Random Japan #53 :: The Long Way Home

in #randomjapan6 years ago

Hey all. Welcome to issue 53 of Random Japan, your favorite random look at Japan through the eyes of a random American.

Today—well, let’s not ruin the surprise.

Let’s get started. Let’s enter into…

Random Japan!

Going Home
Going Home

Although bicycle usage perhaps isn’t as high as the stereotype, it still is a pretty common way to get around, even for businessmen. That idea, of seeing a businessman in a nice suit and tie on a bicycle, might seem somewhat comical (or sad) in the States, but it is a common enough occurrence here.


Ultraman did come over to the States in the late ’70s and ’80s. I remember watching badly dubbed episodes of the show. It never gained any popularity tho and didn’t last very long. In Japan, however, Ultraman has been incredibly popular since his creation. I don’t know the show lore, but it seems like there is a new Ultraman every year or so. My son already knows many of them so he could explain better than me.

It Must Be Art
It Must Be Art

Abstract art? I should claim I slaved over this for days and see if I can’t be the next Jackson Pollock, selling it for millions.

In truth, this is just chipped paint from a kid’s park.

There we go. That’s all folks. Thank you for staying with me through today’s exploration. Any favorites? Let me know in the comments. And me sure to turn in tomorrow for another Random Japan. See you then!

If you like this random photo from Japan, be sure to check out @kaliju’s great Random Korea series. The latest entry there is Random Korea #30 - Super Turbo Random Consumer Edition…

Also be sure to follow @kafkanarchy84, @maxinpower, @boxcarblue, and @wllmdnnd for even more random Japan fun! @jrvacation has the occasional randomjapan post too. Also, be sure to follow the #randomjapan tag for more from Japan and #randomasia for random shots from the entire area.

Are you a Japan-based or Asia-based photographer who posts somewhat random photos from the country? If so, use the tag #randomasia, and #randomjapan (or randomASIANCOUNTRYYOUAREIN) on your posts. Also, join our Discord group. DM me on Discord for a link to the server.

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Index Posts
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Hi there David LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.

That bicycle shot at the top looks fantastic!
Thanks for a great issue as always.

For whatever reason the Ultraman SNES game was super-popular in my little group of American teenage gamers. I can't really reconstruct why.

I remember lusting over photos of the game in EGM as I awaited the release of the SNES, but then I completely forgot about the game after I actually got the system. I was too busy being obsessed with Mario World, I guess, and then later other games. That's interesting your friends loved it. I played it a few years ago and it didn't seem like a very good game to me. (But there are many many games I loved when I was a kid, but when I return to now I see they were complete shit, like Renegade or Yo Noid on the NES)

Thanks for the comment :)

EGM! Wow it's been a while since I heard that name :D legendary.

What! Biking is forever! Sweating up a mountain in my Gucci custom tailored! So what. Don't know Ultraman but wish those figures were in color :P nice photos.

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