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RE: What Will Happen with My Steemit Earnings

in #steemit7 years ago

So similar! I'm an IT guy and my wife was always a stay at home but since I bought her the place of "her dreams" she went back to work to help out... Now, I'm begging her to quit so she can help out here on our 13.5 acres (which is filling up fast) and join Steemit... I'm wearing her down and I may add this post to her required steemit reading lol. She has so much to offer the community and I seriously can't keep up with work, chores, and my new steemit obsession 😀😀😀 Help me! She's also addicted to her new fun money account which I keep quiet about and let her spend


Please tell her I would read her blog! She sounds like someone I need in my life!! Too bad you all are SO FAR AWAY.

I'm biased but she is a beacon of light. read the dictionary as a kid so writing is her thing. cooks her ass off. basically an herbalist that friends seek advice from, cancer survivor, works at a center for disabled adults and LOVES it, the list is long but she just makes others around her better lol I will tell her YOU are insisting she join haha

Well I am sure I have SOME SORT of influence over her decision to join! Hahaha

With all those skills she will never run out of interesting stuff to share!

I keep finding a lot of similar life situations here on Steemit and it makes me feel really good and included. Like I finally have some "friends" who understand! Thanks for commenting. Really.

I feel the same. This place is a haven for homesteaders and I think we are on the bleeding edge of a serious back to the land movement... bout time and thank you and people like you for making it great!

Also, what is this slider everyone is talking about❓❔❓

So, once you get like 480 or 500 Steem power, you get the voting slider. When you click on to upvote a slider pops up and you can pick however much power percentage you'd like to use. Lots of the big wigs only use like 15% cause if they used 100% they'd hand out like $20+ per vote! Right now we're on automatically 100% voting power when upvoting.

Finally!!! I could not get a straight answer about that. I'm not dealing with that btw. if im out im out lol I vote for shit i like. no strategy just enjoying the platform

It's not really like, a strategy thing but, the higher your voting power, the more $ your upvote is worth. Say, earlier this morning I had like 43% voting power and when I upvoted it gave $0.05, now I am at 33% and it gives $0.04.

The reason I want to try (but I am failing cause I can't stop upvoting people!) to get to 100% is cause then I can vote more than just a few times! With also giving out more $s. The whole thing of me being like Opra "YOU GET A PENNY YOU GET A PENNY YOU GET A PENNY EVERYONE GETS A PENNY" is very exciting to me. hahahaha.

Me too on the upvoting, cant help myself. Take all my upvotes for you, $.14, $.13, $.12 its my opinion that counts lol my buddy @ teotwawkiman is the same way.

Seriously, I'm hearing it all over steemit since HF19 to cherish our upvotes and use them wisely. I refuse, my upvote is the reward and and $$$ is a bonus. It's VERY tempting to make people earn the vote but I refuse to be manipulated by the blockchain! Spread the love I say. Okay rant over and I should stop drinking and go to bed lol

Keep being awesome btw and I love what you're doing for your fam

Thank you!! That made me feel all warm and fuzzy!! Have a good night's sleep!!

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