Hey Steemit!! What was your 1st blog post you authored on here, and WHY? Post it!! Community Engagement Series. E.2

in #steemit7 years ago

My first ever blog post is here for you below. It was on Bushcraft / Self Reliance & Off Grid life and interests for me. It was posted on Sept. 23, 2016, nearly a month after I signed up LOL.

And I want to see your first one that you authored on here, and WHY you chose that topic!

Some of the Backstory for you:

I was not comfortable MAKING a blog post with everyone on here knowing blogging, formatting, making their posts look pretty, I basically joined Steemit the first week of August 2016 -- August is my birthday month so I will always remember that.

  • I spent the first weeks here reading and commenting on posts. A LOT.

  • I have always said I am not a blogger.... I am just a guy that blogs. And there is a big difference.

I kind of fell into this due to my pursuit of Liberty.

Crypto/Bitcoin/CryptoCurrency/Blockchain is all a part of that journey. I've always been an activist type person and like helping people, and informing them of things going on in the world that affects them.

I guess all my public activism for years as such, the run for City Council to actually challenge the corrupt establishment and help people.... led me to the publishing of videos over the years on these things, along with running my Real Estate business, and constantly posting on Social Media like Fascistbook etc - to try and make a difference for humanity.

My first post ever @Steemit post - the main picture/graphic:

How did my idea for this new series come about?

I was talking a lot one day recently with the wordsmith @dwinblood who is a very sharp and engaged guy about some of this, and I came up with this idea later to do this "get to know your neighbour" series LOL. I think it is unique and functional! I am excited actually to do it so I can engage more with you, as a community and resident on Steemit -- and learn more about you!

The first post you gingerly step out and do on here, as a Minnow, likely says something important about you and I want to listen to you, and learn WHY you chose that topic!

He gets your brain going! If you have not followed or interacted with @dwinblood -- you may want to give him a look on here and connect with him. If you have not chatted with him in awhile, you might want to --- he might really make your brain fire up in directions you did not see coming LOL -- many people here have this affect on our community:

I had an hour's worth of comments typed back and forth with @dwinblood over the March 5th and 6th 2017 period. One comment that led me to start thinking about doing this series can actually be found right here on our friend @thecryptofiend's post about a topic I focus on regularly and had talked with him on this the night before he made this post:


Why did I pick this topic?

  • Because I want to live a more self reliant lifestyle. I do not believe everyone should be forced to remain connected to the Matrix and the Grid by the government by force, manufactured and uninformed consent, and coercion if they don't want to be.

  • I desire to lead a simpler life than we are conditioned daily by media and the agencies to think we need.

  • Being able to live simply yet well, is something attainable

  • Primitive skills of self reliance are completely being lost for homesteading / off grid life if you wish to live that way and be connected to the simple, more primitive life and forced to remain connected... to The Grid.

My first Steemit post - direct link:



If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would certainly appreciate it very much.

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DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

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Ethereum - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

LiteCoin - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s

Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Sorry if I cannot get to replies right away


My first post was about an hour ago :)

More like a test, but also the best photos I had to share.


  • and thanks for commenting!

Welcome and thanks for commenting!

I went and checked out your post and commented..... I have wondered similar on ETC and always love me some news on Eth. Classic.

I like them!

And thanks for the Steem!

My vote power means I can throw around nickels now like nobody's business LOL!

You are welcome.

LOL. I'm a fresh minnow just landed in this bait bucket.

I dare anyone on all of @steemit tonite to beat that, that has got to be the comment of the nite in this ecosystem LOL

My first post was this one:

  • I did it after 2 days reading and trying to understand what is going on here
  • My travels to Siberia got me a lot of things to share, so why not, lets get started
  • As I always try to photograph everything I thought, ok, I have some stuff to share, so I did it
  • And the best, it was a big surprise to get more than 20 dollar worth out of it

Happy Steeming everyone!

Great reply today, thanks a lot!!!

yes, it took me a month LOL.... to work up the courage to try making a post on here, I was so lost and confused with all the formatting and blogging and tech, LOL.

TY for commenting today!

  • Followed!!

Welcome, refollowed!


Thanks a lot for all that!!!! Very appreciated and good info also.

TY very much honestly. It means a lot to me that some people appreciate my content and ideas.

I am going to read that now. I know @htooms has some whale-ish magic powers, but I did not see his vote on my post. Thanks again!!

My first post was a video, I publish it I think for the day of the friend, I commented in the video that I wanted to have a million friends and every friend asked for 1 dollar, explain why I asked for help.
I was unemployed and desperate, I said that I worked from the age of 10 and to be honest I had nothing, the bad economic situation of my country led to bankruptcy to the company where I worked, very angry with the rulers on duty who had been stolen All in Argentina leaving a devastated country. The video lasted a long time, unloading my fury for what was happening
Luckily no one saw the video, I did not receive any comments, went unnoticed, a really embarrassing video actually.
Luckily I was able to overcome that bad moment, the best thing is that I left without help and that is very motivating, if there is someone who is reading and passing the same situation I want to say that you do not have to despair, with work and dedication you leave any posion where You are
Thank you very much dear friend for this opportunity that you give us to tell our experience, excellent post congratulations

Wow man, I did not know all of that.

That's an incredible reply and we know it takes extra time too, like I have said before, because English is not your first language.

We love ya man, you are really an inspiration on here. I appreciate you Jose.

TY for commenting! You do that a lot clearly LOL.

Thank you very much dear friend @barrydutton, the best thing that happened to me was meeting people like you, dear friend, God bless you

I'm glad you made it through and kept writing. Your English has improved so much!

Jose is the man!!!!

Yes, we need more people like @jlufer🙏

Thank you very much dear friend @reddust, this was the best thing that happened to me, not only do I earn some money, I found many friends of what you are part of.

I remember your first post @barrydutton.

I posted my favorite chicken, I like to share my art work and hobbies.

Francois And His Gauloise

Done in Prisma colored pencils.


I honestly cannot believe how talented some artsy people are, it honestly has always blown my mind how someone's brain and body can connect stuff like you people do, and fire out amazing stuff like this.

I just don't get it LOL.

Haha, I know, I feel crazy most of the time, thank you...and look at you living outside the matrix...crazy man. Life would be so boring without crazy <3

The Man and The Grid have created a lie.

We need to live in an alternate reality.

I didnt buy into the big lie, lightened the load and now I can fly🦋

My first post was early January while being Chiang Mai Thailand on vacation. Got myself a Steemit account in December but no time at all to actually do something with it (read/post/comment). Took a topic at hand, something I discovered the day of the post.


Thanks for commenting today for sure. I think we in the west live in this bubble and echo chamber of media lies and hype in the police state.

It colours how many of us see truths in the rest of the world.

I like to believe more of us are opening their eyes.

ME TOO!!!!!


My first post was an overview of basic firearm safety rules, along with commentary on the plummeting US crime rates despite media and political hype, and an exhortation to never be the aggressor in conflict.


I pointed out in my activism many times publicly over the years -- much of what you said there..... but we keep hiring more police when the crime is down.

More salaries, more raises, more pensions, buyouts and benefits, at the top of the public sector.

I have been targeted for years for speaking truth like what you did also.

Government plan:

  1. Keep taxing, spending, imposing new laws, and committing violence against peaceful people.
  2. Wait for the remnants of the free market and civil society to fix the problem
  3. If 2, take credit. Otherwise, repeat 1.

Well, that should be a blog post by you, clearly.

That is very good Jacob. I hope you will make one on that.

It does not even need to be much more than that, IMHO.

Simple truths can be short -- and profound.

You are a beaut!!

Well, I am having some trouble finding my muse tonight...

edit - Here's the post.

Does this help?


My very first post was introductory, of course. But the first real post was about my desire to leverage human sexual hormones on a blockchain.

  • Thanks for the comments today.

It is funny, how some of my posts or series, get no comments, but some of them a week or 2 later.... get like 70 or 80 or even over 10 so far early, like tonite.

I enjoy making posts so I can draw responses out of people, engage and learn things.

My first post was an introduction to my research and the modern, corporatized surveillance state: How DynCorp developed PROMIS and the surveillance state alongside Palantir

One of U.S. defense contractor DynCorp's most influential CEO's, Herbert "Pug" Winokur, was fundamental to the development of PROMIS, software which would be the core of Palantir.

That is super and frankly not surprised with all your content LOL

I had to re-follow you, you must have been dumped off my list when the last fork changes took place, I lost like 100 people anyways.

  • and thanks for commenting!

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