Introducing Swag Sunday! Your Weekly Digest Of Contests And Giveaways On Steemit!

in #swagsunday8 years ago (edited)

Swag Sunday. August 14, 2016.

Bounty Hunters! Welcome to Swag Sunday, your weekly digest of contests and giveaways on Steemit!

Since the resounding success of @jamtaylor's Steemit Photo Challenge, more and more fun contests and giveaways have been popping up on Steemit. Every Sunday, this will be a digest of all the most lucrative contests and incentives on Steemit. I'll cover everything from established competitions to small, fun giveaways.

The Steemit Photo Challenge

Already the most successful competition on Steemit, the Steemit Photo Challenge has proven extremely popular with photographers of all persuasions. Huge prizes every week, yet retains a friendly vibe all round. Run by @jamtaylor and with extra support from @berniesanders. This weeks theme is "NATURE CLOSEUP/MACRO" and yours truly (that's me!) will be on the judging panel.

1st prize: 150 STEEM

2nd prize: 100 STEEM
3rd prize: 50 STEEM
10 STEEM for each honourable mention...
Click here for more info..

100 STEEM TOTAL - The Steemit ART Challenge

The first Steemit Art challenge with a meaningful prize fund, thanks to @anca3drandom58
Click here for more info..

$500 SBD Web Design Bounty (Design and coding)

@jesta is offering a bounty to all the web designers out there for a modern blog theme.
Click here for more info..

Join the Steemit 21 Day Challenge with @dogguy

The 21 Day Challenge is a 3 week contest exclusive to steemit where users are encourage to focus on one meaningful way to change their life for the better. Hard to estimate the prize but I suspect it will be in the hundreds, or more.
Click here for more info..

~2000 STEEM Total! "bts_tools" Development Bounties. (Design and coding)

@wackou is offering some great incentives for submissions of design and programming work.
Click here for more info..

~65 STEEM - Steemit Talent Competition

The Steemit Talent Competition - where entrants upload a one minute video showcasing their share-worthy talents.
Click here for more info..

$3.6m Bitfinex Bounty

Bitfinex is offering a colossus $3.6m or roughly 5% of the funds stolen from the exchange last week in return for information that leads to the recovery of the said stolen funds.
Click here for more info..

50 Steem - Steemit Food Challenge

The theme of the first food challenge is: Best breakfast. How do you like to start your day in a tasty way? Make a post with your best breakfast with hashtag "foodchallenge" and "food" and you have the chance to win!

Click here for more info..

Win 12.5 BTC by tweeting about Steem

I love because...
Click here for more info..

Guess the number of sweets in the jar! with @movievertigo

The person who guesses the closest number wins the prize. In the event of a tie, the person who guessed first will win.
Click here for more info..

Tattoo Story Contest with @papa-pepper

Do you have a story to go along with that tattoo? If so, enter and win!
Click here for more info..

~16 STEEM @matrixdweller Caption Contest

Best caption wins. First prize is 10 STEEM
Click here for more info..

Let's Play - Photoshop Tennis!

Your truly is running a fun Photoshop Tennis challenge. There is no prize but it's a lot of fun and a great way to network with other Photoshop wizards on Steemit.
Click here for more info..

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for the integrity of those holding contests. It is entirely up to you to weigh up the authenticity of any contests on Steemit. I only cover contests that are free to enter.

Are you running a contest or giveaway?

To be featured in next weeks Swag Sunday, write the details in the comments section below, or simply tag your post with "giveaway", "competition", "swag", "bounty", or "contest" and I will find them. For optimum exposure, your competition should be open for at least one full week!

See you next Sunday. Follow me @condra to get Swag Sunday on your feed!


Thanks for putting the info together in one place:)

No prob. Gonna do it every week. Hopefully it's useful for bounty hunters, as well as those running competitions.

Yeah, I like to enter and I like to run.

Cool , thanks for this.
@halo xoxo

Welcome! Good luck!


Haha, awesome! I didn't know about a lot of these. Thanks!!

Glad it's useful!

What an awesome post:)...I will be able to promote some of these in the steemit chat awesome thanks for putting this together:)

Ah thanks for showing me that! I'm in :)

All in one place! Wonderful! Thanks for this as I now know!

@melek had a scavenger hunt, but I won it.

Also during the week, supercomputing got a nice reward for mining hack :)

Thanks for letting me know! I'll investigate now :)

Thanks for mentioning the TATTOO STORY CONTEST! I figured it's a good way to share some stories and interact a little more, plus three entries will win steem dollars each week. Remember, the payout is based upon the reward of both the link mentioned above and the Winners Announcement, so upvote if you enter. Also, first contest ends Saturday.

I just posted the worst contest on steemit so far last night. I figured I'd tip you off for your next edition of "SWAG SUNDAY". Great Idea, and thanks!

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