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RE: @roelandp what did you do with the $3683 you made last week?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Wow. first of I would have never thought that you would come attacking me. But here I am being attacked. Not really understanding why however. Except for a pretty short-sighted view. But on the other hand albeit you are asking and campaigning against me in a pretty rude fashion it gives me the opportunity to answer your main question.

As far as I understood you are also running for witness?

I will explain what I did with last weeks witness pay but first I want you to know that every top 20 witness gets that pay. In times when steem was 1 cent btw the pay was obviously lower.

Also: The witness pay is paid in SteemPower. I currently delegate 50% of my Steempower and plan to delegate more. So I don't see the problem so much here.

About not posting in these winter months: I specifically don't choose to post on my main account because it has many upvote bots attached because of steemfest love. I keep my account kind of reserved for that. I don't see a need to unnecessarily drain the rewards pool.

What I do for Steem as a witness:

  1. I've been initiating and organising SteemFest now for 2 years and am currently planning the next iteration. For this I have and will be travelling quite some. I leave my family at home and one would almost call this work, albeit being very rewarding socially.

SteemFest takes up a good portion of the year, I am not sure if you understand what event organising entails. You should ask my girlfriend how happy she is right after the event when she finally 'gets me back'. Last year's event entailed 5 days at 10 locations. This is not organised beforehand with a team but solely by me. Although during the event there is great help from many people for example the @firepower crew, who did a great job once again. Being a lone-organiser is done to keep prices as affordable as possible. I've put down last year about 20K - 30K in Steemfest myself. This year the first steps have been taken for the coming edition like scouting locations. Maybe I should be more visible about that but I tend to organise things under the wraps and only come out once things are set in stone to not set false expectations about events or projects that will not come to fruition.

  1. I know being a witness is a humble position and I try to do my best to serve as a decent and reliable producer. Therefore I have written and supplied several monitoring tools and they are all available on my

  2. Being a reliable witness means being serious about the core task of maintaining the blockchain and I think investing in good hardware is key. So far it has paid of paying more than just a simple VPS. When I started witnessing I immediatelly upped the game by going for big bare metal boxes. My uptime with 17 missed blocks is 99.99975% since starting witnessing can tell that. I run currently 10 dedicated boxes in 4 countries which have steem p2p nodes running.

  3. I was recently discussing with @gtg how to add another full rpc node like the others have been adding but our discussion ended in setting up a bigger thing once we have the new HF / Hivemind stuff fully in place. So that is still 'to do'.

  4. Coming back to last week actually I've been working on editing and fixing bugs on some fun apps (I guess you don't like them tho) I did already a while ago for Steemit chain:

Also last week I appeared in @aggroed's show last saturday, which I try to attend every other time. Furthermore I did some reading up on Hivemind and such.

Additionally I am currently working on an art project for a fountain in a city in Holland. It will be a 'whale' which sprays water on given times. I am writing the script in python and connecting it with relays. This fountain (whale) will be revealed in about 1.5 - 2 months and will be connected to behaviour on the Steem blockchain (as a gimmick)

Then there is some family troubles at home (parents) which I will not bother you about.

  1. I've been promoting Steem whenever I can:
  • appeared a couple of times on Dutch national radio
  • did a presentation last year for Dutch telecom C-level (70 pax)
  • With Steemfest organising I think I also help spread the word quite a lot.

If people feel they should not be voting for me, they are welcome to not vote for me. I am really sorry to hear your feelings and I hope my post clarifies a bit what I do.

I hope it also answers a bit your question and I hope to your liking. Maybe if you would support me with a witness vote it would be much appreciated.

If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know. If you feel there is anything more I should be doing for my witness position please let me know.


You are stating that you delegated 2/5 of your SP. But you did not mention that out of this 75k SP you delegated 25k for profit to minnowbooster, one of many bots that contributes to the destruction of Steemit by pushing paid trash to the trending pages (I always hear that these bots are there to attract investors, but you are a steem witness!), 9k to yourself and 25k to utopian (which is great, but you are profiting from the reward shares).
There are so many curation initiatives that do an amazing job but lack delegation. I am part of the @travelfeed team myself and it is frustrating to see how none of the whales nor witnesses are interested in supporting the curation of great content for the travel community. If you don't want to support us, go and support @curie or @ocd who do an amazing job in curating topics across the board!

thanks for your suggestions. I thought Minnow booster supported minnows to be honest.

Because quite some people reply to get delegations I am tinkering with setting up a small site dedicated to projects presenting themselves for delegation. 'Solliciting Power' or something.

Let me know if such a thing already exists: a comparable place where projects looking for delegated steempower can present themselves.

If not, what would be good criteria for comparison? I am thinking along a small form with following items:

  • username
  • project description
  • what will be upvoted using the delegated power?
  • what will not be upvoted.
  • rewardshare yes or no.

@cryptoctopus has started an initiative a while ago to collect all Steemit projects that need delegation or curation trail follows in an Excel sheet, but I think he never posted a follow-up on this and the Excel sheet can be edited by anyone and is (as far as I know) not moderated to sort out potentially scammy projects. Setting up a moderated site for this sounds like a fantastic idea! I am studying computer science and have been doing some web development myself and know about many great curation projects on Steemit, so if you need help with setting up the site, feel free to contact me. Also, we could talk to @cryptoctopus to see what his plans for the Excel sheet are.

I can give you a small summary of what we are doing at @travelfeed. You can also check out our Steemit blog and see for yourself.
Username: @travelfeed. Run by @for91days, @rimicane, @adonisabril and me, @jpphotography
Project Description: We have successfully established #travelfeed as a tag for travel blogs and as an alternative to the spammy #travel tag. Especially minnows get more exposure here. There are certain requirements to post in #travelfeed (english language, min 250 words, only original content, images have to be sourced) to make sure that #travelfeed does not become as spammy as #travel.
What will be upvoted? Each day we read all the posts and select the best five posts that are then resteemed and upvoted 100%. Our upvote is followed by currently over 40 followers of our curation trail. Each day, we do a thematic curation (Asia/Europe/Africa/Travel Advice/..) featuring three of the best posts posted in #travelfeed the days before. 50% of the SBD earnings of these curation posts go to the authors, the rest is used to power up the @travelfeed account to get more SP for future upvotes.
What will not be upvoted? Each post is checked for plagiarism before we upvote. We won't upvote any controversial posts. All of us are working on @travelfeed non-profit, so our own posts are excluded from upvotes as well.
Reward shares yes or no? Currently no reward shares for Delegation. If you need reward shares, you can [follow our curation trail] and upvote our daily curation posts to receive curation rewards.

We also run the Steemit Travellers Discord Server, so feel free to chat with us about @travelfeed there!

thank you i delegated. Please note for others. I will build a small tool/site to propose delegations, not only to me but anyone who is willing to delegate some SP.

Thank you so much! We will put your delegation to great use!
As I mentioned before, if you need any help with building this site let me know, it is a long needed tool!

Thank you and sorry for the late reply! We are getting so many submissions now in #travelfeed and a lot of quality ones as well, it is amazing! Thanks for mentioning us and good luck with @comedyopenmic, I have followed already and might submit something myself in the future :)

Hey JP, sounds great! Yeah, totally undersand, I'm so behind with things IRL and also helping out with the growing community in @comedyopenmic.

Give your entry a go, let me know when you do post, a funny humor travel piece or equivalent from you would be an awesome, crazy mad idea! Will be anticipating your submission, drop me a message here or anywhere, looking forward to checking it out and showing some upvote love!

Hey Roe,

Just so you know, we mentioned in our announcement your delegation to @travelfeed, we hope it will give some free publicity to them and more important that it will also make an impact to encourage the open community and spread your love wide and far, either way we appreciate it!


Cool! Also checkout !

Thx and stay tuned for that lil project i told you about.

Cool map! Looking forward to seeing the Project come to life, am sure many communities could use a voice :)


Yo Roland, you could check dj123's comment up there. Some solid points stated by him. 👍

did that where are you guys huddling up because it seem like a coordinated "attack" :P but thanks for pointing out.

Oh I'll tell you all about the secret hideout if you make a COM entry. ;P
PS: It's got free cookies!!!11

LOTS of that, yes.

That site would actually be SUPER helpful, I am trying to get my project @paywithsteem some delegation so I can help my team members out with votes and eventually vote up some reviews people make through our site (Under Development).

see pm on

This sounds excellent Roeland.

I recently removed my vote from you (yes a huge impact I know!) due to my research on the top 50 witnesses showing that you were delegating to @minnowbooster.

Your excuse/reason did make me laugh, comedyopenmic material, but I do believe your answer was an honest one.

Reviewing your delegations again today, and reading this project proposal above, puts you right back on my list, and I hope others do the same.

See you at SF3

yes indeed i have withdrawn from minnowbooster. It will be available again next week. the project i aforementioned was already for longer on my todo list with a draft actually, but then I decided to just put some on Utopian and MinnowB and Minnow Support. Now the site is getting nearish completion so I'm all ears for more projects to be showcased.


Ha! nice

@roelandp lost my witness vote recently when I checked out what the top 50 were doing with regards to Bid-bots.

Well done to you for mentioning this and well done to Roeland for cancelling that delegation, and seemingly supporting the @travelfeed.

Classy response, way to go!

I see a lot of people in here trying to convince you to support various projects- if you get the chance, I highly recommend looking at @steemstem and @geopolis. Both projects curate and support excellent science content- the former a more general science selection, the latter focused on geography, geology, ecology, and other world sciences.

see pm on

wow? Someone is attacking you. Maybe he/she doesn't know what you are doing for the community.

@roelandp, if you're looking for great initiatives to get behind with delegation, I'd like to tell you about two. One is a writer's community that is 100% committed to improving the quality of writing on the platform. We have a volunteer staff of editors who happily give their time to other writers looking to improve their craft. We've also just launched a publishing house that intends to compete in the mainstream markets yet compensate its authors with Steem. @thewritersblock is a success from every angle you view it. I believe you met my fellow admin, @gmuxx, at Steemfest last November.

The other project I'd like to make you aware of is @tarc . Because it's an animal charity, often people marginalize it. But the truth is, TARC has been working for years to improve the lives of animals and humans in Central Appalachia, one of the most impoverished and socially stunted regions in North America. You can look on my personal blog to get an idea of the challenges TARC faces. While we are an advocacy group, we are also a hands-on rescue that is registered as a nonprofit in the U.S. TARC has a large network of supporters on Steemit who have used the blockchain to influence more change in Southwest Virginia than has been accomplished in the five years since TARC was established. I believe we are growing a worthwhile presence on Steemit, but could certainly use delegation and support from the larger community.

Thank you for taking time to read about these two projects. I believe each brings a lot of gravitas to the platform and there is no shortage of potential to impact it in a very positive way. I'm happy to discuss this further with you if you have questions.

@roelandp I'd also like to add to what the amazing @rhondak said:

@thewritersblock is one of the most curated communities on steemit. We also have a wide list of published authors and experienced editors. This professional community is dedicated to improving the quality of content on steemit.
On a personal level, I can say this mad group of writers has helped me write a book of poetry which I'm hoping will be published soon.

Gotta say I support The Writers Block and their goals wholeheartedly. It's a rare thing to find a group on steemit and discord that holds to a higher, professional standard of content production in fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Harder yet when the content they're producing is eminently evergreen; a year later it's still quality content.

Definitely a bit more valuable than a daily crypto post that's useless 24 hours after its written.

I hate the idea of begging for help--I'd rather people supported what felt right to them--but the truth is, both these could really use some love. TWB isn't just for people who already are experienced writers. We workshop and offer support to those who are new to writing also. We don't currently have the resources for the most desperate ESL people--those who rely on Google Translate or struggle to make themselves understood without tools--they are sent to other platforms that try to offer support for that. But we hope eventually to expand if we can get people to volunteer for it. We already workshop fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and songwriting in English. We have one language-specific workshop--in Dutch--and our experienced team has worked on fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in Dutch as well. We'd like to help increase the quality of posts on Steem so the world at large can start looking at the platform as a place to find quality writing of any genre. We're working to increase our social media presence also and we've actually gotten a number of writers in from off platform who are now working to help build Steem as well.

We're also working to go beyond that--to establish a publishing house and publish ebooks with quality authors whose work could bring views back to the platform in the form of readers looking for those stories and poems and articles we publish here.

Please consider dropping by our Discord server and seeing what we do. We'd love to have you, regardless of whether you want to provide other support than your presence.

As for @tarc, every penny counts. Supporting that is what has made Steem real for many of us. Seeing the difference we could make in the lives of animals has only increased our drive to help build Steem and add value to the platform. It's not just social media. It's something tangible when it can save a life by paying a vet bill or buying a bag of dog food.

As for the witness stuff, I am grateful to all the witnesses with functional servers that don't miss blocks who keep the block chain running. I know there is a big investment in servers, be it hardware or renting space elsewhere, as well as the work to make sure everything is updated and working smoothly. I'd only be concerned about having people remove votes from someone who isn't actually managing the witness job anymore. I am sure some out there are struggling because of the needed increase in server sizes recently.

These are excellent suggestions for delegations. As an author, I'm excited about the publishing potential of the blockchain and Steemit. @thewritersblock is contributing quality content on the platform in a big way.

I'm also a supporter of @tarc, and would like to see someone with more resources get behind this gutsy non-profit that is saving animals, and doing so much more.

As for Steemfest, it sounds like a blast! Events take a lot of work. Good on you for creating a gathering for the Steemit community. Hope I can go sometime.

Steem-o-Graph has a lot of potential. Best of the lot IMO. I would recommend parametrizing the length of the links (some followers are "closer" to you than others, for instance based on the number of comments on your posts) and also playing with the size (and maybe color) of the follower - based for instance on the number of upvotes a follower has given you and their $ value ? Filtering out the bots and 0-root-post accounts would also be useful ...

I like SteemStream - can it be paused (to inspect a transaction closer) ? I didn't seem to be able to pause it.

SteeMVP - it would be cool to be able to filter the bots (with one click) - make me feel queasy (they are my biggest fans ... :-(

SteemStory didn't work for me

SteemFighter drew a smile ... I hope (for our collective sake, given your skills) that you didn't spend too much time on it :-)

Too bad I didn't know earlier about you, I would have loved to meet you while in Amsterdam last month ...
How can one keep up to date with the next SteemFest ?

Thanks for your impressive work and for answering to bernie. He's got bad manners and questionable values (a witness should care foremost about running a reliable node, not about posting, IMO) but I reckon he has good intentions overall.

Thx sorin, some replies:

SteemStream - You can follow certain usernames. I have not giving thought about clicking a transaction to inspect it but can be nice yeah.

SteemStory for you worked after trying twice. The third party json2jsonp provider errorr'ed out on your name, i don't know why. After 2 times i got your 'story'.

Steemfighter certainly took quite some time but wasn't build from scratch no.

Updates on Steemfest via - subscribe newsletter.

I also think bernie has good intentions overall but it is just sometimes harsh to recover from the stabs and smacks in your face.

SteemStory - I managed to have it working. Maybe it was the "." in my username ?

When looking back (thanks to the story) the thing that worries me most and makes me sad is that i'm unable to tell how many of those ~900 000 are actual people and how many are duplicate and fake accounts ? This doubt is destroying my trust in the platform. It used to be that to create an account one had to take a picture of oneself with a panel reading steemit and the date (when I registered in August 2017). Now accounts can be created programatically for a small fee and need not be linked anymore to real persons ...

This is bad, very, very bad ...

Hey there Roland. I stumbled across this message and just had to chime in after learning earlier today what you did for my friend @jpphotography/@travelfeed.

But first, making 150k a year is really not much when you have executives of major companies making a heck of lot more and sometimes doing very corrupt things. Then they get their golden parachute as they leave the company worth sometimes tens of millions. Not to mention professional athletes and how much just a bench warmer makes.

Like many I've seen you around the platform and all that you do including organizing the steemfests. So to me you are like an underpaid executive as far as I'm concerned.

I wouldn't let this kind of attack get to you Roland. You should have told him you had lobster and caviar for dinner and what's it to you? lol What, should you feel bad for being successful? The system has grown into what it is, and you're being rewarded for having the smarts to get on board when you did and how you did. Congratulations.

You got in when steem was worthless, fast forward to today it's been a great investment that keeps on giving, it could have gone the other way and been a total waste of time and effort. This guy putting you down should scream at the top of a mountain to all those early bitcoin investors who are now millionaires. Success should be applauded and that's what I'm doing here and now!

Besides that you're being more than a gentleman with what you have done with your success. In fact I learned though my friend Jullian @jpphotography that you just delegated his @travelfeed account 15k in steem power. That is just awesome of you, and things like this really make a difference to many and the platform itself.

I'm so happy for him. As he first reached out to me noticing my unique travel blog. I started up-voting his work and networking him into some people I know here. I'm just a travel blogger here who started out with zero. Now I've got a little over 3000SP, which is nothing compared to you. JP was so happy and appreciative that I helped and supported his efforts. In this morning's conversation I know for a fact he's full blown ecstatic regarding the favor you just did for him. Thank you on his behalf and all the travel bloggers like myself!

In this world you've got people on the top and on the bottom and those on top trying to lift up the little guys shows so much character. There for in my book you're more than just're an All-Star Steemit Member. Looking forward to shaking you by the hand at the next steemfest. You have nothing to feel guilty about and nothing to apologize for. Steem on brother!

From Santiago Chile! -Dan, Steemit's "World Travel Pro!"

Yo, $51.59 for just this comment. I need this upvote more than you do bro @roelandp


Find a communist country then.

The problem is amount of money you get for SteemFest and few other things. Minnows who are trying their best and getting only pennies for it, what should they think about it? Honestly they will think it's bullshit. I'm not saying you shouldn't be payed for your contribution, but amount you receive minnow with hard work on Steemit every day wouldn't see in million years.

There is too much difference between whales and minnows. Basically minnows must work hard every day to get pennies, in same time witnesses and whales almost don't have to do a shit to make big money. Even when witnesses/whales do something they get over payed big time.

If you witnesses don't understand that is one of reasons most of Steemians give up from Steemit, that is the problem. Just look at number of active accounts on Steemit, it's less then 20% of overall number of accounts. Most of people give up because they don't see it as fair eco-system. Why should someone work hard every day for pennies and in same time look at people who do little bit for far more money?! If we want to build fair eco-system, we can't have this big gap from from whales and rest of community.

I'm not attacking you, but must say honestly that you or anyone else don't deserve this kind of money. Not saying this because I'm minnow in pennies, I'm saying this because it is the truth. The gap between whales and rest of community is toooooo big, so minnows wouldn't feel like morons after their hard work. Also, that gap creates situation if some of whales don't notice you, you will be in pennies all the time and after some time give up.

at least you get pennies. im trying to figure out how to even do that.

@neo-wiza have you been to steemfest?

The main purpose of being a witness is supporting and maintaining the chain. If there would be no witnesses then there would be no Steem. It is the same as burning down the instagram datacenters. There is a need for it because this is how this blockchain works.

The amount of STEEMPOWER being rewarded to witnesses is fixed in the blockchain software which you can see here:

Every day for the new steem created:

  • 75% goes to payout curators & creators
  • 15% goes to the vesting fund
  • 10% is distributed amongs the people running the network

Back in the days, (e.g. when @nextgencrypto was actually a witness if I recall correctly a top 19 witness) the payments where 5 times higher. I guess it is where he gained his steempower from. He also supported SteemFest 1 in Amsterdam.

When I became a witness about 3/4 weeks in a hardfork was implemented to drastically lower the witness-rewards to what it is currently. Now with the current prices one could start a campaign to lower the witness prices more. That might be a better discussion instead of singling out a single persons and guessing he doesn't work for his money. To me saying that SteemFest is just a 5-day event (not saying you say this) is literally stabbing me as I know best how much time i put into it.

Re your post of people leaving the platform... Where else can they go? Back to facebook? Twittering for the likes? I would like to emphasize the beauty of the Steem chain more over other 'social networks'.

  • every user can pick to blog anywhere else, but with that come certain restrictions and 'features':
    -- Being blocked or firewalled for example facebook & twitter in china
    -- Being censored for example facebook or twitter
    -- Need to pay for hosting & maintenance
    -- Being data mined and sold (every big 'no such thing as a free lunch' social company from sillicon valley)

Hi @rolandp, just a minor comment about your last point:

-- Being data mined and sold (every big 'no such thing as a free lunch' social company from sillicon valle

Steem does not avoid social data mining, on the contrary, it helps many more organizations do that, as the database is completely public. The advantage si everybody can, not a monoly, and everybody knows they can do it, being concious of the fact.
Best regards

@neo-wiza have you been to steemfest?

Don't know why is important was I on SteemFest.

To me saying that SteemFest is just a 5-day event (not saying you say this) is literally stabbing me as I know best how much time i put into it.

I didn't say you don't deserve money for organizating SteemFest. What I'm saying you are receiving too much money for SteemFest + witness work. Nothing personal, will say that to any witness in your position. Most of people can say to you similar story about their blog in pennies...Do you really think I need 5 minutes to write article and after only get pennies for it. That is literally stabbing me as I know how much time I put into it. At least you get more than good deal for your effort about SteemFest compared to bunch of minnows getting pennies for their hard work.

About people leaving platform... Don't say Steemit is working properly when 80%+ (close to 90%) of people leave platform. Not saying it's all because unfair money distribution, but in my opinion that is main cause. Yes, people could make bigger effort to make better articles (including me), but when they see they are depended on whale votes, most of them don't want to give continues effort because they don't see it as fair system. Like I said there is too big gap between whales and rest of community.

The problem is most (if not all) of whales didn't get their SP by blogging and they don't know how hard is to produce great article on continues basis. They accrued SP on various different ways and in fact they are hidden hand ruling Steemit. Most of them don't care about anything else then making easy money thru Steemit. Don't say all whales are the same, but it's obvious the gap between whales (non bloggers) and minnows who should try hard every day is too big. If that isn't the case 90%+ of users who joined Steemit will still be here.

I think you are mixing up witness & whale. I am not a whale. I am a witness. I don't expect to get money for organising steemfest through my witness pay. I started steemfest because I feel the community needed a place to get together in real life. That takes a lot of time organising, about half a year fulltime with crazy working hours and rest of the year parttime. I was already organising the event and only later became a witness.

When I started becoming a witness the steemprice was 0.09 ct. I decided to heavily invest in hardware to become very reliable at almost break-even pricing. Then I was also not complaining when witness pay got lowered 5 times with the hardfork.

And yes now the prices have risen, so one might opt to lower the witness rewards (which are currently (only) 10% of the platform's new steem creation), but I feel witnessing and keeping the platform stable & reliable is an important job. If steem's blockchain would not work, there would be 0 people here and this whole experiment would have not even taken off.

Additionally with upcoming releases around Hivemind and SMT the platform would gain in interest and usage and being a stable producers would even be more important as external entities start building on top of SMT features. This could lead to even higher prices of Steem but also higher costs of node maintenance. Would you then opt for less pay because it is simply too much for being a witness, however it is thanks to stable producers (partly) that such an increase would have taken place in the first time?

I have to agree with you that Steempower and Voting is being used in all kinds of various ways which one can find abusive, however I see it as a creative way of using the platform's possibilities. One could see a voting bot as a Mine Pool. If things would need to be changed in preventing that behaviour (which is difficult one to solve - we have many discussion about this) it should be done through a Hardfork (same with lowering witness pay).

Having said that, I will definitely give an effort by changing delegations and doing something about this as far as I can, as suggested in other replies in this post.

About people leaving the platform, this is mainly through false expactations because of the threaded $ sign below each post, IMHO. I wanted to suggest that the problem is not so much whales getting the money not through blogging, but people expecting to earn money by writing, instead of enjoying the option of having a free social media platform where users are not being data-mined, used as the product of the freemium platform, where there is free speech without restrictions and which can simply not be blocked anywhere in the world and then having sometimes a (little) reward in crypto on top of that.

If you are top witness, you are automatically whale.

I appreciate everyone's effort in supporting Steemit community, from investors in hardware to early investors/entrepreneurs. But argument 'I invested in Steemit' can't be valid forever. People that invested in Steemit got their money back many times. Now they expect they should enjoy without much contribution (especially in blogging) and rest of people should try their best every day for crumbs. That's not gonna work from perspective of minnow, I can say it with 100% certainty.

If steem's blockchain would not work, there would be 0 people here and this whole experiment would have not even taken off.

Yes, the whole experiment wouldn't work. But also if no one is blogging the whole experiment wouldn't work also. That is why those whose blog deserve more then they receive now.

It's like somebody build company and say to workers 'Hey now you all gonna work hard every day for crumbs and I will take all the profits because I invested in company and also I'm paying for electricity and other expenses.' Yes you did invest, but morally it's not gonna work. That's the way our world is run today. Banks create money from nothing and they can buy anything. After that they can say we invested and you peasants work for crumbs. And the bullshit is created.

We shouldn't create that from Steemit. From minnow perspective it look it's that way.

I hope Hivemind and SMT will make things better, but my hopes are low because the problem of big gap between whales and minnows will stay.

I only voted @roelandp as witness because he up-voted one of my comments once upon a time with above average amount. That was already a big deal for me being a minnow all this time.

My another witness vote went to @jesta for having a sense of respect for small fish by actually engaging to Steemians who commented on/replied to his post and responses.

This is synonymous to real world politics, if you don't care about me I also don't care about you. Simple as that! I'd rather cast a vote for Kim Jong-un. LOL


Easy for you to say when you don't live in North Korea. lol

I like Kim Jong un.


Looks like you've got him confused with a farmer look-alike.

Not really! Here is an evidence of his exotic transformation.


I have a crush on Kim-Jong-Un now.
Thanks for speaking, introvert. You've ruined my life.

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