Team Australia new recruits update 04/11/17 and lots of stuff going on!

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

Hola people! I'm finally back with another Team Australia update. There are a couple of reasons I didn't post last week.

  1. I didn't have enough recruits. I keep spamming inviting people, but they ain't responding.
  2. Doing the daily travel digest is quite time-consuming. So in some ways it's good that I haven't been flooded with applications.

So what's happened since I last updated you? 


You might remember I was trying to get @martibis—the creator of steemit worldmap—to steemfest. 

Well he won the ticket.

And I sent him the SBD as promised.

Then yesterday I was watching the live feed and saw that he won the Hackathon first prize of 2000 steem. I was so pleased about this. I knew that if he went good things would happen for the project! 

I will say I'm regretting my decision not to go to steemfest. I did think about buying a flight to Lisbon last week, and after watching a bunch of vlogs of the event, it looked fun. Oh well. Next year.

Speaking of meet-ups, we have the steemit State of Origin happening this weekend. The Brisbane meet-up organised by @stephen-somers has taken place, and the Adelaide meet-up is on in a few hours.

Which state will win in terms of turn out? My money is on South Australia since it is backed by star real-life recruiter, @mattclarke. However, I look forward to seeing the blogs/vlogs of both in the coming days and wish I could have gone to them as well.

Completely changing topics, I saw an interesting discussion in some comments the other day between @gohba.handcrafts and @webcoop which I thought other people would also be interested in. It was about how many vests you need to be a whale. 

I found this a while ago, which answers your question. 

For my final piece of Team Australia news, I want to announce something cool that kicks off Sunday night/Monday.

@krystle will be the first Aussie to co-host—with the lovely @isaria—a regular radio show on MSP waves. Yes, a couple of us Aussies have been guests on other shows, but @krystle is the first with her own. Woo!

The focus of the show is to highlight and promote the talented musicians who enter the Steemit Open Mic contest each week. 

Tune in here, here, or directly in PAL Discord, Mondays 12:00-13:00 AEDT.

The official notices

You should follow @mrsquiggle, who is doing a great job recognising and rewarding creativity within Team Australia by curating quality content. 

You can support Team Australia members by following the centerlink curation trail in Streemian. Instructions on how to do that are here. Don't forget that @centerlink is busy putting Aussie-battler tax dollars to work in the form of dole payments for posts.

Steemit's only Aussie witness and our Minister for Welfare @ausbitbank has created the @discordia bot, which you can use to increase your upvote moolah. Some of the proceeds will support @centerlink so give it a try.

Of course, also check out the awesome Minnow Support Project (MSP). Details on how to join are are here and here. Come say hi in the Team Australia chat room in PAL-Discord. It's fun and you will make new friends. You should also consider voting for the other MSP witnesses, including @aggroed who has a done a great job in getting this project off the ground.

And lastly, if you're feeling generous, you can delegate SP to the Team Australia upvote bots @centerlink and/or @mrsquiggle (or any other bot you like) using Vessel. You can delegate to any of the MSP bots using this link.  

Candidate 1

Name and bio

The first cab off the rank today is mini-mallsballer @henryclarke, who is the son of @mattclarke. This forward-thinking seven-year-old has taken it upon himself to blog for pocket money, mostly to buy lego. He also likes swimming in his grandmother's pool, Jurassic Park, and drawing.

Like the rest of us, @henryclarke's hoping to earn a lot of money from steemit. 

Like the rest of us, I'll assume he'll quickly learn that steemit is a tough gig.

Fun fact

"I'm growing my hair out to donate it to sick kids."

That's pretty awesome—as is this photo. Helping others who are less fortunate than yourself is a cool thing to do. 

Candidate 2

Name and bio

@jackpot is a retired Singaporean who lives in Perth 3/4 of the year and Singapore the rest of the time. He loves Perth's weather, lifestyle, and slower pace of life. I'll assume he's not a fan of Perth winter's though, which is when (I'm guessing) he heads north again.

@jackpot loves travelling and food, and most of his blog posts are about one or both of these things. In fact, if you live in Perth and want some Asian restaurant reviews, this could be the blog for you. I've also noticed a couple of cat posts, which I'm drawing your attention to since I know there's a bunch of you out there who really like cats (@goldenarms, I'm looking specifically at you).

Fun fact

"I love visiting and playing at casinos. I love the sound and atmosphere of casinos and feel alive and excited when I am inside one."

Interesting. I just don't see the appeal myself. I went to Vegas once and didn't gamble one cent. That said, I did enjoy walking through a bunch of the casinos, especially in the mornings when there were fewer people to navigate around.

Candidate 3

Name and bio

@kodieamos is a theatre technician who was born and raised in Penrith. However, when he was 17, he and his mate decided to live in a tent by a river in a place called Emu Plains for 3-4 months. (Lol, as you do.) He recalls it being a massive eye-opener into a different kind of life; and how your perception is heavily influenced by the things around you. He learnt the value of teamwork and group bonding from this experience.

@kodieamos also tells the story—via song—of his sister's severe scoliosis and hyper kyphosis medical conditions, requiring her to undergo numerous spinal surgeries since she was six. She now needs definitive fusion to stop the curvature, but this can not be done through the public system, meaning the bill would be approximately 100K. 

Fun fact 

"I'm a singer/entertainer and also love to game."

I listened to your song and it was good. You should enter the open mic competitions.

Candidate 4

Name and bio

@juicy-shark is an avid gamer from the Gold Coast. He's currently developing his own game which he'll discuss on steemit when it's ready. He's worked in IT since he was 17, but recently moved to Queensland so is currently unemployed. 

Despite only joining the platform a little over a month ago, @juicy-shark's posts have been doing really well. He's posted a bunch of game reviews and received several curie upvotes for his effort. He's also working on something with @kodieamos, and they will be opening a joint account shortly to discuss their plans and showcase their upcoming projects.

Fun fact

"I'm a game developer and currently in the setup process of becoming a witness, but I'm mainly a big IT geek always looking into cryptocurrencies and the blockchain!"

You're in good company on steemit then. This place is full of IT nerds and crypto enthusiasts.

Candidate 5

Name and bio

@joshua-golbuu is a US-born, Micronesian islander, school student who now lives in Australia. After arriving, he learned to play rugby, which has helped build his confidence and self-esteem. He's also into animals—especially dogs and wild animals—and music. 

@joshua-golbuu loves being in nature and hanging around areas with lots of trees and places to hide. In the past few years, he's gotten into drawing and cooking. More recently, he's started writing as a creative outlet, and to improve his English. 

Fun fact

"Well...that's a hard question for a teen; if you don't remember when you were an awkward teenager with acne and super self-consciousness, all we really have are pet peeves, gaming and music addictions. Basically, our lives revolve around what's happening with our friends... And the unending torture of homework we detest."

Fair enough. I'm not going to argue with any of that.

Congratulations everyone. You've been added to @teamaustralia.  

The rules for joining Team Australia

If you’re not yet a member and want to be, this is what you need to do:

  1. Vote here for our resident steemit witness @ausbitbank.
  2. Regularly check the  Team Australia and Australia tags and upvote the content you like. 
  3. Follow and upvote existing members of @teamaustralia who you share a common interest with. Alternatively, you can show your support by following the centerlink curation trail in Streemian. Instructions are listed here.
  4. Comment below or DM me on steemit chat or Discord that you want to join.
  5. Link your introduction post so I can find out a bit about you. If you’re new to steemit you'll have to write one so use the introduceyourself tag to help boost your following. You can also follow this handy guide written by @teamsteem.
  6. If it’s not mentioned in your introductory post, tell me which city and country you’re in, cos let's face it, a lot of us live in Australia's fourth largest city—London.  
  7. If you’re not Aussie tell me why you should be a Team Australia ambassador. 
  8. Tell me a fun fact about yourself. This can be anything. For example, maybe you run a successful business, or you have eight kids and three dogs, or you rode your bike across America, or you won the blue ribbon for javelin throwing at sports day back in high school, or Toadie came into the pub you work at one day and you served him a beer, or, maybe you can fit 55 maltesers in your mouth like Ed Sheeran can. It doesn’t matter what it is, I want a fun fact about you!

Once I receive this information I will try my best to write a good introductory paragraph about you for the official Team Australia membership updates. So the better your information is, the better I can make you sound. Where relevant, please use the teamaustralia and australia tags to promote your work. I will try and post weekly updates unless there is a lot of interest, in which case I will try and post sooner. 

First image source

Gif by @justcallmemyth

Team Australia banner by @bearone

Page dividers by @kristyglas


This post received a 10% vote by @eternal.witness courtesy of @Kubby from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

All new members will receive @centerlink benefits now :)

Welcome to all the new members...
We look forward to seeing your posts

@choogirl thank you very much for clarifying that "status". I got a long way to go to be a dolphin 😄

It's long way from dolphin to whale as well!

I just had a look at for my vest.. according to it I have 9.17 MVest... Haiys ...if only I can predict how steem goes I will pull all my other crypto and put it all on steem

I strongly believe in steem and steemit but I feel the same with eos heheheh hmmm o well we just leave it half half

Yeah i invested and became a dolphin myself takes quite a lot of money to reach that point

I bought my way to dolphin too. Takes too long otherwise.

Welcome to all the new recruits, what's a great place around this team! I think we need to all plan to attend steem fest next year will be a fun meet up too!

That would be so good. I'm there!

Thanks and glad to be included into the team. A lot to learn from the team.

Hiya choogirl, i'm just saying hi and upvoting this post 'cause i love Australia, and because your members are all kick-ass peeps when they come 'round #steemsilvergold.

Cold beers and flip-flops from a friend up in Canada!

Cheers! from @thedamus


Thanks mate! 🍺😎👍

Welcome new members:

We look forward to seeing your posts in the #teamaustralia feed.

Thanks and warm welcome to the rest of the new members. I am sure we are all excited to be part of a growing team. Looking forward to view and read all the posts.

Welcome to the best team on Steemit!! Thanks for the breakdown from plankton to whale Choo.

You're welcome. See, this is why I didn't just add to the comments when I saw the question. I thought more people would like to know this important information.

Great work!! I didn't know about the Orca level.

welcome to all the new members.

Thanks Gohba. Neither did I until I found this.

3 steemian close to me on the stemmap, but some forgot about me in Port Douglas ;)

I've been so busy with the meetup I missed this post until now.
Thanks for adding Henry.
I'll let him know.
Adelaide meetup was sensational.
I've just posted a few hours ago.

No worries Matt. Yes, your son is officially on the dole! 😁

Excellent. I will check that out soon. I was talking to Dolla in Discord chat last night (for me) and he was saying it went really well.

Great guy. Beautiful girlfriend.
They were all lightweights though.
I'll be in beer until Christmas.
If @nerdfury wasn't there I'd be good until New Years.

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