Travel through parallel worlds. Prologue. The beginning of the path. Part 1

in #writing6 years ago


Part 1.

Marina slowly walked through a dark alley, lowering his head down and trying to restrain myself from wanting to run as hard as you can forward. To illuminated lanterns, Deribasovskaya remained only a couple of tens of meters. But horror flooded her mind and soul, suppressed the will, and shackled her movements...

Feeling the cold emanating from the sight of the pursuer, she wanted to speed up the pace, but his legs refused to obey her.

When she had to pass at least a couple of meters, the man caught up with her, grabbed her shoulder and turned around to face him.

Marina from terror closed my eyes, hoping that the man will regret and let her go. But her plan didn't work, on the Contrary, he sharply shook the girl's shoulders, and she involuntarily opened her eyes.

Looking into the man's face, she suddenly realized that she knew him, but she couldn't remember when and under what circumstances she met him. Marina tried to ask man's question, but he quickly put his finger to his lips, urging her to remain silent, and then gently but firmly pushed the Marina in the back, making it clear that he does not intend to be stuck here with her.

Hardly moving feet, the girl went back to where you just were trying to escape. A few meters later, the man who kidnapped her stopped at a barely perceptible gate, pressed a button and pushed Marina into the opening slit.

Almost immediately in the courtyard he heard the click of the lock, opened the door of a small house, and a man appeared in the beam of light, with a commanding tone ordered them to hurry.

Entering the room, she first blinked from bright light and when his eyes adjusted, he opened them and surveyed the men around the table people.

Along with her, her assistant and the owner of the house there were exactly twelve.

"Bloody hell," the weary thought Marina and hopelessly looked around, searching look, where you can sit down.

Seeing the chair standing at the wall, she approached him and sat down. Then again examined the people who were in the room and suddenly realized with surprise that some of them she knows. Truth, not so close, to considered their friends, but...

That red-haired girl over there seems to be Maria's name, she is studying in a parallel course, and Marina has met with her in the same classroom more than once in joint classes.

A guy named Stepan, who was sitting at the right hand of Mary, was her classmate.
He encouraged winked at Marina and smiled, and she suddenly had.

"If you can't change, try to use the situation to their favor," suddenly remembered the girl words of his teacher in psychology.

A few minutes of continued silence. Then he spoke, sitting at the head of the table, an elderly, professorial type of person.

  • Marina, isn't that your name? - he asked, and without waiting for the answer to the question, continued. - We are interested in, that you know about parallel worlds apart, about ways displacement between them, about beings, inhabiting these worlds?

  • How am I supposed to know about them? I have no idea what you're talking about, like, I don't know who you are, do I? Marina is already so accustomed to the new environment, I could not resist the desire to talk back.

Reaction "Professor" her somewhat puzzled.

  • But to talk back to me, I would not advise you, - the voice of the speaker was quiet, but that has not seemed to me less ominous. - We are not going to play, and to solve serious business issues.

Marina's heart tightened with sudden terror gripped her, but she looked boldly in the face, said:

  • And yet I'd rather know who I'm dealing with and what exactly you want to hear from me.

  • I warn at once that no such parallel worlds I know nothing. Except for the stories my grandmother used to tell me when I was a kid. However, people thought that she was crazy and just making up all these stories with otherworldly forces, shadows of the past and even with the elves... It is unlikely that this will be of any value to you.


  • Allow me, nevertheless, I myself to decide whether I'm interested or not, -replied the Professor.

  • If You so annoying ignorance of my name, I will call specially for You Oleg. My real name of and title you nor about than not will say.

  • My questions, though seem to you idle and inappropriate, are extremely important for all of us, including You too.

The girl suddenly felt incredibly tired. How she wanted to be away from these, incomprehensible to her men's, in his small apartment, located near Deribasovskaya street, to which she had to walk quite a bit... Take a bath, go to bed with an interesting book that she recently purchased on occasion... "Dreams, dreams, where your joy..."- thought she, and aloud cast:

  • I agree answer all Your questions, only more specifically mark their, give me paper and the handle, and I write all, that know. And, Yes, I need to do this alone, forgive me this whim. I do not like and do not know how to work in a room filled with strangers. The best option would be, of course, if I did it at home, but it is hardly part of your plans.
  • Well, why not, we can go on concessions, - suddenly said Oleg, - You will be able to work on our issues, being at home, but alone we can't leave. You will always be your fellow student, Stepan, as protector and Advisor, if You need help.

The Marina was nothing left to do but to agree to this proposal.

After you have a list with questions, she, along with Stepan left the house and walked quickly to him. On the way, they were silent. And when the girl finally reached his apartment, she also silently took a shower, drank a Cup of tea and went to bed, absolutely unaware of how to create Stepan at least some facilities.

He proved to be an not offensive and not choosy person. He warmed up his coffee, made sandwiches, and after lunch, got out with a mezzanine cot, placed it on the kitchen and soon also fell asleep like a baby.

To be continued...



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