How I Designed And Built The Magic Mirror for ~Beauty and the Beast~ Conclusion

in #story6 years ago (edited)

"The mirror is a worthless invention. The only way to truly see yourself is in the reflection of someone else's eyes."
- Voltaire -

Follow these links to the first, second, and third parts of this article. This is the final installment about constructing The Magic Mirror prop for a stage production of Disney's Beauty and The Beast.

In previous articles in this series,

I've repeatedly mentioned the incredible quality of the Classical Academies Musical Theater company. I was pleased to find this collection of clips on YouTube from one of their performances several years ago for you to sample.

Although "Oklahoma!" has nothing to do directly with my immediate story about The Mirror, I wanted you to see the sophisticated production values of this incredible middle school theater company.

Scenes from The Classical Academies Musical Theater production of "Oklahoma" via YouTube

Installing batteries and the Kindle Fire.

In the image below, you can see the finally, almost completed, Mirror and all its components. The 3D printed case, handle, hardboard stiffener, wiring, switches, screws, LEDs, etc. Click on the image to zoom in and examine all the details.

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Ready to install the Kindle Fire.
Original image by @creatr

Note the bits of red ribbon tucked under each of the two batteries. This is to make it easier to pry them out when the time comes to change them.

The Kindle is at last put in place.

It fits perfectly in its niche.

I had originally intended for the Kindle to slip in and out of the top of the mirror case. This is actually possible, but as I assembled The Mirror, I realized that in the current design there is a risk of scratching the Kindle screen.

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Kindle Fire in place.
Original image by @creatr

And so, for inserting and removing the Kindle, the standard procedure now is to remove the four screws that hold the Mirror faceplate in place.

If I ever make another copy of The Mirror, I'll leave a little bit more clearance at the top edge of the faceplate to allow for gluing in a strip of felt that the screen can slide against as it is inserted or removed.

Before gluing on the appliqué,

here's The Mirror as seen from the back. In order to make the case as slender as possible, you can see the lower edge of the two AAA batteries peeking through the back of the case.

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The back before applying the appliqué.
Original image by @creatr

Gluing the appliqué to the back completes the job.

The appliqué covers the two AAA batteries neatly, and gives The Mirror a finished appearance from the back.

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Mirror back with appliqué applied.
Original image by @creatr

It's finally time to unveil the completed Mirror.

In the image below, you can see everything assembled. The single screw near the top of the case is there only to hold the Kindle tablet in place, to prevent it from sliding out if The Mirror is inverted or swung rapidly around.

All visible screws are brass, in keeping with the dark gold color of the case.

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The completed Magic Mirror.
Original image by @creatr

Here's The Mirror, displaying the Beast.

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Sneak peek at the finished Mirror.
Original image by @creatr

This is an early shot of a looping video, extracted from a clip from the 2017 Disney film. Unfortunately, as you can see, the Beast is sideways in this image.

The plan all along was to get some video of the actor who was to be the Beast in the play, and then edit it appropriately for orientation on the Kindle.

Well, that never happened. Nevertheless, we managed to solve the problem in a rather interesting way... but that's for an upcoming story about Tech Week.

Have I mentioned how bright the LEDs are?

In the image below, you can get a small idea of what it's like to gaze into the lit mirror. However, in person it is much more overpowering. You can't really see your reflection, because the brilliance of the LED light overcomes the image.

However, remember; this is a prop. It's not about being useful. The main function of the LEDs is to light up Belle's face when she looks into the mirror, and believe me; this mirror does a spectacular job of that.

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Facing The lit Magic Mirror.
Original image by @creatr

Here's The Mirror, lit, and with the Beast displayed.

However, the photo is misleading. In real life with the LEDs lit, it is nearly impossible to see the Beast. And so, during the play, the LEDs are left off when the Beast is being shown to the townsfolk.

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The completed Magic Mirror, LEDs lit, Beast on-screen.
Original image by @creatr

That's the story of The Magic Mirror.

I hope you've enjoyed it. I suspect if you're still with me on this fourth and final episode, that you have. I really appreciate my loyal fans, and I thank you kindly for following along.

There are stories yet to come; How I Made the Rose (hands-down, the most complicated prop), and stories about Tech Week and about the play itself, including some candid shots from backstage.

Stay tuned!


If you're just tuning in, here are previous entries in this series (including ruminations) about prop-making:

Prop-Making for Beauty and the Beast
"The Ocean of Life" - A Haiku by Duncan Cary Palmer
"When Wandering Wizards Wonder..."
"Finally Out to Sea..." a Haiku by Duncan Cary Palmer
Beauty and the Beast Props - Enchanted Rose ~Teaser~
Beauty and the Beast Props - Magic Mirror ~Teaser~
Beauty and the Beast Props - Windmill ~Teaser~
Beauty and the Beast Props - The Director Is Happy!
Fine-Tuning The Rose for Beauty and the Beast
How I Designed And Built Maurice's Windmill for ~Beauty and the Beast~ Part 1
How I Designed And Built Maurice's Windmill for ~Beauty and the Beast~ Conclusion
How I Designed And Built The Magic Mirror for ~Beauty and the Beast~ Part 1
How I Designed And Built The Magic Mirror for ~Beauty and the Beast~ Part 2
How I Designed And Built The Magic Mirror for ~Beauty and the Beast~ Part 3
How I Designed And Built The Magic Mirror for ~Beauty and the Beast~ Conclusion

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@creatr @creatr @creatr

This is superbly cool. While I like to see the build process, I also kind of like to know what the problems are, and to see the problem solving process. For those of us that don't build magic mirrors on a daily basis (but have projects of our own), there are always little issues that crop up that we don't expect, and it's how we HANDLE those problems that are the most interesting. The problem solving process is the most interesting process for me.

That's why I'm kind of curious to see how you end up solving the 'vertical beast' issue you mention above.

Hahahahahaha! You'll love it, for sure! Very old school, very ad-hoc, very much an "on the spot" band-aid.

Stay tuned, and thanks for your encouraging feedback. I'm so glad you've found this of interest. (I'm also glad that it's over and I've moved on to new projects!) ;)

I was curious about that too!!! Hehehe
I guess we need to tune in for more 😉

I am in Wonder to see your wonderful hard work @creatr you mirror is really looking like a beuty & the beast mirror thanks for sharing this great work with us I will try to do that.

is admirable the work you have done, you are very practical and ingenious for the construction of the articles, the leds give a touch of distraction, congratulations dear friend @ creatr. thank you very much for having us
I wish you a wonderful weekend

Thanks a lot, my friend from Argentina! :D

Its amazing. I am wondering to sea it. It is really very hard work. Your mirror is very nice and looking like a beauty.I really appreciate your work dear @creatr
Thank you very much dear @creatr for sharing this hard work with us... :)

Thanks for your kind words.

most welcome dear @creatr
your creation is able for this appreciation

Wow it turned out soo good!!! I love all the details on the mirror and how it lights up. Great job :)

Thanks a lot! :D

You have done a lot of work on this my friend. And I enjoyed the youtube of the Classical Academies Musical Theater. Thanks @creeatr.

Thanks, Troy!

Considering how much you poo pooed about the program you used to create the decoration on the mirror... it turned out BEAUTIFUL! It looks very detailed, and fits the era. I am super excited to hear how you solved some of the issues, and to hear about tech week!

Thanks, @sunravelme!

I'm looking forward to telling the story, as I have time to write... ;)

Well whose a clever boy. :) you will now have to record the whole show for us to watch :)

Ah, I wish I could!

Sorry, but they don't permit any recording...

Show was great, however, and I do know the director.... so I might be able to get some clips from the cast "review/study" DVD???

I absolutely love how this came out!!!! You did a fantastic job and in the end... Was it worth all the hassles?? ♥️
Thrilled for a job well done for you! Hope that your theatre props will be in high demand!!!

Thanks, my dear friend... :D

Yeah, it was worth it. ;)

Very Cool Prop! I miss working on Disney theater productions.

Thank you.

Have you written about any of your work?

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