If You Are Dreamer And There Was Never An Enabling Environment, Steemit (An Enabling Enviroment) Is Here Now; Start Dreaming Again!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)
"We all need mirrors!" @surpassinggoogle

This is one powerful quote that helps matters a lot when it comes to societies. Some societies have those words dented into their curriculum, while others don't exactly do!

Yes, some societies have "mirrors" everywhere, reminding you to check yourself; directing you in finding yourself; constantly reminding you how valuable you are etc and some don't!

Do you know how valuable you are? 

Well, we will find out! 

There is a huge possibility that you don't yet know, depending on my factors. 

Sometimes, genes are very strong, gifts are very strong; the you in YOU is so strong, that you find out your true value regardless of society. Sometimes, you find out really late. Sometimes you never get to find out. In every case, "it was in YOU!"

Brief History

From a very young age, i was grown! Not my fault! Perhaps, its my calling. 

I started to discover my various gifts really early. I don't exactly know what the factors were but i started out realizing things about myself really early. I was born in Greece and i wonder if that helped with anything and maybe it did but the next stage of my life was in a developing country and maybe that helped too. 

Regardless of society, my genes and God-given gifts stayed really strong.

Societies do have power! It is very easy for you to become your society!
Family is a key society!

My family was a core part of my society. My dad always had hefty dreams. My mum was in the background dream-wise but i brought her dreams to my fore, by making her old diary my favorite book. Her diary had a lock but i opened it!

Now there was also extreme love in this household. The extremest suffering in this household, stayed ever memorable, ever un-tradeable! 

As time went by, my dad started to crumble underneath his hefty dreams but he stayed stubborn. 

He was too lazy to quit!
I started to carry two hefty dreams early!

If you have read some of my old posts, you will recall me speaking of how my dad believed in me, when it comes to education. I used to memorize entire books when i was young and my dad would say "Terry, you will be known worldwide". 

He doesn't know "steemit" but he still manages to say those words to this day. These days however, when we get to talk on the phone, he calls me "Terakos" or Greek for "Terry"

Other mirrors started to come along; "school of life" being one.....

As a young boy, I could play football like crazy. My mindset and IQ in the sport was top-notch. And when i played, i was always on par with much older people. You would easily think, that "my path" would be football but how many real football pitches did i get to see at the time? 

From street to street, i would conquer in football but it was only on the streets

And would you have known that, i would be crazily good at basketball, especially as a defensive, sharp centre? Well, i found that out at 24 and every place i tried-out at, simply wanted me the next day but i was over-age for these colleges. 

I always was on the path to becoming a doctor too but i ended up doing computer science. Today, i hardly know anything computers. Well, i do a bit!

I am not a write either.... 

Every text message i sent when i was younger had impact. Every chat held sway. 

I used to have a much older friend from USA and we would send emails every time and she say she wants to make books out of our chat conversations. 

So basically, i only knew i may have been doing okay with conversations and maybe when it comes to impacting others; which is very different from writing. 

But one day, during a bout of depression, i sat in some corner on the streets and took a pen and paper out and i wrote out the story -line behind an entire movie (fiction). Well, i tell you; "before i took that paper out, to actually dent things into it, i didn't know i could create fiction

I became a self-proclaimed writer after that and continued to write movie-story after movie-story, and when life took its toll and i had no space in a day to write long pieces, i started to cut out on length and was writing short powerful pieces instead. I would use pieces of papers.

Yes, power started to enter my pieces! "Love for humanity" was becoming a thing. "My immediate society and its dire need for change especially in its mentality became clearer". I started to see! 

My dreams started to shift base and became one that involved catering to societies and since my dad's dreams were similar, i carried his as well.

Note; Everyone loved my dad and whenever they see him, they called him: "Baba Terry"

One more thing got clearer all along, I was wanting to be Terry, nothing or no one else.

I noticed that even in my writing, my undertone was very different. The story-line had "huts of stories" in them; it was raw and my every line had a picture and these pictures had "thesis, principles, concepts", involving "school of life" within them.

I was become more of a voice for others; a voice to others! I could see what they couldn't see about themselves; "I was becoming a mirror".

It was working! I didn't have a dime but i was dead wealthy in my mentality, foresight, self-belief, dreams, vision etc and when i would write to people, there would tell me of books authored by billionaires, containing the same sentiments as mine and they would keep telling me these things and it was clearer, that among other gifts, i had another special gift.

These people were mirrors!

Once, in this moment when i was filling my booklets with short poem-like pieces, i tried to join an event filled with prolific writers and i was still really young. 

This occurred at a UK Consular office and hosted people from different parts of the world; people who came to showcase the books that they have authored. 

While they had full-blown books to flaunt, i was with a booklet of my jargon and when they took a peek in, they marveled still.

My piece was different. My jargon was special. Now, "special" simply means different or maybe unique or just maybe un-heard-of.
Yes, i was a forgiver. I would sift even the bad to find good in it and my words showed it.

I didn't have rhymes like poems did because i never read poem rules and these weren't poems; they where "toems", where "t" is for Terry. 

Overall, when i used to write "toems", i start to noticed that some of my difference also came from innovations; inventions; visions; dreams! 

The INTERNET too was boring and i very much wanted to infuse Terry into it, so i was innovative. I would pick topics to write on, that have never been written on. 

Yes, i used to turn to the internet as an enabling environment but then, i started to see the very state of the world in it! 

Then my tone in writing also started to shift base.

People kept marveling at the things i wrote. They saw power in them and they would call me a writer but i was not! 

I didn't use big words like poems did; i didn't want to! I wanted to exert the regular words that even the less-learned could understand. I wanted to be innovative even within my simple words. 

I didn't want anyone to need a dictionary to read my then "toems". I loved it all down-to-earth. Real!
Yes, even when the millions or so arise, i will still remain your boy Terry!

But there is more.......

I wanted each line i wrote, to contain excerpts of my dreams in dream-bits; to keep them dreams alive. 

You know, i was in an un-enabling environment, no hugs and not even pillows to hold, let alone inspiration. 

My dream-cycle was like this; 

I carried my hefty dream up Mount Everest, opposite everyone then upon getting to top and trying to place my dreams down (reality), the wind blows and would hurl my dreams down and shatter it. Then, me, being "too lazy to quit", would go all the way back down to pick up the shattered, scattered pieces of my dream and puzzle them back aright, only to climb back up the mount, to have it hurled back down again; on and on and on...

And when you add clinical depression?:

I was inside a luxury-fancy-looking bubble suffocating, longing for one tiny poke from spectators, yet all i managed to do is amuse the crowd.

I was already depressed at 15!

Staying "too lazy to quit".........

So like i said earlier, dreaming in these lands, was only for the extremely stubborn (mental, psychological, physical, emotional) because these lands can tame and deadened even the strongest.

Too, as i kept realizing; i kept improvising, to find ways to rehearse my dreams encryptedly, into fruition and my written words had extra use

They had power on the outside and empowered me on the inside. 

I managed to keep hope alive by means of my tiny beautiful words and as people react to them, i would have some tiny smiley moments as i foresee how much beauty it will be, when i can help beautify the world for real!

So a line like "surpassing google" was an entire standalone dream and if you saw something like "buy skyscrapers and gift them out" or "poke the globe from its outskirts" etc you are seeing full-blown innovation ideas and gifts-to-humanity, in the making!

Hahaha, i was never a writer!!!

So, "innovation" it was! Dreams, visions and ideas; those were it! 

I started to save my ideas up and they grew and grew in numbers and when steemit happened, i found an enabling environment and a new valuable means of playing out my dreams; keeping them alive in dream-bits and rehearsing them into fruition.

I fed off of impact from the amazing reputable steemit community (mirrors) by playing out my innovation ideas encrypted within my words and defined and redefined, then "dreams started becoming equals reality".

Poking the globe from its outskirts with happiness, tears of joy and awesome vibes; "Surpassing Google".

As for the search engine "Google", i did study the google search algorithm for years and here is what i found out:

Object Lesson

We all need mirrors; but there is more.........

A paper helped matters; but there is more..........

A pen came into the picture; but there is more.............

There was conscious effort on my part to define and redefine myself using the luxury of the tools above but there is more............

Many societies don't have these tools and not everyone is strongly stubborn when comes to greatness, especially when odds are involved and that is where steemit comes in. 

Especially, in developing nations (un-enabling environment) e.g the Philippines etc; steemit now gives you most of the tools that you need even for free and makes the process of finding yourself more fun, by rewarding you but there is more........

Steemit also allows you to play out your dreams and provides you with all the tools to make dreams equals reality

Tecnically, you can called it "a sandbox"; "a virtual machine". 

Hahaha, nothing like it. 

At the end of this all; this was never a "steemit talk"

It was life talk all along and "life talk" applies everywhere, steemit and beyond!

If you have stopped dreaming, dare to dream again! The world of humanity needs it. 

You are valuable! I need YOU! The world needs "YOU".

Your Boy Terry


My first real laugh in 5 years, after seeing my sisters, after 5 years apart!

  My community and steemit growth effort are very much among what i do as a witness, so i tend to promote my witness underneath some of my posts.

If you would want to vote for my witness, click here, then type in"steemgigs" in the first search box! You don't need voting power to vote for a witness!  


Consider choosing @surpassinggoogle as your proxy, to help you with choosing your witness votes. To do this, visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses then type in "surpassinggoogle" in the proxy search box as seen below!   

  Join us on Steemgigs community on discord to contact me directly: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK  

Everyone has something to offer!

I always look forward to reading your posts bro Terry.
You have a way with storytelling that is so ingenious.

You make the reader so engrossed and connected to what you are clearly saying and conveying.

As i was reading the first few lines of this post, a thought came to me that why cant you write a book?

No sooner had that thought crossed my mind than i read a similar idea a friend had offered you here.

I used to have a much older friend from USA and we would send emails every time and she say she wants to make books out of our chat conversations.

You have to think of writing books as another way of conveying this useful information to the world.

I really like the way you are inspiring the world of the possibilities on Steemit.

Many societies don't have these tools and not everyone is strongly stubborn when comes to greatness, especially when odds are involved and that is where steemit comes in.

We who are all here,let us start dreaming again,we have been given a platform to turn us from ordinary folks to extra ordinary.

If you are reading this now,you are lucky to be among the first people to experience this wonderful life changing opportunity called Steemit.

Take up this opportunity and rediscover yourself and rekindle your dreams.

If you have stopped dreaming, dare to dream again! The world of humanity needs it.

Next year, i will start doing that. I have to be a bit patient because i want to use my testimonies to teach. There is a lot the world needs to know and the media has not been enough. Alot has not been told!

@surpassinggoogle thanks for the great info you got here.your article is very interesting and your wisdom and how to set and manage your patients to give us the info we should know. and for that i give you my support and resteem your post and upvoted. thanks..

i have a poem for to shared with you its about the person who's weak and try to stand up and make a chance and be positive to the people you deal with.

this poem i created was the way on how i felt and modes.

hope you gonna love it too.@surpassinggoogle


@surpassinggoogle steemit change lives and steemit makes things better..this is my motto..

i have a poem for you..hope you love it..hoping for your kind support.,more power to you sir...@surpassinggoogle


I don't know if you can still read this comment of mine; but I just want to express that i am really blessed to have known you by reading your posts. I know it's hard to be like you it's because you are unique in your God-given talent but at least I could imitate your generosity and your optimism. Everytime I read your posts I always learn from them...If I have to compile your posts in steemit it's already a book of Inspiration.

A beautiful story. I love how you have never given into the negativity and have persevered. I gave up so many of my dreams in the last 20 years. Now I have found Steemit, I hope to be able to find those dreams again. I am no longer sure what I want in life except to make others feel better about life and about themselves and their place in this great puzzle called life. It is inspiring to read your story! <3

Your comment here is as sweet as sugar. You still have it in you, including the love part and steemit does help matters

I am not a writer either, but being in the steemit community turned me into one. I'm amazed at what I can do, especially when it comes to writing. Steemit has taught me this, I try everyday to better myself, trying to beat my previous post.

I am a work in progress in Steemit. Intelligent conversations has broaden my use of vocabularies. Steemit isn't just a place to make the 'money' but a school where one learn new things and believe in themselves that they can do the unimaginable I.e writing good content.

This is really touching.

Thanks for sharing.

Cute pictures😊

No doubt, it is very much as school here

i agree with you..


maganng umaga sayo aming leader at taga supporta ng malaritang pilipino..
maraming salamat sayo at pinapalago mo ang ating sariling atin..

sanay ako'y supportahan sa akong contest na sinalihan itoy pag igtingin sa wikang pilipino,,

ito na po tula ko..https://steemit.com/wikang-filipino/@mrblu/cool-off-tula-para-sa-contest
maraming salamat po

Just like you, I still at the process of progressing. Not even reached the word "progress". Though, I know I will.

I hope I could also discover my talent in writing. your stuffs are great and inspiring...

I must say that I truly enjoyed spending the last 10 minutes reading threw sections of your life. You do an extremely good job at conveying things in a way the reader can really picture.

My favorite quote from the whole thing, and 1 of 3 I wrote in my notebook was, "It was working! I didn't have a dime but i was dead wealthy in my mentality, foresight, self-belief, dreams, vision etc."

Sorry I don't know how to properly quote it like you did in your article. Anyway, I can really relate to that quote and feel like this is the point I am at or was at recently in my life. I am by no means wealthy, but I feel like I have really opened up my mind over the past few years. The personal growth has been something I can look back at and marvel at. Without getting any further into my personal situation, I just wanted to thank you for the article, allowing us access to some of you life and life lessons and, as always, getting my brain going in a positive direction. :)

Now this is an honoring quote from you to me: "I must say that I truly enjoyed spending the last 10 minutes reading threw sections of your life".

In the comments, i don't know how to do the quotes either. "Flaws are nothing either for in the life that i have done, i sift the not-so-good to find good in it.

Your comments is special and does show you off as awesome. Flaws or flawless, that deep substance always shows and like you pinpointed, it takes time.

If we are to talk steemit terms a bit. "I am glad you feel whale inside; cos you are whale to me".

Stay awesome!

I really appreciate the love! Been a real pleasure chatting with you in a few different posts recently. Best part of Steemit is connecting with new people.

to quote, just start a sentence with this > and write

Thanks for the info, I was pretty sure it was doable.

No wonder you're a great motivator, because your dad was great motivator himself. So awesome to have him be such a huge influence for you. You really grabbed the reins and ran away with it. It's such a treat witnessing your ascension here. I could only hope that your positivity would rub off on everyone. Also, I did say before that I hope you don't forget us minnows when you become a whale, because that's what you have become. A full-fledged whale!

It's a great sentiment you put out, talking about the title of this post. I just hope that people's expectations become adjusted. Not everyone would be as lucky as you, and even though they could push just as hard, not everyone would be able to achieve what you have achieved. Personally, I don't feel that Steemit is the right environment for me to achieve my dreams. At least, not anymore. With all of the efforts concentrated on new minnows accelerating, I feel that the time for old minnows like me has passed. I've already reconciled with that fact, and that's okay. For sure other people would be discouraged as well, so I hope that you would be able to turn it around for them.

I'm extremely happy for everything that you have achieved, man! Carry on the flame and keep it burning :D

I have noticed that. The older steemians are being buried. I did speak about that in a contest for steemfest where i see attention apparently given to mostly newer minnows when there are many older ones and proven ones being buried and in that post, i was able to be some voice and support an old minnow who was allowed to participate. Recently, i did win steemfest plane ticket and steemfest ticket by speaking up in a post. but for me to join that one, i noticed that the definition of minnow there was more of people who cant afford the tickets. So this has been on my mind too.

Overall, in your case, you have those wow moments. According to me, you already have them. You have several steemians who vouch for you heartily and it does start there. I see you as great, everytime.
I use you as an example, to many in the PH community currently especially in the aspect of going world-standard in what you do both in your craft and in the connections you are building. Those are rewards. In reality, even from minnow days, i didn't really earn in terms of sbds but i did get opportunities.

I think one key to that was creating an enterprise and this advice has worked, for the many to whom i have told this. So look at steem itself.
On steemit, this can take different forms even by means of your blogs. A simple way may be, a small community that you can call yours, then you can all move together and once there is something solid in motion, it will attract interest. On the python side, that can work drastically too. but for most things, community has to be involved. You have a strong community around you already and that's powerful. Overtime, i see great things happening!

Yeah, congratulations again for winning! You are a worthy winner of that opportunity, and I'm happy for you, brother!

It's so nice of you to say that I have some wow moments. Very few people recognize that, so I'm really grateful for people who notice. Also nice of you to use me as an example, though I really don't feel any presence of the other Filipinos here as far as my posts are concerned. I did mention that as a reason why I dropped my previous signature with the PH flag, I don't know if you remember that signature of mine. I'm a freelancer now haha a man without a country! :D

That's okay though, no worries there. I'm happy with the progress being made by you and our kababayans. I wish you all nothing but the best of luck in your endeavors! :D

Personally, I don't know how sustainable things would be for me here. That's why I'm putting a limit to my time here. I'm hopeful the earnings and the number of interaction will change though. Thanks, Terry! You're an awesome dude! :D

Wonderful! The only way to get around it is by going through it and you've certainly been through some difficulty and pain. Dreams can become poems and writing and they can become real. You're proving it and inspiring many others along the way.

Hahaha yes. I would say "rehearse your signature till you sign autographs". Steemit does alot in this regard!

You never fail to engrave the word "INSPIRATION" in me, sir Terry. I am someone who dreams a lot... I believe that dreams DO come true... it might be delayed, but it will surely happen... Effort is also a key. We just don't simply dream... we work on it... And I surely love the term too lazy to quit... I want to be that kind of lazy... Of course, there are times when I feel like giving up on my dreams due to some circumstances, but then I realize.. it'll be all over when I give up.. when I quit...

There's no shortcut to success... well, there might be... but that's not as fulfilling as the success that you'll achieve with all the great experiences... be it negative or positive. I'm thankful to find steemit...

My love for writing and drawing was again ignited... They were dormant all along, and all I needed were mirrors... Thanks again for being one of those mirrors who made me reflect on myself more...

I like seeing depth in a Filipina. It is still a rarity. Keep it up.

Thank you so much, sir... I hope I could inspire people through the things I do.. be it on this platform and in real life... :D I received a lot from you, sir Terry... I hope I could pay it forward to others.. ^^

Yes, you can. This things take time and when you are there, these amazing things ooze out of you!

Thank you so much... :)

You're a good man with great vison and ideals. A real pleasure to have on steemit, thank you!

Thank you alot. And i did end up winning ticket to steemfest. Now, it is visa that's left. I hope i get it.

Yes I saw, congratulations! Good luck with the visa. I don't think I can go - we are planning to do some volunteer work in orphanages in Nepal in Nov-Dec.

I actually did a blog about Neds trusted delegates re:communites yesterday, I hope it was a fair assessment - there are quotes from yourself :)

Take care


We all need mirror.......

I must tell you, as much as I like writing, I am down today, but mirror is what I got just now.......

Something has reflected......... I know of what to write now.....

Such a wonderful mirror...

You are a blessing to this world TERRY.


Thank you sir....

Remain blessed too

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