Dungeon and Steem: Day 4 Action plan – The higher forces show themselves to PUNISH

in #contest7 years ago

Another day of DnS is here and with it another DEATH. This time an Elf has suffered a fatal injury – read about that below! Also the Humans have finally left the safety of their empire. Things are going to be messy soon.


Prize pool

  • The prize pool is currently 235.684 SBD.
  • Bonus prize for the best plan 20 SBD.

All the Orcs are now one step closer to Race victory.

All the Elves are now one step closer to Race victory. 

Searching for Backup players

I’m still searching for up to 3 backup players that would take control of any character that would be abandoned by previous user! 

Orc – Krognak


Points: 118

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water(0), pouch for coins (35), (hit), arm-food (0)

Group: Makhel(15) – Double-headed axe, dagger, pouch of water(0) (hit - part of body cleanly cut – your endurance loses 1/5 of its value till it heals), arm-food(0)

Jukha(2) - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0), (better at sneaking now)

Gat(5) - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0)

Karguk(3)+1 - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0)

Varf(1) - pouch of water,(0) (good at sneaking now) (hit). arm-food (0) 

Action plan

As I abruptly awaken, breathing heavily, I wipe the sweat from my brow and examine the "camp" and the party.(1)

I try to get a small bit of hunting(1) in before everyone else wakes up, hoping to find breakfast. After returning to the party, I start a small fire, and prepare breakfast (if anything was found)(1)

During those early hours of the morning, I ask everyone how they are doing with their wounds, and instruct Makhel that he will be teaching Varf (who's now better at sneaking)(2) a bit about how to scout ahead. We cannot afford another ambush with so many untrained people accompanying us.

We will spend the day traveling to the camp/settlement, with Makhel and Varf a few hundred meters ahead of the rest of us.(1) I will continue to teach the other boys how to sneak through the forest, hopefully giving them a skill they could use for life.(2) 


You left the camp to seek wild animals. (DICE ROLL) The forest was full of them, but you lacked sufficient weapon to hunt anything down. You still tried your luck with a dagger, that you tried to threw at unknown mammal(DICE ROLL) missing it. You picked up your dagger, admitting that this is futile. You returned to the camp, woke everyone up and finished your provisions. Gat, Karguk and Varf didn’t have enough water, but you should be able to make it to the camp in time. You instructed Makhel and Varf about your plan. They then set of and the rest of the group followed, keeping their distance from the vanguard. (DICE ROLL) Your decision soon payed off. You’ve seen Makhel and Varf frenetic try to hide themselves. Makhel managed to do so and Varf, using the technique he has learned yesterday, just barely hid too. You stopped the rest of the group and saw 6 patrolling Orcs passing your vanguard closer than you would have liked. There was no need to challenge such a group today and when you were finally out of their potential reach, you continued again. You were trying to explain to the rest the move Varf had made earlier today. (DICE ROLL) Even though they’ve seen it, they weren’t the brightest bunch. Jukha was the only one who has visibly improved. Varf was visibly very confident in sneaking now, and his no height at all was helping him greatly. When the sun went down, the rest of the group has waited for you. You all then settled down and fallen asleep.

And you dreamed. You were sitting on a place in a forest that you knew well. It was not even a day far away. Suddenly a Human has emerged from a solid rock. Your eyes matched and you scanned each other. Everything started to be blurry then… you woke up.

(DICE ROLL) No one has found you and you woke up next morning. 


Points: 55

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality on your back, spear on your back 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water(0), cloaking cloth, Pouch for coins (50), perdurable food for 6 days (1), Food-arm(0) 

Action plan

I would proceed to my friend's place, if possible search for a shortcut. I will be as careful as I can not to be spotted or followed. I try to search for an animal I could use as a ride. If I find I ride, I need to be careful and ensure that I travel in a way that would allow me not to be discovered. If I am not able to reach my friend's place, I will try to find a safe and secure place for rest. And if I have my ally with me, we will take turns to keep an eye out. I will use the remainder of the day to eat, drink, rest, search for food. 


You were doing what you could not to be spotted on your way to the friend. (DICE ROLL) Your path has crossed with no one's. You were losing sense of what it is that is keeping you alive still. Where the motivation comes from, or even what it does was being lost in the agony of pain. Yet you trod on. You knew that you might be in need of food soon so you were keeping an eye out for any animal. You have found a deer-like animal and decided to hunt it down with your spear. (DICE ROLL) Soon you have learned that your useless leg will make everything almost impossible. You stumbled and threw the spear totally off. The animal of course ran away. You picked it up and continued the journey. When you couldn’t take it anymore, you decided to lay on a ground, where it looked safe, and slept. No one has found. 

And you dreamed. You were sitting on a place in a forest that you knew well. It was not even a day far away. Suddenly a Human has emerged from a solid rock. Your eyes matched and you scanned each other. Everything started to be blurry then… you woke up. 


Points: 50

Inventory: Double-headed axe of high quality on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water (0), spell book (of sorts), 2 bananas

Abilities: Remembered 3 easy formulas of random spells 

Engagement plan

As I see the orc coming towards my I continue to clap with the stones and as soon as he is arms-reach away I attack him I cover his mouth so he cannot call for reinforcements and I suffocate him until he passes out ( I don't want to kill him). Then I sneak my way to the water deposit and fill my jugs. So after filling my jugs of water I go around the camp and sneak through the back side towards the commanders room
there I shall find my friend. And If not I hide until I see him and I know that Its safe to talk to him. I greeted him and talk to him about what happened in my camp and I tell him the truth about the " rebellion". I listen to what he has to say and then I use my charisma to convince him that together we can seek other commanders and mount a true revolution to topple the orc empire. 


You were standing still behind the tree, still clapping. The Orc was nearing you. At the last moment he leaped and tried to cut blindly at what was making the sound behind the tree. (DICE ROLL) All he managed to accomplish though was to stick his axe deep in the tree. You jumped on him in return managing to get him to the ground with your hands over his mouth. (DICE ROLL) He managed to shrug you off like nothing though and started shouting. There was no time for bravery. You had to kill him ASAP. You instantly leaped forward reaching for your daggers, killing him easily. You had your distraction. You quickly ran around the camp straight to your friend. When you reached him, he was just being given report of the dead Orc.

“Chieftain! Elves has attacked. One of our workers has been killed by their blades.” You heard.

“Blades and not arrows? Strange. Gather our warriors and go check the vicinity.” Said all to familiar voice.


“Places around the dead body. I will equip myself and immediately come.”

“Yes sir!”

The Orc ran out and you seized the opportunity. “Hello my friend.” You grunted.

“Krognak! What are you doing here? The whole empire wants you killed!”

“I know. That’s actually why I’m here. All I wanted to do was to gather my camp and force our way out of Orcs territory. The betrayer has been betrayed though and my whole camp was killed.”

“That I heard. I’m not going to kill you brother, but tell me, why did you come?”

“I want you to join me. We once were a respected fighters. Hell we still are! We can mount a real revolution to compete with the empire!”

“We can’t! There is over 5 million Orcs! There is no way we would gather amount nowhere close to that number! You have to go now. Let’s meet tomorrow like a kilometre behind my hut. I’ll came there wait me out.”

“Will do. And, oh, sorry. I killed the Orc. He attacked me had no chance…”

“I understand. Meet you tomorrow.”

You ran out in the direction where you were supposed to meet Nargus tomorrow. You have hid there and fallen asleep.  

And you dreamed. You were sitting on a place in a forest that you knew well. It was not even a day far away. Suddenly a Human has emerged from a solid rock. Your eyes matched and you scanned each other. Everything started to be blurry then… you woke up. 


Points: 46

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water(0), pouch for coins (43), hand-food (0)

Group: Makhel – Double-headed axe, dagger, Pouch of water(0), hand-food (0) 

Engagement plan

When I see them make a move for their weapons, if they are very close, I will grab the daggers at my belt and lunge at the closest attempting to stab the enemy while calling for Makhel to defend with his axe. If they are more than a couple strides away, I will ready my axe and charge the closest calling for Makhel to do the same and attack the second orc. If either of us can kill his opponent we will double team the survivor. 


In a split second you already were armed with your daggers, while the patrolling orcs were still struggling to grab their axes. You immediately leaped at the first one ordering Makhel to defend you. (DICE ROLL) Before he even realized it, your two daggers were already slitting his throat. Makhel was a bit surprised and chose to tackle the remaining orc first, so he wouldn’t have a free attack against you.(DICE ROLL) Makhel managed to force him to the ground and made it really easy for you to finish him off. Before you have managed to do so though, he has started shouting for help.

Suddenly a vision struck you. You were sitting on a place in a forest that you knew well. It was not even a day far away. Suddenly a Human has emerged from a solid rock. Your eyes matched and you scanned each other. Everything started to be blurry then…You regained consciousness.  


Points: 24

Inventory : double-headed axe of high quality attached to your back, spear attached to your back. 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot, pouch of water(0), pouch for coins (20),  

Engagement plan

I will try to travel to my friend, avoiding contact to other orcs.
Since my wound is itchy and I'm thirsty, I will try to find water along the way.
I also try to look for hunting or foraging possibilities. 


You decided to avoid the contact. Unfortunately, the Orcs you decided to let go where the only food and water sources you stumbled upon today. The situation started to be critical. When you were already exhausted you decided to lain down. There was only plain all around, so there was no safe place to hide (DICE ROLL). No one has found you…

And you dreamed. You were emerging from a solid rock. You were much weaker than you usually are. You have recognized a place that you know in the forest, like 2 day away by foot. Everything started to be blurry then… You woke up. If you press on hard enough today, you might be able to reach the forest. 

Elf – Lifanoîl


Points: 107

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 2 days in a sack, no bag quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg, small pack for food, food (1)

Abilities: “Double shot”, wielding 3 arrows at a time, entering Nargus' memories

Known languages: Orcish 

Action plan

When I wake up first I stretch and do a bit of running to refresh a bit, I take some form of bath or shower if possible, than I get nutritious breakfast to kick me into a new day if possible meat or other source of protein and some fruit and bread. I refill my quiver in storehouse and my water sack, I also find some small bag in which if necessary I could carry few things like food bit of clothes etc. but it wouldn’t have big effect on my movement especially in trees. I choose even smaller bag for this reason if I find it necessary. For the first half of a day I go to local archer trainer and practice shooting two arrows at a same time. I ask the trainer about how would he practice with his experience and try to implement it in my practice also if he has some experience with this kind of archery I ask him to show me and if he sees any flaw in my technique to correct me. I am trying to hit same target with both of them so that they are as close to each other as possible. As a master archer, good learner and with help of the trainer soon I should get the basics. I try different types of positioning the arrows on the bowstring, I experiment with how the arrows should be held in my bow hand. When I find some synergy between the hands and the arrows I practice that style if it works I keep with it if not I try different positioning. I keep doing this till lunch. For lunch I want to get something fresh and easy preferably plant products then meat. If possible I want to have lunch with Antasil and have a conversation with him. I want to know his opinion on the wondering orc I also tell him about the new kind of energy I am feeling and that I may have the orcs memories. I am being really sincere with him and he is my best friend so I trust him with this information. I ask him what he thinks I should do and what he thinks about me now. I tell him that after lunch I want to meditate so that I may find some answers to my questions and offer him to join me for the meditation or after the meditation for tree climbing exercise and work out and later maybe visiting local magic oriented elfs. I will speak silently especially about me because I don’t want everyone to know about all of this. After lunch I meditate for a while. During the meditation I try to find me inner self to understand my subconsciousness. I felt weird after discovering the new type of energy in me, therefore I try to look for this new energy source in me and in my mind. If nothing comes to me for a long time(2 hours max) I go, with my friend or not, to practice climbing on trees. I want to be able to get up as fast as possible I try different kind of grabs on the tree and try to better synchronize my movement I also work on my arm muscles so that it is easier for me to pull my weight up on the tree if my friend went with me we practice climbing up the tree in simulated combat if my friend is not with me I ask someone else to help me.

During the simulated combat a focus on disabling my opponent for just a second or so and after that I immediately try to make it up on the tree. I try kicking his shield force him to block his sight even try to use bit of magic with controlling roots, leaves and branches. I ask my sparring partner to take it as if it was a real battle so that both our performance is great but also to never seriously hurt each other. Around mid to late afternoon I grab a snack some fruit and proteins probably in form of insects. If I feel satisfied with my work out and climbing practice I want to move elsewhere if not I keep doing this. If my friend joined me I ask him if he has some other ideas on what we could do next and if I find his ideas good and contributive I join him but I would probably agree with most of his ideas since he is my best friend and I want to spend time with him but I tell him that we have to make it quick because I still want to visit the mages. If he is not with me of if he wants to go with me I immediately go to the elf I find the wisest among those focused on magic. I ask him about what happened to me I won’t put it directly like it happened to me but if he asks, but in more sophisticated question then why you want to know, I tell him that I feel different and that I may have connected with an orc. I ask if he knows any books, scrolls or anyone who could help to find out more about this I want to read it or speak to them. In any book or if I ask anyone mainly my questions will focus on different energies and types of magic, how can one person connect with other, did it happen before, if they asked me and I told them I ask why it didn’t happen till now to anyone. I also ask about their opinions if I can somehow and eventually how help to understand more what I have in my head during meditation or other ritual or séance. I will use my charisma so that they would tell me things they wouldn’t tell some average elf. If I found anything interesting, that I think won’t make our leader kill me immediately if I reported it to him, I go report it to him. 


You stretched, nourished yourself, and picked your small pack and filled it with food. You then proceeded to the best archer in your camp, Lhéthor. Elf only 2 cycles younger than your king and his right hand. Even though he’s permanently negative, he didn’t really have anything to do and said that he will help you. When you explained your intention, he gave you grim expression. “We always needed to be precise, there was no need for shooting to arrows at once, because its lowers your accuracy. Against Orc though it’s different matter. You still want to keep your distance, but when any Orc gets closer, you might give it a two-shot”. You then practiced shooting the two arrows from close distance. Lhéthor was supervising the whole process and adjusted you now and then. When you were mostly hitting the target you tried to carry more arrows in one hand, so you could shoot even faster. You managed to comfortably wield 3 arrows at a time, but you had to stop, since you were training for quite some time already.

After the training you sought Antasil out and offered him a mutual dinner. The place was though rather full and you didn’t want to tell him there. After the meal you went to private chambers and there you told him what happened. He didn’t believe you, since he was a strict believer only in the natural magic and nothing what you told him convinced him. You were trying to think off what would persuade him. You realized that if you knew what the orc did, you should be able to speak their language too. You then started to speak in Orcish to him. THAT persuaded him. “Sorry for eavesdropping” came from outside the chamber, which was soon entered by Nudön – the best melee fighter of your camp. He’s biggest life goal to somehow safe the Elvish race and your new powers were one of the possible solutions to him. You were a bit startled, but happy anyway. The group of people that saw it as an advantage was growing. They both agreed on fact that talking to the elders about this kind of magic would be useless, since they all are strict believer solely in natural magic. You told Antasil that you want to practice with him outside after you meditate. Nudön gave you wooden swords for that purpose and left.

When you meditated, nothing was coming for a while. After quite a long time you finally realized that your…the Orcs…name was Nargus. Your best friend was some red haired Orc named Krognak and you both studied together in a training camp for talented whelps. You saw some mutual stories from the young age. You think that you know now how to enter his memories, but it was to exhausting for now.

You took the wooden swords and went with Antasil outside of the camp. There were no shileds to practice with. You tried to disable him just for a moment to be able to climb up to a tree by magic usage. Wielding the sword though, you felt different. You immediately knew all his weaknesses. He didn’t stand a chance. You have read his movement and tried to disable him. You didn’t know though what you will be able to do(DICE ROLL) and unfortunately the very first hit into his left hand had been stronger than it should have. Nothing to serious but todays training ended before it even began. At that moment you realized that you will need to train with the best fighters to measure your new capacity. Antasil was fine with that he understood, but his left hand will probably hurt for a day or two. You then decided that you have already done more than enough today and went to sleep. You have woken up the next day. It was your teams shift again… 


Points: 29

Inventory Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 2day in a sack, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg  

Action plan

I'll climb from the trees and report in to the camp's king .25 days away by foot. I report everything that I have seen and learned from the orc and wait for orders from the King(1). If possible I replenish my pack, accept any new weapons, gifts, scrolls or missives from the King or elf leaders in camp. 


You arrived “home” and went straight to Esdalir. You decided to truthfully report what you have learned in the other camp. Esdalir studied you calmly as ever. He was silent though for longer than he normally was. “We might not be lost after all. If only it was not too late. Tomorrow you will go on your scouting shift, but keep in mind that you have to work on yourself. I’m counting on you.” Nothing made sense to you, so you decided to go to bed in order to be ready for 2morrows job. And you woke up…   


Points: 21

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg, map 

Action plan

I give the King a full report. "What was that magic" I thought to myself. After giving the report I ask the King what it all meant. I stay in the tunnel to rest some more and gather up some supplies to make it back to the tunnel I came from. Grabbing a map I head off. 


You said to the king precisely what has happened. “This doesn’t make sense, I have never seen anything like that”. When you were talking about it, everything started to make sense to you though. Suddenly you remember how the fight looked like. The scouts have made a mistake. The Orcs sneaked past them and found an entrance. The leader of the Orcs has been clever enough to lay a trap against the elves that has fallen into it and died, killing those 2 Orcs in the process. The Orc that you have left was the leader. The king didn’t look like he “believed” you, but was seriously distressed by the news. He told you to report back to your king. You nourished yourself, took one arrow and map, and then went back.

(Situation explanation)

You arrived “home” and went straight to Esdalir. You decided to truthfully report what you have learned in the other camp. Esdalir studied you calmly as ever. He was silent though for longer than he normally was. “We might not be lost after all. If only it was not too late. Tomorrow you will go on your scouting shift, but keep in mind that you have to work on yourself. I’m counting on you.” Nothing made sense to you, so you decided to go to bed in order to be ready for 2morrows job. And you woke up… 


Points: 3

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg  

Action plan

I wake up, well rested and ready for the day, I decide to look around for some of the other elves I might know in my camp, I want to ask them if they might have a better sword which they would give me and if they would like to party up and help me . After that I decided to wonder about in the forest trying to find new things such as any pieces of valuables lying around, any weaponry or armor and any useful information that i can scavenge from nearby camps. I would like to meet a human, and go searching for anything relating to humans nearby. I rest eat and drink. and head back to my camp. 


You went to visit the swords master Nudön to seek a better sword. He thought told your what you knew long ago – the elves lack ore. One does not receive a better sword just like that, you have to earn it first. You tried to seek out companion for the goal you have set today. Everyone thought that you have to be on drugs though. “What would be in the forest?” Everything usable has already been scavenged, that’s a sure thing.” You nevertheless went out to try to seek the stuff. Also you were wondering whether there are any other races, but Orcs. Obviously, you didn’t find any. You did not think what kind of information you would seek from the other Elves. You didn’t find ANYTHING. Ultimately it was just a wasted day. You thought to yourself that next time you have to try harder. Maybe you will have chance next day on the shift. You ate and drank after you arrived back and went to sleep. Just to wake up again… 


Points: -5

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

I shall tell him that some of his elves were killed, and when I touched the orc, I lost consciousness. I shall also request his aid in this journey, and ask him for any information he is willing to give me.(politely). I will also tell them that I come in peace and the orcs are against us. I request the king to consider mutual corporation between the elves. I shall inform him that I am tracking the orc that killed the elves and I will expressed my will to help him take vengeance. I shall also offer him to carry messengers back and forth. If he wants me to stay to deliver a message, I shall do it, but I will be wary of traps. I will scan the surroundings to check for traps and hidden spys/ninjas. If I see them, I shall ask the king why they are there. However, if I sense that the king is evil, I shall request permission to go to the rest-room. If the king is not evil, I shall follow him. But if not, I will just deliver the message and help him however I can. I will also tell him that one orc escaped, and I was tracking him down. 


“I know that my Elves were killed! Are you out of your mind? They are killing us for decades now and you tell me that they are our enemies? The Orc is already in in his camp, there is no use tracing him. Whatever information he has possessed is already delivered. I have to think now get out of my sight!” When you were thinking about what you have said, you realized that you know what the Orc knew. The camp was discovered – but the king surely knew that. You did not dare to speak again in front of him though. You then departed from the camp.

You arrived “home” and went straight to Esdalir. You decided to truthfully report what you have learned in the other camp. Esdalir studied you calmly as ever. He was silent though for longer than he normally was. “We might not be lost after all. If only it was not too late. Tomorrow you will go on your scouting shift, but keep in mind that you have to work on yourself. I’m counting on you.” Nothing made sense to you, so you decided to go to bed in order to be ready for 2morrows job. And you woke up… 

@len.george – Disqualified (DEAD)



Points: -50

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, water for 1 day in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

the strange elves were from the future, and had managed to control time travel, they took a couple of hours to teach me to fly a drone aircraft. being solar powered these could stay in flight endlessly, using on board batteries. they were all armed with new nucullar [nukes] so within a couple of hours there were no Orks left. the humans, when they emerged from their underground burrows accepted elves as the master race and we all lived happily ever after. at the ball that evening after chatting this girl, she ran away at midnight, and you know the rest of that story. 


You were sitting on a branch thinking aloud. Suddenly the energy all around you has started to feel really strange. Soon after that the sky started to feel blurry and while you were watching it, some kind of a wormhole has appeared. A presence swathed in black has stepped through it and landed on one of the nearby tree. His armour was like nothing you have ever seen and his helmet blocked all your attempts to see his face. He turned to face you and then began his speech. “You, one of the CHOSEN ONES, decided to act like there was nothing, but you. You failed to seek your hidden powers and unlike you in other parallel dimensions, haven’t really done anything. You failed to act as was predicted in the scheme of your creator and haven’t been able to provide anything in return. You have lost the evolutionary battle against the other selves, therefore you’re to be terminated.” Before you managed to fathom what was being told to you, the presence pointed at you and you were struck by a thunder immediately after. DEAD 

Human – Tirinam

The event for all the humans is the same this round and is located at the very end of this post. Everything that has happened until now was happening 14 days ago.

This event has happened during the 8th day in the tunnels on your way to the forest.  


Points: 161

Inventory: a 4 foot double edged axe, a small dagger, magic armour, a bow and 20 arrows in quiver and 25 arrows attached to backpack, 1 blank books and 2 tools to write, old map of orcs territory, 5 kg of dried meat, torch, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), metal mirror, compass, spell book, bandages (5), Healing balm(5), Tea against dirarreah(5), pain killers (5), experimental antibiotics (5), hollow metal tube, small bags attached to belt(4 bandages, Healing balm(3) Dirarreah(1) pain killers (1). Mirror, garrotte, firelock, compass), bottle of booze (1)

Ability: Poison recipe,

Group: Forhan – Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet , backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools, bandages (1),   

Aegald – Short axe of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 50 feet of climbing/general purpose strong rope, bandages (1)

Taelder – Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools, bandages (1)

Ability: Flaming arrow

Reen - Short axe of highest quality, a leather helmet backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 50 feet of climbing/general purpose strong rope, grappling hook, bandages (1)

Terene - Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, health kit, booze (1), bandages (1) 


Points: 107

Inventory: Healing balm(1),Anti-venom(1), Experimental antiseptics(1), Anti-infection(1), 1kg of dried meat, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, short sword of highest quality, green cloak, medium shield of highest quality, bedroll, 50 ft rope, firelock, spell book, 1 writing tool, backpack, Oil(1)

Abilities: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world, casting protective earthen wall in 5secs, concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Stats: fighting experience +2

Group: Forhan(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, 50 ft rope, Healing balm(1),Anti-venom(1), Experimental antiseptics(1), Anti-infection(1), 2kg of dried meat, 1 writing tool

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Aegald(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, Healing balm(1),Anti-venom(1), Experimental antiseptics(1), Anti-infection(1), 1kg of dried meat, 1 writing tool, blank book

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Taelder(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, Healing balm(1),Anti-venom(1), Experimental antiseptics(1), Anti-infection(1), 4kg of dried meat, 1 writing tool, blank book

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Reen(2) - Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, 1 writing tool, blank book

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Terene(2) - Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, 5kg of dried meat, 1 writing tool, blank book

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence + job – gather plants from elves forest so the Empire can study them   


Points: 86

Inventory: short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, map, 4kg of perdurable meat, cloak, sleeping bag, rain-proof tarp, knife, rope, firelock, canteen (2), 1 book and 2 writing tools

Group: Forhan – Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 4kg of perdurable meat, bandages (10), healing balm (5), 1 book and 2 writing tools 

Abilities: Knowledge about edible plant from the rest of the world

Aegald – Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), magical armour, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 3kg of perdurable meat, battle axe, a throwing spear

Taelder – Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 3kg of perdurable meat, canteen-wine(1), 1 book and 2 writing tools

Reen - Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 3kg of perdurable meat, canteen-wine(1), spell book

Terene - Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 3kg of perdurable meat Abilities: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper) 


Points: 63

Inventory: Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, backpack, rope, a pouch for water, firelock, bedroll, Pot, Pan, Knife, torch, healing balm(1), 6kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools

Abilities: : Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world, Extra practice in forming dirt/stone/metal in large amounts and detail, Wind “Silence” spell,

Stats: +1 Fighting experience

Group:  Forhan(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, a pouch for water, rope, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 6kg of dried meat, healing balm(1)

Aegald(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, magical armour, a pouch for water, bedroll, rope, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 6kg of dried meat, healing balm(1)

Taelder – Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, a pouch for water, bedroll, rope, Pot, Pan, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 6kg of dried meat, healing balm(1)

Abilities: “Silence” spell, “Land-molding” spell – can combo with Reen

Reen - Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, a pouch for water, bedroll, rope, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 6kg of dried meat, healing balm(1), 1 blank book and 2 writing tools

Abilities: “Silence” spell, “Land-molding” spell – can combo with Taelder

Terene - Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, a pouch for water, bedroll, rope, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 5 kg salt, healing balm(5)

Abilities: “salt meat”, 


Points: 61

Inventory: Dirk of highest quality, Magical armour, explosive alcohol Molotov (2), Boost drug (5), canteen (2), 20kg of dried meat

Group: Forhan – Crossbow, 20 bolts, leather armour, canteen (2), poison (3), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Aegald - Crossbow, 20 bolts, leather armour, canteen (2), poison (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Taelder – Big round shield, Sword of highest quality, Heavy armour, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Reen - Big round shield, Sword of highest quality, Heavy armour, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (1)

Terene – leather armour, spell book, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (1)

Ability: Group can’t move quietly 


Points: 55

Inventory: backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), map, 5kg of dried meat

Ability: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world

Group: Forhan – medium armour, medium sword and shield, bow and arrows, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Aegald – Medium sword, medium shield, magical armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 3kg of dried meat

Taelder – Medium sword, medium shield, medium armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Reen - Bow, 20 arrows, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map. healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 5kg of dried meat

Terene – Bow, 20 arrows, light armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, 3kg of dried meat + job – what creatures live in the forest?…basic description and draft 


It has already felt like an eternity spend on the backs of your horses, laden in all the equipment you have gathered. The tunnel had almost no light and were just infinite straight road. There were couple of checkpoints on the way where you could have eaten and drank, not to waste the resources you were taking with you. There wasn’t anything that would happen and the party was not even talking to each other. The mood was grim. Suddenly a bright light started to shine from a side tunnel. It was shining for couple of seconds and then mostly faded away. When you arrived to the offshoot to the side tunnel, you saw just a turn couple of meters away. The energy around you felt a little strange. You were the leader though and had to decide what to do…

curation REP SP followers

Would be happy to join the game if needed! Let me know! Have had limited DND experience but RPGs are my favorite genre of game by far. Cheers!

ive contacted you on steemit.chat

I guess I brought horses, after all! Oh well, might need a good BBQ later I suppose, we'll see.

:DDD you didnt take a grill though:(

Guess it will be an evening at the Improv then.

Wait, Did Improv bring a grill? lol

My horses are magical. You didn't get magical horses? Pity.

I declined when I went to the barn to see them. Enjoy yours. @fingersik showed me what your magical ponies look like.

Yep, good in a fight.

New players INCOMING! :D

I got game marketing and promotions achievement unlocks @fingersik ;D

i love you man:D...achievement unlocked for sure!

I've got the best plans! Big plans. Huuuuuge plans. Oh shit, today's plan is almost late! See you in chat in 10 min! lol

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