Dungeon and Steem: Day 6 Engagement - Orcish Invasion

in #contest7 years ago

My time schedule is getting tense, but I’m doing my best to keep up the quality of the game (if there even is any:D). After a while I finally present another game post. Lot of potential engagements going on. Huge battles are ahead of us. Brace yourselves!

I would also like to kindly ask the participators to cast up vote in game article’s way, even if of only little power. It’s your reward pool too after all and one vote won’t kill you :).


Prize pool

  • The prize pool is currently 241.774 SBD.
  • Bonus prize for the best plan 20 SBD.

All the Orcs are now one step closer to Race victory.

All the Elves are in the Finals of Race victory!

All the Humans are now three steps closer to Race victory.


I always forget the rules:/ here they are https://steemit.com/contest/@fingersik/dungeon-and-steem-rules-v-1-1-0-finding-1-new-player-and-3-backup-players

Orc – Krognak


Points: 203

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, big canteen(2), pouch for coins (35), (hit), arm-food (1)

Group: Makhel(16) – Double-headed axe, big canteen(2) (hit - part of body cleanly cut – your endurance loses 1/5 of its value till it heals), arm-food(1)

Jukha(3) - pouch of water(1), arm-food (1), (better at sneaking now), dagger, (hit- left hand – strength halved), Onehanded axe

Gat(7) - pouch of water(1), arm-food (1), dagger, Double-headed battle axe of high quality

Karguk(4) - pouch of water(1), arm-food (1), dagger, (hit- left hand – strength halved), one handed axe

Action plan

Following the war party to elven territory, I notice that part of the army breaks off to invade another camp. My party and I will follow this smaller band of orcs, keeping enough distance to remain undetected. The whelps are instructed to keep a safe distance from the battle, as none of them are ready for something of this magnitude. Makhel and I will make our way into the fray, working closer and closer to the general who leads this smaller war band. Trying not to kill any elves, I hit any I encounter with the flat side of my axe, trying to knock them unconscious rather than kill them. Makhel and I will attempt to flank the general, then make our move on him. If all goes well, I will cut off his head, holding it high in the air as a signal to everyone on the battlefield, elves and orcs alike, that I am not part of the invasion. With a booming roar, I scream out to any orcs left fighting: "RUN NOW OR TASTE MY AXE!!" Any orc that decides to stay and fight will meet a swift defeat, hopefully with the help of any elves who see my intentions for what they are. Once the battle has finished, I will try my best to explain my background using basic human language, hoping some of the elves understand what I'm saying.


The smaller half of the invading army has started entering the newly found camp. You decided that this is the time to make your move. You instructed the whelps to guard your back and only join the main fight if the situation will look grim. The whole party unsheathed their weapons and entered the tunnel few minutes after the last enemy Orc. The entrance was crowded. Obviously the Elves have tried to cut off a portion of the incoming forces. The front rows were doing the best they could to cut down the wooden barrier. This wasn’t the time to start attacking yet you would be slaughtered. So you waited. After a while all the units started to flow deeper into the tunnels again. You then emerged into what seemed to be the main hall of the underground camp. A provisory barricade was the last line of defence of all the elves. Around 20 elven archers were tirelessly shooting from it. The orcs tried to cut it down, but the barrier was continuously being repaired. Decisions had to be made…


Points: 69

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality on your back, spear on your back 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water(1), cloaking cloth, Pouch for coins (50), Food-arm(0)

Action plan

I continue onwards to my friend's place, trying not to be discovered and to not get unwanted attention. It would be nice to find a friend who could help me in my mission or a magician/medic who could help heal my wounds. I will try to look for food and water on my journey, and stock up wherever I can. I will try to look for a ride too, and maybe try to search for a shortcut. I will try to use my sense of smell and eyesight to be aware of my surroundings. If I reach my friends camp, I will try to not to get unwanted attention, and eat/drink/sleep to get energized for my onward journey and also talk to my friend to gather more useful information.


After what seemed like an endless painful journey, you were reaching the camp. You probably didn’t have a chance of sneaking through the city – you were the one that needed help after all. You just went straight in then. You didn’t even reach the well and you were stopped.

“You, warrior. Need help? Come with me I mend your wound.”

You didn’t have anything to loose. You grunted in agreement and let the unknown Orc help you to get yourself into his hut. He seemed to be some kind of amateur doctor. He cleaned your wound again and started to sew the stretched out ends.

“You haven’t fought in the invasion right? You came from different direction. We have just destroyed 2 Elven camps. Our leader, Nargus, had died though. The new leader is ruthless. The life’s got even shittier I tell you.”


Points: 88

Inventory: Double-headed axe of high quality on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water (1)

Abilities: Remembered 3 easy formulas of random spells and 1 advanced formula

Action plan

While waiting for Nargus arrival, we gathered all the remaining resources from the camp (weapong,armor,food) and the surrounding areas. Some workers hadn't had a good rest in a while, I let those workers rest for the day since the battles ahead of us will be many I need them at their best. Krognak will hunt for food with his men, will teach them his battle formation against calvalry and siege units and together with his men will make 2 watch towers in the trees and gather his personal crew with the best warriors from among the workers.


When you were in safe distance from the former camp you started giving orders. You needed to set up watchtowers. The invasion was still going on and it was unlikely that there will be random patrols during this time, still it was better to be safe than sorry. You also instructed potion of the workers to gather remaining rain water from plants and went personally with another group to hunt down some food. It all went well. The sheer numbers were of hunters and tries were enough to hunt down some animals that would serve as a supper today. When you returned you feasted, and you shared your mutual war stories with Nargus with your new followers.

In a while a shouting from one of the provisory watchtower. “Nargus is here!”

“Quickly My friend,” he said when he finally found you, “the investigation has started. I have given orders to start searching in the opposite direction. Where exactly do you plan to move?”


Points: 70

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water(1), pouch for coins (43), hand-food (0), lapful of bananas(1), 2kg of meat (1 days left)

Group: Makhel – Double-headed axe, dagger, Pouch of water(1), hand-food (0)

Action plan

"Makhel, go and gather all of last nights rain you can and fill our water pouches".

When he leaves, I sit and face the rock wall. I takes out my weapons and lay them before me. I pick up my sharpening stone and begin my morning ritual of caring for my weapons. Slowly and carefully I draw the stone along the blades honing them to the perfect edge. My hands are so used to this motion that they perform the task without thought, allowing me to ponder our situation.

"Xnurlos, greatest of my ancestors", I implore silently, "have I misread your message? For days I have waited for these humans to show themselves. I am a warrior! Not some old nursemaid to sit and wait and grow weak. If the humans cannot come to me, I will go find them. If they will not help me, then I will destroy them first."

When Makhel returns with the water, I say to him, "Makhel, let us quickly refresh ourselves and gather our belongings. I think you are right. Xnurlos does not mean for us to sit idly waiting for the humans. We will go find them." As Makhel gathers the food and water we have, I seach the rock wall for some sign of an opening. When I find it, we enter.


The next day you ordered Makhel to immediately gather the remains of rain water. You managed to satisfy you today’s needs, while gathering enough for tomorrow into your pouches. At the same time both of you put a lot of the bananas under your belts. You then told Makhel that if the humans can’t come to you, then you will come to them. While examining the place of your dreams you tried to touch the stone from which the humans emerged. Your hand went effortlessly trough! You entered a rather dim tunnel. You took it as a sign – your dream was not lying to you at first place. There really is an underground tunnel. With Makhel you continued down the tunnel to explore it. It didn’t take long, before you have been met by a posts units.

“Stop where you are, if you do not want to die right here and now!” They shouted in Orcish.

You order Makhel to stop.

“What do you seek? How do know about the tunnels?”


Points: 57

Inventory : double-headed axe of high quality attached to your back, spear attached to your back. 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot, pouch of water(1), pouch for coins (20)

Action plan

I try to sneak up to the village and observe the scene first. I will try to see, if I can spot my friend and where he sleeps. I would like to sneak into camp and talk to him in the evening/night.


You left the humans behind with the knowledge about your plan. Before you set of you drank a lot of water and filled the pouch with the remains of the rain water still stuck on plants. After such a long journey you felt a bit nervous, though you very well remembered where the leaders hut is. You tried to sneak around the camp (DICE ROLL), being spotted by no one. Here you were, just behind the leaders hut. Two guards stood in front of the entrance – they won’t ever go away as far as you knew.

Human – Tirinam


Points: 136

Inventory: backpack, a canteen (0), a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), map, 3kg of dried meat, bow and arrows(20), Anti-infectious herb (5)

Ability: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world

Map: Mapped tiny bit of the underground tunnels, 1day west from the tunnel,

Group: Forhan – medium armour, medium sword and shield, backpack, a canteen(0), a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Aegald – Medium sword, medium shield, magical armour, backpack, a canteen(0), a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 3kg of dried meat

Taelder – Medium sword, medium shield, medium armour, backpack, a canteen(0), a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Reen - Bow, 20 arrows, backpack, a canteen(0), a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map. healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 3kg of dried meat

Terene – Bow, 20 arrows, light armour, backpack, a canteen(0), a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, 3kg of dried meat

+ job – what creatures live in the forest?…basic description and draft

Action plan

We just wake up to breakfast and water, while I ask reen to prepare some tea (or medicine) to prevent Forhan, Taelder and I from getting sick.

Once all this finished breakfast, we dried the sleeping bags manipulating the internal moisture with my magic to avoid that mold is created inside.

And we continue our journey seeking to maintain the formation and instructions of the previous day.

This time trying to be more alert to any enemy patrol that is exploring to avoid them, for this time we will go with more caution and slower. Also being alert not to fall into any trap.

Any opportunity to resupply water and food will be taken. As well as finding more herbal remedies.

When it is dark and it is time to make the camp, if there is no evidence of being near an enemy base, we will light a campfire to keep the heat, and we will also take turns to watch over night. We will try to be careful this time to locate the sleeping bags to avoid what happened the night before.


When you woke up you ordered Reen to make a tea for the supposedly ill members of the party. You didn’t have any herb that would be useful for that though. The well-rested members took their time to use magic to dry the sleeping bags. When you finally nourished yourselves and packed up, you were met by 6 Orcs running from western part of the forest. The whole party was roughly at 4/5 of its strength (some ill, some tired from the immediate use of the magic.

curation REP SP followers


100% upvote, as usual. So much fun! Now may be my chance... So get ready for beast-mode! "RRRAAAWWWRRR!!!"

This posts picture is all about you buddy:D


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