Steem UK : 10 Things Going On with Steem in the UK @ 15 November 2018

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

SteemFest is over, and the Steem price is on a downward slide.

This seems like a good time to redouble efforts to get moving on promoting Steem in the UK.

I am going to give this my best shot and I hope others in the UK will join me on the journey.

Here's where I have got to so far. Comments, suggestions, ideas, criticisms welcome.

1. Steem UK Virtual Meetup

The second Steem UK Virtual Meetup is scheduled for 2 weeks from today (29 November). It will be 8pm - 11pm UK time on MSP Waves.

Do please come along and join in with that if you want to make Steem great in Britain.

The recording of the first meetup is available if you missed it...

2. SteemClub-UK branding?

This came about rather by chance as the accounts @steemuk and @steem-uk had both been taken. So I grabbed @steemclub-uk instead.

Now the Club idea is growing on me. More on this idea to follow...

3. Auto-Voter account @steemclub-uk

I have set up @steemclub-uk on SteemAuto to auto-vote UK active steemians.

I have delegated 2000SP to the account to get it going and @steevc, @article61 and @livinguktaiwan have already kindly added SP delegations.

This will take some trial and error and discussion and debate, but I am gradually adding everyone that is on the active UK steemians list. Everyone should start to see small votes appear on their posts once a day.

This will be developed further and can be discussed on 29 November.

The account is now up to 2300 SP. It would be great if we can get it to 5000 SP by the next meetup.

4. Curation trail on @steemclub-uk

A curation trail is also set on @steemclub-uk if you can spare a bit of voting power to support UK steemians.

5. Curation project

I am going to start some manual curation for UK steemians. Still working on the details.

Music is first on my list...

6. SteemClub-UK Discord Server

I have just set this up. I primarily see this as being useful for organising events and meetups, but maybe more...

I will start sending out invites over the next few days.

7. Regional Events

We discussed in the first Virtual Meetup the idea of having four regional events each focussing on a different theme.

These are targeted for the first few months of 2019.

These are still subject to change but currently we are considering...

  • in the Midlands - a music related event
  • in London and the South East - a food related event
  • in Wales and the South West - a film related event
  • in the North - a business / crypto related event
Check out this post for more details on each of these... We will be discussing more on 29 November, and hopefully soon in the Discord server, but if anyone would like to get involved in any of these events please comment below or message me on Discord (Pennsif#9921).

8. Mini-Meetups

I have heard mention of various potential mini-meetups around the country.

If you are organising any gatherings and are open to other steemians joining in let me know and we can share the details.

9. Charity Projects

As many of you might know I am involved in the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project on Steem and with the steem crowdfunding platform. Through both of these I see the power of good that Steem can do.

I would really love to see some charitable projects supported by Steem in the UK.

If you have any ideas contact me...

10. Weekly Update

To keep the ball rolling and to make sure everyone can stay in the loop that wants to be there I will be putting out a weekly update like this of what is going on in the UK Steem world.

If you have any events, meetups, contests etc you would like to be included let me know.


The UK is the home of great projects like @promo-steem, @oracle-d and @adollaraday ( 😃 ).

Steem has great potential in the UK. It will take effort, commitment, community and a fair dash of hard work.

But Steem is special. It presents an opportunity we may never have in our lifetimes again.

We must not let the opportunity slip through our fingers.

Now is the time to start making Steem great in Britain.

Anyone for 1000 active Steemians in the UK by the end of 2019?

Steemians in the UK - currently 138

These are all the active steemians currently identified in the UK. If you know anyone else that should be added please post in the comments or message me on Discord (@Pennsif#9921).

Ex-Pats are now being included on the list - are you a Brit living abroad that wants to see Steem flourish in the old country...?

London & the South East (45)

@adetorrent, @allasyummyfood, @andabout, @atomcollector, @basilmarples, @blackrussian, @bleepcoin, @breadcentric, @buttpacker, @charitycurator, @cryptogee, @donatello, @donnadavisart, @eternalsuccess, @ezzy, @gillianpearce, @hockney, @hopehuggs, @jameshsmitharts, @justyy, @kabir88, @lloyddavis, @lolzwithlisa, @maneco64, @marczanto, @markangeltrueman, @molometer, @nakedverse, @nanzo-scoop, @nickyhavey, @pjau, @rea, @redrica, @scalextrix, @sergiomendes, @shazza, @simonjay, @slayerkm, @stav, @steevc, @stimp1024, @teodora, @ultravioletmag, @winkandwoo, @zool237

The Midlands (22)

@article61, @atomcollector, @cryptofunk, @dickturpin, @dobsdies, @gmuxx, @honeybee11, @howardblott, @ictman1076, @kryptoe, @martaesperanza,, @neopch, @opheliafu, @race-redmedia, @revisesociology, @rimicane, @shanibeer, @silverfoxx, @skaarl, @starkerz, @ura-soul

Wales & the South West (23)

@cryptocariad, @eveningart, @father2b, @francesleader, @happysmileyman, @jen0revision, @jimbobbill, @louisthomas, @owenwat, @p-props, @pennsif, @perceptualflaws, @pumpkinsandcats, @stevejhuggett, @stevelivingston, @sunsethunter, @theadmiral0, @theturtleproject, @timothyallen, @tinygalaxy, @ukbitcoinmaster, @wales, @welshstacker

The North (26)

@anarcotech, @artonmysleeve, @ashtv, @beautifulbullies, @bingbabe, @calluna, @c0ff33a, @cryptocurator, @darrenclaxton, @digitaldan, @gaby-crb, @gdwcoins, @geordieprepper, @mckeever, @mikefromtheuk, @pcste, @raj808, @russellbury, @slobberchops, @someguy123, @steemonkey, @stephenkendal, @teamhumble, @techmojo, @vibeof100monkeys, @yawnguy

Scotland (9)

@barge, @camuel, @fiftysixnorth, @johnkingwriter, @meesterboom, @natubat, @screwballpsyche, @tom-orrow, @wisbeech

Northern Ireland (2)

@davidmcmillen, @silverstackeruk

Somewhere in the UK... (11)

@britcoin, @jonathanyoung, @lastravage, @monkazzsa, @mynewlife, @sazzler, @supertraff, @surviveuk, @tremendospercy, @ukprepper, @voxxov

Expats (2)

@abh12345 (Spain), @livinguktaiwan (Taiwan)

[ flag image from ]


I'm a British steemian living in Cambridgeshire (originally from Greater Manchester) and I'm interested in how this thing develops so by all means add me to your list if you like. I have to say I don't really use discord, though.

Good luck with the project.

Hi Neil, good to meet you. Now added to the list.

Hope you can make it along to the next UK Virtual Meetup on 29 November.

Hello from over the boundry in Norfolk :)

Love that you're getting the UK united. Wouldn't mind being added as an expat and stop by when I can.

How are you doing? Are you still on the homestead?

Thank for the interest. I will add you on the next list.

For some reason @steemclub-uk brings to mind cocktails on the Costa Del Sol!

Expat's @crazybgadventure , @mr-neil , @dmcamera and I'll try and rack my befuddled brain for more.

I'll try and find some spare Steem Power for the exotic dancers club, I'm a little pushed at the moment because I just put a load into @dstors to help kick start that.

#thealliance #witness

Cocktail parties sound good... 😃

I wonder if we could do a push with @dstors amongst UK steemians .... @derangedvisions & @kaliju ?

Ooh Ello, I see my name gets a mention. :-D

Great count me in on this really want to get involved contact me on discord, bit of an amateur on it thought 💯🐒

Excellent thanks Vibe. Will message you on Discord.

Hope you can make the next Virtual Meetup on 29 November.

Great thanks, now on the list.

You can add me to The North (living in Newcastle upon Tyne for 12 years but a Londoner not a Geordie). 😊

Hi Paul, good to meet you. You are now on the list.

I hope you can make it to the UK Steem Virtual Meetup on 29 November.

Lots of great ideas.
Is the steemuk-club going to post - I'm going to buy some more sbi shares and I'd be happy to sponsor steemuk-club if that account is going to post.
and is there a voting policy? I'm also looking at potential delegations but I'd like to know more about the voting policy first.

Hi Shanibeer, once the @steemclub-uk account is built up with followers I will start posting from that account - particularly for the curations.

For the account voting that will be experimented with. I'm hoping to get to a baseline vote (maybe 10%) for all active UK steemians, and then adding to that for those that are delegating, organising and promoting, and getting selected for the weekly curation posts.

It will depend a lot on how big the account grows.

I've delegated 100SP to start, let's see how it goes 😊

That is great, thank you.

So great to know there are many Steemians in the UK and around..hope happened the same in here. You can give a Big Blast for sure and change the game.

Hope that could happen! Cause the power is in our hands...

Peace V!

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