in #writing7 years ago (edited)

This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter's parts one and two before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #21


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If that chapter didn't tug on your hearstrings, then I don't know what will. Hello, Cloudheads. Welcome to another edition of your favorite complementary series, SILVER LINING. Today, we would be tackling the tail end of Ledd's dream sequence (debatable) / newly recovered memory (highly likely).

Knowing that the whole affair happened in the past (maybe), future (probably) or just made up (I doubt it) would have diminished the stakes, but I know that you are learned seekers of knowledge, so I know that you were able to see past all of it. I'm not ashamed to admit it, but I could never get through this chapter without choking up.

I know what you're thinking, it's silly since it's fiction and, more, importantly, fiction that I wrote. But, as I've said countless times before, this is all real to me. Dream sequence (still debatable) or not, all of this is happening with real stakes and real emotions. I believe in digesting fiction as it is, and not over analyzing it, on the first reading. You can take all the philosophical implications and the subtle details during the next reads.

Fiction, above all else, seeks to entertain. So let it do its job. Sure, one could argue that it could be used to send a political or philosophical message, or as a means of self-expression, but storytelling traces its roots back as a means to entertain and, well, tell stories.

This is probably the favorite chapter I wrote for this story. I know I've said it before, but I always make it a point to say "one of my favorites" to emphasize that it's not the favorite. I'm being overly technical about it, yes. I just love how I'm given room to write action and heartfelt exchanges in one chapter. With the one-hour constraint that I imposed on myself, I could only write so much.

The events portrayed in this chapter are what I believe is the depths that brains like Zepp's are able to go to. Looking at his eyes, you just know that there are whole universes behind it. If we could just peer through, I'm sure it isn't as shallow as most people perceive it to be. If this book is my love letter for differently abled people, consider this chapter as its representative.

I hope that you found out about a lot of stuff in last week's exercise. Stuff like Bathala and Adarna are all very fascinating, and it's how I intended to promote the Filipino culture in my story. It's easy to just copy off other people's work on the internet, citing them so that I won't be labeled as a plagiarist, and profiting off other people's hard work. Heck, it's even easy to just translate it and say that I've put in the hours that's worthy of a hundred votes here. But, I digress. I wish that you all learned a lot of the backstory that I referenced in the story. With that being said, I won't explain anything further in this write up. Feel free to ask in the comments section though.

Now that Ledd is about to embark on his final arc (gasp! I really hope that "final" was meant for the story and not for Ledd himself >.<), get your popcorn ready because we're on the home stretch, people! You've already read this far, and I thank you for accompanying me on this journey. I hope that you're locked in for the finale!

Oh, also, it's just so amazing, but one of my recent friends here on Steemit, @tincho, just so happens to live near the Andes, which is where this and the previous chapter took place! Talk about coincidence, huh? Of all the mountain ranges in the world, of all the potential fictional places I could've written, it had to be that haha! Make sure to give @tincho a follow. He writes stranger than fiction stories that makes you question whether it truly happened to him.

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It's both exciting and sad that the final chapters are coming up. It's been a privilege to see Ledd's story evolving, with all the deeper questions it's prompted. A poignant reminder for us all that nobody is just what they seem. But that their inner world may be rich and vivid beyond belief, even if they are never able to communicate it. x

Awwww that's so nice of you to say :'D I've been fending off the waterworks as my eyes have been welling up because of a recent string of comments, but this put it over the tipping point haha It's been an honor telling this story as well. I have to say that it has really taken a toll on me for more than half a year now. Really, it's validation enough to just put something I've worked hard for out there, but the appreciation you guys have shown... Man... Warms my heart to no end :D

I'm glad you've had the appreciation you deserve :-)

I hope everyone gets their due. I couldn't imagine myself succeeding without everyone else succeeding as well. Fortunately, I'm the one lagging behind everyone else so no need to be guilty about anything haha!

Funny, I said the same thing to @dreemit in chat the other day - that being happy for other people's success is the best way to find success ourselves.

Ha! There's something to be said about like minds :D In any case, yeah, that's a great first step. I'm still trying to find my way moving forward though.

I am a cold dead soul and nothing tugs on my heartstrings!

Okay well maybe a little bit.

All right fine I loved that chapter, it was probably my favourite too XD I remember reading the Adarna story ages ago, and when I looked it up again it was just as confusing as I remember it being.

I would like to say that there is a small chance that the memory of it inspired the name Juan for one of my characters, however considering how stories write me rather than the other way round (though I'm reasonably certain they're not from Soviet Russia but who knows with anything these days) it's hard to say XD

The events portrayed in this chapter are what I believe is the depths that brains like Zepp's are able to go to. Looking at his eyes, you just know that there are whole universes behind it. If we could just peer through, I'm sure it isn't as shallow as most people perceive it to be.

This reminded me of a short story by internutter about a girl named Ellie and a place the narrator (her older brother Jon) calls "Ellieworld". It's a nice read if you haven't seen it already and I think backs up your suspicion :)

HAHA! Nice to know that a dream sequence can thaw even the coldest of hearts :D

I remember reading the Adarna story ages ago, and when I looked it up again it was just as confusing as I remember it being.

Right?? I still don't know the book ending up to this day. The only ending I saw was for a play we were forced to watch haha! Juan is quite common, so there's a good chance you heard it elsewhere.

Ahh! I missed this, nice short read. It's great that my suspicions have merit haha!

Thanks for stopping by, mate! Only two more SILVER LININGs remaining :'( I appreciate you sticking with the series!!

There may only be two more Silver Linings and however many chapters of Day in the Clouds but you have more stories in you right XD

Do I? Haha At this point, I can't say for sure! HAHA I've been slacking off and now when I'm getting into writing again, I've hit a block!! hahaha! I have tons of ideas, but yeah... I guess I'm bracing for the impact that the finale would deal me.

Finish this one first and then take a well deserved break XD

I hope that's a viable option. With my track record, I might get easily forgotten if I fall out of circulation. It's a gift and a ... wait, no, it's just a curse >.<

Nah you'll be fine, seems you're at the stage where people will be looking out for you 😄

For me, that stage lasts for half the time it is for the average person. So, if I don't strike while the iron is hot, people tend to forget I was ever a blacksmith in the first place!

You do not have to worry dear friend @jedau to all happens to us that we say this is the best thing I have done and time later we repeat the phrase again, that is the evolution of life, as we go, we see things in a different way And we evolve, sad it would be our life to say today this is the best and never ma vover to repeat it.
Excelnte work dear friend, thank you very much
Have a beautiful weekend...

That is a beautiful sentiment, my dear friend! I shall take your words to heart and shall use to grow even better! :D I had a wonderful one, and I hope you did as well!

Come here to wish you a beautiful week surrounded by family and friends

I wish you the same, dear friend! Let's make this a week to remember :D

My sentiments are the same as the majority bro, I experienced the sadness of this beautiful novel's ending way before anyone else, so to even think that the wonderful fantasy fiction that entertained me for hours on end is over makes me slightly upset. lol Why do things have to end, why can't you make a SEQUEL! Ledd's adventures have only just begun bro

Haha! You know why I can't make a sequel haha! As much as I want to teleport him to a dimension where a day lasts forever, the ending prevents me from doing so. I just wish people will take the ending as awesome as you did, brother. Thank you for all the help in editing this!

You are most welcome, the novel is a finished ordeal I understand, but you could always write more dream sequences. :) Just another idea, and I am happy to have helped with the editing, it was truly an honor to have been part of such a wonderful literary and awareness raising initiative.

Maybe a Christmas special, or something like that haha! I don't want to get pidgeonholed though. Since I have tons of ideas in my head, I really want to get those published before I forget them completely.

In terms of raising awareness, I don't know if it was that effective. Almost all of the key people I approached with it didn't comment that much. But, I can't complain. I ended up with the best supporters in the world. It's more than one could ever ask for :D

Yeah it reached the hearts and souls for who it was intended for and will only do more so as time goes on and you keep promoting it bro. You did a great job, that's why silver lining is important as a second help guidebook for insight for the novel

The SILVER LINING was a real revelation. I didn't have a definite plan for it when I started, but it turned out really well. Arguably, this received more interaction than the main series, since you don't have to be caught up with the story to join the conversation haha!

That's very true, that is actually how I started with the novel after getting the heads up from @dreemit :)

Oh wow! I didn't know that. Here I thought you stumbled upon my story because of our conversation in the wild and strange contest haha!

Well, this "Cloudhead" is ready for the finale but together with a heavy heart as I would have liked this awesome adventure to go on and on forever... Lol, if only.

But you're right. You saved much of the feeling and emotion for the climax. Though I'm sure there is much more to come, even with the finishing line within touching distance.

Bless you, man... Looking forward to more soon. :)

Maybe this will go on forever haha! Who knows? Am I just faking everything to draw in sympathy and votes? Maybe Ledd gets teleported to a dimension where a day lasts forever. Did I intentionally do that or was it just a happy coincidence? Maybe I'm just making things up as I go along haha!

As you can see, I'm trying to distract myself from facing the reality of the situation. Thanks for all the heartwarming words, brother! Wouldn't have done this without you :D

I feel the exact same sentiment as @kiwideb. It's always that way for me when it comes to a book I love, I alternate between wanting so much to see how it ends, and never wanting it to end. I feel that way about this beautiful and remarkable story, I'm so glad you chose to post it here.
It will be strange to no longer be looking for the next chapter in Ledd's story, like something is missing around this place! But I know that you will have other amazing adventures for us to read, and I also look forward to new works from your brilliant mind my friend!

Also- it is very cool that you were able to bring in the legends of your culture in such a unique style!

Will I? Haha! I feel you both, as I'm the same way. But, do I have enough stories? I have ideas, but a deadly combination of slacking off and writer's block have prevented me from writing them haha!

Is my mind brilliant, or is the emptiness of it all the source of the radiance?? HAHAHA! It remains to be seen. But, I definitely don't want to be a one-hit wonder.

Now that I think about it, it's scary that the bar is being set high from the wonderful reception to A Day in the Clouds. I know that not everyone is able to bat a 1.000, but if this is going to be my only hit, I don't know haha!

Big up the favourite! It was indeed a good chapter. I am very keen to see it through to the end now. In fact you could say I am locked in!!

I'm putting your name down and locking you in, dude. It's the blockchain, so there's no backing down, alright? Haha! Did you cry though? I mean, did you cry as you read the chapter? Tell me you did, dude. Tell me.

I didn't, I must admit. It has been muttered in some circles that I have coal black heart :0)

Ahh jeez ... then I haven't done my job effectively. I will make it my mission on Steemit, née my life, to make you cry with my words and to light a fire on your heart. If I won't be able to bring some color, I at least want to set it ablaze!

You will have a fair old job there ;O)

One that I shall not take for granted. I assure you. We shall see the lion in your profile picture shed a tear before I meet my maker.

I will have to get around to reading your novel.

I just read your piece on non-competitiveness. Im upvoting and commenting on this because even just 0.01 is something. I feel that we share the same sentiment. I would not make any negative assessments of human nature though because we only know human nature in a narrow range of cultural environments. I think that by making cooperation the basis of a culture, you would start to see the manifestations of human nature change drastically. In certain communities and with certain individuals you already can. I really like how you say we shouldn't bring down the the rich but bring up the poor or something along those lines, I completely agree although to do so would need some kind of trust and agreement, which I am not counting on......or a paradigm shift that drops the haves on the asses. Perhaps platforms like this will be what is required. Really looking forward to reading your stuff! It will probably be slow because I'm spread a little thin but I will definitely not forget about it.

Oh, man, that was from way back! haha I'm glad it's still relevant today. Thanks for sharing your sentiment here. I really appreciate it. I really have high hopes that Steemit would be a tool to achieve that as well.

My story would be waiting when you find the time, so don't rush it. When it comes, it comes :D Thanks for stopping by!

Nice to meet this surprise! Barreal, San Juan is a beautiful place my friend. And I believe that fate crossed us so that one day we know each other. A pleasure to have met you in that user's chain and that from there, friendship never stopped. Sorry for being a bit of a challenge but I'm glad you're doing very well with your post. I send you a big hug and I hope you have an excellent Sunday!

Yes! Fate has a funny way of bringing people together. It's great that we have been given the chance to meet, and it was all made possible by your ingenious User's Chain! No apologies necessary, my friend. Life takes precedence always. Thank you for the resteem and for stopping by! :D

I Upvoted and followed! Great contente

Thank you for the compliment! I hope you get a chance to read the story from the beginning :D

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