What Will Happen with My Steemit EarningssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

As I stated in my post a while back, Hopes and Intentions, I want to be as transparent with you loyal people as possible. I wanted to let you know what we plan to do with earnings made from my blog.

I Want to Support You

Right now I have all my earnings going into Steem Power so that I can better serve the Steemit community by getting that dang slider! I want to vote all the things! But, when I don't have this slider, I can only vote "effectively" a few times a day and then the power is depleted and I have to wait for DAYS for it to come back up!

So unless we need some finances for something I plan to help the community by building up my Steem power. I really love being able to upvote you and support you in a financial way!

Yay steemit

Family Financial Contributions

I am fortunate enough not to have to work. My husband has a very good job working with a great company doing some IT Data Administration stuff. While it makes fine money, it doesn't mean we don't live on a tight budget. Our mortgage bill is pretty pricey for us. Me not having to work doesn't mean that I don't want to help contribute financially somehow to our family. This is where Steemit rolls in.

I did have a pretty great job working for a local beekeeper in his honey shop, bottling and selling honey. However, I was laid off because they needed to move their location and couldn't afford to keep me on board, totally fine.

I was making an extra $150 a week with that job which helped me feel like I was helping out by having my own fun money and I could save up to help buy big things (like our new washer and dryer and finishing fencing off the backyard).

Steemit is going to help me contribute to my family to buy the things we need or want to enrich our lives for the better. I was so thankful to find this place and feel off to a good start with my introduction post really just taking off, it gave me hope. Before, I felt a little useless around here because I couldn't contribute financially, and I know that while we were not needed for anything, a tiny sum of extra money could ease the stress of worrying about the next bill. Gives us a little cushion.

Buying a home is very expensive, and I'm not even talking about the actual home! While that is expensive, what really gets you is your "set up". You've got to get curtains, paint, make repairs, and all that. The set up for a farmstead is even more financially draining. Structures need to be built, animals need to be purchased, fences need repair, and infrastructure needs to be put in place.


Poultry Feed, Dog and Rabbit Food

I am very specific and picky about what I feed my animals (more-so than I am for myself! Ha). I currently feed my chickens, ducks, and geese Scratch and Peck brand feed. I like them because they're a brand that is made in the Pacific North West, organic, soy and corn free, have the best customer service, and the food actually looks like, seeds and grains and stuff! It feels more natural than the pelleted stuff. Right now all the birds are on Grower feed and where I buy it locally, it's $30 USD for a 40 lb bag. It's expensive, but I feel it's worth it.


This second guy here is Dutch, he is our roommates dog but we share food responsibilities since they eat the same food.

My dog gets fed Blue Buffalo and loves it. His coat is shiny, his teeth are nice, and he always gets a clean bill of health from the veterinarian! He also sits there and drools for it. Which is amazing, because he's so picky there are actual dog foods that he refuses to eat. This bag of food, depending on where I buy from, costs between $48 and $53 USD.


The first guy is Lawrence, and the second is Blue. The rabbits get whatever they will eat, still not cheap. But, they're picky turds. I know I haven't introduced you to them yet, but soon!

My animals often times eat better than I do. I am good with that.


Building Farm Infrastructure

Basically we started with a blank slate on our 20 acres. Yes, there's a shop, well house, spare building that needs to be torn down, and our home on the property. However, there was absolutely no animal shelters, just one lean-to that we ended up re-purposing for our duck hut. Building materials are EXPENSIVE.

Many things need to be implemented in order for us to provide appropriate housing for any other animals we may get in the future. We have built a chicken coop and duck hut, other than that, other stuff, for right now, isn't in the cards. (But Steemit will help!).

Repairs need to be done. Some fence repairs and some electric fence repairs need to be done around the whole perimeter of the 20 acres. Of course repairs also need to be made to the home, shop and well house. The well house needs to be repainted and a new roof. Our home also needs a new roof.

Upcoming Projects

Some things we'd like to tackle this year are:

  • Finishing up a space for Quail. - We already have a nice space to put quail but parts of it need to be reinforced in order to keep predators out. We will need to add some more hardware cloth and/or chicken wire around the bottom of the enclosure.
  • Raised beds. - I have plans to make raised beds for next year's gardening season. I am sad to say that we did waste some money on buying plant starts and seeds. Once we planted them outside, they were eaten up by ground squirrels (they're like... mini prairie dogs... and jerks - mostly jerks). I plan to make them out of metal roofing and wood.
  • Hire an Electrician.
  • Better seal off crawlspace under house

There are ever more projects that need to get done, but I wont bore you - I'm sure you get the picture.


Sometimes a husband and wife need to go out to dinner, buy things for each other, or buy things for themselves. Husband and I both need new computers (will benefit the homestead - not just for fun). Save up for visiting family or hiring someone to watch the farm while traveling to visit those family members.

This is why Steemit is such a great opportunity for us. Even if a post makes only $0.11, I am still stoked because that is $0.11 that I did not have before! That's $0.11 that I can contribute to my family with. This post is about me being transparent, honest, and genuine with you.

Yeah, some of the money will go into frivolous things like going out to a movie or something, but mostly this money is going to benefit our family (and you!) in a big way!

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!

By @daddykirbs

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Awesome to meet you! It's been amazing meeting so many Homesteaders here on Steemit.


Thanks for stopping by! I am definitely impressed by the amount of homsteaders around here!

So similar! I'm an IT guy and my wife was always a stay at home but since I bought her the place of "her dreams" she went back to work to help out... Now, I'm begging her to quit so she can help out here on our 13.5 acres (which is filling up fast) and join Steemit... I'm wearing her down and I may add this post to her required steemit reading lol. She has so much to offer the community and I seriously can't keep up with work, chores, and my new steemit obsession 😀😀😀 Help me! She's also addicted to her new fun money account which I keep quiet about and let her spend

Please tell her I would read her blog! She sounds like someone I need in my life!! Too bad you all are SO FAR AWAY.

I'm biased but she is a beacon of light. read the dictionary as a kid so writing is her thing. cooks her ass off. basically an herbalist that friends seek advice from, cancer survivor, works at a center for disabled adults and LOVES it, the list is long but she just makes others around her better lol I will tell her YOU are insisting she join haha

Well I am sure I have SOME SORT of influence over her decision to join! Hahaha

With all those skills she will never run out of interesting stuff to share!

I keep finding a lot of similar life situations here on Steemit and it makes me feel really good and included. Like I finally have some "friends" who understand! Thanks for commenting. Really.

I feel the same. This place is a haven for homesteaders and I think we are on the bleeding edge of a serious back to the land movement... bout time and thank you and people like you for making it great!

Also, what is this slider everyone is talking about❓❔❓

So, once you get like 480 or 500 Steem power, you get the voting slider. When you click on to upvote a slider pops up and you can pick however much power percentage you'd like to use. Lots of the big wigs only use like 15% cause if they used 100% they'd hand out like $20+ per vote! Right now we're on automatically 100% voting power when upvoting.

Finally!!! I could not get a straight answer about that. I'm not dealing with that btw. if im out im out lol I vote for shit i like. no strategy just enjoying the platform

It's not really like, a strategy thing but, the higher your voting power, the more $ your upvote is worth. Say, earlier this morning I had like 43% voting power and when I upvoted it gave $0.05, now I am at 33% and it gives $0.04.

The reason I want to try (but I am failing cause I can't stop upvoting people!) to get to 100% is cause then I can vote more than just a few times! With also giving out more $s. The whole thing of me being like Opra "YOU GET A PENNY YOU GET A PENNY YOU GET A PENNY EVERYONE GETS A PENNY" is very exciting to me. hahahaha.

Me too on the upvoting, cant help myself. Take all my upvotes for you, $.14, $.13, $.12 its my opinion that counts lol my buddy @ teotwawkiman is the same way.

Seriously, I'm hearing it all over steemit since HF19 to cherish our upvotes and use them wisely. I refuse, my upvote is the reward and and $$$ is a bonus. It's VERY tempting to make people earn the vote but I refuse to be manipulated by the blockchain! Spread the love I say. Okay rant over and I should stop drinking and go to bed lol

Keep being awesome btw and I love what you're doing for your fam

Thank you!! That made me feel all warm and fuzzy!! Have a good night's sleep!!

I hope every little upvote and comment will add up and help you get what you need to get this homestead up and running which whatever project you have. I loo forward to read the bunnies post. Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much for the positivity! :) I will work on the bunny post soon!! :D

I am impressed by your kindness and selflessness. You are an example for all of us. Thank you :)

AWe thanks!!

You have my upvote as usual and my respect from a homesteader on a smaller scale to someone doing it big like you 🌱

Well thanks, love! It's a lot... 20 acres... whispers I didn't want THIS much. But... It's what was available and we are fantastically located in a National Grasslands! How cool is that? Haha. <3 Thank you for commenting!

It's a dream!

You're welcome and may you reach all your Steem goals!

Love it ! you're so far ahead of me with your knowledge of steemit! ugh! so much to learn, so little time!

Well, I have a lot of time to figure it out! Hahah. Let me know if you have any questions. I will do my best to answer them or point you in the right direction!

Okay! (: Where can we chat that isn't the comment section?

Come join me here! Full of real nice people, but, mostly me. ;) haha. Not a whole ton of people or anything. https://sbcautoinvite.herokuapp.com/

okay done! Start a Message with me!

Looks like you guys are going to be very, very busy for a while. Good luck.......billytwohearts

Pretty much busy for the rest of our lives. I told husband to hold on tight. This was all his idea after-all. LOL. ;)

Very nice. I see your post is doing great. Hopefully it grows more to help your project.

Thank you! I feel a big connection to people here and I want to be as transparent as possible. This way they know who they're supporting.

Thanks for stopping by! :)

The older I get, the more I want to go rural and do the @farmstead lifestyle. Just gotta get the wife on board.

Haha just make sure you're both on board with it, or else it will not be fun!

That's my concern.

Yeah, that can be an interesting thing. But you can start living homesteadery urbanly also. Just try growing your own foods. See if you can get chickens or something. Get a tiny taste, and she might love it!

Love your post. Great goals and information! I'm blessed enough that I have a skill set that will allow me to work from home as a developer when I need too. Maybe your husband can eventually find a job like that.

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