Dungeon and Steem: Day 4 Engagement plan – Action on All Sides

in #contest7 years ago

Every single race is in potential engagement in a sole post for the first time! Humans have met a strange light along the way and some decided to check it out. One Orc was literally stalking a prey and elvish forest had intruders in it again. Lot of action this time around!

I would also like to kindly ask the participators to cast up vote in game article’s way, even if of only little power. It’s your reward pool too after all and one vote won’t kill you :).


Prize pool

  • The prize pool is currently 236.770 SBD.
  • Bonus prize for the best plan 20 SBD.

All the Orcs are now one step closer to Race victory.

All the Elves are now one step closer to Race victory. 


I always forget the rules:/ here they are https://steemit.com/contest/@fingersik/dungeon-and-steem-rules-v-1-1-0-finding-1-new-player-and-3-backup-players

Orc – Krognak


Points: 123

Inventory: Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water(0), pouch for coins (35), (hit), arm-food (0)

Group: Makhel(15) – Double-headed axe, dagger, pouch of water(0) (hit - part of body cleanly cut – your endurance loses 1/5 of its value till it heals), arm-food(0)

Jukha(2) - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0), (better at sneaking now)

Gat(5) - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0)

Karguk(4) - pouch of water(0), arm-food (0)

Varf(1) - pouch of water,(0) (good at sneaking now) (hit). arm-food (0) 

Action plan

When you finally arived near the camp you turned to the family you were escorting and said. "Promised to protect this far. Must leave. Be safe."

“NO! We want to fight chieftain! We helped you survive. We want to follow! We improved!” Jukha replied.

With a low grumble, I agree to keep them. "You need armor. Weapon. We fight small orcs today. Kill chief tomorrow."

We will then ALL stalk the perimeter of the camp, looking for "small prey". nbsp;


All the whelps with Jukha were so happy that you decided to keep them. You made your way a bit farer away from the camp, so your engagement would instantly start a alarm.

(DICE ROLL) The first patrol that was leaving the camps perimeter consisted of 4 Orcs. You decided to leave that group be.

(DICE ROLL) The other patrol was formed only by 2 Orcs. It wasn’t probable that a smaller group would be found today and you decided to engage.

Elf – Lifanoîl


Points: 122

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 2 days in a sack, no bag quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg, small pack for food, food (1), organic rope

Abilities: “Double shot”, wielding 3 arrows at a time, entering Nargus' memories

Known languages: Orcish 

Action plan

When I wake up first I find something to eat bread, fruit and some piece of meat or other protein. Then I look for Antasil I tell him that I would like to capture one of the orcs and interrogate him because now I can understand them also I tell him that during the watch I want to meditate and access the new memories, therefore I need him to be vigilant so that he could help me quickly if needed and by my eyes and ears.(10) I aks about his opinion and we agree on some sound like bird but something that is not common in the woods so that we won't be mystified by them during the watch.(5) Before we leave a grap some rope in the camp and a small dagger. When we meet with rest of the group we arrange another sound or call that will call us all together but different than we have with Antasil. When we arrive I conceal myself with leaves and branches in second level of the trees so that no orc or human could see me. After a while if everything is calm and ok I start to meditate I am trying to access Nargus memories but I keep my senses especially smell on high alert and if I smell anything that doesn't belong there like orcs, or if I smell some animal getting to close to me that could harm me I immedietly break out of the meditation. I try to acces Nargus memories I look for information concerning orcs infighting, plans about elves and if they know how to find us, I try to search in his memories for orcs that would have lot of info and that would know the plans and strategies. Also I try to find everything important about his camp who is in charge now, do I have any info only the two of the orcs know, where is the main tent, the guards shifts, number of orcs in the camp and basics about their abilities. I do only as much as not to exhaust my self too much so that I would be still able to fight and use magic. If nothing happens I keep doing that till lunch I grap some bug and fruit if possible for lunch and if things are still quite and calm I keep on meditating if I found every piece of info I wanted I search the memories about Krognak about our friendship and childhood our victories and loses and our thoughts and dreams. During the watch at any time if me or my friend spot any orcs if the group is small enough for us to take down we engage otherwise if the group is too big we call our whole group and with them decide if we want to engage or call more elves. If nothnig happens during the watch after we return to camp I share what I found in Nargus memories with Antasil and Nudon. I tell them that I might want to capture and interrogate one orc and maybe infiltrate the camp which Nargus ruled, I want to know their opinion, advice I watn to discuss with them what we should do next. Depending on the disscusion, what I found and if we captured anyone during watch we either go to sleep or have plans for night. If we stay in the camp I visit local archive to study more about orcs and to find out where we as elves came from and where could we go if needed.


After spending your morning as you usually do, you picked up an organic rope. You also wanted dagger, but ore is simply not accessible commodity. Then you went with the rest of the party outside of the camp. You stopped everyone and proposed a bird sound to your group.

“I think that having a way of communication could be useful with nowadays. We should respect the latest events.”

“Good call.” Was all that Tiwasil said.

When rest of the members parted, you followed Antasil.

“I would like to capture one of the orcs and interrogate him because now I can understand them. Also during the watch I want to meditate and access the new memories, therefore I need you to be vigilant so that you could help me quickly if needed and be my eyes and ears. What do you think about that? Do you agree?”

Antasil look surprised. “I guess that we should try to use the new knowledge we have. I will do my best.”

“We also need to communicate somehow. We at least need the way to alert ourselves. Do you remember the song of the bird that used to be singing next to our home? Can you still reproduce it? For I can.

“Different one than with the rest?”

“I trust only you now with my situation. Ever negative Tiwasil could…panic I don’t know.”

*bird sound* “Good choice. Haven’t heard it in ages. Farewell for now.” Said Antasil after the moment of silence.

You reached your spot in second level of the forest and immediately started to conceal it with nearby branches. You then settled inside it and started the meditation. The aim was to uncover Narguse’s basic knowledge about the Orcs infrastructure. The whole process started to feel more natural to you, yet it was still exhausting. You uncovered that the camp is run by the right hand of the camp that was assigned to you. Complete prick. Also you realized how much raw power they have and how they are investing into your eradication. Every day their work brings them closer to you. You also realize that the Orcish camp is more or less a chaos. Some “important” names about the empire come to your mind, though no one really knows that my as far as you are concerned. You then started to feel a bit tired and you suspended your efforts for a while. Luck had it, that the day when you set the sound through which to communicate with Antasil, you smelled another Orc. You sent the signal. Soon you have found actually 2 Orcs sneaking through the forest, while talking. And you understood!

“We could have been Del´drael, watching all the race compete in the contest, drinking that potion they have there…”

“Shut up! Do you want us dead or what?”

“We were told that they will smell us fir…”

“Shut the fuck up, else I’m killing you!”


*bird sound* Antasil was announcing his arrival.


Points: 35

Inventory Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 2day in a sack, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg  

Action plan

go to usual shift, keep hyper vigilant during shift (follow original plan) then go to my quarters and meditate to get in touch with myself. Eat, drink, sleep if at the end of the day.


After spending your morning as you usually do, you went with the rest of the party outside of the camp. After a while you have reached your spot high in treetops. For the most part of the day you have been looking forward to the end of the shift so you could finally mediate in peace and touch your inner self, when suddenly, it was that smell again. Orcs were around. Your sense were fully awakened once more and you began to stalk your prey. Soon you have found 2 Orcs sneaking through the forest, while talking. And you understood!

“We could have been Del´drael, watching all the race compete in the contest, drinking that potion they have there…”

“Shut up! Do you want us dead or what?”

“We were told that they will smell us fir…”

“Shut the fuck up, else I’m killing you!”



Points: 22

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg, map 

Action plan

I head out taking my bag with me equipment and supplies and start my shift.


After spending your morning as you usually do, you went with the rest of the party outside of the camp. After a while you have reached your spot high in treetops. For the most part of the boring day nothing has happened, when suddenly, it was that smell again. Orcs were around. Your sense were fully awakened once more and you began to stalk your prey. Soon you have found 2 Orcs sneaking through the forest, while talking. You didn’t understand anything, but they meant danger.


Points: 6

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg  

Stats: Fighting experience +1

Action plan

I wake up, eat a nourishing breakfast and head out to my post, I spend the day keeping vigilant, I look for any sign of danger. I decide to take a walk over to one of the neighboring posts to inquire if they have any information on things that have been happening lately like the orc attacks. I eat and drink to stay hydrated. while at my post I decide to to train my swordsmanship skills by creating a manikin out of the existing flora and beating down upon it, trying to better my strikes and thinking of new ways that I could utilize my sword.


After spending your morning as you usually do, you went with the rest of the party outside of the camp. After a while you have reached your spot high in treetops. You were restless on your spot and decided to spend this day how you wanted. First you went to check out spot next to you, where your friend Antasil resided. In your conversation you soon realized that you’re both confused. After arriving to your spot you decided to train with your sword. When suddenly, it was that smell again. Orcs were around. Your sense were fully awakened once more and you began to stalk your prey. Soon you have found 2 Orcs sneaking through the forest, while talking. You didn’t understand anything, but they meant danger.


Points: -4

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

I shall follow the king's orders. When I wake, I shall have a good meal and stock up on some supplies(if needed.) I shall then scout for enemies high up on a tree branch. I will expect an army or orcs.


After spending your morning as you usually do, you went with the rest of the party outside of the camp. After a while you have reached your spot high in treetops. For the most part of the boring day nothing has happened, when suddenly, it was that smell again. Orcs were around. Your sense were fully awakened once more and you began to stalk your prey. Soon you have found 2 Orcs sneaking through the forest, while talking. And you understood!

“We could have been Del´drael, watching all the race compete in the contest, drinking that potion they have there…”

“Shut up! Do you want us dead or what?”

“We were told that they will smell us fir…”

“Shut the fuck up, else I’m killing you!”


Human – Tirinam

Humans that have chose to investigate the light have same result located at the end of the post


Points: 123

Inventory: Healing balm(1),Anti-venom(1), Experimental antiseptics(1), Anti-infection(1), 1kg of dried meat, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, short sword of highest quality, green cloak, medium shield of highest quality, bedroll, 50 ft rope, firelock, spell book, 1 writing tool, backpack, Oil(1)

Abilities: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world, casting protective earthen wall in 5secs, concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Stats: fighting experience +2

Group: Forhan(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, 50 ft rope, Healing balm(1),Anti-venom(1), Experimental antiseptics(1), Anti-infection(1), 2kg of dried meat, 1 writing tool

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Aegald(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, Healing balm(1),Anti-venom(1), Experimental antiseptics(1), Anti-infection(1), 1kg of dried meat, 1 writing tool, blank book

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Taelder(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, Healing balm(1),Anti-venom(1), Experimental antiseptics(1), Anti-infection(1), 4kg of dried meat, 1 writing tool, blank book

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Reen(2) - Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, 1 writing tool, blank book

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence

Terene(2) - Short sword of highest quality, small hand crossbow, 20 bolts, green cloak, bedroll, firelock, backpack, 5kg of dried meat, 1 writing tool, blank book

Abilities: concealment of individual in the ground (to be effective it takes 15 secs), “accurate sparks” spell, little experience in controlling metals while in combat either to support the defence or the offence + job – gather plants from elves forest so the Empire can study them   

Map: Mapped tiny bit of the underground tunnels

Action plan

Aegald, in the front, shield up, walking cautiously. If something comes at you, throw the earth shield we've been practicing up, and keep your shield ready. If you hear something, but it seems a bit distant, we'll all begin hiding in the earth.

Terene just behind Aegald, crossbow ready, but more importantly, use your elemental sense to try to notice any traps or loose earth in front of Aegald or on the sides of the tunnel.

I will be just behind them both, trying to sense around the corner by using my control over the elements to notice vibrations in the ground and air. I will have my crossbow ready in one hand

Reen will be just behind me, taking thorough notes, looking for the plants, and trying to understand the whole situation. He will be looking for opportunities to assist if there's a battle with supportive magic, like the ones that harden metal or touch off flammable things our enemies might wear or put out flames.

Talder will have his shortsword ready and bring up the rear. He'll be keeping his attention behind us so no one can sneak up. He'll also occasionally tell jokes that keep our spirits up. No more grim moods.

I will also tell jokes if needed. Here's one: What's the most delicious kind of cave? A dark, moist cave-cake.

Forhan is going to be ready with oils to toss. He'll also be watching above us and all around to make sure we can't be surprised. And so, we set off towards the light.

We are ready to fight or hide. We're still mounted, so I imagine hiding is out of the question, but we want to proceed with caution.


Points: 98

Inventory: short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, map, 4kg of perdurable meat, cloak, sleeping bag, rain-proof tarp, knife, rope, firelock, canteen (2), 1 book and 2 writing tools, torch

Group: Forhan – Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 4kg of perdurable meat, bandages (10), healing balm (5), 1 book and 2 writing tools 

Abilities: Knowledge about edible plant from the rest of the world

Aegald – Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), magical armour, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 3kg of perdurable meat, battle axe, a throwing spear

Taelder – Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 3kg of perdurable meat, canteen-wine(1), 1 book and 2 writing tools

Reen - Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 3kg of perdurable meat, canteen-wine(1), spell book

Terene - Short sword of highest quality, a bow, arrows (20), leather armour, leather helmet, cloak, sleeping bag, backpack, canteen (2), 3kg of perdurable meat Abilities: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper), torch

Map: Mapped tiny bit of the underground tunnels

Action plan

I'm turning to the party and telling them in a just loud enough voice, "We're all tired of these tunnels, and we need to get to the forest to start our mission, but this strange light is the first thing we've seen down here and it's worth exploring for a bit to see if we can get any information. Perhaps it is elvish, or may give us clues to that race. I'm going to take one torch and have Tereen take one to bring with us.Taelder, take notes and map the tunnel as we go. If we don't see anything in a half hours time, we'll turn back and continue on. Stay alert and be ready with weapons if need be" As we go down the tunnel, I'll make sure to look at walls, ground, ceiling, corners to see signs of anything unusual. Also listening and smelling for any changes. Before we start down the tunnel, I'll look around around for a rock or twig or even a handful of dirt - something to toss down the path in case there is something that might be tripped for a trap.


Points: 73

Inventory: Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, backpack, rope, a pouch for water, firelock, bedroll, Pot, Pan, Knife, torch, healing balm(1), 6kg of dried meat, 1 blank book and 2 writing tools

Abilities: : Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world, Extra practice in forming dirt/stone/metal in large amounts and detail, Wind “Silence” spell,

Stats: +1 Fighting experience

Group:  Forhan(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, a pouch for water, rope, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 6kg of dried meat, healing balm(1)

Aegald(2) – Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, magical armour, a pouch for water, bedroll, rope, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 6kg of dried meat, healing balm(1)

Taelder – Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, a pouch for water, bedroll, rope, Pot, Pan, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 6kg of dried meat, healing balm(1)

Abilities: “Silence” spell, “Land-molding” spell – can combo with Reen

Reen - Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, a pouch for water, bedroll, rope, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 6kg of dried meat, healing balm(1), 1 blank book and 2 writing tools

Abilities: “Silence” spell, “Land-molding” spell – can combo with Taelder

Terene - Short sword of highest quality, small round shield of highest quality, leather armour, leather helmet, a pouch for water, bedroll, rope, knife, torch, firelock, backpack, 5 kg salt, healing balm(5)

Abilities: “salt meat”, 

Action plan

I decide to check it out. I tell the two to combine their magic to do the silence so we can all creep up without being noticed. I keep everyone spread out enough that we can turn around quickly and run if we need to.


Points: 66

Inventory: backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), map, 5kg of dried meat

Ability: Knowledge about (Anti-infection, bleeding stopper, (T)painkiller, (T)anti-venom, (T)boost drug, (T)insect repellent…”T” means you have to make a tea-like liquid from the herb in order to use it) medicinal plants that grow in the rest of the discovered world

Group: Forhan – medium armour, medium sword and shield, bow and arrows, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Aegald – Medium sword, medium shield, magical armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 3kg of dried meat

Taelder – Medium sword, medium shield, medium armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, 25 meters of rope, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 2kg of dried meat

Reen - Bow, 20 arrows, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map. healing balm(1), balm against burns(1), 5kg of dried meat

Terene – Bow, 20 arrows, light armour, backpack, a canteen, a sleeping bag, a knife with clamps, a lantern, map, 3kg of dried meat + job – what creatures live in the forest?…basic description and draft 

Map: Mapped tiny bit of the underground tunnels

Action plan

I signal the rest of the group to get off the horses, open a map, and ask the group to approach. When they are sitting around the map, I say: "It's been 14 days since we started this mission, there was little that we could share among us at this time, but I want you to know that we are a team, I want you to see the faces of Those who are by your side" I wait a moment for them to do what I said and I continue to speak "They are our priority in this mission, and as such, we will try to keep ourselves safe and able to fulfill the mission.I understand that we have rules, And those who break them could be considered trash in our city .. but those who let a fellow die, are worse than trash" I make a silence... "But do not misunderstand me, we have to fulfill our mission no matter what it costs. These tunnels are important to our city and we can not allow it to be affected"

"To be the most agile, aegald and I will go to the front to check that there is ahead, you will follow us 30 feet away just in case we find an enemy and we need help. Likewise, if I make the signal prepare for combat"

And so I begin to move next to aegald towards the light, trying to walk near the walls and making the smallest noise possible to not alert anyone ... once we are close enough I tie the canteen to the waist and leave it open. I look slowly to see the light strange, if I see enemies try to detail them, but being alert to hide if one turns. If there are no enemies I make a signal to aegald to follow me and I go to the area to record what is what Happens there, and record that area on the map.


You shared the plan with the rest of the party and began the execution. You made your way towards the side-route. Few meters after another turn to the right followed a turn to the left. At every turn you slowed down and proceeded very slowly forward, checking for traps. After the last turn you emerged into a seemingly endless straight route. There you found the source of the light. It was rather far away, but not too much not to see what was going on. There were 3 figures in total in the same position next to each other. From this distance they seemed like material beings formed by light. They were motionlessly sitting, seemingly not paying any attention to you. Now that you were closer to the source, the energies around you felt even stranger. The party stopped processing what they were seeing.

curation REP SP followers


RRAAAHH!!! NEW ROUND! Ready to hunt.

go for them boy!:P

Nothing from @sircork because he ignored the light, perhaps?

My two cents upvote has been contributed. ;P

Haha yea:P "too inviting".

In the old days, I woulda done that. Now I cannot resist a DM's temptations.

So - Im not dead, and just doing as I said?

travelling still?

Presumably. If I were in charge of the world, it would mean you took the path of no risk, no reward. I may die or I may catch up!

"Don't go into the light, Carol Anne" was pretty good advice, if you ask me.

Isn't the proverbial light proverbial heaven? STOP DISTRACTING ME. I NEED TO GO READ YOUR POST ABOUT YOURSELF.

Don't do it. I like you, and that post will make anyone suicidal.

Too late. It's done.

If you were dead I would have done hell of a show out of it don’t worry...:D

You'd just steal my organs....

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