Dungeon and Steem: Day 9 Action plan - When Strength Of The Foe Is Natural 20

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Dungeon and Steem

Only fraction of the heroes are still standing. Last Human went through hell of a fight, while the Orcs had spent some time to find recruitments that would aid them in causing more trouble to their corrupt nation.

Whoever reaches 400 points first wins!

What is DnS

You’re witnessing my humble try for transmission of unique DnD like gameplay onto the Steemit’s platform. All the players have all the freedom in the world to choose their next actions. The only obstacle is the ruthless Dungeon Master (that would be me) trying to kill them at every other corner. Only the best (and the luckiest) ones were able to survive up to this point. The previous chapter can be found at the end of this post.


Prize pool

  • The prize pool is currently 203.435 SBD.
  • Bonus prize for the best plan 20 SBD.

All the Orcs are now three steps closer to Race victory.

@jtfish is down and with him the hopes of Elves too…Last standing elf has earned 45,858 SBD!

@sircork is the last standing Human!


I always forget the rules:/ here they are https://steemit.com/contest/@fingersik/dungeon-and-steem-rules-v-1-1-0-finding-1-new-player-and-3-backup-players

Orc – Krognak


Points: 102

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water(2), pouch for coins (43), perdurable food (10)

Group: Makhel – Double-headed axe, dagger, Pouch of water(2), perdurable food (10)


The journey was literally eternal. You decided to get to know as much as possible about your new companions. At first they were bit reluctant to speak with you, since they obviously did not freely choose to go with you onto this suicidal mission. After the time spent with the leaders and with all the knowledge about the Orcs you gave them, they seemed that they started believing you. They did not blindfold you and also told you that you’re using a different tunnel that leads closer to the capital city. Also they did not only give provisions to their people but also to both of you. They had given you several kilos of dry meat and filled your canteens. After the endless ride through the tunnels you were paces away from the exit.


Points: 292

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, big canteen(2), pouch for coins (35), (hit), food (2)

Group: Jukha(3) - pouch of water(1), food (2), (better at sneaking now), dagger, (hit- left hand – strength halved), Onehanded axe

Gat(7) - pouch of water(1), food (2), dagger, Double-headed battle axe of high quality

Karguk(4) - pouch of water(1), food (2), dagger, (hit- left hand – strength halved), one handed axe

Elf – Bow, ???

Dictionary: 20 Orcish words

Action plan

I wake up refreshed and ready. A new hope for revenge fills my head as I gather my party. I will speak with the elves about tracking down and killing the chieftan who stole my life from me.

"Walk" "Fight" "Bad Orcs"


Before you left, you were given food and water for 2 days. Standing with your new team member right in front of the tunnels exit, you tried to convey your plan to the Elf. He seemed to understand. Both you and the Elf tried to track the movement of the army. The movement of the army was pretty clear. Half of the day you tracked them to another camp. That camp was totally destroyed and everyone inside killed. Watching the Elf, you didn’t see him even flinch. There was nothing of importance to be found so here you stood in the forest again. Finding where the surviving Orcs went was much more difficult. The Elf seemed to be more than skilled in terms of tracking and soon found a trace. After a while he was able to forecast that the army went back to the same camp. You weren’t able to make it there though today, so you decided sleep well before engaging the camp.


Points: 104

Inventory: Double-headed axe of high quality on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water (1)

Abilities: Remembered 3 easy formulas of random spells and 1 advanced formula

Army: Around 245 Orcs, 5 “Warlocks”

Action plan

When I reached the place I started to look for evidence of human activity in the area. While doing so I sent scouts to surround the camp and if they see anything that can be a threat for all of us to come report it ASAP. If I find evidence of human activity it means we are on the right path. I look at my troops and do a quick rundown on their conditions.


While sending your scouts out and giving your army time to rest after the travel and hard battle you scouted the surrounding for traces of human activity from your dream. You though didn’t find anything. Upon arrival of your scouts one wanted to speak with you. He told you that he knows much faster way to the wall. You had to admit that you never been in those parts of the forest and that you might have overestimated the time of travel. The length of the journey using the scout’s way will be halved. You decided to take your well-deserved rest.

Human – Tirinam


Points: 333

Inventory: a 4 foot double edged axe, a small dagger, magic armour, a bow and 17 arrows in quiver and 13 arrows attached to backpack, 1 blank books and 2 tools to write, old map of orcs territory, 5 kg of dried meat, torch, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), metal mirror, compass, spell book, bandages (5), Healing balm(5), Tea against dirarreah(5), pain killers (5), experimental antibiotics (5), hollow metal tube, small bags attached to belt(4 bandages, Healing balm(3) Dirarreah(1) pain killers (1). Mirror, garrotte, firelock, compass), bottle of booze (1)

Ability: Poison recipe,

Group: Forhan – Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet , backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 17 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 2kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools, bandages (1),   

Aegald – Short axe of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 17 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 50 feet of climbing/general purpose strong rope, bandages (1)

Taelder – Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 18 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools, bandages (1)

Ability: Flaming arrow

Map: Mapped one day North from the exit, Orcish camp to the north of the exit and its surroundings.

Engagement plan

It seems I didn't plan very well and didn't expect much trouble on the way back to the tunnel. We line up and prepare to meet the charging orcs, quickly readying our bows and Taelder lights up his flaming arrows. We skip the magic this time, i don't know the spells because I failed to study and the poison components in our bag are likely to little too late I realise as the fear creeps in and the fight or flight reactions kick us all into overdrive and action to defend ourselves. We begin the attack, same as before, assuming the ice spell is weakened from making water, i don't even bother to try and with the orcs on the charge, we let our arrows fly. Ready to swap to close quarters weapons if any of our arrows miss their marks. Once again, we aim at the orcs across from us from our line up, though i fall a bit behind my group, necessarily preparing to use them as a shield of sorts as i am the only one with the maps and awareness of how to get any survivors back home, should all or any of us make it through this engagement.

And so the battle begins. Arrows fly and we pray they find their targets, letting as many go as we can before any orcs get near enough to swap to our swords and fight for our lives. Praying the gods are with us today, the fog of battle crosses my eyes and its all action from here...

What could possibly go wrong? Everything. With any luck, bows and swords will defeat brawn and the clubs that seem to be the orcs favorite weapon so far. I hope in my moment that they don't have better weapons than the others we've seen so far.

At the last minute I recall the dirt moving spell and utter a quick and hopeful attempt at raising some kind of barrier or even just to move the ground under the orcs and shift their balance as they rush us. Anything to cause an advantage or buy a few seconds time to get one more arrow off, and I lob my arrows towards the orcs and pray.


You quickly got your bows ready and started firing on will. Unfortunately from the first salve only your arrow found its mark in the first Orc’s chest, that didn’t stop him from moving. The situation was dire and as a last resort you commanded everyone to tap into your energy resources once again and cast an earthen spell to slow the approaching Orcs. (DICE ROLL) You didn’t have enough energy have a greater impact, but still 3 Orcs stumbled to the ground.

Another salve was ready. (DICE ROLL) Fractions of your long lost luck had been finally found. Forhan managed to pierce the First Orcs head, while Aegald hit his burning arrow right into the next Orc’s right leg. You managed to hit that Orc to the exact same spot and forced him to the ground.

One of the Orcs though managed to get through uninjured. Three members were already waiting for him with your melee weapons ready. (DICE ROLL) Taelder managed to swing first, scratching his chest. The Orc attacked back missing completely. Meanwhile the Orcs caught in the spell recovered and continued the effort to kill you. (DICE ROLL) Not only Terene completely withed her attack, but managed to stumble to exposing herself for future attacks. (DICE ROLL) Reen also managed to scratch his chest. (DICE ROLL) From the point blank range Forhan managed to strike the fighting Orc’s right leg, finally causing him some visible pain. (DICE ROLL) Aegald managed to set on fire the already hit Orc that has recovered from the earthen spell causing him to panic.(DICE ROLL) You totally missed, none of the lying Orcs managed to fight off the pain.

The recovered Orcs were on you, but not before you all managed to switch to melee weapons, so he was met with strength in numbers, and thus was able to do anything. Taelder on the other hand had easy time executing him. (DICE ROLL) The Orc lying few meters away from you seemed like he finally fought off the pain for now and was recovering. (DICE ROLL) The one fighting your whole group right now seemed to be the strongest. Terene got caught in the frontline and was ruthlessly bashed to head, immediately losing consciousness. First couple of countering attacks were flawlessly blocked, or dodged, but at the end the offensive effort was just enough to firstly severe his left hand and then your last attack managed to decapitated the opponent. (DICE ROLL) The Orc fighting with the fire was finally able to extinguish it by rolling on the ground.

Before the rest of the Orcs arrived, Taelder tried to kill the one rolling on the ground with pain. (DICE ROLL) The Orc tried to dodge the attack but failed. To his never-ending bad luck he got hit again to the right lack losing it for good. The weakened Orcs arrived slashing at Reen and Forhan. Aegald and you both supported one of the team members. (DICE ROLL) Even though he was weakened, he proved to be the strongest foe you have ever dealet with, the two of your members where nowhere close to stopping the killing blow directed at Reen. (DICE ROLL) Attack of the second Orc only scratched Forhan’s armour. Forhan immediately counterattacked, sinking his sword deep into the Orcs head. (DICE ROLL) Aegald and you tried to combine your attacks against the strongest foe, but accomplished nothing.

(DICE ROLL) The Orc with severed leg was rolling on the ground screaming, so the whole party faced the strongest Orc. (DICE ROLL) Taelder managed to stab the foe to the chest. The Orc was obviously losing consciousness, but was trying to fight to the last breath (DICE ROLL) after the mighty roar though, he fell to the ground. Killing the lying Orcs was the easiest part of the fight.

It was finally over. First thing you have done after the fight was checking Terene’s pulse. You though just confirmed what you feared all along. You then realized that the strange energy was gone. You stared into the blue wondering what that was, when you suddenly realized that there was a being swathed in black walking towards you.

“I come in peace, don’t worry. I came to you to deliver simple message. Do not go home yet. This is not what destiny had prepared for you. If you turn around now, you will lose the potential of becoming the chosen one. What are your puny lives compared to the survival of the universe itself.”

The weird energy was present once again. A weird portal has formed behind the mysterious being. “Oh I almost forgot. If you wish to unlock your true potential, do not fear to use the thing you call magic more. But do so only in dire need.” With those last words he stepped through the portal. You saw a landscape through it. It actually lingered there for quite some time, while the weird energy was again dwindeling. You though decided that stepping through the portal wouldn’t be a clever idea. Few seconds later it was gone.

Previous rounds

Day 1,1

Day 1,2

Day 2,1

Day 2,2

Day 3,1

Day 3,2

Day 4,1

Day 4,2

Day 5,1

Day 5,2

Day 6,1

Day 6,2

Day 7,1

Day 7,2

Day 8,1

Day 8,2


Holy shite. Just reading that left me out of breath. I cannot believe our luck with the dice. And now we have to form a startup software company just so we can "change the world!"

Or did you say "save the world?"

Holy crap we got lucky, but if I read that right, Terene, didn't make it? The pulse check, confirming the worst?

Well did I say anywhere "you have to save/change the world"?:D

Yop shes dead...

I understood the being to say "stay put, there is a need for your team to address something about the world" more or less, but I'm always in such a hurry these days. I will go read it again!

yea it didnt tell you precisely what is going on...for its own reasons:P take it easy...im jsut leaving for european finals...wish us luck!:)

You are going to crush the finals. I still want video!

http://www.fanseat.com/event/3769 we will maybe make it to the field that will be streamed...check the site every now and then:)

Indeed I will!

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