Dungeon and Steem: Day 2 Action plan – Every action has its reaction

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

The stories are developing in all directions and we like that! As will all players learn soon, nothing is granted in this grim world and their every decision can ultimately change the course of its destiny. Some of them might be visible at first glance, some will come later, be sure though, that changes WILL come. The first decisions have been made, for some of the players even first engagements occurred. Let’s check out how it all went! Sadly we have another player who chose to stop playing. I have persuaded my friend to join Steemit and he will substitute for @feekayo. He’s my former DnD party member and I have lot to retaliate for so no patronizing is going to happen. He’s good DnD player so be careful. Next time if you plan to leave, please inform me earlier! I got really lucky this time. Also, don’t be too scared or too happy about your points. This is still just a start and anything can happen really when I and dices are in control! 


Starting with this game post, I will link current Rules so every player has easy access to them. A big patch V. 1.1.0. has been released, so if there is anyone who hasn’t read it yet, make sure you do it soon! Patch V. 1.1.1. There is another thing that has to be added to note number 2 in previous patch. Unless players join the group at the same time this note doesn’t make much sense. If the anterior is the case, that note will be used if just to ensure the guessing which group is which even for one more round. The communication through the chat will though be there so I can see, and if the need arises, control what kind of communication is going on. Bear in mind that the communication has to be done from first perspective of the character (you are the character and speak as him).

Also I will need to sometimes explain how situation evolved…I will do that in chat, so you can adjust accordingly… I will mention the important explanations always in revealed plans. 

Prize pool

I sent 4 SBD to 2 participants already…check out the Patch V. 1.1.0. to learn why. 

- The prize pool is currently 153.913 SBD.

- Bonus prize for the best plan to 20 SBD.  The question still remains the same.

Do you think that it would be wise to exchange the SBD for Steem no with the skyrocketing prize? If you have any advices feel free to comment about that here or message me via Steemit.chat. I still haven’t done the move. Thanks! 

Orc- Krognak

Some Orcs reached milestones, some even multiple milestones in first round! Congrats! 


Points: 49

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water (1 day) for every Orc, pouch for coins (35), Food for 1 more day (arm attached to your back – for every Orc) will last for that day only

Group: Krognak, Makhel, Jukha, Gat, Karguk, Varf 

Engagement plan

When I hear the noise from inside, I stop dead in my tracks. Raising my right arm up with a closed fist, I signal for Makhel to do the same.
Unclasping my axe and holding it firm in both hands, I sniff the air, looking for telling scents. "You, back. Distract. Me, front. Kill." I grunt to Makhel.
Approaching the building slowly, I carefully look into any windows, preparing myself. When I hear Makhel's roar, I kick in the front door, ready for anything.

If I see an ally I'll put my axe back in its place. They're obviously scared, but being battle hardened, I don't have much sympathy for them. War has always destroyed, and I've grown somewhat used to it. 

(Situation explanataion)

I ask them if they have supplies to travel, and tell them my plans to head to the next camp over. As it's not incredibly far, I decide I and Makhel will lead them there. "Stay quiet. Keep up." I grunt to.

After said encounter, I will use the remainder of the day to eat, drink, rest, collect meat from whatever is inside (if possible), and speak with Makhel. Does he remember any part of the battle? Who invaded? We will take turns sleeping and watching camp, leaving at the first light of morning. 


Makhel immediately reacted to your signal. After hearing out the orders he sneaked behind the building. You equipped the double-headed axe and sneaked in front of the door. Makhel started shouting and you kicked out the door. No enemy was inside though. A female with her three sons was clearly terrified because of the war shout, but also from the battle that has happened earlier. She was a dress-maker for this camp. She was illegally tutoring her son in the underground room that you personally helped to dig. You shared with them your plan and they eagerly wanted to join you in your efforts. You were their leader after all. You went to gather more food and water and then departed to forest.

You didn’t venture too deep and set up a camp. When eating you mainly ignored the rest of the companions and wanted to speak mainly with Makhel. After stating your questions you heard. “It was a mess. It was kind of everyone against everyone. I saw you falling and fought till my last breath to inflict as much damage as I could. I once had to retreat into the building where you’ve found me…don’t remember anything else. As to who invaded. Someone had to betray us. Cadre of orcs with accompanied by mage came to kill all of the workers that you managed to persuade to rebel. We are on our own again.” You said that you need to rest now and that you’re not be woken up. You set the order of who will take the watch and fell asleep. 


Points: 20

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality on your back, spear on your back 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water, Food for 1 more day (arm attached to your back) will last for that day only, cloaking cloth 

Action plan

Standing up, I get on my feet. I take the axe out of the other orc’s head and hang it on my shoulder. I see a lot of my brothers fallen in battle, and I assume the rest have fled the place. I scan my surrounding and see the damage that has been caused. I know what needs to be done, but before that I prepare myself for the journey. I go to the well and get some water to drink. Catch some water in a bottle, I look around for something that I can use to carry my belongings in. There is a backpack lying next to the body of a deceased friend. I pick it up and I realize there are some gold coins in it. I put the water bottle into the bag and hang it over my shoulder. I scourge the place for food, finding some raw meat next to the bunker in the village. I take care of my wounds. I go to the weapon’s armoury, it lies in ruins but there are some things I still manage to find. I pick up a spear. I then search for cloaking cloth. I set out by foot to my friend’s place in hopes of getting some more information, and finding an animal that would help me in my onward journey. 


You retrieved your axe, trying to more or less clean it using the cleaner parts of random dead body, then you have tightened it to its place on your back. There was so much death all around you. You found a water pouch on one dead body and you drank what was in it. While you were searching for a backpack you found some other water pouches and you completely filled one of them. Backpack of average size has been found soon after. On your way to the armoury you have also found a cleanly detached arm and started to hungrily feast on it while still on your way. In there you have picked up a spear. After that you made your way to the forest. Before you have left the camp you came across and awesome clothing cloth of your size that would help to cover you on one dead body. You were so tired you collapsed on your falling immediately asleep. Because you didn’t get enough rest you only regenerated your debuff to 1/3 of loss of your physical attributes. 


Points: 19

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. No bag, pouch of water, pouch for coins (35), Food for 1 more day (arm attached to your back) will last for that day only 

Group: Krognak, Makhel 

Action plan

First thing I do is pry my axe from the other orcs head. Then I spend the rest of the day thoroughly searching the camp for any useful items especially food and water and something to carry water in like a flask, skin, small keg, and bucket. As I search I listen for sounds of anyone approaching the camp. If I detect anyone coming towards the camp, I will move out of the camp in the opposite direction to a distance that I can completely conceal myself while still being able to hear what might be said by those approaching. Once I have completely searched the camp, I will head out to the nearest orc camp where my friend resides. I will stay off the road and avoid all contact with other orcs if possible. 


You retrieved your axe, trying to more or less clean it using the cleaner parts of random dead body, then you have tightened it to its place on your back. There was so much death all around you. There was no way how to scavenge each and every one so you were choosing random bodies and huts. First you came across a pouch of water, still half full. Cleanly detached arm served as your todays and tomorrows meal. You started to hungrily feast on it while searching. Most of the buildings didn’t contain anything particularly useful. Some other water pouches have been found. You drank them and refilled your bottle, which had a water for one full day now. Nothing particularly useful has been found, since you weren’t completely sure about what it is you’re searching for anyway and your back started to ache from all the bending. You were slowly but surely losing hope that the buildings would contain something more usable than the dead bodies when suddenly, in the next building, you have found lying your adept and a good friend Makhel. You quickly checked him not minding the aching back and found out he’s still alive. You have been anything but gentle while trying to wake him up but you have finally managed to do it. When he was conscious again, you shared with him your plan. He will of course join your efforts. You were lucky not to find any enemy until now, but you should be fine from now on for the time being. You trod on slowly towards the forest leaning on your friend. You were so tired you collapsed on your falling immediately asleep. Because you didn’t get enough rest you only regenerated your debuff to 1/3 of loss of your physical attributes. 


Points: 16

Inventory: Double-headed axe of high quality on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water, food for 1 more day (arm attached to your back) will last for that day only, spell book (of sorts) 

Action plan

As I recover to my feet I walk up to the dead orc's head and grab my axe, I look for water and food, If I find some valuables I take them and I will also search for a spell book. Then I begin the walk towards the camp two days away. 


You retrieved your axe, trying to more or less clean it using the cleaner parts of random dead body, then you have tightened it to its place on your back with a plan to search for water and food first. You came across a pouch of water, still half full. During the search you have found a cleanly detached arm and started to hungrily feast on it while still the way. Also you have found some other water pouches. You drank them and refilled your bottle, which had a water for one full day now. Throughout your search you hit upon a totally burned body. Realization came upon you, that this kind of burns was usual for mages of your race. After searching through what was left of his belongings you discovered sort of a spell book. You can only hope in different fate than the Orcs lying burned to dead on the ground. The forest was your destination. You were so tired you collapsed on your falling immediately asleep. Because you didn’t get enough rest you only regenerated your debuff to 1/3 of loss of your physical attributes.   


Points: 9

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality attached to your back, spear attached to your back. 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot, pouch of water, pouch for coins (20), Food for 1 more day (arm attached to your back) will last for that day only 

Action plan

I _carefully_ make my way to my axe from 10 meters away and pick it up.
I _carefully_ scan the battlefield for signs of life and provisions. I _quietly_ walk to every corpse and roughly check it.
If I can find food or water, I will try to pick as much as I can while still being able to travel comfortably.
If I have any wounds, that need attention, I will try to take care of them without wasting much time.
If I can find any worthwhile loot like an intact ranged weapon or expensive items, I will pick them up, if they don't keep me from travelling quickly.

Since I'm fed up with orkish ways, I want to leave the Ork's territories quickly.

I therefore try to travel to the border on the fastest way possible, while being on guard about possible encounters along the road.
I carefully check around every corner along the road.

If I encounter any possibilities to pick up water, forage or hunt for food, I will try ... 


You retrieved your axe, trying to more or less clean it using the cleaner parts of random dead body, then you have tightened it to its place on your back. There was so much death all around you. There was no way how to scavenge each and every one so you were choosing random bodies. First you came across a pouch of water, still half full. On your way you have found a cleanly detached arm and started to hungrily feast on it while still on your way. You were roughly checking the bodies finding some useful items. You have found some other water pouches. You drank them and refilled your bottle, which had a water for one full day now. One of the bodies tinkled a bit when you moved it and after double-check you have found a pouch with coins and kept one. One body was impaled with a wooden spear. The only instrument for Orcs how to fight with Elves hiding on trees. You decided that it might prove useful sooner or later. Your back started to ache from all the bending. You have attached your axe, spear and the rest of the arm to your back. Wasn’t too comfy, but it had to do for now. You were full of hate and wanted to start a new life away from Orcs. Your direction was “The wall”. You chose not to waste any more time and departed. Along the way you haven’t met anyone and when the day was nearing it send, you decided to settle down next to the road. You failed to find any place where you’d be hidden from sight and did not have anything with you that would help cover you up. It was a narrow open space after all. You didn’t feel any wounds, but the knob on your head. You still checked just to be sure though…and didn’t find any. You were to tired and fell asleep immediately after. (DICE ROLL) Luckily, no one has found you there. You have woken… 


Points: -1

Inventory: spear on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Food for 1 more day (arm attached to your back) will last for that day only, rope, firelock, hide, pouch for coins (35), 4 leather dresses

Group: Krognak, Makhel, Jukha, Gat, Karguk, Varf 

Engagement plan

I send my friend orc to set a fire with some brush on the back side of the hut. Enough to make them think the smoke is from the hut being on fire. I lay in wait in the wreckage outside the entrance. My friend quickly rejoinder me as we sit with spears raised. Ready to skewer anyone who flees the fire. We can quickly assess if they are friend or foe. Being a leader I know every orc that is loyal to me. So from their scars and their tusks I can spot those hat may wish me ill will. If they are foes we can kill them to deprive them of their useful items such as weapons, maps, food rations and any currency. If they are a friend then we call them to us and have them join our brigade. And we can safely check the hut for any goods because there is no real fire damage. Regardless of those two outcomes we can then head toward the friend's camp with our new found allies and/or supplies. 

(Situation explanation)

I take some dresses to barter with.


You stopped Makhel, tossed him a firelock and said your plan. After hearing out the orders he sneaked behind the building, taking some few splinters of wood that were basically everywhere. You equipped the spear and sneaked in front of the door. Makhel started the fire and ran to you. Bare handed female ran out of the building shouting. When she saw you she immediately stopped and called her three sons out. They were clearly terrified. She was a dress-maker for this camp. She was illegally tutoring her son in the underground room that you personally helped to dig. You shared with them your plan and they eagerly wanted to join you in your efforts. You were their leader after all. You took few leather dresses, then made your way to the road. You were so tired you collapsed on your falling immediately asleep.(DICE ROLL) No one has found you, but because you didn’t get enough rest you only regenerated your debuff to 1/3 of loss of your physical attributes.   

Elf – Lifanoîl

All Elves but one chose not to fight the Orc. I tried to talk all of them out of the decision, succeeding with none… 


Points: 34

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 2days in a sack, no bag quiver with 15 arrows attached to your right leg 

Engagement plan

I order the bush to reveal what’s inside, prepared to immediately fire the arrow. If the Orc is there ready to attack, I will fire once more and jump back one branch. If he hits me and I’m able to run, I try to flee and if I’m not I try to outmanoeuvre him and fight. If he doesn’t hit me I fire twice again and jump one branch back again. If I manage to kill him a loot him, taking his weapons, or any scrolls he may have. Then I return back to my post. 


You reveal the bush to see ready fight Orc. The arrow is loosed (DICE ROLL) and hits the enemy leg. The Orc was in obvious pain and stumbled. You nock and fire second arrow (DICE ROLL), hitting his left hand. The Orc refuses to die so easily and pushes himself to his limit (DICE ROLL). He manages to stand up make few steps and dive, trying to hit the branch you were standing on. You tried to react and leap on a branch behind you (DICE ROLL), barely making it. You were shaken by the bad jump, but nocked the arrow still and fired again (DICE ROLL). You were shaken too much though and completely missed. The Orc tried to stand up again (DICE ROLL), though this time he managed to only get to his knees. You nocked an arrow again and fired (DICE ROLL), hitting his left hand again. That seemed to be enough. The Orc knew he lost and was staring at you. You didn’t see hate, or anything that is always associated with Orcs, the moment was really strange, but before you managed to think clearly again, the Orc fell to the ground dead. You then went to loot him. When you touched him to check his belongings, strange energy started to creep up on you. Soon it was too much to bear, you were in horrible pain and lost consciousness. You were woken up by the rest of scouts of your group next day… 


Points: 8

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 1day in a sack, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

I will run an immediate search of the surroundings and the nearby tunnel, mostly to search for danger in the form of: other invaders of any race, the other participants in the battle, scouts, wounded races or animals in the forest. Also my character will search for discarded weapons, packs, lost scrolls/letters/military orders and supplies including food, medical supplies and tools.
We’re not interested in a fleeing orc, as long as it is moving away from the tunnels. Any useful object that is found should be taken, after first scanning the object for physical traps.
My character will not interact with any other characters I find. The orc was in battle and I need to collect information first. Moving in the direction the orc was running away from my character will move towards the other nearby tunnels to check their safety. If the other character is in immediate danger of finding one of the tunnels, then that character will need to be interacted with to preserve the safety of my people. If any other Elves are encountered then my character will approach them to gather information about: Where the orc is going, where the orc came from, what battle has just ensued, if there are any other races in the area, as well as to check in on the other elf tunnels and safety of the race, to see if there is any news from home and to inform the other elf scout about the orc event if they had not already known about it. Because my character has now left my assigned position, the other elf should help fill that gap in the security, or pass along that information so that both our positions are filled and we can team up to continue the search together. 

(Situation explanation)

I'll descend from the upper forest levels to check the bodies after first searching the immediate area for others starting with the orcs first to be sure that they are, indeed dead, then the elves to see if any could possibly be alive still. I'll render medical aid from whatever I can find in the forest (I know you said they were dead, but a lot can change when you alter your perspective from above). I will then strip the bodies of anything useful, notably weapons and food supplies. After searching the area and the bodies I search for food and water from any nearby sources that my character knows of. If none available, then I will simply move on to my last action, which is to climb back up into a tree for safety and rest/sleep 


When you spot the Orc and see that he is running out of the forest you decide not to pursue him. The Elf positioned at nearby spot is immediately contacted that he needs to check your spot from time to time to, since you’re going to investigate. He was confused by your decision but said that he will take care of your spot too. No other danger in any form has been spotted so you went to investigate the place where the Orc was running. You spotted a blood trail and decided to track it back to its source. As you found out the Orc didn’t bother to try to cover anything, it took some time, but finally you managed to find the “battlefield”. When you spotted the first lying body, you decided to climb back to higher levels of the forest. Then you approached closer to see what has happened. You saw 3 dead lying elves on the ground and 2 dead Orcs. You went down to the dead body of the closest Orc to check whether he’s dead. When you touched him strange energy started to creep up on you. Soon it was too much to bear, you were in horrible pain and lost consciousness. You were woken up by the unknown elves next day… 


Points: 8

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 2days in a sack, no bag quiver with 19 arrows attached to your right leg 

Engagement plan

I get back up into the trees and stay there a while to catch my breath then carry on with the original plan but alert the others when I get back to the camp. 


You climbed even higher to catch the breath, while watching the bush. Nothing moved. You decided to go back to the camp to alert the rest.

When you finally reached and entrance into your tunnel the entrance-keeper wasn’t happy at all to see you trying to get in out of the prescribed schedule. When you told him why you’re doing it he only said: “Esdalir want like what you did there.”

You promptly made your way to king’s chamber. Esdalir studied you, calmly as ever while you were reporting. “That was a big mistake not to check the bushes. You could have easily checked pout with a spell what was happening in the bush. How do you know he hasn’t already discovered any entrance? He was bloodied and clearly went through a fight. Anything could have happened. Like this he may have survived the engagement.” You didn’t know what to say. You knew you just failed when you heard that. Esdalir continued “We might be the only camp that knows about this. You are going to track his blood trail to the place where the engagement has happened. You will report back and share your findings. Rest for a while, I will send someone to wake you up soon. Dismissed.” You barely made it to your room and immediately fell asleep.

You woke up well rested. You had a “breakfast”, refilled the water and stock up on some food just in case you would be out there longer than what was expected. You were also informed that this will be a solo mission. After the breakfast you returned to your room just in case you wanted to take something else with you. 


Points: 0

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 2days in a sack, no bag quiver with 19 arrows attached to your right leg  

Engagement plan

I have observed the bushes for a while from a safe distance, sword in hand prepared for anything to jump out, I decide to make the bush reveal its contents by using a spell. I have very little chance of over powering or fighting with the orc unless he is badly injured, if I see no physical evidence of major wounding, I will turn and and flee as fast as my I am able to, hoping my extra speed will help me escape. If there is major wounding I will try to attack the orc targeting his arms first to incapacitate him while also using my high agility to dodge any attacks he might use. If I manage to out maneuver him and land a fatal blow and kill him I would search the orc to see if there is anything worth value or of good use that he carry along with him. If I don't manage to dodge his attacks and I am not wounded in my legs I will try to flee. 


You stood in the first floor of the forest watching the bush. You took few deep breathes and prepared the spell. Bush suddenly reveals its content, which was an orc with his axe ready to attack. You suddenly realized that you had to be totally brain dead to not equip bow instead of the sword, therefore you chose to escape. The Orc charged at you diving at the end and swinging his axe at the branch you were standing at. You though didn’t think about anything else but escape prior to that, and you managed to jump onto farer branch. There you just turned around and ran back. You heard no sound whatsoever. The orc wasn’t following you.

You returned back to your post. Nothing else has happened that day and when your shift ended, you joined up with the rest of the scouts to go back and report today’s events. The group made its way down into king’s chamber. After making your report, Esdalir studied you calmly as ever. “I can’t believe that you let the Orc go, you had him on golden plate. What else would have asked for? How do you know he hasn’t already discovered any entrance? He was bloodied and clearly went through a fight. Anything could have happened. You didn’t even bother to report immediately such an event.” You chose not to say anything, because clearly, he hasn’t ended his speech yet. “We might be the only camp that knows about this. You are going to track his blood trail to the place where the engagement has happened. You will report back and share your findings. Rest for a while, I will send someone for you soon. Dismissed.” Knowing that you might miss a night sleep because of this mission, you decided to take a quick power nap.

You woke up well rested. You had a “breakfast”, refilled the water and stock up on some food just in case you would be out there longer than what was expected. You were also informed that this will be a solo mission. After the breakfast you returned to your room just in case you wanted to take something else with you. 


Points: -12

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

I will follow the orc (at a safe distance high up) and I will see what he does. If he does not proceed to any of the secret tunnels, I will let him go, go back and stock up. If he does proceed to the tunnels, I will try to signal to the rest of the elves discreetly that the orc is here. If they do not notice my signal, I will stage a big commotion outside the entrance so that many elves will come and whack him. I will go back to camp as fast as I can and warn the others of a potential orc. I shall also stock up on food there. 


You started to follow the Orc immediately from safe distance. You both were running for quite some time and were slowing down. It seemed though, that even after the battle the Orc has went through, he still has more energy than you do. You were slowly but surely losing the pace faster than him. Until now you haven’t come across single Elf that could aid you with the fleeing Orc. He was nearing the end of your territory though and didn’t come across any tunnel, so you decided to let him go.

You were really exhausted now, but you felt like you need to get back as soon as possible. You pushed yourself to your limit. When you finally reached and entrance into your tunnel the entrance-keeper wasn’t happy at all to see you trying to get in out of the prescribed schedule. When you told him why you’re doing it he only said: “Esdalir want like what you did there.”

You used last remnant of your energy to get into the room where king of your camp was. His biggest signature was his magically grown lag of wooden branches. It was an extremely hard spell to master. Having the leg was one thing, but controlling it was different one. Anyway you told him all the details that you knew and your decision.

Esdalir studied you, calmly as ever. “That was a big mistake to let the Orc go. How do you know he hasn’t already discovered any entrance? He was bloodied and clearly went through a fight. Anything could have happened.” You didn’t have any energy left to say anything in return so he continued after thinking for a while. “We might be the only camp that knows about this. You are going to track his blood trail to the place where the engagement has happened. You will report back and share your findings. Rest for a while, I will send someone to wake you up soon. Dismissed.” You barely made it to your room and immediately fell asleep.

It felt like you have been woken up immediately after. You had a “breakfast”, refilled the water and stock up on some food just in case you would be out there longer than what was expected. You were also informed that this will be a solo mission. After the breakfast you returned to your room just in case you wanted to take something else with you. Your Intelligence, Agility, Charismatics and Endurance are halved until you get a good long sleep. 


Points: -25 Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

Because we are the outer defence of the underground, and because we don't need a great heap of stinking Orc anywhere near the entrances. I will drop down a couple of levels, get to within clean kill bow shot range and using elves legendary ability to travel through the forest unseen and unheard. Keep track of the Orc, as long as he comes no closer to our entrances I will allow him to proceed. But if he gets closer he is within range for a quick clean kill. Why kill for the sake of killing? If the forest has a large hunk of decaying Orc the smell will attract the other orcs.   


You started to follow the Orc immediately from safe distance. You both were running for quite some time and were slowing down. You realized that he isn’t running in a direction of another entrance so you let him go. You returned back to your post. Nothing else has happened that day and when your shift ended, you joined up with the rest of the scouts to go back and report today’s events.

The group made its way down into king’s chamber. After making your report, Esdalir studied you calmly as ever. “That was a big mistake to let the Orc go. How do you know he hasn’t already discovered any entrance? He was bloodied and clearly went through a fight. Anything could have happened. You didn’t even bother to report immediately such an event.” You chose not to say anything, because clearly, he hasn’t ended his speech yet. “We might be the only camp that knows about this. You are going to track his blood trail to the place where the engagement has happened. You will report back and share your findings. Rest for a while, I will send someone for you soon. Dismissed.” Knowing that you might miss a night sleep because of this mission, you decided to take a quick power nap.

You woke up well rested. You had a “breakfast”, refilled the water and stock up on some food just in case you would be out there longer than what was expected. You were also informed that this will be a solo mission. After the breakfast you returned to your room just in case you wanted to take something else with you 

Human – Tirinam

Most humans have same Result and none has visible inventory, nor Action plan for reasons stated in Patch V. 1.1.0. Though sometimes, there were some nuances :P. I will only show them on affected players, because the rest of the text is still the same. 

@anarchyhasnogods, @clayboyn, @siersod, @timoshey

Points: 18 – 7 – 16 – 6

Inventory: XXX 

Action Plan XXX 


You have gathered all the stuff from the first institution and went to sleep. The hungover was still real. Next morning you woke up and had a breakfast. While eating, someone nocked on your door. That could have meant either friends or business. The later it was. You were instructed to visit the heads of your empire – promptly. After finishing the breakfast you took just your backpack with you and left the rest of the stuff gather at your place. Institutions still had to be visited and you didn’t really know how much time left you have. At least you would know the complete details finally. Going through the grandiose ancient city, you knew that it might be one of the last times you’re doing it. You have used the lift to get to the desired floor and were approaching the building, where the leaders reside. As always you were the last one to the party since all the others were already present. You were surprised to see ALL the former classmates that have passed the last test. All that have survived at least… The classmates were Terene, Aegald, Reen, Forhan, Taelder. This didn’t look like an ordinary infiltration or spying mission. The leaders where Aeod, Ferous, Kalynas, Forsus and Tareal. The oldest leader Tareal started the séance with his speech. “Since we are finally gathered, we can proceed. As you all well know, not a single spying mission into the territory of Orcs and Elves has been successful. We still have only non-detailed images of where the main Orcish cities are. We have always started a mission using the tunnel that leads near to the location of what we think is a main Orcish city. This time we will use the one that leads into the forest.” Kalynas fluently continued. “Furthermore, we have no idea what so ever, about where exactly are the Elves living and how did they manage to survive for so long. Also their language is the only one of existing languages, which we know of, that we can’t use.” Second oldest leader Aeod summed up everything. “The mission goals are following – Create a map of the place, so other groups can use it. Get to know what does the situation between Orcs and Elves look like. If you can gather any information about Orcish system, their numbers, basically anything of use, do it. Do the same about the Elves. Also, if you come up with any way how to learn at least a part of Elvish language, so we can communicate with them, don’t be afraid to use it. You leave after tomorrow. Tirinam will lead the group. Dismissed."

You now stand with your soon to be “party on a mission”. This is your last chance to discuss more what to take. You are the leader, therefore you might as well just give commands. You will then have time left to visit one more institution, before the day ends. 


Points: 22

Inventory: XXX

Action Plan XXX 


You thought that the days when you had to study finally ended. How wrong that thought was. After whole day of studying you gathered your stuff and went home. You were overloaded (DICE ROLL), but you managed to return home safely, with all your equipment intact. The hungover was still real, but years of practice helped you to handle it.  


Points: 18

Inventory: XXX

Action Plan XXX 


You have gathered all the stuff from the first institution and went to sleep. On your walk through the city you looked really grotesque with all the stuff you tried to carry. (DICE ROLL) As expected due to the lack of strength, you have stumbled and fell many times, you will be exhausted the following morning and have your strength and charisma halved. Luckily you didn’t suffer any injury. The hungover was still real

curation followers rep followers


I didn't know I was tired lol

You should have:)

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