Pennsif’s Progress – Can Steem save the world?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

As I mentioned in a recent post I am a utilitarian.

I have to find a use in everything I do.

Steem is no exception.

I have never been a social media person so that potential use of steem doesn't really cut the mustard for me.

When I arrived on steem I thought I would just be writing about prepping and homesteading. And I did. And it worked. But the audience was small.

As a platform to disseminate ideas and spread the word it is very limited. The audience is just too small.

There had to be another use for steem to keep me steeming on.

Was it as a means to earn money, a secondary income steam? Well maybe, but even after 16 months, and now earning moderately good post rewards, for the hours I put in I am earning less than a third of the national minimum wage in Britain.

So there had to be something more...

For me I have found that something with A Dollar A Day.

This has given me my purpose on steem. Through running this project and so far raising over $3000 I can help make the world in some modest way a better place.

Students are learning, children are being fed, women are learning skills, trees are being planted.

It is only small, but it is a million times bigger than nothing.

Now I want to go further. The power of steem is becoming clearer.

We have in our hands a tool that has never existed before in the history of humankind - the ability to send money anywhere, anytime, instantly and for free.

Steem is an equaliser, an amplifier, and potentially a powerful agent for change.

What more can we do with it?

How can we use it to make the world a better place?

We can provide good jobs at good rates of pay around the world like @oracle-d, we can fund projects that make lives better like @fundition, we can disseminate real news and spread the truth like @informationwar, we can clear rubbish and pollution like @cleanplanet.

I am pretty sure that most people on steem will agree. The world is far from perfect and it is a world that needs saving.

How can steem play a part in that?


[ graphics by @hungryhustle & ]


We mice are waiting for Steem Personal Messaging. Then we will never have to leave.

Happy Friday Mr Pennsif.


Thank you for dropping by.

The potential of this platform goes far beyond our vision. Together, as a community, we have been creating wonderful things and realizing everything we can build from here. You are part of the history of this @pennsif chain, and you are a big one. As time goes by more and more people will realize the transformative power of this platform and join in that struggle to make the world a better place.

Thank you for your kind words Miguel. I am looking forward to hearing more and working more with you on your new FreeVen project. I hope you have managed to connect with @raserrano, who has commented here too.

Great post.... your work on steem is an inspiration!

And that income of yours... that's a living income in 80% of the world!

So there is hope!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes the steem income potential is one of the fascinating elements of the platform. Particularly how different countries move in and out of 'basic income viability' as the steem price moves up and down.

That'd make an interesting data post!

Posted using Partiko Android

It would indeed - definitely one for an experience sociologist 😃

I couldn't agree more...

Something still absent, however, are universally available, reliable, low-cost gateways between STEEM and local fiat currencies...

Sadly, this is where most global states step in and over regulate, making this difficult. I am however hopeful that the initiatives that @stan writes about often will help ease that problem. Especially things like dWeb and dPay and all the associated constellation of apps and services that are now being launched.

It would be great if you could do a show featuring the people behind those efforts. :D



Yes, agree. Sorting an easy fiat/steem exchange would be so useful...

If you have a minute I would be interested to read more about dWeb and dPay - maybe you could DM me some links. Thank you.

OK Chris, I'm back from my errands and have some of that information you asked for. I wanted to do it justice.

As you may by now know, I am very libertarian in my thinking, and am a voluntaryist in what I do. I have observed guv'ments in collusion with bankers making it harder and harder for "the common man" to live privately without having his financial affairs under a microscope. I consider this to be oppression and tyranny of the worst kind.

And so, eight or ten months ago, I was very excited to hear of a project called Arise Bank. If you google "arise bank" and/or arisebank, you can read more than you may want to know, much of it propaganda promulgated by the government/banking cartel that felt threatened. The SEC stepped in and shut the whole thing down.

Well, within the last couple of months, I was delighted to discover that the principals of Arise are back with a slick, new, better, more far-reaching set of solutions to the freedom problem and they are beginning to implement them and publish about them.

These include new, completely distributed/non-centralized internet protocols to replace http:// and the existing, centrally controlled DNS (Domain Name System) that not only cost us beaucoup $$$, but also allow bad actors (i.e. guv'mnts) to arbitrarily shut down internet websites.

With that introduction, here are some of the more important links for you to inspect:

If you aren't following what @stan is doing (Stan is @dan's dad) you should be. He is not behind the dWeb stuff, but is a strong supporter.

I find myself very hopeful that Jared Rice Sr. (founder of the dWeb stuff) and his crew will be able to provide us mere mortals with many of the intellectual and financial tools that we need to retain some semblance of liberty in the face of the beast that is taking over the globe.

I'd be happy to discuss this all with you if it would help your understanding or if you have any questions. I'm actually still watching and waiting as this all unfolds, but I find it very hopeful. ;)

Thank you for all this. It does look very interesting. Will do some reading to catch up.

Grand! And, you're welcome... ;)

I will do that a little bit later today, Thanks for asking! :D

It really has the potential. One thing I constantly hope for is mass adoption. People should not just come looking to make quick money but actually see the potential of this place

I very much agree with you. I think we need to demonstrate to the outside world with actions rather than words, the true potential of steem.

You have a very valid point that is the enlightenment and liberation that STEEM has made possible in many lives, communities and projects helping to create a better world an upvote at a time.

Very much. The projects that you and I are involved in are testament to that.

You are absolutely right. I'm happy others like @actifit allow me to support projects as well.

That is great Pennsif! your ideas are always perfect :d

Thank you!

Purchase Land for Preservation...
Declare it off limits to Corporations or development;
Except maybe a few designated camping areas,
and maybe a steem campground to pay the taxes,
and for gatherings of various steemian tags... like #nature meetup or #prepper #homestead #cannabis #freedom etc. etc. etc....
i can think of no better investment, and no better improvement to the World than allowing a tract of land to become Old Growth Forest..

Blockchain isn't what makes steem amazing, it's the people! The spreading of information, education, encouragement and outrageous giving... This is what makes STEEM so valuable. USD will catch up someday. 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes the people on steem are quite special.

Congratulations @pennsif! You have received a vote as part of @raserrano donation to this project.
I will be able to help more #minnows

Thank you, and thank you to @raserrano .

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