecting its users by developing tools against tracking and strengthening security.

It remains to be seen whether this will be enough to make Firefox a sufficiently attractive browser for users to accept a paid version.

Source: Ghacks.net

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