Check Out These Amazing Steemit Authors! #Dolphinschool Bootcamp HOMEWORK Day 4

in #writing6 years ago

So, on Monday, I came up with a crazy idea. Why not do a ten week bootcamp for steemit? Not just any bootcamp, but one with real assignments and daily critiques, aimed at helping steemers get better results from their blogs.

I thought maybe five or six people would do it.

Imagine my surprise when over 20 people signed up!

Not only that, but these crazy people actually read what I was teaching, and applied it! All of them have gained new followers, many of them have had record votes on their posts and at least four of them were visited by @blocktrades yesterday in a magnanimous gesture of support for some really great work!


**So, if you'd like to read their posts for their fourth assignment. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, I know I sure have! They'll be showing up in the comments here. **

Congrats writers, #Dolphinschool is a real thing now!

If You're a Student, please leave your homework in a comment here!

It's easiest if you'll leave all of your assignments in a single "reply" to this post. You can come back and edit your comment to add your posting link, if you want.


First of all, welcome! Could you do us a favor? We'd love upvotes and resteems! But, if you could save long comments for the student's blogs, or the rewards post tomorrow, it will make finding homework to review, easier for me, thanks!

Curious about #dolphinschool? Follow this link!

If you'd like to read more of my work, follow @markrmorrisjr or click on my screen name to visit my blog.

Help support Minnows and Plankton in #Dolphinschool with your upvotes, resteems and encouraging comments!

Follow these authors to see the results of #dolphinschool



Day 4 part 3:

Part 2: I'm not much of a humourist. Love to laugh. Wish I could make others do it.

Part 1: Got the Horshack reference. 1. Afraid to share? Nothing really. I'm an open book. I'm reluctant to share my experience of being widowed at age 43. Or the rape I survived at age 18.

  1. This course is pushing me to learn and create and giving me direction. I love the positive direction.
  2. The line in GhostBusters where he tries to calm the team down telling them they're "scaring the straights."
  3. I'm not setting the woods on fire but I've picked up 18 followers, My comments are increasing by 4 or 5 and my payouts are up to .82 on 2 of them. Not bad for a 65 year old learning new tricks. eh?

Hey, great post today! Would love to check out your haunted house, pictures maybe? Got your critique done and your name will be on the list! sorry


Part One

  1. The first time I asked a girl out.
  2. So many things, but I will just say some. The course has been helpful and educating making me grow and understand this platform.
  3. Hmm! I am actually not the favorite type, so I don't have any.
    • New followers = 48

    Total votes, resteem, and comments on all dolphin posts

    • Votes = 71
    • Comment = I don't know how to check but am aware of one.
    • Comments = 32
  4. 95% of my follower goal. I will set a new one.

Part Two

@chef.cook and @zombee are my picks. They post awesome stuff

Part Three

My post Funny Little Bro

Finished your critique well done! Great job on gaining new followers!


Part One

  1. A story I’m most afraid to share, but know you should: the story about splitting the rear seam in my pants at work
  2. One thing I like best about dolphinschool is that it is working to improve my content, but honestly the community I’ve gained with my #dolphinschool peers is ultimately the best.
  3. Tell your favorite joke. A man walks into a zoo. The only animal in the entire zoo was a dog. It was a shitzu.
  4. Stats totals: new followers: votes: Resteems:1 comments: up from 8 to 16 which is doubling the comments. total payouts from #dolphinschool : $ 4.20
  5. How much further do you have to go to reach your goals followers ? I was wanting 10 new followers a day. I’ve gotten 22 new followers over the last 3 days.


I have found Two Steemians who have consistently funny content... please check them out for a chuckle if you need some uplifting funny movements in your life!

@traf with shortform content.
Check out a _Recent Post

And @bluetower with different perspective, sometimes snarky whit this is one of the recent posts


I crititiqued your post, and I told your zoo joke to my wife. Nice. I'll share it with my vet school student daughter. LOL

oh my!! LOL ...
I have to give credit of live joke source to my buddy @dwells ... he is always cracking us up with jokes and big laughter (we are currently actual neighbors)

  • Part 1, questions:
  1. I'm really not sure... I'll have to give this one more thought and get back to you!

  2. Without doubt, that it is teaching me invaluable techniques for gaining and audience and executing spot-on posts. And even more so, it is motivating me to not give up. I have many, many a blog that is now dead. This time, I'm here to stay.

  3. I'm one of those people who are terrible at remembering jokes, so I had to go googling... This one got me checkling... : "A man goes to the circus. After the show he speaks to the manager and asks for a job.
    "Alright, what can you do?", the manager asks.
    -"I can do great bird impressions", the man replies.
    -"Pssh, a lot of people can do that".
    -"Oh well", the man says and flies away."

  4. 52 Followers (+10 since yesterday), 53 Following, 15 SP, most upvotes/comments: 27/29, on my Artist's block post.

  5. Still need 72 more followers to reach my goal! (100)

  • Part 2, Actions:

I managed to find just one guy, hope that's alright: b00m ...

As for writing a joke... Yeah, uhm... There's something I've learnt the hard way during my 33 years of life...: I'm not funny. I'm just not. I'm as funny as a barrel of dead babies.

  • Part 3, Assignment.

If Laughter is the Best Medicine, I Failed Medical School

Well, barrel of dead babies made me laugh, and cringe and read it again and cringe.

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