Dungeon and Steem: Day 5 Action plan - Feel the PAIN, feel the SORROW

in #contest7 years ago

Today I’m paying tribute to all the players that died this turn. Some of you fell for a trap of our dirty DM (that would be me) and two players have been simply really unlucky. Dices allowed one of the brave Orcs our Elf fought to be a throwing specialist just for this single fight. The problem is it was enough. You were some of my best guys and I will greatly miss the interaction with you and all the hours I had to spend to chew through your plans (that a little less lol).

I would also like to kindly ask at leasst the participators to cast up vote in game article’s way, even if of only little power. It’s your reward pool too after all and one vote won’t kill you :).


Prize pool

  • The prize pool is currently 238.906 SBD.
  • Bonus prize for the best plan 20 SBD.

All the Orcs are now one step closer to Race victory.

All the Elves are now three steps closer to Race victory.

All the Humans are now three steps closer to Race victory.


I always forget the rules:/ here they are https://steemit.com/contest/@fingersik/dungeon-and-steem-rules-v-1-1-0-finding-1-new-player-and-3-backup-players


Elf – Lifanoîl


Action plan

I will share the basics of the battle plan with Antasil since he is injured by my kick I will try to keep the attention of the orcs on me if necessary he will always stay on the trees unless I call him we will try to quickly with focus fire kill the orc which doesn’t want to speak and then capture the second using mainly magic I tell Antasil that after we kill the first orc we will work together to capture him using roots and branches if he gets close to any tree main goal is to root him on the spot and bind all his limbs so that he can’t move. Antasil will be in second level until the first orc is death we will both close the distance I put three arrows to my hand for faster reload and we simultaneously fire at the orc we want to kill trying to dispatch him as quickly as possible if I see that he was injured enough for me to get to the first level and fire at him knowing that I have time to evade to another branch if he reacted I descend otherwise we keep firing from second level until he is dead or I see an opportunity to get to the first level Antasil keeps firing from the second level. If I am on the first level and I see I have enough time to perform double shot and then evade to another branch I use it. If the second orc tries to escape before we kill the first one I will try to stop him with magic using roots and branches to cut his rout and sap him of his foot If we managed to kill the first orc we want to capture the second if he keeps attacking I keep the focus on me and evade very safely to another branches Antasil now on first level will try to root him with magic if I while evading If I have enough time to cast and evade I use splinter splash aiming at the orcs eyes so he has to cover them. If we are not able to root him for a long time I use my bow and fire at him just to wound him but not to kill but only it there is time left to jump to another branch if needed. If he tries to escape we cut of his path with roots and branches and try to disorient him using splinters and leaves. We chase or fight until we captured him if nothing works I call the rest of the group but still try to capture him so that if he is stuned I use my charisma to tell the group that I want to speak with him and even create wooden shield to block arrows if they fire them at him while he is harmless I tell them everything if necessary. If me or Antasil fall from tree at any time during the battle and there is no time to evade and climb back the other is responsible to use magic to get him back up or at least give him time to recover using branches to pull him up splinter splash to disorient the orcs and roots to get them of their feet or creating a small wooden shield to at least bit block the attack. If we survived and captured the orc we use magic again to bind him even more and then check if he is harmless.


When you and Antasil were ready, you executed the plan. You started firing the prepared arrows (DICE ROLL). Only the second hit, driving itself deep into his right leg. (DICE ROLL) Antasil fired right after you, piercing the arrow through the Orcs cheek inside-out. (DICE ROLL) The hit Orc was paralyzed for the moment, unable to move. The other though had his spear ready in hand though and threw it at you (DICE ROLL), piercing your right leg. You stumbled and fell down from the tree. (DICE ROLL) On your way down you have luckily hit a branch that has slowed you down and you didn’t further injure yourself when you hit the ground. “NOO!! Antasil yelled, concentrating only on getting you out of there. He has ordered the roots underneath you to grow and pull you about 10 meters from the ground. This was no easy task and cost him great amount of energy. The Orc then took out his axes and threw first at you (DICE ROLL). It has found its way to your other leg cutting it badly. At that point it was too much and you lost consciousness….You never woke up (DEAD)


Action plan

I decide to hurry over to the closest neighboring post and alert him of the dangers and ask if they will spread the news and recruit more of the posts, I then hurry back trying to make no noise to where the orcs were, I then follow at a distance tracking their movements. After all the neighboring posts come to my aid we silently begin to set up an ambush, we create a moving circle above the orcs, As soon as we find out their intentions we will attack the orcs. I have my bow drawn and ready to fire


After you spotted them, you decided to warn the nearest camp first. After few minutes you have reached Antasil. “Orcs inbound. I need your help. Contact the rest. Fast.” Without a word Antasil started executing your plead. You were able to track the Orcs due to their scent. You were waiting for reinforcements then. You calmly waited. Soon all four scouts have been on their positions surrounding the Orcs with arrows notched. You and Antasil went for the first Orc (DICE ROLL) You missed and Antasil scratched his right leg. At the same time Tiwasil and Irdolún went for the other one (DICE ROLL), with the same result, only Tiwasil was the one to hit. You didn’t wait for anything and fired another arrow (DICE ROLL) missing again. Irdolún and Tiwasil fired together again (DICE ROLL). Tiwasil landed another shot, this time directly to the head, finishing their foe. Antasil followed up (DICE ROLL) only scratching again, this time Orc’s cheek. By that time he already had his spear in hand throwing it at you (DICE ROLL) missing. (DICE ROLL) Miraculously most of the arrows of next salve missed. One of them though damaged his right eye. In last-stand-rage he has thrown both his axes your way with his full strength, knowing he will die soon. (DICE ROLL) One of them hit you in between the eyes. DEAD

Human – Tirinam


Action plan

I want to approach the party of light beings respectfully and see if they're willing to communicate. I want to be prepared in case they're not, with my party trying all sorts of different shielding to protect me. IF and only if the light beings move to hurt me, then Forhan will attempt to create a water shield talder will attempt to create an earth shield reen will attempt to create an air shield terene will attempt to create a cold shield aegald will run forward with his physical shield and shortsword to block any blows and guard my retreat. They will all have strict orders not to attack unless and until we have retreated from their sanctuary and they are pursuing us. IF none of those shields seem to have any impact on the beings, Forhan and terene will attempt a fire shield (dropping the cold and the water, 'cause it just doesn't seem like trying a fire shield while you're trying a cold or water shield would work very well). If that doesn't work at all either, well, they have free reign to make any choices in the moment that they think might help. If, on the other hand, one of the shields that is attempted works better than the others (maybe the earth shield actually blocks light, after all, since it's opaque?) then the others will drop their shields and help reinforce that shield. I hope none of these shields is necessary. If they are, though, and we are pursued, I'd like each member of the team to work together as we've practiced to fight these beings. Reinforcing our blades and crossbow bolts with the elemental magics that worked best on the shields. Nothing if none of the shields even worked. Retreating all the while, unless it seems like we're winning. But if we don't have to fight, that's best. I'd want to talk to these beings, see if they need anything. Ask who they are. I want to run through every language I know, plus try using mime and pointing to see if I can get my meaning across.


You gave out orders and started approaching the beings. When 1/3 of the distance was breached, a thick earthen wall instantly rose behind you, cutting you off from your only escape route. While you were waiting for their first movement, you ordered the group to get rid of the wall. This wasn’t looking good. “The wall won’t move Tirinam! It’s like, something much more powerful than all of us is holding it where it is.” Reen informed you. “We come in peace! We just want to speak with you!” You yelled across the hall. “We mean no harm!” The only reply you have received was their first movement. The two beings on the sides have stood up, leaving the middle one behind still in its position. They were moving faster with every second and soon they have reached a speed of a charging horse. “We go back to the former plan. Prepare the shields! We obviously have no other choice but to fight our way through. Terene take oil, Reen and Taelder are going to protect Aegald with defensive “metal control” I’m slowing them down with a wall. Charge!” You were charging against each other. You have started to create the dirt wall you have been training in order to slow them down and have a speed advantage. Meanwhile Terene was frenetically searching for her Oil and Aegald took the front raw with the sword and shield in the hand. The wall of yours was growing fast and soon you didn’t see anything. Suddenly the earth beneath the Taeleder has shot up with an immense speed. Taleder with his horse has been pinned to the wall, spraying the surrounding with seemingly infinite amount of blood. Suddenly the beings had jumped through the wall like it was a piece of paper. Aegald has stumbled due to magically alternated earth in front of him and flied head-front straight against the first being. It had punched him so hard, that Aegald’s head was smashed in a second. Terene finally managed to throw the oil vial at the second being and you quickly casted a “controlled spark”. In a second the whole being was in flames, but other than that it had no real effect. The being didn’t stop and blasted Terene off with a single swing. Reen was trying to protect whoever was under attack, but there was nothing he could have done. Soon after Terene’s death he was pinned with his horse to a sidewall by yet another earthen spell. You thought that a liver might have landed on you, but you didn’t pay any attention to it. You witnessed the whole party kill with disbelieve, you’ve never seen anything like that. You almost didn’t realize that another earthen spell has lifted you as well. You were then fractionalized against another wall, and with that all your dreams of the success of your party too. DEAD


Action plan

i decide to have everyone wait for the figures to move, and if they don't within the next 20 minutes or so I have everyone approach slowly. I tell everyone to put their weapons away and move slowly.


You gave out orders and started waiting for their movement. They sat completely still for the whole duration. You then decided to approach them, hands of the weapons. When 1/3 of the distance was breached, a thick earthen wall instantly rose behind you, cutting you off from your only escape route. While you were waiting for their first movement, you ordered the group to get rid of the wall. This wasn’t looking good. “The wall won’t move Tirinam! It’s like, something much more powerful than all of us is holding it where it is.” Reen informed you. “We come in peace! We just want to speak with you!” You yelled across the hall. “We mean no harm!” The only reply you have received was their first movement. The two beings on the sides have stood up, leaving the middle one behind still in its position. They were moving faster with every second and soon they have reached a speed of a charging horse. You were surprised by what was happening. You didn’t give any orders and the beings were moving closer and closer. Suddenly the earth beneath the Taeleder has shot up with an immense speed. Taleder with his horse has been pinned to the wall, spraying the surrounding with seemingly infinite amount of blood. The beings were then on you. Aegald was crushed by the very first punch, his head was smashed in a second. The being didn’t stop and blasted Terene off with a single swing. Reen was trying to cast some spells, but soon after Terene’s death he was pinned with his horse to a sidewall by yet another earthen spell. You thought that a liver might have landed on you, but you didn’t pay any attention to it. You witnessed the whole party kill with disbelieve, you’ve never seen anything like that. You almost didn’t realize that another earthen spell has lifted you as well. You were then fractionalized against another wall, and with that all your dreams of the success of your party too. DEAD


Action plan

The first thing I'm going to do is try to shout a greeting to the light beings. If nothing happens...I dismount, and have Terene do the same. I'm taking one of the wine canteens from Reen to carry with me. Explaining the following plan to the party, I let them know that we're going to try to communicate and interact with these beings peacefully. I'm guessing they are elves, and we want to learn from them. However, we have no idea how they will react, so be ready for battle mode should we need it. If the beings completely turn aggressive as soon as they see us, I will give a signal in which we will all channel a gust of wind and earth at the same time to push them back, and then go from there. Hopefully it won't come to that. We will approach cautiously on foot, stopping every 10 meters. Aegald will follow on horseback, staying 10 metres behind. The rest of the party will wait another 10 metres and then follow slowly. Have Reen mind our horses as the party follows to make sure they don't bolt. As Terene and I walk forward, we check in with the elements magically to notice any changes or dangers. If we recieve no response, from where we are I will use earth to rustle the ground about 20 metres ahead of us to see if it gets their attention.


When you’ve spotted the being you yelled a greeting. Nothing happened, therefore you started to execute your plan. You have done the 10 meters advancement and nothing has happened even after you stirred the earth 20 meters in front of you. When you have done it for the second time though, the beings on the sides abruptly jumped up. You then stop and wait to see if they seem aggressive or afraid. You shout hello in human languages, with hands out in front of you as if you're waiting to receive something. One of the beings light visibly dimmed. Suddenly a thick earthen wall instantly rose behind Reen, cutting the whole group off from your only escape route. While you were waiting for their first movement, you ordered the group to get rid of the wall. This wasn’t looking good. “The wall won’t move Tirinam! It’s like, something much more powerful than all of us is holding it where it is.” Reen informed you. “We come in peace! We just want to speak with you!” You yelled across the hall. “We mean no harm!” The being that was still shinning in its full strength darted against your party, leaving the rest behind. It was moving faster with every second and soon it has reached a speed of a charging horse. You were surprised by what was happening, yet everyone was prepared for this situation and was already armed. Suddenly the earth beneath the Taeleder has shot up with an immense speed. Taleder with his horse has been pinned to the wall, spraying the surrounding with seemingly infinite amount of blood. The being was then on you. Aegald was crushed by the very first punch, his head was smashed in a second. The being didn’t stop and blasted Terene off with a single swing. Reen was trying to cast some spells, but soon after Terene’s death he was pinned with his horse to a sidewall by yet another earthen spell. You thought that a liver might have landed on you, but you didn’t pay any attention to it. You witnessed the whole party kill with disbelieve, you’ve never seen anything like that. You almost didn’t realize that another earthen spell has lifted you as well. You were then fractionalized against another wall, and with that all your dreams of the success of your party too. DEAD

The living

Orc – Krognak


Points: 161

Inventory: Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, Backpack, big canteen(0), pouch for coins (35), (hit), arm-food (0)

Group: Makhel(15)+1 – Double-headed axe, big canteen(0) (hit - part of body cleanly cut – your endurance loses 1/5 of its value till it heals), arm-food(0), (hit - part of body cleanly cut – your endurance loses 1/5 of its value till it heals)

Jukha(2)+1 - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0), (better at sneaking now), dagger, (hit- left hand – strength halved), Onehanded axe

Gat(5)+2 - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0), dagger, Double-headed battle axe of high quality

Karguk(4) - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0), dagger,(hit- left hand – strength halved), one handed axe

Action plan

Splitting the party in half, I order Gat, and Varf to folow Makhel to flank the patrolling orcs. Jukha and Karguk will follow me. I will give my two daggers to Jukha and Karguk, and Gat is given the dagger from Makhel.

With the tiny dagger from my boot at the ready, we approach our prey. At the first sign of them noticing us, I will throw the dagger the one closest to me. If they do not notice me, and I'm able to get close enough, I will try and stab one in the side of the throat.


You gave out orders and your daggers and ordered Makhel to do the same. You then spread in order to ambush them both at the same time. You hoped that you could maybe sneak up to one of them and kill him from behind. When you were kind of close you went further alone to minimize the chances of being discovered. (DICE ROLL) You have caused some bigger branches to break, but the Orcs didn’t hear it. It was only few more steps to be in a swinging range. (DICE ROLL) This time though they the opponents has heard the branches and turned around. You quickly jumped back, wielding your tiny dagger, prepared to throw it. (DICE ROLL) You though totally missed and the dagger landed somewhere in deep bushes. That was a signal for the other group to charge from their hideout and confront the Orcs. The one who spotted you was skilled though and used the moment when you were searching for your weapon. (DICE ROLL) You though managed to dodge his attack with help of your comrades. Jukha tried to punish him (DICE ROLL), but with the same effect, followed up by Karguk (DICE ROLL) you manage to scratch the foe on his left hand. Nothing too serious though.

At the same time the other group confronted the other foe. Varf being slow and fast, managed to strike first (DICE ROLL), but missed. His brother followed his attack, (DICE ROLL) with the same result. Varf seemed as the easiest target, therefore the foe went for him. (DICE ROLL) His very first swing ended deep in Varf’s skull. Makhel tried to his best to, but was unable to help him. All he could do know was to go for the revenge kill. (DICE ROLL) The foe was good though, and managed to avoid the killing blow. All you were able to do was to scratch his left arm.

Meanwhile Jukha was under pressure. (DICE ROLL) She tried to dodge the attacks, but even with help of the rest of the group she was hit to her left hand hard. Hot blood started to flow from the wound. You were starting to get angry and swing your axe (DICE ROLL), you though only managed to scratch him on his right leg. Karguk followed soon after (DICE ROLL), but he due to a strong parry he stumbled.

Gat lunched himself against the other Orc (DICE ROLL), but he was effortlessly kicked to ground. (DICE ROLL) The counterattack was supposed to be sure kill, but Gat miraculously rolled aside. Makhel didn’t wait for anything and tried to decapitate the foe(DICE ROLL), but only managed to scratch yet another right leg.

After unbalancing Karguk, the enemy tried to finish him off (DICE ROLL).He didn’t manage to kill him, but he has cleanly cut his left hand. Jukha could witness all the suffering of her family anymore and launched herself at the foe (DICE ROLL), but all she managed to do was set him up for your blow (DICE ROLL). It had hit him to the head, rendering him unconscious.

(DICE ROLL) Gat managed to cut the foe yet again, directly through the eye now. That was a perfect setup for Makhel to finish him off. Jukha then finished the unconscious foe. The tough fight was finally done.

“Take their weapons, canteens and arms. Jukha, do you want to honour your son?” You said.

She was trembling and visibly distressed, but all she said was. “We didn’t go into this expecting we all will survive. People die. He was a worthy warrior, but we have to move on.” Meanwhile the rest of your party has taken 2 big canteens(2) cut all of their arms off and took a double headed battle axe and 2 onehanded axes.

“We go to the North now, distance ourselves from the camp and rest. Tomorrow we go back in.”

When you were satisfied with the distance travelled and place found, you decided to nourish yourselves and clean the wounds. Makhel, the most agile one took one of the canteens and tried to clean the wound, while saving as much of the precious water as possible. (DICE ROLL) He managed to clean the wounds without spilling any additional water. The time has come to rest.


Points: 60

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality on your back, spear on your back 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water(0), cloaking cloth, Pouch for coins (50), Food-arm(0)

Action plan

Travel to the location from the dream. (event) Travel again to my friends place. If I am not able to reach my destination, I will try to find a safe and secure place for rest.


You decided to limp towards the place in your dream. Nothing to hold on, just the vision. Speaking about visions, another struck you. Gore everywhere. Flying limbs. Flying organs. Horrible shouts from within the light. Then there was only the light. Silence... The vision terrified you. You didn’t really understand but changed your destination yet again. The friend it is after all. (DICE ROLL) No one has found you. When you were already tired you decided to find a safe place and rest. You finished the food you had, but didn’t have any water. You then fell asleep…and woke up.


Points: 70

Inventory: Double-headed axe of high quality on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water (0), spell book (of sorts), 2 bananas

Abilities: Remembered 3 easy formulas of random spells and 1 advanced formula

Action plan

Surviving that encounter was a feat of luck. I trust my friend and I know he won't betray me to the empire. While waiting for my friend I scout the area for any food, after I have found it I then cleaned and sharpen my axe and blades. After finding food I eat 1/3 and then save some for the journey I am about to begin. The book I found is intriguing, learning from it gives me the sensation of tapping into secret parts of my brain I did not knew before, I must learn more from this. My rebellion was a failure and now I am being searched by every orc soldier and commander in the empire. 5 million orcs united against one is a lot of them, but I shall not give up hope, I will learn more about this book today while waiting for my friend. And I will drink some water from natural sources nearby. When talking to my friend I shall give him the banana fruit I save as a token of appreciation reminding him of the days back in the academy, we were good pals and I trust him with my life.

I begin the search after waking up and in any spare time, I read the arcane book to memorize more formulas. I reveal the book to my friend to see if he knows the origin or something about it. I ask my friend if he knows about some men that are displeased with the empire and who might want to join me in my quest?(5) If there are some I tell him to let them join me (if they do join, that they do so with enough provisions focr a long journey, this includes water) and If not I leave him with the new found knowledge I have gathered and continue to the water source were I'll make camp. And plan out the rest


When you woke up you immediately started searching for an animal to hunt. With only a dagger to throw it was very hard task (DICE ROLL) and you missed the target that you’ve found. You didn’t want to surrender just like that and kept searching. (DICE ROLL) You missed the 2nd target just barely, but missed still. You didn’t want to be wandering around the whole day and went back to your position to wait for Nargus. Before he came you kept studying the book. There were 2 more formulas, much harder than the previous ones. After long exhausting tries you managed to remember one of them.

Finally someone was approaching. You have hid just to be sure, but soon realized it was Nargus and came out of the hideout.

“Welcome my friend.” You said.

“I wish we could have met in easier times.”

“I want revenge against this sinister empire for what they have done. They will pay. But I’m alone. They have killed everyone I knew, but you my friend. That’s why I came. I need allies.”

“You need a lot of allies if you want to survive. Millions of them if you want to oppose the king! How do you want to accomplish that?”

"From the slave orcs to the chieftains there is something that we know to be true brother... And that is that the orc way is through blood and axe, our sons know that."

"I feel you my friend. We always agreed on that with each other. I came to peace with that and decided that i will try to save lives and help those that are around me. To try to explain them that it is not the only way. You always were more radical"

"That is true and that has only bring me misfortune from now on, but I believe that it is all about to change brother. In my time among the forest I came to my senses and found this book, the signs seem archaic but I am drawn to it" "Not all orc must be used as cannon fodder there is another way and I think that this is it"

"This is just a warlock’s spell book. If you don’t want to end up in flames, you better be careful with it. Anyway this will not lead the Orcs out of their misery.”

"Then what we need is to show that change is possible, a great example is the great city they have withstood all our attacks and are there strong together with their differences under one banner.”

"But they are led by an ancient race. What are we?"

"We are the Sons of Xnurlos, he is the best fighter the worlds ever knew and we are also the leaders of our fate, we can't allow a chieftain from afar to rule us without knowing our struggles and our lands. A good commander knows his men and their struggles. WE WERE MADE TO FIGHT AND IF IT COMES TO THAT WE SHALL FIGHT, but we are also engineers, creators, farmers, loggers. The pawns do that work and we have made so much more progress than the other races in this. Were the humans have failed, we have succeeded. This fight is to retake our power, the orcs are not just warriors, WE ARE WARRIORS AND WORKERS and we have what it takes to bring the change we need in this world and this lands brother"

"hmmm...(long pause)...then what is your plan?"

"As I said we need to provide sufficient value to the other chieftains around this area to join us and that is easy, look at this lands there are elves in one side and nothing in the other side, just fields of blood. Imagine being the lord commander of your own lands, far away from all the empire and the useless elvish struggle. That is what I offer my brother: lands, riches and redemption through combat"

"But how are we going to convince the whole camp without having our heads chopped off after we say what we have on our minds?"

"What is the word of mouth in the camp?"

"Everyone is scared. Being that close to the deeper forest, we never know if we are going to be attacked by the elves, or who will be the next who will be ordered to go the the forest. I could take it anymore and I went myself few days ago, I was lucky to make it back with the info of where one of their tunnels lie. An army of Orcs is incoming to invade that tunnel. Everyone also know what main chieftain of the forest did. He betrayed. I didn’t give out the order to kill you but the info spread on its own..."

"Is there a reward on my head?"

"Not yet i guess. No one knew that you survived actually. But there soon will be if you continue to do what you’re doing."

"Are the rumours from the army coming here true? And if so who is the leader? "

"Yes they are. I was the one to send for it. As a matter of fact, I will be leading it, since I have been the one to find the camp."

"Then this is what we can do brother, I shall join you incognito on the attack to the tunnel, then with all the loot we found we make our way to the east border pay the commander and allow us to settle outside on fertile lands"

"What do would you want to loot? Elves got nothing. Not to say that we can’t just go outside of our borders."

"Mmmm... What if the attack is a success and we make my brother come here to congratulate you"

"If the attack is success its just one elvish camp down."

"What would it take to make the commander of the whole east come to here?"

"Probably Elves taking action against us. Or if we find much more camps than just one. That my friend is not possible."

"Then brother it’s time we fooled the fooled, send the word around the camp that Krognak has been spotted around the elves tunnels" It seems he is alive and plotting", When the army arrives they will be more and will become more impetus to attack the forest. But I will have long left with the men that do not want to pursue me. "

"Which men?"

"Once you send the word around camp there will be ones that rejoice with the news of possible glory from killing a traitor, there will be other disgusted by it, we can contact the men disgusted by it and ask them to join me"

"Hmmm...not a good plan...not particularly bad one too. I guess we have to work with what we have."

"On the other hand there is another plan I have in mind, but it is quite risky as well"


"Are there Uduntus in the camp?"

"The only Uduntu in camp is mine"

"When the army arrives and attacks, the workers will be left in the camp correct?"

"Most of them yes"

"And there will be less guards in the camp because most would be attacking correct?"

"That is true."

"I will remain in hiding living of the forest and of some supplies I can take from the camp, until the army arrives, once I see that the camp has but a few guards I will convince the workers to join my cause and arm then with the weapons from the armoury, then we shall leave towards the forest and begin their training as warriors"

"So when you return and you don't suspect anything I will recreate an elvish attack on the camp that way the warriors will believe that the workers were kidnapped by the elves"

"That may actually buy us some time before the empire realizes what’s going on"

"And by the time they realize we will be far away from any trouble, you as a commander and I as a revolutionary hiding, while training elite warriors. And by the time they realize we will be far away from any trouble, you as a commander and I as a revolutionary hiding and going camp after camp taking slaves and freeing them"

„I need to go back now. Wait here, I will come tomorrow and we will do as you said.“


Points: 57

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water(0), pouch for coins (43), hand-food (0), lapful of bananas

Group: Makhel – Double-headed axe, dagger, Pouch of water(0), hand-food (0) 

Action plam

When I regain consciousness, I finish off the scout Makhel is holding down. Then Makhel and I will quickly search the two bodies for any food and water. If they have no food, I'll hack off a tasty looking limb with my axe. If an alarm has been raised, we will quickly retreat, trying to keep low and out of sight. If we see and hear no one coming, we will hide the bodies as best we can, then withdraw keeping low and quiet. We will retreat a safe distance from the battle then conceal ourselves.

While we rest and refresh ourselves with the food and water we took from the dead, I say to Makhel, "The God has again sent me a message. I do not understand how or why, but I am to meet a human about a days journey from here. I feel there is some urgency to us arriving at the designated place and we must abandon our attempt to contact my friend for now. Xnurlos do not idly speak to mortals and the timing of the vision tells me there is a need for us to be there at the appointed time".

I clean my weapons as best I can with some handfuls of grass. Then we set out to the place I saw in the vision. We will stay low and quiet and avoid any roads or trails. We will avoid all contact with others if at all possible.

"Makhel", I call out, my eyes never moving from the rock wall, "Xnurlos has given me this task to wait for the Human, now I have a task for you, scout the area, you should find a stream not to far to the west. Fill our water pouches and then see what meat you can find us. I know not what lies ahead of this path we are on but we must be strong and that means meat! Rats, rabbits, deer, whatever you can kill, bring to me. Now go." As Makhel moves off I place all my weapons on the ground and begin sharpening them with a stone. This slow practiced ritual of a warrior is restful and relaxing and I take my time. Caressing each weapon with the stone in their turn. When I have finished, I place all weapons away so that none will mistake my intentions as hostile. And I wait.

I instruct Makhel to gather any fruits he can find that we can extract juice from.


Here take this and eat it", I say handing Makhel some fruit. I eat some myself. Once we have refreshed ourselves, I instruct Makhel to lie back and let me examine his knee. I probe it carefully with my fingers, feeling the bones and connecting tendons. If I think it's broken, I'll try to set the bone, then I'll splint it broken or sprained using some wood and vines and cut a crutch for him to help him get around.

"Makhel, Xnurlos has again spoken to me. This time he sends me a warning. There will be a slaughter. I could not tell where it will happen or who will be the victims. Whether we will live or perish I can not say. I cannot leave this place until I have met the Human, for my heart tells me this is key to our future. I want you to go into those bushes, conceal yourself and rest your leg but be on guard. Do not attack unless you think I am in imminent danger. But be watchful and ready. Take half the fruit to strengthen yourself". I then resume my position sitting and facing the rock wall and wait for the Humans arrival.


The vision has struck before you managed to kill the guard. His shouting has brought attention to your location, and knowing that you wouldn’t probably outrun young guards using your old bones you grunted “Makhel, water!”, while cutting one guards hand. Then you started running away towards the new destination of yours. Makhel looted 2 canteens and followed you afterwards. You kept running for some time to make sure no one is following you. After a while you decided that it’s enough and explain to Makhel why you suddenly changed your plan. You didn’t manage to get there today, so you decided to rest somewhere safe. In the morning you woke up with the first light. The destination awaited you. (DICE ROLL) You haven’t been discovered by any one and arrived to the location from your dreams quite early. After telling Makhel what to do, you began you sharpening ritual.

Suddenly another vision struck you. Gore everywhere. Flying limbs. Flying organs. Horrible shouts from within the light. Then there was only the light. Silence.

You woke up drizzled with sweat.

(DICE ROLL) Makhel was crawling back. Unfortunately there was no way how to fill the canteens, since it wasn’t raining for the whole week now. (DICE ROLL) “With only a dagger I couldn’t hunt down any animal. Sorry chieftain. I tried to climb for fruits, but I fell. My left leg isn’t broken but its hurt. Something with my knee.” He though brought lapful of fruits, but you didn’t have any backpack to put them in though. He also insists it isn’t a bad injury...probably just a shock.

You checked Makhel’s knee, but it didn’t look serious. It should be fine soon. And so you waited. The whole night. You and Makhel have taken shifts during the night. No one has showed up though…


Points: 26

Inventory : double-headed axe of high quality attached to your back, spear attached to your back. 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot, pouch of water(0), pouch for coins (20),  

Action plan

As I wake up from my dream, I decide to head straight to that forest. When I reach the forest I'm searching for any sort of rainwater, or if I can find plants, which carry water, I'll drink from them.


(DICE ROLL) Your injury seemed to be stabilized for now. It needed washing for sure though. (DICE ROLL) On your way to the forest you have been met by no one and during the night you finally managed to reach the forest totally exhausted. You decided to search for plants that carry water. It has taken a while, but you managed drink at least something today. There was no way how to extract the water into your canteen though, so you didn’t have anything to clean your wound with. Satisfied with at least the tiny bit of water for today, you collapsed falling immediately asleep. (DICE ROLL) No one has found you and you woke up.

And you dreamed. You were emerging from a solid rock. You were much weaker than you usually are. You have recognized a place that you know in the forest, like 2 day away by foot. Everything started to be blurry then… You woke up. If you press on hard enough today, you might be able to reach the forest. 

Elf – Lifanoîl


Either you reply, or the backup player will jump in. I guess whoever writes first wins.


Points: 61

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 15 arrows attached to your right leg, map

Action plan

I keep following at a safe distance while setting a trap (cast a spell to set the trees and vines close together that as soon as something comes inside it encloses around it like a cage stopping them from going anywhere thus making them an easy target to kill).(15) Once the trap is set up I shoot an arrow at the orcs head. If they follow me I head to the trap to capture and kill them. If I kill them Ill loot them and hide their bodies and return to the camp to give a report.


You have prepared the trap you had in mind directly below you. You took an aim with the bow, aiming at first foes head. Just for this shot you had all the time you needed… (DICE ROLL) and you still screwed it up completely. The arrow landed directly in between the Orcs. They immediately turned around reaching for their weapons. You wanted to make use of the trap, therefore you wanted to backed (DICE ROLL), successfully. The Orcs started to follow you, spears already in hands. (DICE ROLL) First spear flew totally off (DICE ROLL) and the second too. You turned around to fire yet another arrow (DICE ROLL) scratching foe’s right leg. By that time both Orcs had their onehanded axes already in hands. You fired again (DICE ROLL) scratching the same foes head this time. Axes flew our way (DICE ROLL) both missing, one just barely. You managed to fire one more arrow before they reached the trap (DICE ROLL) finally landing the head shot you were aiming for 3 arrows earlier. You started concentrating on all the gather vines, with an intention to capture the Orc. (DICE ROLL) He fell for it! The vines were slowly. He still managed to throw his last axe at you (DICE ROLL), but he missed. It couldn’t have been easier for you to finish the captured foe off then.

You the proceeded to the first dead body to loot it. When you touched it, you felt the exact same energy as before creeping at you. You fought. It went better than previously with the Elf, but still at one point it was too much to bear you fell to the ground unconscious again.

During the night, you have been woken up by your party.

“Lifanoil…Lifanoil wake up…”


Points: 12

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 19 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

I will hide, and run back and warn the nearest elf. If I see them approaching, I shall use my nature magic to slow them down. I will also warn the king and see what he says. I will ask for reinforcements. After I have warned the elves and got reinforcements, I will lead them discreetly back if the king allows it. We will stay high on the treetops. We shall all aim at one orc's heart and one elf will make branches grow a little to make him an easier target. We will attack from both sides. After we have eliminated one orc, we will retreat a little. Next, we will surround him and fire at him. Once we have eliminated him, we will loot him quietly if no one else is around.


After the eavesdrop you decided to warn the nearest camp first. After few minutes you have reached Antasil.

“Orcs inbound. I need your help.”

“Fast then!”

You were able to track the Orcs due to their scent. You ignored them and continued to the entrance of your camp.

“What the fuck are you doing? We can’t just leave them here?” Antasil said trying to be as quite as he could. Unfortunately, the Orcs have heard it too. The immediately turned around reaching for their weapons.

One of them was obviously battle hardened, and before you managed to even draw your bow a spear was flying your way. (DICE ROLL) It hit the tree trunk right next to your head. Antasil was ready next, firing his bow (DICE ROLL) hitting the Orc who threw the spear right in between the eyes. You managed to fire your bow right when the other Orc equipped his spear (DICE ROLL), hitting only ground though. A revenge spear was thrown (DICE ROLL) hitting the branch you were standing on. Antasil has drawn another arrow and fired (DICE ROLL), hitting directly the eye this time. Both foes were dead.

“Wake up Lifanoil! Start using your brain, else youll get killed soon.”

Paradox was, that when you came down to loot the nearby Orc, you felt the exact same energy as before creeping at you. You fought. It went better than previousl, but still at one point it was too much to bear you fell to the ground unconscious again.

“Lifanoil…Lifanoil wake up…” You hear lying in your chamber in the camp…

Human – Tirinam


Points: 161

Inventory: a 4 foot double edged axe, a small dagger, magic armour, a bow and 20 arrows in quiver and 25 arrows attached to backpack, 1 blank books and 2 tools to write, old map of orcs territory, 5 kg of dried meat, torch, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), metal mirror, compass, spell book, bandages (5), Healing balm(5), Tea against dirarreah(5), pain killers (5), experimental antibiotics (5), hollow metal tube, small bags attached to belt(4 bandages, Healing balm(3) Dirarreah(1) pain killers (1). Mirror, garrotte, firelock, compass), bottle of booze (1)

Ability: Poison recipe,

Group: Forhan – Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet , backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools, bandages (1),   

Aegald – Short axe of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 50 feet of climbing/general purpose strong rope, bandages (1)

Taelder – Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools, bandages (1)

Ability: Flaming arrow

Reen - Short axe of highest quality, a leather helmet backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, 50 feet of climbing/general purpose strong rope, grappling hook, bandages (1)

Terene - Short sword of highest quality, a leather helmet, backpack, dagger, hide tarp, firelock, canteen (2), torch, metal mirror, hollow metal tube, a bow and 20 arrows and 25 arrows attached to backpack, leather armour, garrotte, compass, small bags attached to belt, 5 kg of dried meat, health kit, booze (1), bandages (1) 

Action plan

I ignore the light. Too inviting, too easy. Nope, nope,nope.


You decided to leave the light be. The mission was more important!

After long 8 days you’ve been finally nearing the forest…


Points: 61

Inventory: Dirk of highest quality, Magical armour, explosive alcohol Molotov (2), Boost drug (5), canteen (2), 20kg of dried meat

Group: Forhan – Crossbow, 20 bolts, leather armour, canteen (2), poison (3), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Aegald - Crossbow, 20 bolts, leather armour, canteen (2), poison (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Taelder – Big round shield, Sword of highest quality, Heavy armour, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (2)

Reen - Big round shield, Sword of highest quality, Heavy armour, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (1)

Terene – leather armour, spell book, canteen (2), explosive alcohol Molotov (1)

Ability: Group can’t move quietly 

Action plan

We head to the surface.


You decided to leave the light be. The mission was more important!

After long 8 days you’ve been finally nearing the forest…


Points: 122

Inventory: backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), map, 5kg of dried meat

Ability: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world

Group: Forhan – medium armour, medium sword and shield, bow and arrows, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Aegald – Medium sword, medium shield, magical armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 3kg of dried meat

Taelder – Medium sword, medium shield, medium armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Reen - Bow, 20 arrows, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map. healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 5kg of dried meat

Terene – Bow, 20 arrows, light armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, 3kg of dried meat + job – what creatures live in the forest?…basic description and draft 

Action plan

I ask the group: "what do you think about these creatures? I would like to know what they do here and if possible, get them out of those tunnels, but I have no idea what they can be, or how to attack them."

"You are right, we should not risk ourselves even before the mission begins(1), our city has no idea what they may be, and our group may not be able to get information from them. When we reach the next checkpoint, we will make a report and we will ask the city to take care of it, try to see these creatures well now, because when we are making the report, we will send a drawing of them next to a map in the position Where we find them.


You didnt know what to think about all this so you asked the rest of the group. " We thought that the tunnels are not habited. How does the being survive here? What is it even? How strong can such a being be? I dont know." Said Reen. Aegald was more eager to find out. „" I would like to research them, but how? No1 knows their abilities. They can very well experiment on us." Taelder had strong opinion, like always. "Our mission lies elsewhere." "I dont like this." Said Terene, who was always scared and unwilling to test the unkown waters. And Forhan as always didnt really care. "its your call Tirinam." This was enough for you. You decided to draw the beings, tell the next post to report and continue you the travel to the forest.“

curation REP SP followers



I live to feed my axe another feast! Come get some!

Well, that escalated quickly...eh, fun while it lasted. Thanks @fingersik!

I was sad to see you go in that nasty trap:(

I suppose I'm out of practice, it's been a long time since I walked into a trap! :)

But not soon enough!

or perhaps soon enough for you to be the only human left in the running!!

No one just simply runs into orcland. I'm walking cautiously :D

Yes, yes it is.

I sooooo wish this didn't happen... yet!

It's like the Beatles sang, I ain't got nothin but dungeon nopes, eight days a week!

It's going to be interesting to learn what daylight looks like!

Still needing a backup player for jennswall?

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