Parallel world. Chapter 5. In the vampire. Part 5. Walk around the city

in #writing5 years ago

Part 5. Walk around the city



Warmly thanking the guide for an interesting tour, the tourists went about their business.

The three friends went to yourself room and began to review their records and the layout of individual rooms, where they thought might be hidden the mystery of the disappearance of the count.

– Well, I guess we didn't miss anything? - Victor looked around the faces of the guys. - Do we have to go on an evening tour of the castle, or we'd better walk around the town, look around?

– I also think that we have taken into account all, or almost all, - replied the girl - Let's really take a walk along breathe in the fresh air!

Anton shrugged slightly, silently agreeing with the opinion of his comrades, and after a few minutes they left the hotel door and walked down the narrow street towards the castle of count Dracula.

Near the castle looked even more mysterious and gloomy. The boys even thought that from the tower of the castle to their hearing came some sounds, as if there was a nest of bats, which began to Wake up before sunset.


Peering into the disfigured by time and something else incomprehensible castle walls, Vika shivered from the unpleasant sensation. It seemed to her that she saw there the faces of the people tortured by the ominous count distorted by horror.

– I was not myself, - whispered the girl, ' I don't want to go inside this castle...

– Are you scared? Victor said, " Afraid or not, you're going to have to go there, and maybe it won't end one time."

– Yes, okay you, don't scare the girl, - has stood up Anton for its this. – You'd think you weren't scared yourself.

– Imagine, no, not scary, - said Victor, - I've already got stuff booked that you, the greenhorns, and did not dream. Don't worry, SIS, everything will be fine. Yes and we with Anton let us not far from you, if that - 'll back it up.

They returned to the center of the town, visited the local attractions, visited the fair, where they bought Souvenirs in memory of their trip, finally looked at the local Church. Victor wanted again to make fun of friends, order a service, check the plugs, but looking at the faces of the boys, decided not to risk it.

Then they returned to the hotel, where they first looked into the cafe, where they had a hearty lunch. They decided not to go down for dinner, so took food with us, fortunately, it was not forbidden.

Up to his room, Victor in the first place give out each of his comrades on the devices, allowing to become invisible, and held a short briefing on how to use them.

– Do you understand? No questions? – he asked, and when Anton and Vick said that he understood what was happening, asked them to relax before a night sortie.

The guys decided to watch TV, and Vika went to another room, lay down on the bed and dozed off. In the half-sleep she heard some indistinct voices that threatened her, then warned of the danger.

She awoke as dusk fell in the street. Going to the window, she looked in the direction of Dracula's castle and drew back, instinctively covering her mouth not to scream.

Above the castle tower swirled hordes of bats...


To be continued...

The beginning of history read [here]:
1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. 57.



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