Evolved08gsr's Voting / Posting Analysis #001 - Full Population

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Let's Take A Look At All Voting and Posting Transactions

I want to start off by making it clear that I am a human and not a bot. All of the following has been performed via manual review and my own uniquely developed SQL Queries. I would be able to run the same exact queries at a future date by running the same code, however, I would then need to make new observations about the results.

Now that the boring part is out of the way, let's dive into the fun part!

I started with all of the Accounts and Votes ([TxVotes]) on the blockchain as of around 11:15 AM EST on August 8, 2017.

First Let's Look at the Number of Accounts / Users who are Voting:

This rounds us off at 154,710 Accounts who have voted, Less 90,174 Accounts who haven't voted in the past month. So we are left with 64,536 "Actively Voting" Accounts.

Here's a Monthly Breakdown of the 90,174 Accounts Who Haven't Voted Since July 6, 2017 or Earlier:

The fun little outlier from "1970" is the account named @temp. I guess it's true that once you create an account on Steemit, it will live on the blockchain forever!

The majority of Accounts who aren't voting anymore were Created in 2016, However, there is a large number of Accounts that were created in June 2017 who aren't voting either. I wonder how many of these Accounts are earmarked for new bots? That would be a scary thought...

I also thought it would be Interesting to See Some Statistics about Who Voted but Never Received a Vote

And Who Received Votes But Never Voted

The last bit of analysis is where I tried to get a bit more creative.

# Posts/Comments Authored w/Votes: I looked at the number of unique posts or comments based on the [permlink] field, which contains a portion of the unique URL for every Post or Comment. Specifically, I looked at this number for "Authors" (as opposed to "Voters").
# Votes: Self-Explanatory
# Self-Votes: Any Vote where the "Voter" is the same as the "Author"
Account Post Count: The Accounts table has a [post_count] field, this is simply a sum of that field.
% Self-Votes out of Total Votes: Self-Explanatory

If you enjoyed my analysis, thought it was interesting, or would like to see some more, Please Upvote , Comment What You'd Like to See, and Re-Steem so we can Share the Information with Everyone!

Can Anyone Help Me With Adding Earnings To This Analysis?

I'm using the SteemSQL Database and there are several options for identifying Post Values
(I assume I'll need to perform a separate calculation for Posts within the 30-Day Payment Cycle compared to Posts outside of the 30-Day Payment Cycle?)
Any Pointers would be Greatly Appreciated!


Thanks for reading, I hope you have a great day!

If you want to read more, please take a look at some of my other posts:

Follow My Daddy Daycare Adventure Here:


Thank you, @albertvhons for your continued support!

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