What Do Steemit and Pretty Woman Have in Common? - A Steemit Success Tidbit

in #steemit7 years ago

There are many articles on how to succeed on Steemit. This one is a little bit different.


You've heard that success on Steemit takes time, consistency, patience, and creating original content. Those are all absolutes. But you probably have not heard anything about selling on Steemit.

But...Selling on Steemit?! I don't have anything to sell!

Oh, but you do!

You have to sell yourself.

To succeed in anything online, you have to sell yourself.

Take online dating for instance. You are competing against thousands of other one dimensional non-beings. You are not real until they get to know you. And that takes setting yourself apart from the rest. That takes time and effort to prove that 1. You're not a bot. 2. You're not a prostitute or scam artist. 3. You are someone worth getting to know better in the really real world.

Steemit is no different. There are hundreds of articles posted every day. You have to give the reading population something to entice them to click on your article, as opposed to the other dozen on the screen.

Now is the crucial time. A reader has clicked on your post and is reading your piece. You have them! You invited them into your home and they took their shoes off. Now you gotta keep them there. Make them comfortable so they want to hit that Follow button and come back again and again.

1. Image and Headline

This is where you grab them. You need a good and royalty free image to capture their eye, and a headline that captures their attention so they are compelled to read more.

2. Content

Entertain with your information. You can be the foremost expert in your field and provide all the knowledge they could possibly need, but if your piece is not entertaining they will grow bored, get distracted, and go in search of better entertainment.

3. Be Yourself!

This is where you are selling yourself! Readers want YOU. Do not be afraid of putting yourself into your writing. This is what's called your unique voice. Nothing on the internet is new. Everything has been written about a thousand times over. It's up to you to use your unique voice in your writings. You are the only human on the planet who has experienced things as you have. Your viewpoint and perspective is different from everyone else's who has written a similar article on the very same subject. You must spin the content from your perspective and put a little bit of you in it to make it unique. To make yourself stand out from the rest. Sell yourself! We want to know about you and how you view things! Giving your writing a personal touch will give people something to relate to, and look at the subject in a slightly different way.

Sell yourself. But sell yourself honestly. Be you. Share your heart and thoughts. Give Steemit the really real you and you will get the Steemit of your dreams.

Images via Creative Commons, Touchstone Pictures and Giphy

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Another cracker Kitten.
That's the great thing about Steemit, being yourself pays, the more of yourself you put into your work the more success you achieve.

True that!

Thank you :)

You're absolutely right about this point dude. Some of my biggest moments and best posts on here have been when I've just completely opened up and truly let myself be exposed. And not only did I receive so much love and positivity for the most part, I learned t be more comfortable with myself.

It helped me grow a LOT as a man, so I totally agree with this, and think more people should just be themselves!

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Yes yes and yes. I second third and fourth this post. I love everything about it just be yourself. I love your title it grabbed me. by the way I'm absolutely loving all of the Pretty Woman memes. I love this platform and how the judging is very minimal.

Thank you so much!

Yes, Steemit is such a wonderfully supportive and encouraging community :) Great to meet you!!!

You too..i couldn't agree more

Well its easier for pretty women to make $ on Steem

I was just going to write a post about how women from Instagram should al join steemit they would be perfect for steemit and please dont argue with me or get jeous fo those women on instagram, anyone on instagram who gets views really, and im just making a case for those girls who have the hundreds of thousands fo followers on instagram well that translates to steemit tey would be finally making MONEY off t heir contenbt

but i want to help humanity and lets not get caught up in the jelousy , and remember i want to hlp the women of veneuela for example, make some money off their social media life, which tehyre good at and get followers and views but in venexuela they need crypto currency badly and in all of the developing wold they really need crypto currencya nd stemit allows social media to be an income for them, it only makes sense, instagram has 1 billion users, its growing so fast people are leaving SO many comments on those instagram pages that you could never go through them al....the amount of content on Instagram is soooo vast its just always ther for you to TRY and explore but its SOOOO much content that you just cant keep up with it.....

and stem,it will FINALLy allow the best pnes to make MONEY of of their social media skills! Finally social media itself can earn people money!

We are going through the real bedrock of steemit right now and soon we will be changing lives all around the world and a whole new class of peopel will arise the steemit users will have theor own economies, unlike youtubers who jhust use the US dollar, youtubers will get jelous and want to be able to pay their commenters, youtube bettr role out prizes for their top commenters, it only makes sense, they need a steem blockchain in the steem comments!

Steemit never talks about how steem blockchain could be used on other platforms! They are shy about how good stem blokchain really is it seems or no one here really grasps how powerful steemit is but maybe the people who fork for steemit ...the developers really do know....man this whole experiment is a massive success with few people giving it the credit it deserves now im going to go sell some steem dollars for bitcoin, put those bitcoin on my bitpay debit card and go buy some haagen dazs strawberry icecream with some stroop wafles as the cone.

..its a very nice feeling to have crypto currency and they will be viewed as more and more valuable as tie goes on, just imagine showing someone how mainstream crypto will have become a few years ago, now imagine how we already take it for granted, man we have no idea how expensive bitcoin will be and humans are SO DUMB every time bitcoin price goes down people go OOOH OHH SEE ITS BAD MAN and then they FORGET about it as bitcoin price goes up!!!!

As far as the fake accounts on Instagram, I'm going to disagree. I do not want them on Steemit. Yes, I understand they the poor chaps who steal the girl photos are doing it because hell-they're hungry. And they've noticed beater skinned girls get the likes= easier op to bring the scam.

But I do agree with bringing Steemit to the masses. Anyone who wishes to create compelling and original content can pay their bills with time, patience, and crypto :)

i dont wanna bring scammers to steemit im saying i wanna convince the ones already here to use steemit the right way, also u cant control whose gonna use steemit so justy remember we have to always be making lemonade out of the people who come here its going to be the one thing people here aren't used to they think they can have a perfect lil community, MAYBE they can when we have the subreddit style steemit communities, maybe that will allow people to contain small groups and just have their own way for small communities, but overall there will be people commenting and if u wanna hide their comment u will need steempower! its a great way to make people want to buys teempower just out of a desire to have influence over the conversation there!

I really think we can py a LOT of peoples bills with steemit ! the steemit underclass of minnows who never save up steempower and thus never grow a nestegg of wealth will always be selling small amounts of steem , and the smart users will save up steempower and make money off it from curation and growing followers and then use their SBD to spend and never even power down, because steem will continue to grow in value as we see influxes of people join, the orice will rise, but people underestimate how ,uch the priuce will remain the same , just from people Hodling! the Hodlers, peopel who just hold bitcoin ad NEVER sell it will simply keep bitcoin and steem both up at a certain level and ts basic supply nd demand, some peopel re die heart cryopto fans and just DONT sell, so the huge dip which is already recovering, its just showing you that MOST of the people hodling bitcoin have CONFIDENCE in bitcoin! sure a good 30% sold their bitcoin pretty fast in panic, but 70% held strong! and then that 30% started feeling regret and BOUGHt again! some of them very cheap and now made a lot as some sold at $4000 or above and then bought back in at $3000 where it just dropped to, and now were back to $3800 almost at $4000 so NOW we will see bitcoin going even higher now that people know how STRONG it is! This just makes more opf the public look closer at the bitcoin technology which is solid and just confuses the public BUT it also educates them on how the mainstream, banking system is not based on anything and a group of elite can just digitally print up dollars as mUCH as they want bail about billionaire bankers and then rip off the taxpayer so bitcoin wa created as way to just not have the ability to print up money by a small minority liek we have with central banks....and the banks of course dont like the mainstream public knowing about that, because dumb ignorant people who just want to make Money end up finding out about the banking system BECAUSE of bitcoin and converts more and more people over to the idea of centralization

All very good, all very valid points.

Your passion for the platform rivals mine ;) it's good to see :)

Great works, I wish you success
Good post I would be very thankful if you please follow and upvote me thanks.This post recieved an upvote from sanjeev.kapoor . If you would like to recieve upvotes from sanjeev.kapoor on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @sanjeev.kapoor

I love Indian food! Share some more recipes :)

@arbitrarykitten This is great news. Nicely carried out! Followed.

As the great Elvis Presley said ~ Thank you, thank you very much


This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Thanks my dark and zesty friend!

I think instead of sell yourself we should sell our good things because it is more valuable then sell the yourself.

Our knowledge and information is truly valuable, more than any thing

Absolutely right. It is very valuable.

I don't follow- can you elaborate on that please?

Some people are sell their self for some money but if he use their mind and try to share some good things on just like a steemit or other platform or do some activity or do some hardwork for earning the money then he will become more valuable person.

And in my first review i am not specifying you. So don't take it on yourself

I would never presume to take anything personally Unless, of course it's intended as such ;)

nice boots..

LOL! Ahh, Foghorn! The funny thing is the Lodge in my last hometown counted a couple dozen Leghorn doppelgangers! When I pointed it out they immediately appointed him their mascot ;)

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