Why I'm Saving my Bitcoin Cash

There has been So Much Hype and Hate around Bitcoin Cash

I thought that I would share my brief and humble view on Bitcoin Cash.

1. Why are people getting so huffed and puffed about the price fluctuating so much in such a short period of time?

-- Bitcoin Cash is new and so many BTC investors have been scared silly for the past few months thinking that BCH is going to destroy BTC as we know it. It is obvious now (hindsight is 20-20) that BCH is not going to be the [immediate] end of Bitcoin .. you can breathe a sigh of relief [at least for now].

2. What does it hurt to hold onto Bitcoin Cash?

-- If you owned Bitcoin on August 1, 2017, then you likely also own that same amount of Bitcoin Cash! Do we all forget what happened to Bitcoin's pricing in its infancy? Have we all forgotten about the guy who spent 10,000 BTC on 2 Pizzas!? Why not HODL onto Bitcoin Cash for a little while and see where it goes?

3. Do you enjoy the idea of sharing your Private Key to your BTC Wallet?, or Do you really want to create a New BTC Wallet just so you can Sell Bitcoin Cash?

-- For many of us, this is the situation we're currently in. There's no good way for us to access our Bitcoin Cash without creating a new Bitcoin Wallet, sending all of our Bitcoin to the new Wallet, then using the Private Key from our Old Bitcoin Wallet to generate our Bitcoin Cash Wallet with the same amount of Bitcoin Cash as we had on August 1, 2017.

So there are my thoughts, for whatever it's worth. I will be HODL-ing onto my Bitcoin Cash and waiting to see what happens!

If my investment increases in value, AWESOME, my BCH is "Found-Money" anyway!
If my investment depletes to zero, Oh Well ... at least I didn't have to give up my BTC Wallet Private Key, or spend anything extra to lose my BCH.

Happy Crypto-Trading!

bitcoin image source


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If i clone btc and rename it bitcoin 2 will you buy it? Bitcoin cash is a joke, fortunately it was free for everybody.

As stated in my post above, I didn't buy Bitcoin Cash. I'm just not selling it like the plague which so many people believe it to be.

I don't believe that Bitcoin Cash has any value currently, but that doesn't mean it won't turn into something of value in the future.

Do you have a crystal ball and know that Bitcoin Cash is going to be worthless? If so, I'll sell it right now.

Thanks for the comment, and let me know!

Decent post, though I don't agree that bitcoin cash is currently worthless.

I don't believe that Bitcoin Cash is currently worthless. That's why I'm Holding it :)

follow me i will follow you and upvote all your future post lets work together

Very good contest! 😊👍

Why do I always get bots posting on my content


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