Dungeon and Steem: Day 3 Action plan – FIRST BLOOD

in #contest7 years ago

Steemit chat didn’t work for me properly lately. The down time was actually super long. It has caused inability to work on the game. That’s why this post is coming up later than it should have. There was nothing I could have done to help that. But it’s finally up and so is another game post! The time schedule will now be the same as before. After all the engagement starts in last game post I bring you a lot of action this time! One fight proved to be too much for one of the competitors. Also few elves have unlocked their first milestone! 


Prize pool

  • The prize pool is currently 226.158 SBD.
  • Bonus prize for the best plan 20 SBD.

All the Orcs are now one step closer to Race victory. 

Searching for active player + Backup players

I’m still searching for 1 player that would immediately take control after one player who has stopped playing. Also I’m searching for up to 3 backup players that would take control of any character that would be abandoned by previous user! 

Orc – Krognak


Points: 110

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water(1), pouch for coins (35), (hit)

Group: Makhel(15) – Double-headed axe, dagger, pouch of water(1) (hit - part of body cleanly cut – your endurance loses 1/5 of its value till it heals)

Jukha(2) - pouch of water(1)

Gat(5) - pouch of water(0)

Karguk(3)+1 - pouch of water(0)

Varf(1) - pouch of water(0), (better at sneaking now) (hit) 

Engagement plan

I yell out for the family to hide, while pulling my axe from my back. Kissing it, I whisper "Taste blood today". I ready my stance and prepare to strike the first orc that gets within reach, roaring to get my rage up. (Fight) Dress the wounds and travel at half speed for the rest of the day, camping (eating and drinking) early. I need rest. 


The lead Orc tried to meet with his axe,(DICE ROLL) but you skilfully dodged it. At the same time though another Orc(DICE ROLL) managed to slightly hit you with his swing. Nothing too serious though. You then tried to punish the least skilled Orc who followed up on his leader,(DICE ROLL) but failed to inflict bigger than minor damage. At the same time Makhel was dealing with his 2 less skilled foes. First one(DICE ROLL) managed to hit him a bit harder,(DICE ROLL) but Makhel then completely dodged the 4th Orc, who seemed to be  the least skilled. Therefore Makhel counterattacked him(DICE ROLL) cutting his right arm off. The Family didn’t hear out your orders and ran in, unarmed, to aid you in your battle. Gat and Karguk charged in on Krognak’s foes, jumping at their back. Gat tried to tackle the skilled one,(DICE ROLL) but even though he attacked from behind he was effortlessly pushed away. Karguk tackled the less skilled foe(DICE ROLL). After the push the target stumbled over random root, falling so badly that loud snap of bone indicated first dead foe. Jukha and Varf combined jumped at the uninjured Makhel’s foe.(DICE ROLL) He used quite some time to shake them down, failing to inflict any damage.

Krognak was attacked by the leader again, who was realizing that the battle is being lost (DICE ROLL). He though completely missed exposing himself to counterattack(DICE ROLL). Another right arm has been cut down. Makhel’s one-armed foe was wielding single-handed axes and tried to make his last stand(DICE ROLL). Somehow he managed to swing at Makhel(DICE ROLL). Makhel was though ready and dodged yet again. (DICE ROLL) Finishing of the job was easy. Krognaks foe was decapitated, (DICE ROLL)so was Makhel’s. Only the uninjured Makhel’s foe was still standing and was slowly losing faith he could survive. Cowardly he chose the weakest target, Varf. (DICE ROLL) Makhel tried to aid him, but Varf was still cut. He will live though, (DICE ROLL)Krognak then finished the last standing foe.

You have then feasted on them and took their water. You decided to wash yours and Makhel’s wounds with that water (DICE ROLL) succeeding in on spilling too much of it, then you used the rest on Varf’s wounds. You then refilled yours, Makhel’s and Jukha’s canteens, cut the good old transportable arms for everyone and trod slowly on. You managed to cover only half of the planned distance today, and won’t make it tomorrow to your friend’s camp just barely. You all were so tired that you didn’t even set up a camp, you just found more, or less, safe place and decided to lay down. You fell asleep. Luckily no one has found.

And you dreamed… You were in a well-known camp, were your friend lives. Everything was so blurry though. Suddenly you were in his hut. You only saw his back. You were moving closer and closer, then greeted him. He finally turned to face you revealing completely unknown face. You then woke up… 


Points: 50

Inventory double-headed axe of high quality on your back, spear on your back 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Backpack, pouch of water(0), cloaking cloth

Abilities: Crippling injury on your right leg. Speed and Agility at 1/3 of its former value…for now 

Engagement plan

Equipping myself with my double headed axe, I will prepare myself to face the orc. If he is any ally, I will talk to him and find his purpose and his reason for being in the forest. I will then try and decide if it is better for us to join forces and continue our journey, confirming if he has enough supplies and ammunition for the journey.

If he is a foe, I will try to make a lethal attack that will finish him without me having to waste too much effort as I've been trained in battles. Being 5 meters away, I could try to go with a sudden thrust and attack or wait for him to approach and go for the kill. War has taught me not to have to many emotions or not to waste too much time in getting done with your enemy.


I will try to find something to help me tend to the wound, an herb, a cloth, something that will allow me to stop the bleeding. Being battle hardened and gone through multiple battles, I know the cost of a fight. But the mission must move on. I will try to take rest and recuperate for the day, trying to find a safe place to seek shelter. I will try to eat, drink, sleep and find water and food to help prepare for my onward journey. I will try to ensure that I am not being followed. Is there somebody who can help me heal, some magic maybe, I don't know. But I will think positive and I will try to keep going. 


You were facing each other from a really close distance. You did not recognize the Orc, therefore he was meant danger. You could believe him and tried to prepare for a surprise attack. That was hard though since your axe was at your back. The Orc against you was skilled though too and read your intentions. He managed to grab his first and attacked(DICE ROLL). You managed to dodge lethal blow just barely because of your high fighting experience. That doesn’t mean though that you weren’t hit hard. He managed to hit your right leg really hard. Just because of your evasive move it wasn’t cut off. (DICE ROLL) Luck had it that you managed to hit his right leg too. Your blow wasn’t as effective, but you more, or less, managed to even out the injuries inflicted and the ability to move. The foe attacked again, but his leg seemingly refuse to obey and he completely missed. You tried to seize the opportunity (DICE ROLL) and swiftly killed him.

You were badly injured though. You were lucky enough to have your leg still where it’s supposed to be, but for few day it will not be of much use and it will take well over month before it will fully regenerate. For now you have a crippling injury setting your speed and agility to 1/3 of its former glory. Suddenly you’re still 3 days away from your friend’s camp. You had to stop the bleeding fast and clean the wounds – you improvised. Looting the body for what it had – water, perdurable food for 1 day (will last for 7 days), 50 coins in a pouch. Finally you teared his cloth in order to use it as compress. You had to use some of the water you’ve found to clean the wound and more or less the cloth too. Your hands were shaking, but you had to try not to spill more than what you would need 2morrow. Potential of getting water in the forest was without a fight was low. You settled down and went for it(DICE ROLL). Your hand was stone-firm! You will have water for 2morrow and have lowered the potential of infection. You then cut the dead foes hand in order to have food for tomorrow. You then tried to get away to safety from the dead body. You decided to rest for the remaining of the day, you definitely deserved it. You fell asleep.

And you dreamed… You were in a well-known camp, were your friend lives. Everything was so blurry though. Suddenly you were in his hut. You only saw his back. You were moving closer and closer, but the closer you were the fainter the image of your friend was. Then you greeted him. He was barely visible now and suddenly you woke up… 


Points: 34

Inventory: double-headed axe of high quality, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water(1), pouch for coins (43), hand-food (1)

Group: Makhel – Double-headed axe, dagger, Pouch of water(0), hand-food (1) 

Engagement plan

I ready my axe and instruct Makhel to do the same. I meet the first orc charging and tell Makhel to attack the second orc. If either of us kills his opponent, we will double team the remaining orc. Once they are both dead, if there is no alarm raised, we will search the bodies thoroughly taking any food, water, treasure and weapons and anything else of use or value. We will then move to a safe area away from the battle and rest and tend our wounds.


Search both bodies thoroughly. Take everything of use. If clothing/headgear is different than ours, swap clothing with the dead. Eat them. Take along another meal or two. Hide the remains. Find a good hiding place for ourselves. Rest. 


You shouted your orders and ran forward to meet your foe. From the first moment you realized, that your opponent sucks.(DICE ROLL) You have dodged his first attack, counterattacking immediately after instantly decapitating him. Makhel’s foe was even worse and (DICE ROLL) he got killed by your companion’s first attack too. You got lucky this time. After the fight you started the looting. Both had enough water for one day, but Makhel had to drink it today still. They were both very poorly equipped. You only found 8 coins. That’s it. At least you still live. You filled your bellies and each of you took another arm for 2morrow. You then spent some time to perfectly hide the bodies under the leaves and branches. After you were satisfied, you moved on. The whole day was tiring and you have stopped. You were still like 0, 6 day of walking distance from your friend’s camp. You hid yourself under the leaves too with Makhel and fell asleep.

And you dreamed… You were in a well-known camp, were your friend lives. Everything was so blurry though. Suddenly you were in his hut. You only saw his back. You were moving closer and closer, then greeted him. He finally turned to face you revealing all too familiar face. You then woke up… 


Points: 20

Inventory: Double-headed axe of high quality on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Pouch of water (0), spell book (of sorts)

Abilities: Remembered 3 easy formulas of random spells 

Action plan

I will keep marching towards the camp. Since I am familiar with the area and have not been found. I will walk and detour whenever I find a food source or a clean (non poisonous) water source to also fill the bottle I've found early. I will keep going to the camp and rest whenever I feel tired. If I found any friendly orcs along the way I will convince them to join my party with my high charisma. In the breaks between , eating walking and drinking water . I will read the book I found and learn its spells.

If I perceive there is something wrong I walk carefully and avoid contact with any life form. If I get hungry I will eat the arm and drink 1/4 of the water 2 times a day. I try to find safe place to hide and sleep in. 


You have been sneaking through the forest on your way to the friend. You have spotted several patrols(DICE ROLL), yet none has found you. Unfortunately in this part of the forest there is no source of water, so you will have to find that elsewhere.  Throughout day you have opened the spell book few times to study it. You have never been thought the way of magic. Orcs had almost no knowledge about it, and often times it was really risky for the caster to use it. You, as one of the most intelligent whelps was not supposed to be sacrificed like that. On every page there were few runes in a formula. When you were reading through it, you felt strange. Like if a strange mystical energy where suddenly flowing through your body. You were too scared though to cast any of those spells know, having no clue what it might do. You have remembered 3 easy formulas though and can visualize them even without the spell book. At the end of the day you managed to find a tree that has hidden you perfectly. You fell asleep.

And you dreamed… You were in a well-known camp, were your friend lives. Everything was so blurry though. Suddenly you were in his hut. You only saw his back. You were moving closer and closer, then greeted him. He finally turned to face you revealing all too familiar face. You then woke up… 


Points: 16

Inventory : double-headed axe of high quality attached to your back, spear attached to your back. 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot, pouch of water(1), pouch for coins (20), arm-food (1)

Abilities: Right arm cleanly cut – your strength loses 1/5 of its value till it heals 

Engagement plan

I felt a bit uneasy for sleeping without being hidden at all.
I will try to spend more time finding a hideout for the night.
Other than that, I continue on my way to "The Wall".

As I'm nearing the road, I will try to make an effort to avoid traffic or being seen.

I will look for opportunities to hunt, forage or fill up my water supplies.


I try to make a quick evaluation, whether I think it's possible to find provisions without robbing anyone.

If this appears my only option to get some food and drink, I might have to rob this guy.
Maybe I will have to knock him unconcious ... 


You exhausted the provisions, then you continued the journey on the road. Staying hidden there is basically impossible (DICE ROLL), but the sole Orc (DICE ROLL), without a mount that was passing by didn’t recognize you and paid you no attention. He was walking supply though. You haven’t found any provision on the road and you knew you need to find at least a water today. The movement of the Orc was confident. He looked semi-old and some kind of skill in him was pretty clear. You tried to silently equip your axe (DICE ROLL). You did is as slowly as possible, and the Orc had no clue what is going to happen. You then turned the axe around and wanted to hit him as hard as you could from behind to his head. (DICE ROLL) You though got really unlucky and because of an unexpected move of the Orc you failed to inflict any damage. The foe immediately jumped back and went for his 2 onehanded axes. You tried to seize the opportunity and quickly attacked him again (DICE ROLL). He managed to parry your attack and went for one of his own (DICE ROL). He managed to slightly cut through your right arm. (DICE ROLL) That only enraged you. Your axe went for its target once again (DICE ROLL). You managed to hit his right arm to, almost cutting it off. The enemy immediately dropped one of his weapons but still had the other one. He refused to die just like that and tried to make amends (DICE ROLL). But his blinded rage helped you to evade next break-out and you easily counterattacked him (DICE ROLL), cutting his body on half. You took his water and cut his arm off. You were good to go if even just for one more day. When the night was creeping at you went off the road to seek hideout. After several minutes you were able to do so and you fell asleep.

And you dreamed… You were in a well-known camp, were your friend lives. Everything was so blurry though. Suddenly you were in his hut. You only saw his back. You were moving closer and closer, but the closer you were the fainter the image of your friend was. Then you greeted him. He was barely visible now. When he turned to face you, he disappeared. You woke up… 

@swolesome (DEAD)

This fight was winnable, but the player surrendered even before it began.

Inventory: spear on your back, 2 daggers at your belt and one tiny dagger attached to your boot. Food for 1 more day (arm attached to your back) will last for that day only, rope, hide, pouch for coins (35), 4 leather dresses

Group: Makhel(15) – Double-headed axe, dagger, firelock

Jukha(2) - 

Gat(5) – 

Karguk(3) - 

Varf(1) -  

Engagement plan



You did not give any order. Just lethargically picked your axe and prepared for the worst. Since you have done so, everyone prepared himself for battle too. You didn’t even bother to put down your stuff, feeling a bit encumbered. As they were nearing you, you recognized a veteran in mentor’s armour leading 3 whelps into a battle against you. He must have recognized you. You were tackled by him, but you managed skilfully adjust yourself to have a first hit (DICE ROLL) and sliced through his left arm – stopped by bone. He dropped his onehanded axe and roared in agony(DICE ROLL), but he used it to unleash his blow with the other arm(DICE ROLL), but he totally missed you. Meanwhile Makhel was met by the seemingly oldest whelp. Makhel was better trained and managed to swing first(DICE ROLL), but his foe has parried and launched his attack back (DICE ROLL), with the same result. Jutha jumped at the oldest whelp(DICE ROLL) hitting his armour with bare fist, doing nothing. In return the enemy swinged his axes (DICE ROLL) against the arm that just hit him, cutting it badly. Very even battle was between Gat and another whelp. Gat also luckily managed to swing first, but he barely hit totally missed his target with a fist. (DICE ROLL) This whelp used the same move against the same mistake as in the fight with Jukha. It was obviously mentors doing. Gats arm was just barely not cut off. Varf and Karguk combined fought the smallest whelp. The launched themselves at him (DICE ROLL) both total missing. The young whelp then had easy job to hit the weakest target (DICE ROLL) but Varf astonishingly rolled to the side.

You tried to finish the mentor with next blow (DICE ROLL) and hit him to head. His helmet has stopped the injury that would be suffered, but the blow has paralyzed the mentor. Makhel continued the pressure(DICE ROLL), hitting his foes leg, sending him to the ground. (DICE ROLL) Jukha wasn’t able to move and was (DICE ROLL) ruthlessly killed by the enemy. (DICE ROLL) Gat followed soon after. The battle tactic worked wonders. Varf and Karguk jumped up and attacked the whelp who was just pulling his axe from the ground(DICE ROLL) He was obviously a bit dizzy after the attack(DICE ROLL) but still managed to swing(DICE ROLL) at Varf, managing to finally barrow deep into his skull.

(DICE ROLL) You managed to hit mentors right leg sending him to the ground, roaring hard. (DICE ROLL) Makhel finished the lying target easily. The oldest whelp decided to hit Makhel when he was finishing his comrade. (DICE ROLL) Makhel was a good fighter, but whelps axe found its mark and cut his head off. The Whelp that has killed Gat has turned against Karguk now (DICE ROLL) totally missing him. Gat seized the opportunity and attack the whelp that was off balance (DICE ROLL)pushing him to the ground. The youngest whelp(DICE ROLL) hit Karguk from behind to his right hand sending him to the ground.

(DICE ROLL) You have finally killed the only even foe and went for the young ones to turn the tides of battle. The whelp that killed Makhel was even more ambitious and went for you(DICE ROLL) cutting your arm. (DICE ROLL) the lying whelp regained his feet (DICE ROLL), but Karguk was fighting to last breath targeting the youngest one(DICE ROLL), but missing. (DICE ROLL) The youngest whelp had another easy scalp. Other one went to help with the fight against you.(DICE ROLL)He leaped at you, cutting your head off.


Elf – Lifanoîl


Points: 59

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 1days in a sack, no bag quiver with 15 arrows attached to your right leg,  

Action plan

First I loot the orc take anything that we could use but not if we wont be as mobile as normally with it all scrolls amulets and this stuff I suggest to send it back to main camp. When I see all the stuff I suggest that we go explore in 3 man team the forest form where the orc came and one to go report the situation back to main camp I want to go with the group to explore and send back someone at least same experienced as me if the leader decides to send me back I go report the situation have meal rest try to find some job to do or someone or something to improve my skills especially in medicine plants and archery if he does not want anyone to explore I try to convince him that it is really important to know why the orc si there and that there could be more and we should have more information and if he agrees with my plan we go scout the camp. when we are looking for the camp we always approach cautiously and stealthy if possible through the branches on the highground so it is difficult for the orcs or anyone to see us if we manage to find some camp as part of gathering the intel se stay hidden for some time if possible to observe the camp. I suppose none of us ate so we get some food along the way I suspect that as elves we have good knowledge of plants and I suppose bugs and insects we can eat or if not we try to hunt something down if we encounter any orcs I suggest not to engage but to collect all the intel we can if we find camp we do not engage again collect as many intel as we can but carefully not to endanger anyone just the basic info about the camp then we return back to the main camp with what we found. 


When the party makes sure that you’re uninjured they ask what had happened. You told them that after the fight with orc you have lost your consciousness. You then proceeded to loot the orc. He has had 2 one-handed axes, and 3 dagger. You took one of each. You then propounded to Tiwasil your plan. Since he was your leader, you couldn’t just make up your mind. He studied you with his skilled eyes and then he turned to Antasil – your best friend. “Antasil, report back to Esdalir. I, Irdolún and Lifanoîl will scout the closest Orcish camp.” Antasil grinned after hearing out the order, but obeyed. The three of you then made your way further away from the forest’s heart. You approached with extreme caution in top levels of the forest. From there you had perfect overview of the camp. Nothing extra ordinary has been going on. Orcs were working their asses of cutting down the trees and working with it afterwards. It didn’t seem like there was any special assembly. You will be kind of safe for the time being. When you were checking the camp you realized that you know it perfectly.(50) You were able to locate the building where you lived, or rather the Orc that you have killed. It was actually the headquarters of the camp. You killed their leader and you now knew what he did! The party then made its way back to the camp to report to the king. He was pleased by the job you have done. You also told him about the strange energy and how you now know what the Orc did. He studied you calmly then informed you that you have a day off tomorrow and will be able to rest properly. You went to your chamber and fell asleep…just to wake up again next morning. 


Points: 28

Inventory Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, no food, water for 2day in a sack, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg  

Action plan

I will run an immediate search of the surroundings and the nearby tunnel, mostly to search for danger in the form of: other invaders of any race, the other participants in the battle, scouts, wounded races or animals in the forest. Also my character will search for discarded weapons, packs, lost scrolls/letters/military orders and supplies including food, medical supplies and tools.
We’re not interested in a fleeing orc, as long as it is moving away from the tunnels. Any useful object that is found should be taken, after first scanning the object for physical traps.
My character will not interact with any other characters I find. The orc was in battle and I need to collect information first. Moving in the direction the orc was running away from my character will move towards the other nearby tunnels to check their safety. If the other character is in immediate danger of finding one of the tunnels, then that character will need to be interacted with to preserve the safety of my people. If any other Elves are encountered then my character will approach them to gather information about: Where the orc is going, where the orc came from, what battle has just ensued, if there are any other races in the area, as well as to check in on the other elf tunnels and safety of the race, to see if there is any news from home and to inform the other elf scout about the orc event if they had not already known about it. Because my character has now left my assigned position, the other elf should help fill that gap in the security, or pass along that information so that both our positions are filled and we can team up to continue the search together.

(Situation explanation)

I'll descend from the upper forest levels to check the bodies after first searching the immediate area for others Starting with the orcs first to be sure that they are, indeed dead, then the elves to see if any could possibly be alive still. I'll render medical aid from whatever I can find in the forest (I know you said they were dead, but a lot can change when you alter your perspective from above). I will then strip the bodies of anything useful, notably weapons and food supplies. After searching the area and the bodies I search for food and water from any nearby sources that my character knows of. If none available, then I will simply move on to my last action, which is to climb back up into a tree for safety and rest/sleep. 


The Elves have took you into their camp. There they have reported to the king the situation. You have told your story – that you have immediately started to follow the blood trail found the dead and fallen unconscious. “You haven’t killed the Orc? What have you done? Our camp may be in grave danger!” The king was panicking, but there was nothing you could have done. Your decision has been already made and the Orcs already knew the location of this camp. Suddenly it struck you! You knew what the Orc knew. You use this camps provisions to nurture yourself and to refill water. You decided not to tell them anything. You have eaten and drank in their camp before leaving. Also for some reason you decided not to go back to the camp and report to your king and have rather found a safe place in upper levels of the forest to sleep in. You woke up tomorrow. 


Points: 16

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 19 arrows attached to your right leg  

Action plan

I will be filling up with arrows and head out to follow the blood trail, I will then report back on any findings after I have checked out the area. I will then also head to all the other tunnels and tell them the news of what happened and check to see if they are ok.

I will pack extra food and water for this journey. 


You spotted a blood trail and decided to track it back to its source. As you found out the Orc didn’t bother to try to cover anything, it took some time, but finally you managed to find the “battlefield”. When you spotted the first lying body, you decided to climb back to higher levels of the forest to check, whether they are all dead. Then you approached closer to see what has happened. You saw 3 dead lying elves on the ground and 2 dead Orcs. You went down to the dead body of the closest Elf to check whether he’s dead. When you touched him strange energy started to creep up on you. Soon it was too much to bear, you were in horrible pain and lost consciousness.

You were woken up by the unknown elves next day in a tunnel where you have never been. The king stood in front of you demanding information what have happened out there… 


Points: 3

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg  

Action plan

It's morning I wake up restock my supplies and head out into the forest to inform some of the other fellow camps of the encounter yesterday. I decide to revisit the bush and think of what I could do to find this orc, I eat and continue my search. If I find any other elves wondering around I ask them for any information regarding the orc and if they know where he came from and what he was doing. 


When you woke up you had a breakfast, restocked and went out on the mission Esdalir gave you the day before. You decided to go to the bush where you have left the Orc. He was of course not there, but trough the remains of the blood trail you got to know, that he ran out of the forest, to the closest Orcish camp. Going into the Orcish camp would be suicidal and also whatever information he possessed was already shared with the rest of the Orcs probably. You then chose to contact 2 closest camps. In the first one you haven’t met with any sympathy from their side. You decided not to tell them that it was actually your mistake just to be on the safe side. When you have visited the other one, you got to know that this was the incriminated camp. Their leader told you, that 2 dead Orcs and 3 dead elves had been found earlier this day. You told them that you bring information of one escaped Orc. Their worst augury was real in that case. The camp was in grave danger. They set you off, telling you that decisions had to be made inside of the camp.  

When you returned “home” you reported to Esdalir first. He just nodded and told you that tomorrow you have day off. You will have time to rest properly and do anything you want. After having supper you went to sleep…just to wake up once again. 


Points: -7

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, food for 1 day (will last for 2 days), water for 2days in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg  

Action plan

i shall go up into the trees, high up and follow the blood trail of the orc(1). If i happen to spot the orc, i shall be very quiet and discreet so that he will not find me(2). I will go back to the place of engagement and spot for traps(1). After scouring the area and checking that there are no traps, i shall see the bodies and take sample of blood. I shall also loot the bodies of whatever i can find(1), taking careful note of my surroundings and traps. I will also hide up trees if an enemy happens to come. 


You spotted a blood trail and decided to track it back to its source. As you found out the Orc didn’t bother to try to cover anything, it took some time, but finally you managed to find the “battlefield”. When you spotted the first lying body, you decided to climb back to higher levels of the forest to check, whether they are all dead. Then you approached closer to see what has happened. You saw 3 dead lying elves on the ground and 2 dead Orcs. You went down to the dead body of the closest Orc to check whether he’s dead. When you touched him strange energy started to creep up on you. Soon it was too much to bear, you were in horrible pain and lost consciousness.

You were woken up by the unknown elves next day in a tunnel where you have never been. The king stood in front of you demanding information what have happened out there… 


Points: -15

Inventory: Old rusty sword, bow of the highest quality, water for 1 day in a sack, little backpack for food, quiver with 20 arrows attached to your right leg 

Action plan

I will carefully go to where I first saw the Orc, drop down to the ground, equip with my bow and notched arrow, with the second arrow in my left hand. I will follow the blood trail back to where the orc came from, being aware of my surroundings and ensuring nothing is trying to get the jump on me. Once I arrive at the clearing where the Orc battle had taken place, do a circuit of the scene to check for any watchers/danger. Make a face mask from sweet smelling lichens to keep the smell of rotting Orcs out, and search the remains for anything useful. Because there will be a lot more than I can carry I will make a safe cache and hid the items therein, except for the new elf sized sword that was in the ashes of the armoury, It had been buried and the fire hadn't affected its temper. I replace my sword with the new one. Having completed the tasks given by Esdalir I would return to camp to report. Making sure that I have left no trace of my visit, taking as much loot as I can safely carry with me. 


You spotted a blood trail and decided to track it back to its source. As you found out the Orc didn’t bother to try to cover anything, it took some time, but finally you managed to find the “battlefield”. When you spotted the first lying body, you decided to climb back to higher levels of the forest and scan the surrounding. Then you approached closer to see what has happened. You saw 3 dead lying elves on the ground and 2 dead Orcs. You went down to the dead body of the closest Elf to check whether he’s dead. When you touched him strange energy started to creep up on you. Soon it was too much to bear, you were in horrible pain and lost consciousness.

You were woken up by the unknown elves next day… 

Human – Tirinam


This player is substituting for @looftee, who failed to submit his plans even 4 days after the deadline and after 2-3 notifications from me. This game is already too hard to manage and players who refuse to communicate would just make it even harder for me. 

Points: 68

Inventory: XXX

Action Plan XXX 


The crowd listened to your orders and. They were astonished by your leading skill. After setting up the meeting point every single member of your soon-to-be group promptly went to execute their task. You then made your way to another institution with a plan in mind. After exhausting day you went home, had supper and a tea. Bed was calling…and so was the next morning. (You can visit 2 institutes today) 


This guy failed to submit his plans even 4 days after the deadline and after 2-3 notifications from me. I’m searching for immediate substitution for him. As I said this game is already too hard to manage and players who refuse to communicate would just make it even harder for me. 


Points: 91

Inventory: XXX

Action Plan XXX 


The crowd listened to your orders and. They were astonished by your leading skill. After setting up the meeting point every single member of your soon-to-be group promptly went to execute their task. You then made your way to another institution with a plan in mind. After exhausting day you went home, had supper and a tea. Bed was calling…and so was the next morning. (You can visit 2 institutes today) 

@siersod, @anarchyhasnogods

Points: 55 - 49

Inventory: XXX

Action Plan XXX 


The crowd listened to your orders. The plan sounded reasonable to them. Every single member of your soon-to-be group promptly went to execute their task. You then made your way to another institution with a plan in mind. After exhausting day you went home, had supper and a tea. Bed was calling…and so was the next morning. (You can visit 2 institutes today) 


Points: 15

Inventory: XXX

Action Plan XXX 


The crowd listened to your orders. They were exchanging worried and confused looks. Hearing about being used as human shield doesn’t add up to the leader’s reputation. Males after hearing your orders were mumbling something to themselves, but didn’t dear to say anything (probably because of your speech). They turned around and set off. Terene was a shy girl and when you turned to her, she almost burst out of her skin. After hearing out what you had to say, she gave you her spiteful look. She was even sexier that way to you, but it probably meant that you had lost any possible chance of having any fun (or more) with her. She ran away without single word. You then made your way to another institution with a plan in mind. After exhausting day you went home, had supper and a tea. Bed was calling…and so was the next morning. (You can visit 2 institutes today)

curation REP SP followers


Come at me, bro! Get your head chopped off!

This is so much fun, man! I'll have a new action plan to you in a few hours.

Thanks for a fun game! I had forgotten to update my plan :(. Go luck to the remaining teams.

Hiya! So...I'm interested..what exactly do I need to do...not quite clear here...

I have contacted you trough steem.chat but it seems fucked up again...did you recieve the info?

I actually never go on there, because the few times I have nothing is really happening. I've been on discord a lot. Are you there by chance? I'll check out steemchat now.

Okay, just got it! And as an aside, some good convo going on there right now. I'll have to visit more often. Looking for a rules post now...

check out chat...you have instructions there

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