Am I the only one around here who would like to see the interface de-sucked, follow- and blocklists implemented and tagged browsing made possible before the next huge waves of new users rush in?

in #steemit8 years ago

A purely fictional play.

Four men in a pub.

Man 1: Am I the only one around here who would like to see the interface de-sucked, follow- and blocklists implemented and tagged browsing made possible before the next huge waves of new users rush in?

Man 2: been wanting that one since day one!

Man 3: everyone's asking for that

man 4: Your not alone :)

man 1: then technically, since we are living in a new, democratic, free society where markets rule... that majority wish should at least be heard, no? it's kinda embarrassing to lure friends to this place of madness. it only angers me because I see great potential, from what others have coded so far (steemwatch, piston.web etc)

Man 3: oh yeah

Man 1: a few simple costumizable filters would already do the trick, and everyone could let whales be whales and set up new, independent markets

Man 3: but the problem is thta they work on so many stuff that.. but you know how it is. you need to watch both ends or else you'll get fucked

Man 1: I understand that the hack had to be fixed first. but i don'tunderstand their opening the gates so soon again, before anything has been sorted out. we had the chance to develop a culture, instead we get this... mess. should not open its gates before:

A - The Interface is de-sucked. It needs urgently:

  • Ignore function/banlist/block. There are some accounts that have proven to be pure noise generators, nothing more - no need to even display them.
  • A working "follow" function. In its simplest form, a text field to add names to; in a more advanced form, it would be possible to group them according to topics/interests/"circles" (whales/friends/musicians/analyists/whathaveyou). already has implemented the feature somewhat by reading the follow data from the blockchain - which is recorded by steemit, but not implemented yet. This would allow to have something like the Facebook feed: content of people one chooses to follow. With checkboxes to ex-/include posts/replies/votes, of course.
  • tagged browsing. Would allow the user to specify the tags by which to filter the "new" and "trending" pages, maybe even in the form of (steem OR steemit) AND economy, for example.
  • Bookmarks/favourites.

90% of power wasted uselessly on debates about flagging etiquette and policebots would be freed for the market of insightful debate if everyone could customize his own Feed and filter out the noise. The interface must first invite, then liberate.

less urgently, but important nonetheless:

  • Profile pages. And profile pics, mayhaps.
  • curation and AMA mode (and other) as proposed by xeroc.
  • Custom CSS. Just like in the good old MySpace days, eh, guys?

B - the existing ocean agrees on a constitution

as proposed by His Whaleness bombad general dan of House Steem, first of His name, Lord of the blockchain, Breaker of reddit and Facebook: (Source 1, Source 2)

  • There are no proper protocols. Wangbot is one thing, but there is a culture to develop, and newcomers to introduce into. How to use tags (or categories?), how to find help without screaming into the void in the hopes of being fished in /created, how to report bugs and issues, how to use flags and upvotes and for the umpteenth time why they want to power up and how to do it and why it takes a week and wtf are witnesses.

At ~35.000 users, of which ~20% are active, this is a small town and already feuds and flamewars break out. This economy is under extreme stress, caused by competition.

By all means, do your cryptomoney and whale hunting thing. But the whitepaper I read was about

steem is committed to enabling free speech and building a free society.

and stuff, that is why I am here; I also would like to see an alternative approach to society to succeed, so I implore you:

Pause and reflect. can, might and according to many of you will be our next Golem, and we have no idea how to master it. With great power...

...and so on.

Aka over and out

If you found this boring, have a Cassandra instead:

(Photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen)

(If Man 1, 2, 3, 4 want credit, no prob, I withheld your identities to protect you from peer pressure)


I think profile pics are uber important for our identity here! Agreed with your points but also don't forget that the devs are working on a ton of issues, it's not easy.
Designing a great interface is a work of art and quite difficult. It take a shitload of time and resources.
But I do agree that some improvement can be made easily within the current steemit look :)
PS: I might be one of those men in the bar :D

Some very valid points made, don't forget though on the top-left (Beta) - this is new territory for everyone and cant be easy. Follow functions and pics are key for me right now - i actually had one but it disappeared.

UI / UX guys are working as fast as they possibly can. :)

we'll just have to see about the timing of those floodgates... have you ever tried herding cats? let alone cats making large sums of money for promoting something? Can we get anyone to wait at this point?

Well spoken, I second that!

I'd like to see a diverse userbase that feels strongly about free speech on Steemit. Social media like Reddit and Twitter are really coming down hard on things they as a company find distasteful. As a private company that's their right but I think it is impacting their brand negatively.

Welcome to the Steemit community! I have added you to my list of people to follow and I hope that you will do the same.

I have also created a blog here and would like to ask if you would kindly contribute some of your knowledge to the community and perhaps answer a question or two I have posted on the links below.  

By simply answering a few general questions your help to build our collective knowledge base, and your input is valuable.

How valuable is my input?  Well answers to the questions you post have the opportunity to earn STEEM which can be converted into Bitcoin and then your countries local currency!  IT IS TRULY AMAZING!

I once answered a question on here and received 59 STEEM which converted to roughly $177.00 in USD!   The reason was that my answer was of value to readers!  So please add your value and answer a few questions here:

What should every foreigner know about your country?

What is your favorite YouTube Video of all-time?

What is your favorite quote: Which quote inspires you?

Payout timer.  When do you get paid for your contributions?

What is the role of religion or spirituality in your life?

What is the best habit that you have taken up from another person?

What is the best way to lose weight and how did you do it?

What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?

What are some amazing facts that sound like BS but are actually true?

What is your favorite music video of all time?



Theres a lot of work to be done and were still in beta. In some ways a rush of influx in users is great and in others it can be crippling. Things will get fixed and added in time. I think we need a little bit more patience.

Totally agree with everything you said. I'm seeing Steemit advertisements and people here actively trying to recruit more people, which I think is a huge mistake until more usability improvements can be made to the platform.

As it is right now, it's a complete slog curating content from the "new" section and definitely not worth the payout considering the enormous amount of spam and shit-posts to wade through... and using the tags is a waste of time since it doesn't show you only posts with those tags but a random mix of stuff... arghhh.

And yes, some kind of block function would be great. If I see a user plagiarizing, or consistently posting spam, or generally acting with bad behavior, I really have no interest in seeing anything from those users or giving them one ounce of my attention ever again.

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