Pennsif’s Progress – I'm one in a million & you might be too

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Today I was chatting with @leotrap from Uruguay.

The subject came up of how many active steemians there are in Uruguay.

He reckoned there are about 10 - but only 4 of them really active.

Uruguay has a population of about 3.5 million.

That makes around 1 active steemian for every million population.

Uruguay is just one country. But the reason that caught my eye is that I live in Wales. The numbers are very similar.

The population of Wales is 3.1 million. And I am struggling to think of more than 2 or 3 very active steemians in Wales.

And if we jump up a notch or two, let's take Nigeria with a population 197 million. It is only second hand info but a leading steemian in Nigeria thought there is only 100 or so active steemians there.

It depends of course on how you define 'active steemian', but I am guessing whatever way you cut it the figures are going to be roughly the same any time, any place, any which way.

So if you are an active steemian you are pretty special. You are part of an elite force, an advance guard, a pioneering pioneer.

This might seem scary, or worrying, or lonely, or overwhelming.

Or it might just be exciting, a privilege, a badge to wear with honour. To be out in front, breaking new ground, discovering new worlds.

That's where I sit on this flight of fancy.

I'm still working up to my full pilot's licence but I've already found some amazing things, and met some fantastic new peoples. In this wondrous new world of steem.

And the best thing...

We've only just stepped ashore. There are whole continents still to explore.

Buckle up, put on your Sunday best and lets go discover what comes next.


[ header graphic by @pennsif ]


First of all, must thank you for taking the time and the consideration of share these thoughts.
I must say that this chat we had remembered me when a lot of years ago I became a Wiccan, yes I was one of those guys starting bonfires under the moon (I'm not anymore because is hard for me to follow rules ;).

In my country I thought I was the only one, and followed that path just to find answers about how life and nature are mixed to find the way of making good, hardly attached to my beliefs about life and doing the right things without bothering anyone, just grows with the ones that wanted to join my trip.

The same sense came to my heart when reading this post, the same feeling of being alone swimming against the flood but at the same time, I learned that the effort is awarded the double as I see, because we go throw the hardest path, alone in the most of the cases. And of course, that makes us think twice every step with determination and a certain goal because if we stumble nobody will give a hand.

And when it happens we are aware that we are never alone, that our view about things change and the right people came cause we are connected.

In those witchy time I thought I was alone and suddenly started to know some more people that were introduced in the same way, and the same seems to happen in here, in the Blockchain, we feel alone and many time we regret about all the things we can do and achieve if so many people could work in a group to make great thing together in pro of the local and global evolution.

You made a great analogy with the Pilot Fly and must said I feel pretty the same... you have a Plane and I have a flying broom... :)

Great things are coming man...and against the distances, many of us are connected by mind and principle.

Cheers for that!
And Resteemed as it shoulds!

This is all new territory for us to explore and to discover new ideas, new possibilities and new people to share and collaborate with.

Steem is an exciting place. A land of hidden riches, with no map and no compass, just the sun and the stars to guide us.

There are three of us here but only one active right now. So it does feel very lonely in the stream. Sorry I have not been on more in the past month. Conditions are much more unstable and I can't go into details as there are laws now preventing people from talking, even in the streets or neighbour to neighbour for fear of being arrested. I will try to post soon but our internet is being throttled ad power can be off for as long as 25 hours at a time.

Take care and stay safe.

@cecicastor, I have been wondering about how you are doing. I have noticed you aren't posting lately. I wish you and your family (And all those living on your compound) safety and comfort during this difficult time. I think about you and your family and all of the people struggling right now in your country, every day. xx

In Taiwan we have 23.6m populatiin, so 24m. To my knowledge there are probably 6 or 7 active Steemians the most.

Sounds like 1 in 4 million for you 😮

I find many people from southamerica but still looking for a single spaniard that is not me or hedac

Umm yes, I haven't found any others from mainland Spain, only the islands.

Is the person behind the @cervantes witness in Spain?

I think it's witness of the Spanish talking community but that includes South America as well, as the person him/herself, dunno Well I may be one in a million too :)

It is really interesting. I talk about Steemit with folks where I live, and NO ONE even has a clue what it's about. If you mention FB, then everyone knows what that is. I figure it's up to all Steemians to spread the word in their neck of the woods! Thanks for sharing and making us stop and think about how big this could really be!!! :)

Yes it is up to us pioneers to spread the word. But finding open ears can be difficult!

Amen to that! We shall carry on spreading the word!

Well I'm still here 😁 Doing my bit for our small little country.

Yes we are part of a merry little band here in Wales...

I just love this @pennsif, such a positive perspective!

So if you are an active steemian you are pretty special. You are part of an elite force, an advance guard, a pioneering pioneer.

😃 and if we win this Netcoins voting contest we will all be even more special...

Vote for steem if you haven't voted already today.

it is quite exciting! We've been voting every day.

There is an awesome little community in Toronto and close by I'm only discovered because of the Creator's Conference I went to here. I agree it feels like I'm a part of something so new and cutting edge and it's awesome! Kinda like a secret.. but a good secret!

If you can find a nearby active steem community that is awesome. I think that could supercharge one's time on steem.

Well, it's nice to be part of the elite, but sadly, if Steemit is to ever outFacebook Facebook, this "one in a million" thing will have to change by a very wide margin.

Not appropriate for the show we just concluded, but I have grave concerns about the HF20 changes that severely limit the ability of plankton to comment. How will they ever gain traction here with that option removed? :O



Yes that limitation does present problems for new users. Hopefully that will be addressed with speed and alacrity by the powers that need to.

I wish I had greater confidence that they would! :O

You've awesome numbers, nice post

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