Dungeon and Steem: Day 6 Action Plan - Enviromental (Almost) Kill

in #contest7 years ago

Another massive game post is here. One player has decided to stop playing and has been disqualified. At this point, I feel, it would be unfair to bring new players into the game so I decided to kill the character off. Some other players will learn this round that this is really not simple RPG and that players need to take care about everything. Also I will be attending a 3day training camp now, so I will not be available to you. Starting from Monday, I will start replying again.

I would also like to kindly ask the participators to cast up vote in game article’s way, even if of only little power. It’s your reward pool too after all and one vote won’t kill you :).


Prize pool

  • The prize pool is currently 240.204 SBD.
  • Bonus prize for the best plan 20 SBD.

All the Orcs are now one step closer to Race victory.

All the Elves are in the Finals of Race victory!

All the Humans are now three steps closer to Race victory.


I always forget the rules:/ here they are https://steemit.com/contest/@fingersik/dungeon-and-steem-rules-v-1-1-0-finding-1-new-player-and-3-backup-players

Orc – Krognak


Points: 197

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, big canteen(2), pouch for coins (35), (hit), arm-food (1)

Group: Makhel(16) – Double-headed axe, big canteen(2) (hit - part of body cleanly cut – your endurance loses 1/5 of its value till it heals), arm-food(1)

Jukha(3) - pouch of water(1), arm-food (1), (better at sneaking now), dagger, (hit- left hand – strength halved), Onehanded axe

Gat(7) - pouch of water(1), arm-food (1), dagger, Double-headed battle axe of high quality

Karguk(4) - pouch of water(1), arm-food (1), dagger, (hit- left hand – strength halved), one handed axe

Engagement plan

With a low growl, I speak to the party "Good chance, get out of orrc lands. Need water, and food. Young ones, collect rain in pouches, Makhel and me get food."

Makhel and I use the high traffic in the camp as a distraction. We will try to lure the two guards away from the hut, and kill them for food. Makhel will act as the lure, while I approach from behind.

If/after provisions are gathered, we will wait quietly until the orc soldiers start to march. If the orc leader goes with them, we will follow the war party at a distance. This could be a good opportunity to prove to the elves that I am not a normal orc.

If he doesn't go with them, we will wait until most of the soldiers have left the camp, and make our move on his tent to kill him.


You gave orders to the whelps to go and get water, while you will fight the guards. You threw them your canteens and went for the guards. You unsheathed your weapons and executed the plan. Makhel started growling and making some noise. You waited somewhere on the side, waiting for the guards to come. After a while the guards really went to check out what’s going on. You didn’t want to leave Makhel there against 2 foes that seemed to get angrier. And started charging at them. The foes managed to arm themselves before you attacked, but your ambush granted you the first hit. The second Orc stood his ground against you, (DICE ROLL) but didn’t stand there for all. The first hit had cut through him. The first foe met Makhel’s strike (DICE ROLL) and it only barely hit his right arm. The counterattack (DICE ROLL) scratched Makhel’s cheek, creating a soon-to-be-new-scar.

The remaining foe was soon overwhelmed and your attack from behind was lethal. 5 limbs in total were cut off. The rest of the party returned with filled canteens with rainwater. You then waited and waited. After while the leader went out from the hut. It was NOT your friend Nargus. The army then departed into forest and you kept your distance following their trail. According to your estimation the army consisted of about 500 Orcs.

After several hours a first skirmish started. Couple of Elves were unleashing their spells from above, while it seemed that Orcs have found first camp.


Points: 64

Inventory double-headed axe of high quality on your back, spear on your back 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water(1), cloaking cloth, Pouch for coins (50), Food-arm(0)

Action plan

I will try to go to my friend's place, try not to be discovered. I will try to look for food and water on my journey, and seek allies if I can. I will try to look for a ride too, and maybe try to search for a shortcut. Will I be able to find a person with powers to help me? I will try to be open to as many positive possibilities and I will try to keep myself motivated that I will avenge my fallen brethren.


You woke up to a heavy rain. First thing on your mind was water and you started to collect it into your pouch. It was quite some time since you have drank some water. The painful journey then continued. (DICE ROLL) You tried to hunt something down, but failed again. You didn’t haave any food, but maybe, just maybe you will be saved in the camp. (DICE ROLL) No one has found you throughout the whole day. When you were tired already you decided to settle down. You should be able to reach the camp next day.


Points: 82

Inventory: Double-headed axe of high quality on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water (1)

Abilities: Remembered 3 easy and 1 hard formula of random spells 

Action plan

That day after replenishing my health with a banana and drinking water from roots and plants with drinkable fluid in them, I remembered the dream I've had days earlier that place could be one of the places were I shall take my army in the future. In the meantime and while there's still light I shall hunt for animals and in my spare time I shall continue to read the warlock book and memorizing formulas. Then I shall sharpen my blades and rest while remaining vigilant. If anyone tries to approach in a non-friendly way(enemy orcs,), or is a member of another race, I shall atack them and use them as food for the journey.


Nargus woke you up. After brief discussion you said that you will meet at this spot as soon as he returns from the invasion. Then he departed. Since it was raining heavily and you didn’t have anything to hide the book in it got soaked in water before you memorized the final formula. It was useless now. (DICE ROLL) You were also unable to hunt down any animal.

The time has come to get Nargus' camp on your side. It took only a while before you got there. You made a lot of noise and spoke as loud as you could so all the workers could hear you.

“Brothers! WE ARE THE SONS OF XNURLOS OUR GOD WANTS US TO FIGHT and we have all been forced to work and obey leaders that do not join us in the battlefield, that do not show themselves and fight alongside us, leaders that have took you down and enslave you to a system that disgraces the gods , while the one that fights and wins takes all the credit as Xnurlos wills it. Then Why is it that we warriors are enslave to a machine that tortures us to a life without the axe? BROTHERS! Today is the day that we'll take back our power, today is the day that we rise against the blasphemer of Xnurlos that have cowardly enslaved us through the years, this is no longer about ourselves this is about the gods and Xnurlos wills it! We shall retake what is ours by the axe and by blood!“

(DICE ROLL) The speech had a great effect. The loud opposition was soon terminated. Everyone took some basic provisions and went with you to the spot north of the camp, where you all awaited Nargus.


Points: 63

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water(0), pouch for coins (43), hand-food (0), lapful of bananas(1), 4kg of meat (2 days left)

Group: Makhel – Double-headed axe, dagger, Pouch of water(0), hand-food (0) 

Action plan

Once Makhel has had a chance to rest his leg, we will engage in light combat training. Nothing too strenuous just enough to keep ourselves loose and in shape.(2) At night I tell Makhel that I am going out hunting for a few hours. Since the visions Xnurlos have sent me all occur in day, I feel comfortable leaving at night. When we have eaten all the fruit, I will send Makhel back to get some more. "And Makhel, be more careful this time. I need you whole and uninjured". At dawn I resume my position, sitting and watching the rock wall. Waiting for the human.


During the night it started to rain heavily. You decided to have a friendly skirmish with Makhel. The exercise has had awesome effect on the Makhel’s knee. He managed to activate the muscles around it and you were informed after the training that the knee seems ready now. You then sent Makhel for another bunch of bananas and you alone went hunting. You found a deer-like animal and unsheathed your dagger. (DICE ROLL) You yourself didn’t believe how accurately your dagger flew. It struck the deer’s head hard, and it immediately fell dead to the ground.(DICE ROLL) Meanwhile Makhel did the same climb as yesterday, though this time without an unnecessary injury. On top of that (DICE ROLL) no one has found you throughout the whole day.

When you both had done your parts, you met again on the spot from your dream and started feasting on the meat you had hunted down and bananas Makhel gathered.

“Don’t you think that the second vision meant was connected to the human’s too?” Makhel asked.

“I don’t know my friend. We will wait until the end of today and then I will think about it again.

“As you wish.”

And so you sat there, all night long, switching shifts with your friend. No one has showed up though. You were woken up by Makhel into the new day’s sunshine.


Points: 53

Inventory : double-headed axe of high quality attached to your back, spear attached to your back. 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot, pouch of water(1), pouch for coins (20),  

Action plan plan

As I wake up, I decide to head straight to that forest. I'm searching for any sort of rainwater, or if I can find plants, which carry water, I'll drink from them.


You woke up into a heavy rain. Your estimation was that you should be able to reach the spot in your dream today. The rain was a real blessing for you. It was so strong that you could have used it to finally clean your wound. Also some of the bigger leaves had plenty of water in on them to satisfy your needs and to fill your canteen. This is a third day without food though. All you stats are halved and if you don’t managed to find food 2morrow, you will die. Later today you have finally arrived to the place of your dream. Just when you arrived to the place, slowly but surely a group of Humans have been emerging from a solid stone right in front of you.

„Hello“ the Human said.

„Hello“ was your reply.

„We were just about to eat, are you hungry?“

„I am hungry.“

„We can share some food. Are you with any others nearby?“

„I am alone.“

„Join us.“ The speaking human nods to the human next to him and they break out some basic dried meet and a canteen.

„Do you live near here?“

*passes canteen around*

„My troupe was ambushed. I have nowhere to go.“

Well, you may travel with us if you like. We are just camping and exploring a bit. Perhaps you can show us a water source near here? Ambushed by who... or what?“

„Ambushed by my own kind.“

„Oh I see. So at least it’s not a giant monster.

In reply to that the you just frowned. After while you continued. “I know a camp one day from here.”

“Im sorry, I was trying to be friendly. I regret the loss of your troup.”

“I was going there.”

“Well, may we come with you? We have enough food i believe, if there is something we can hunt here, you help us, and we can help you. We need water and food sources, you need protection, it seems.”

Nod was the answer.

“Very well, it seems we have some daylight left. Let me just mark in my book of this location, in case we get lost or apart from you, and off we can go!”

“I can lead the way. Thank you for the food.”

“It is our pleasure. Lead on. When did you lose your friends? Are the attackers still around us?

“I am not sure.”

“Party, be awake. No need to draw, but be aware around us, i say.”

“Many orcs around here. Move carefully and be on guard!”

“Noted.” Are you armed? Do you use weapons?

You just looked at the two-handed axe on his back.

“And perhaps more important, what weapons do the "bad guys" have who attacked you?”

“They attacked us in our sleep and left me for dead.”

“I see, then we must have watches at night. There are enough of us for that much.”


“Are you far from home here? Or are there villages near us now?”

“One village some days from here. I have a friend there.”

“Is it a ... friendly... village, your friend is in?”

“I should go there alone.”

“Understood. So these attackers, do you know why they did it? Are you at war here? Or were they more like bandits?”

“I don't know.”

“I see.”

“It was my own kind.” You said after while shaking his head.

“Well, I think the cover of woods makes a good base.” The human then checked some kind of box in his heand while making notes in the map book as time and distance and directions progress and changes. “Have you ever seen our "kind" out here before?

You scanned the human up and down. “Humans, no ...”

“Well, we've never seen your kind before either, but we have heard of you. You are what is called an orc, right? Or maybe that is only our word for it. Have you heard of humans before?

You just nodded.

“So what have you heard? We know almost nothing about your kind.”

You frowned. “We better move quietly.”

“Understood. Will it be dark soon? We heard about dark before we travelled. I think we will prefer it, as we live underground usually i quietly offer up.” The human looked at the sky “Perhaps we should camp, are we half way yet?”

You grunted quietly.

„Ok, team, let’s set up. We should maintain a low profile. Use your tarps around you for comfort from temp and moisture, but don’t make visible lean toss, let’s eat dry food and not make fire. let’s keep our gear within touch and a weapon ready to grab. I’ll take first watch, new friend you may borrow my tarp if you wish and ill rotate to the next watch person, I turn to my team and line them up for 2 hour watches and we start settling in close in a group, under a large tree.”

“... should look for a safe spot for the night.”

“Do you recommend a better spot? Before we totally settle in?”

You just looked around the trees.

“Let’s just move off the path and into these trees over here then. Settle in folks.”

You gave the humans a puzzled look.

“But stay as alert as you can.”

You shrugged and laid down in a little distance from the group, next to a tree.

(DICE ROLL) No one has found you during the night and you woke up.

Elf – Lifanoîl


Points: 22

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg, map 

Action plan

As soon as I wake up I immediately tell the party what had happened and ask them what happened while I was out and if any of them felt the same strange energy when they tried to touch the bodies.

I stock up on supplies and arrows and head out to an area of the forest I haven't been to in a while. I spend the whole day there looking for anything that I can find useful and gather some food and water from a nearby stream. I practice some magic to increase my endurance and lessen the tole using magic takes on me. I also set up a few targets and practice shooting at them.


“Did you feel the same strange energy guys? When I touched the Orc I got overwhelmed by the same energy as before.”

“No. No energy at all.” Said ever-grim Tiwasil.

“I want to be alone now.”

“As you wish.”

You went to your chambers and fell asleep soon after. Next morning you had a breakfast, restocked and went immediately back to the forest. You settled on your spot and started training bit of magic, not to get out of shape after yet another collapse. Using the magic felt a bit different, yet you couldn’t tell why. When you started to feel a bit tired, you set up a practice range and started shooting at it with your bow. The whole process felt different to, but now you realized why. Not only got the knowledge of the Elf you touch transmitted to you, but his skills too. Have you absorbed him? There was no time to contemplate about that.

“An invasion has started in the north-east part of the forest!” Several camps had been discovered so far.” A random Elven scout shouted at you, not even stopping to discuss the matter and continued further into the forest to warn others.

You immediately ran to your camp for Esdalir. Soon after, when the message reached him, Esdalir made his appearance in the main hall. “I want every fighting-fit Elf in this camp to be ready ASAP in the main hole, we are going to fight them off.”

After a while you were already on your way to the parts of the forest that were attacked. By the time you arrived, there were no living Orcs to be seen. Only the fallen ones, and with them, the nearby camp.

“Invasion has already been fought off sir. Two camps are sadly no more because of it.” A random Elf reported to Esdalir.

“I see, in that case there is nothing to do here. Let’s get back.”


Points: 13

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

I open my eyes, jump up and take note of the situation. If I see friendly elves. I will explain to them what exactly happened. If I see orcs, I will crouch and roll under one of them. I will then access the situation. If there are too many to fight, I will use magic to slow them down. If there is little so I can fight, I will use magic to slow them down and fight them.


You abruptly jumped up reaching for your sword.

“Easy Lifanoîl, easy.” Antasil said.

Random scout entered your camp and started shouting “Invasion in north-eastern part of the forest!”

Soon after, when the message reached him, Esdalir made his appearance in the main hall. “I want every fighting-fit Elf in this camp to be ready ASAP in the main hole, we are going to fight them off.”

After a while you were already on your way to the parts of the forest that were attacked. By the time you arrived, there were no living Orcs to be seen. Only the fallen ones, and with them, the nearby camp.

“Invasion has already been fought off sir. Two camps are sadly no more because of it.” A random Elf reported to Esdalir.

“I see, in that case there is nothing to do here. Let’s get back.”

Human – Tirinam


Points: 211

Inventory: a 4 foot double edged axe, a small dagger, magic armour, a bow and 20 arrows in quiver and 25 arrows attached to backpack, 1 blank books and 2 tools to write, old map of orcs territory, 5 kg of dried meat, torch, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), metal mirror, compass, spell book, bandages (5), Healing balm(5), Tea against dirarreah(5), pain killers (5), experimental antibiotics (5), hollow metal tube, small bags attached to belt(4 bandages, Healing balm(3) Dirarreah(1) pain killers (1). Mirror, garrotte, firelock, compass), bottle of booze (1)

Ability: Poison recipe,

Group: Forhan – Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet , backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools, bandages (1),   

Aegald – Short axe of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 50 feet of climbing/general purpose strong rope, bandages (1)

Taelder – Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools, bandages (1)

Ability: Flaming arrow

Reen - Short axe of highest quality, a leather helmet backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 3 kg of dried meat, 50 feet of climbing/general purpose strong rope, grappling hook, bandages (1)

Terene - Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 2 kg of dried meat, health kit, booze (1), bandages (1) 

Action plan

We gather at the exit, and try to get used to the bright light before completely exiting the tunnel. I try to see if there is any cover out there, a pile of rock or a stand of trees, someplace to gather and get adjusted without being in the wide open.

Not knowing what to expect, we've got weapons at low ready. (tactical term, can elaborate if you dont know what i mean) and cautiously we make our way out to whatever closest outdoor cover we can see. if none, we stay grouped a few feet a part and I remind everyone to pay attention in all directions at all times.

I make the beginnings of my map notations in the book noting the cave/tunnel exit/entrance and trying to make some notes about "landmarks" i can see to help notate where we emerged for future reference. I check my compass and decide to go in the direction which seems most easily travelled. Look for paths or roads or travel evidence on the ground and would follow it if I see any, otherwise, I check the direction of the sun and head towards the horizon it would be setting in, on our earth that would be west.

Then we make our way west, and i note such on the map, unless interupted along the way, we will travel till dusk and make a camp as far as we can go in the remaining daylight.

Annotating interesting landmarks we see of course in the map notes i am keeping and looking for signs of life, edible, dangerous or friendly. If we see any, our main move is always to seek cover and observe unless spotted.


The journey was long, but everyone knew that it’s nearing its end. For the first time in your lives a real light, “the sunshine”, was reaching your eyes. You ordered the group to continue slowly and to take their time to get used to the new source of light. There was no cover visible from the exit. You order the group to have their weapons at ready and started the emergence from the tunnels. Right when the whole party was out of the tunnels, you spotted an Orc standing like 15 meters away.

„Hello“ the Human said.

„Hello“ was the reply.

„We were just about to eat, are you hungry?“

„I am hungry.“

„We can share some food. Are you with any others nearby?“

„I am alone.“

„Join us.“ I nod to the human next to me and they break out some basic dried meet and a canteen. „Do you live near here?“

*passes canteen around*

„My troupe was ambushed. I have nowhere to go.“

“Well, you may travel with us if you like. We are just camping and exploring a bit. Perhaps you can show us a water source near here? Ambushed by who... or what?“

„Ambushed by my own kind.“

„Oh I see. So at least it’s not a giant monster.”

In reply to that the Orc just frowned. After while he continued. “I know a camp one day from here.”

Im sorry, I was trying to be friendly. I regret the loss of your troup.

“I was going there.”

“Well, may we come with you? We have enough food i believe, if there is something we can hunt here, you help us, and we can help you. We need water and food sources, you need protection, it seems.”

Nod was the answer.

“Very well, it seems we have some daylight left. Let me just mark in my book of this location, in case we get lost or apart from you, and off we can go!”

“I can lead the way. Thank you for the food.”

“It is our pleasure. Lead on. When did you lose your friends. Are the attackers still around us?”

“I am not sure.”

“Party, be awake. No need to draw, but be aware around us.”

“Many orcs around here. Move carefully and be on guard!”

“Noted. Are you armed? Do you use weapons?”

Orc looks at the two-handed axe on his back.

“And perhaps more important, what weapons do the "bad guys" have who attacked you?”

“They attacked us in our sleep and left me for dead.”

“I see, then we must have watches at night. There are enough of us for that much.”


“Are you far from home here? Or are there villages near us now?”

“One village some days from here. I have a friend there.”

“Is it a ... friendly... village, your friend is in?”

“I should go there alone.”

“Understood. So these attackers, do you know why they did it? Are you at war here? Or were they more like bandits?”

“I don't know.”

“I see.”

“It was my own kind.” The Orc said after while shaking his head.

“Well, I think the cover of woods makes a good base.” You then checked compass while making notes in the map book as time and distance and directions progress and changes. “Have you ever seen our "kind" out here before?”

The Orc scanned the human up and down. “Humans, no ...”

“Well, we've never seen your kind before either, but we have heard of you. You are what is called an orc, right? Or maybe that is only our word for it. Have you heard of humans before?”

The Orc just nodded.

“So what have you heard? We know almost nothing about your kind.”

The Orc frowned. “We better move quietly.”

“Understood. Will it be dark soon? We heard about dark before we travelled. I think we will prefer it, as we live underground usually i quietly offer up.” You looked at the sky and tried to figure out how darkness works, noticing it had become dimmer as we trudged on. “Perhaps we should camp, are we half way yet?”

Orc grunted quietly.

„Ok, team, let’s set up. We should maintain a low profile. Use your tarps around you for comfort from temp and moisture, but don’t make visible lean toss, let’s eat dry food and not make fire. let’s keep our gear within touch and a weapon ready to grab. I’ll take first watch, new friend you may borrow my tarp if you wish and ill rotate to the next watch person, I turn to my team and line them up for 2 hour watches and we start settling in close in a group, under a large tree.”

“... should look for a safe spot for the night.”

“Do you recommend a better spot? Before we totally settle in?”

The Orc just looked around the trees.

“Let’s just move off the path and into these trees over here then. Settle in folks.”

The Orc gave you a puzzled look.

“But stay as alert as you can.”

The orc shrugged and laid down in a little distance from the group, next to a tree.

You took a position on the side we came from and sit cross legged with my bow and a few arrows beside me and my sword in my lap ready to leap up if you were approached on guard.

(DICE ROLL) No one has found you during the night and you woke up.


Points: 61

Inventory: Dirk of highest quality, Magical armour, explosive alcohol Molotov (2), Boost drug (5), canteen (2), 20kg of dried meat

Group: Forhan – Crossbow, 20 bolts, leather armour, canteen (2), poison (3), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Aegald - Crossbow, 20 bolts, leather armour, canteen (2), poison (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Taelder – Big round shield, Sword of highest quality, Heavy armour, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Reen - Big round shield, Sword of highest quality, Heavy armour, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (1)

Terene – leather armour, spell book, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (1)

Ability: Group can’t move quietly 

Action plan

We approach the forest with caution aware of the dangers that it could hold. The tomes I read before departing made it clear that elves favored the forests and orcs are a constant threat. I send Aegald and Reen to scout a couple hundred yards ahead but to wait before exiting the forest Aegald and Reen should also keep an eye out for water sources or potential animals to cook. They are to signal if they spot danger ahead and to keep the explosive potions in hand in case they are taken down by archers. The fire should alert us. The remainder of the group move behind the scouts while Terene continues mapping the forest and we stay at the ready in case we are flanked.


You exited the tunnel into a heavy rain. For a couple of minute you were getting used to the sunlight, even though there was no sun to be seen. After you were ready you have sent (DICE ROLL) no one has found you. The guys you send to scout couple yards ahead returned with no interesting info. All forest around you. We go north you decided, and off you set. You went and went for the whole day. It never stopped raining even a little. When you all were tired already, you finished some of the provisions and went to sleep. There was no way how to guard yourself from the rain. No one has basically slept a minute. (DICE ROLL) Furthermore the whole group caught cold. All stats of all the members are halved. Everyone is in danger of fever.


Points: 131

Inventory: backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), map, 3kg of dried meat

Ability: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world

Group: Forhan – medium armour, medium sword and shield, bow and arrows, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Aegald – Medium sword, medium shield, magical armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 3kg of dried meat

Taelder – Medium sword, medium shield, medium armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Reen - Bow, 20 arrows, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map. healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 5kg of dried meat

Terene – Bow, 20 arrows, light armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, 3kg of dried meat + job – what creatures live in the forest?…basic description and draft 


You emerged into a heavy rain, while taking great care whether you’re not to be directly attacked, even though you were partially blinded by the new source of light, even though you didn’t see it. You discussed the group formation with the rest of the party and you set off to the north. (DICE ROLL) You were lucky and no one has found you during the first day out in the open. You were taking detailed notes about the surroundings, while ordering the rest of the group to seek out the herbs you had knowledge about. (DICE ROLL) A cluster of Anti-infection herb has been found. When you were already tired you decided to settle down and finish some of your provisions. You didn’t have any waterproof tarp though, so you tried to hide the important stuff in the sleeping bags. Before you fell asleep you felt the surrounding energy go awry. After a while a being swathed in dark, barely visible during the night, came to you. Before you managed to do anything he started speaking.

“I mean no harm. You have proven to be formidable Chosen one. Where others have failed, you have succeeded. Not all outcomes are though under your direct influence and this parallels dimension failure is imminent. We have decided that you deserve the chance to continue. I’m sending your group to a different parallel dimension.”

Before you managed to say anything the energies felt strange again. Soon everything was back to normal, andthere was no visible nuance around you. Maybe it was just a bad dream. You fell asleep.

(DICE ROLL) You, Forhan and Taelder weren’t feeling particularly great after the night spent in a soaked sleeping bag. The rest of the group had them soaked too, but with no consequences. You weren’t ill yet, but it was definitely creeping at you. At least you al did manage to sleep, and woke up into a sunlight of the next day.

curation REP SP followers


My axe wants blood!

I'm having a bit of trouble with my internet, but I'll get you an action plan written up! I'll wait until tomorrow to resteem this, and hopefully it will see more people to get upvoted.

This round is going to be fun! RrRAAaAAWWwrRr!!

thats best decision of your's and voting doesnot kill me i think

What is best decision of mine?:P

about fair game play

Oh lol. Yea. After 15 pages of text one forgets the first sentences:D. I wanted the elves to fight more for the win, to have some competition there. I then dismissed the thought, even though it wasn’t that easy.

thats why i said its your best decision ...wish you more success bro keep growing, i will surely going to support your every decision

Thanks for the support. Dont support my every decision though:D I make shitty ones too

I'll do a plan when you get back, presumably i will have to talk to the orc again, so should we wait till that happens this "morning in the woods" or just wing it?

This was actually the post i found your profile with and:

WOW! :)
I hope you will go on with this :D!

I have had the training camp and then my mom needed help at her house...didn’t really have time but don’t worry...this game will not stop until it has a winner. Next post is actually ready...I will edit and post it 2morrow:). Thanks for the support!

Thanks for your effort ;)! And no worries, real life before dungeon and steem xD

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