100 days on a ground floor opportunity you should get involved with called Steemit... What fun!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Did you ever say to yourself,
or hear someone else say,
"I wish I would have got in on the ground floor of that opportunity?"

Did you see this headline?

Part-time Google masseuse retires a multimillionaire after share price boom

  • In 1999, Bonnie Brown went to work for Google, a then startup company. She did a job she enjoyed and got paid for it. Bonnie received a salary + stock options. Those stock options meant she unintentionally invested in a ground floor opportunity by doing something she had done elsewhere for just a salary. Her investment didn't cost her anything, it was a bonus for working at a startup company.
  • That bonus is now worth over $5 million.
    • What if you were "lucky" like Bonnie, and could get in on a ground floor opportunity?
      HINT you can and I'm going to show you how and why you should...
    • What if you were given the opportunity to earn something similar to stock options,
      for doing something you already do?
    • What if those stock options became worth $5 million?
      Would your life be better?
      Would you retire?
      ...start your own charity?
      ...travel the world?
      ...buy a new house? a new car?
      ...buy a new pair of shoes? (for you ladies reading this haha) a new...???
      ... What if...?
      • Let me introduce you to the ground floor opportunity of a startup company,
        where you can get involved by doing something you already do,
        (ASSuming you are an investor, entrepreneur, content creator, programmer, webmaster or social butterfly...)
        earn yourself some "stock options,"
        have some fun,
        and maybe hit it big,
        if and when the company becomes the next big thing.

Steemit Logo.jpeg

If you decide to take advantage of this ground floor opportunity,
someday they might just write some articles about YOU!

Part-time Steemit ______fill in the blank______ retires a multimillionaire...

What is Steemit?

Wikipedia says...

Steemit is a blogging and social networking website that uses its Steem blockchain-based rewards platform for publishers. The Steem blockchain produces Steem and Steem Dollars which are tradable tokens obtained for posting, discovering, and commenting on content.

That introduction contains a lot of key words and tricky phrases:
(definitions from dictionary.com)

  • blogging
    • a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.

      • Steemit gives you a free blog platform so you or a group you form can share your own experiences, observations, opinions, etc and include images and links to other websites, if you want.
  • social networking
    • the use of websites or other online technologies to communicate with people and share information, resources, etc.

      • Steemit gives you a platform to communicate with people and share information, resources and such.
  • blockchain
    • Wikipedia says...

    • A blockchain,... is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is inherently resistant to modification of the data. It is "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way".

      • All transactions on Steemit are recorded on their blockchain. Don't worry if that makes no sense to you. Do you have to know how an internal combustion engine works to drive a car? No. You don't have to know how a blockchain works to use Steemit.
  • rewards platform
    • This is the "stock options" mentioned in Bonnie Brown's story.
    • You can earn rewards on Steemit for:
      • Investing
      • Building a business (being an entrepreneur)
      • Creating content
      • Being a social butterfly (commenting on or curating other people's content)
      • Joining contests
  • Steem and Steem Dollars = cryptocurrency
    • a digital currency or decentralized system of exchange that uses advanced cryptography for security.

      • Steemit uses two cryptocurrencies. You can purchase or earn these tokens. Exchanging these tokens on the Steemit platform cost you nothing, zero fees. You can exchange these tokens for real world currency through external exchanges for a fee.


Earn rewards ("stock options")

Let's take a deeper look at the avenues available on Steemit to earn rewards.

Investors Make Money on Steemit

You can invest in the Steemit platform by purchasing Steem or Steem Dollars cryptocurrency.

  • There is always a chance the value of these cryptocurrencies could skyrocket.
    • In March of 2010, you could purchase a Bitcoin (another cryptocurrency) for $0.03 USD.
      By December of 2017 that Bitcoin's worth peaked at $17,900 USD.
      Today Bitcoins trade for $8,639.68 USD.
      • This is what is commonly known as speculation. There is no guarantee of Return on Investment and the investment could become totally worthless. You should never invest money you cannot afford to lose in cryptocurrency.
  • You can create a business and actively earn an income.
  • There are additional ways to earn income of your Steemit investment, even if you do not wish to actively participate in the Steemit social network platform.
    Here are a few ways you can receive a ROI on your investment:
    • You can delegate your Steem Power.
      • You can lease it out to the top bidder on the open market in return for a profit.
      • You can delegate to existing programs that usually will tell you exactly what ROI you will receive.
    • You can sell your voting power, earning a daily income.
    • You can hire someone to create a voting bot and earn a ROI anytime someone uses that bot.

The really cool thing about Steemit is once you start earning some Steem and SBD,
for doing things you are already doing somewhere else perhaps for free,
you become an investor in the Steemit platform.
Kind of like Bonnie getting those stock options...
She didn't intentionally invest in Google,
It was a by-product of her doing what she was doing elsewhere.

  • You can start earning a ROI on these earnings, which will help you earn more and bigger rewards.
    • The more you invest (time and/or money), the more influence on the platform you have.
      • See something you would like to improve about Steemit?
        Invest in or earn enough influence and you can be the change.


Creators Make Money on Steemit


You can earn rewards for authoring quality content.

  • Share your own experiences, observations, opinions, etc.
    • Earn 75% of the total reward earned for the post.
  • Create a group of writers who blog under one "pen name," and share in the rewards earned.

Can you make any money blogging on the Steemit platform?
@haejin is certainly making it work for him. He posts 10 times daily about cryptocurrencies.
You can look at his wallet and see his account is worth over $200,000.

  • http://steem.supply/@haejin shows:
    • Total account value: 1,076,815 USD
    • Total potential rewards: 16,763 USD
      • Over $2,000 a day!
  • Many feel he is taking advantage of the rewards pool, since they say he's not really that good of an analyst among other things.
    • I wouldn't know. I've never read any of his posts as I have absolutely no desire to hear what he has to say.
      • The only reason I'm pointing him out is he is making a ton of money. He also has the highest reputation of any user account.
  • Perhaps he is taking advantage of flaws in the beta program of Steemit and I trust they will be corrected down the road. ???


This is the most popular category of posts.

  • It is possible to earn rewards simply for posting great photos.
    • It's possible to earn even greater rewards if you combine those photos with good descriptions.

Write a book

Create an ebook from a series of posts.

  • There's even an app to help you create books.

Share a web site or page

There's even an app giving you an easy way to share a web page or web site:

Ask questions and give answers

There's even an app to do just that.

  • https://musing.io/
    • Post a question.
    • Answer a question.
      • Earn author and curation rewards.

Video Blogs and Live Streams

Is video your thing?
Has YouTube censored you and taken away your rewards?

  • There are 2 web sites connected to the Steemit blockchain.
    • https://dlive.io/

      • The Next Generation Live Streaming and Video Community on the Blockchain

    • https://d.tube/

      • D.Tube is the first crypto-decentralized video platform, built on top of the STEEM Blockchain and the IPFS peer-to-peer network.

Contribute to Open Source?


    • Earn rewards by contributing to your favorite Open Source projects!
      • Utopian is the only platform rewarding contributions to Open Source projects by utilizing a decentralised, vote-based reward system built on top of the STEEM Blockchain.

Got memes?

There is even an app to share your memes.
Original memes... Don't plagiarize...


Social Networkers Make Money on Steemit

If you're just here for the social networking... That's OK
Steemit can work for you, too!
Curation rewards

  • The Latest Curation & Engagement League post ran by @abh12345 and sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag shows there is money to be made curating. This week's winner earned about 3.5 SP / 1,000 SP owned. This is total for a week. 3.5 x 52 weeks / year = 182 shows a nice Return On Investment, simply for finding content you like and giving it an upvote which basically costs you nothing out of pocket.


Webmasters Make Money on Steemit

There are 2 ways I know of to make money from Steemit as a webmaster.

  • You can become a witness.
    • This means you setup a server to backup the blockchain.
      • You could earn money from the company if your server is used.
    • People get to vote on witnesses and the more votes you get the higher up on the witness ladder you become. Meaning you will be used more and make more money. Top witnesses are making several thousand dollars a month...
      • To get people to vote for you, you need to do 2 things.
        ...1) Keep your server running in tip top shape.
        ...2) Give them a reason to vote for you by giving back to the community.
        Note: You won't likely make any money until you establish yourself and get enough votes.
  • You can create a web site that is connected to the Steemit blockchain.
    • Look around and see what is missing. Take that idea and create it.
      • You can charge a percentage of rewards when people use your web site. Sometimes Steemit Inc will delegate a large amount of STEEM Power to help you in your efforts. Just don't get greedy and try to game the system once that happens. Steemit will remove their delegation if they find out that you are...


Where Steemit is...

Still in beta

  • About 60,000 active users daily.
  • In Alexa's top 1000 web sites.
  • #1 in blockchain activity
  • #31 on https://coinmarketcap.com/
    • STEEM
      • Market Cap $723,796,176
      • Volume (24hr) $6,119,310
      • Circulating Supply 256,003,514 STEEM
    • STEEM Dollars SBD (ranked 191)
      • Market Cap $$32,152,688
      • Volume (24hr) $4,180,640
      • Circulating Supply 13,715,086

Where Steemit is headed...

Steemit is still in beta.
That means several updates are planned.
The 2 I find most interesting are:

  • Communities
    • Hivemind is the backend being implemented to allow many things to be added such as communities. Read more from my post about it
      • Steemit can be a bit overwhelming from the sheer volume of information that passes through it. Communities will be a great help at helping you find quality content about specific topics that interests you.
  • Smart Media Tokens (SMTs)
    • Steemit blockchain is setting up a way for anyone to create an app using SMTs tied to STEEM and their blockchain.
      Meaning it will be totally separate from Steemit regarding content created and shared on that app, but yet interconnected through the tokens.
      • https://appics.com/ is the first app I read of that is poised to take advantage of the new SMTs as soon as they are released. They will call their tokens XAP. It is basically competition for Instagram. Here is my post about it
      • Here is where you as an entrepreneur or webmaster can really take advantage of Steemit.
        @ned forecasts having 100,000+ businesses created around SMTs in a short amount of time.
    • When SMTs are released and apps are built using them,
      I foresee that making the price of STEEM skyrocket.
      • That's one reason I am here on Steemit.
        Not so much for earning rewards authoring and curating,
        (If that is all I saw, I'm not sure I would be putting so much effort here...)
        but for the fact that those small rewards might just become worth a LOT of money someday.


Learn more about Steemit


Help for newbies

Did you get signed up and are wondering what to do next?
Here's some tips from a guy who has been here 100 days...

  • Upvoting is NOT the same a liking on Facebook.
    • You get 10 votes/day.
  • Be careful who you take advice from.
    • I highly recommend you check out @energyaddict22's blog.
      • He created a series of posts to help you get started and grow your Steemit wallet.
    • I happen to agree with him that it is OK to
      • upvote yourself, especially as a minnow or below.
        I will rethink that when I become a dolphin
        and again when I become an Orca
        and again when I become a whale.
      • use upvote services
  • Enter all the contests you can.
  • Create an interesting Introductory Post, so others can get to know you.
  • If you like the way I formatted this post,
    check out my post about Thinking outside the box concerning post design...
  • https://steemworld.org/ is my #1 tool. You should get to know it!

One goal is to position yourself to earn money on your posts and comments.

  • Don't power up your earnings, yet.
    • Until you pass $15 Steem Power, all you will be doing is lowering your delegation from Steemit, Inc.
    • A better plan might be to put those earnings to use by
  • Spend time looking for content creators you like.
    • Comment on their posts.
      • Comment on comments to their posts.
    • Get to know some people.
      • Be a social butterfly.
    • Note the tags they use.
      • Write posts where you can use these tags...

Your main goal is to accumulate yourself a little nest egg of STEEM and SBDs.

  • That way when Steemit really takes off and their cryptocurrencies skyrocket
    • You will become worth who knows how much?
      • All for doing something you already do.

And then that call for the interview will come when they decide to write your story...

Part-time Steemit ______fill in the blank______ retires a multimillionaire...

All because you decided to take advantage of a ground floor opportunity, when it was shown to you...


You could let this ground floor opportunity pass you by and someday say...
"I wish I would have got in on the ground floor Steemit opportunity!"

Where am I after 100 days?

#1 I am having a LOT of fun!!!
Thank you to everyone I've had the pleasure of crossing paths with here on Steemit!!!

  • I got in on the ground floor of the Internet back in '95.
    • I saw the Internet would do 2 things:
      Connect People to People
      Connect People to Information
      • I see Steemit walking in the footsteps of the early days of the Internet.
        The exact same opportunities are available to anyone who wants to take advantage of them.
        The exact same problems exist.
        I just choose not to focus on the problems and instead focus on the opportunity.
  • The biggest change I see happening to the Steemit platform is;
    it won't be long until the "big boys" come to play.
    • When they do, Steemit will really take off.
      • I discuss it more in this post, encouraging you to build your nest egg before they do...

Heres my stats
I did not buy in. I started with a basic free account.
I am account #712,873.
Currently 1 SBD = $2.32 USD and 1 STEEM = $2.799 USD.
I have:

  • 87.450 STEEM Power
    • Plus + 34.848 Leased Delegation from @BlockTrades for 90 days.
  • 0.156 STEEM
  • $0.122 SBD
  • Estimated Account Value $264.60
  • Coming Author Rewards of $ 50.29 ( ~ 62.31 USD )
    • ( 0.007 % of total reward fund )
  • Pending Curation Rewards of 0.070 SP
  • 52.796 Reputation
  • 107 posts
    • I post about once per day.
    • I comment about 10 times a day.
  • I am a Tier 2 Qurite.
    • Earning me $ 0.33 / ~ 0.41 USD per post.
  • I have 31 shares of @SBI
    • Earning me $ 0.26 / ~ 0.32 USD per post.
  • I purchased an additional account to run my Christian The Virtual Perfect Church
    • Something I started back around '95.

Is that good? I dunno!

  • Can you do better? Probably!
  • Could you do worse? Probably!

My short term Steemit goal is having enough STEEM Power so my vote is always worth at least $0.03, meaning it won't ever be wated.

I have enjoyed writing about:



Here's what I said in a nutshell...

Steemit isn't Too Good to be True

Steemit is Too Geyescan.gifd to be Ignored!!!


Comment away

What did I miss?
What did I get wrong?
What did I get right?
Did you learn anything?
Are you glad you are involved in this ground floor opportunity called Steemit?

Feel free to link any posts you've made pertaining to anything from this post...
Share a link to your 100 days post...


If you like what you read,
upvotes and resteems are greatly appreciated!


Dustsweeper Footer 2 use this one.png
Meaning you can't
waste your vote


Who I am


Steem is ok as long as you don't have enough SP to make money. As soon as you do someone puts you on a down vote vote bot hit list with more SP than you will ever have. The you can make money part of Steem is all lies!

This is why the whole "you'll make money" thing is mostly pointing to the very few that get any returns.

I'm convinced that Steemit is mostly bots now. When I stopped posting about 7 months ago, I had around 270 followers. Now, after doing essentially nothing, I have nearly 400.

For what? I've done nothing to be followed for. It has to be bots.

Just another nail in the coffin, I guess. Everyone pumps the idea of Steemit, but the retention rate of 13% says otherwise.

Where Steemit is...

We just hit 1 million accounts!
@penguinpablo just announced...

  • We have grown from 545,482 accounts at the start of this year to 1 million today. Almost doubled in less than half a year.

This link will give you total accounts

Whoa! That's crazy! I'm 562,219 (or so steemd.com tells me). I wouldn't have thought that I'd be right in the middle of oldest to newest accounts.

It won't be long now before there are 5,622,190 accounts and you will realize you got in on the ground floor... :D

Gaining a reputation of 53 in 100 (or 107) days is abnormally quick, whether you like it or not. Congrats though.


you just received a 45.16% upvote from @steemhq - Community Bot!

Wanna join and receive free upvotes yourself?
Vote for steemhq.witness on Steemit or directly on SteemConnect and join the Community Witness.

This service was brought to you by SteemHQ.com

Thanks @steemhq!

how was this post missed by the masses, its an awesome promotional post for steemit. I have resteemed, shared on twitter and on reddit

Wow Thank you very much @paulag!

  • I actually started writing it for Asher's Sunday challenge, but I just couldn't get it to go where I was wanting. So revamped it for my 100 day post...

well my upvotes not worth much and that post is undervalued, so here is a vote on the comment too

well, the writing is very long and the arrangement is very good👍

well, you got most of it right, you did a nice job explaining most of the basics (but enough to get one going) you did earn my upvote at least.
good luck on your steem experience, you seem to be on the right track. What i would add is start selling your spare voting power with a service like smartsteem or minnowbooster. That also turns into a nice passive income for your ground floor shares
and when you have the time please vote for my witness
thanks in advance from an Urban homesteader.

Hi, nice to meet you @felander!

  • Congrats on your first block! Very cool!

haha funny you should mention that (selling spare voting power). I ran across a post explaining that and thought it was a great idea. Sometimes I was at 100% by the time I got around to Steemit in the morning. It was a couple of days and I had forgot about signing up, when a few random upvotes showed up on Steemworld.org. I got myself all in a panic... had I been phished? had I been hacked? haha. Changed my passwords. Then I remembered signing up for it. whew! crisis averted! haha

Nice post @wizardave! I love ones like these which paint what the Steem platform is for newbies! Thanks for your work I appreciate it!
And congrats on 100 days!

Thanks @carpet.duck!

  • Steemit can be a bit overwhelming, especially when getting started...

Wow, what a comprehensive post. I appreciate the positive attitude. I have a bunch of SBI shares, but will have to check into Qurator. Take Care!

Thanks @giddyupngo!

  • Qurator is pretty cool. They have different tiers you can choose by delegating to them. You can autovote their daily post and it puts you on a higher payout tier. They also have an upvote bot, though it must get used a lot since it's always low on VP. I don't discord, but I hear they have one of the best channels for post promotion and community. They do run some great contests, too, if you like those...

awesome, maybe I will join them soon. Thanks.

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📉 7d
SBDSteem Dollars2.318$-1.57%-18.04%

Cool bot!
Comment to whoever made @coin.info...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63184.34
ETH 2560.17
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72