Random Japan #49 :: You Must Choose Wisely

in #randomjapan6 years ago

Hello beautiful and amazing people!—and welcome to another edition of your favorite look at the ordinary, everyday, and random aspects of life in Japan: Random Japan.

Today, we have a child conqueror, a few difficult decisions, and team sakura! Go team go!

Ready? Good! Let’s get started. Let’s enter into…

Random Japan

Tea or Coffee
Tea or Coffee

The darker green tea (second from the left, top row) is my favorite, but the coffee isn’t half bad—at least the black ones aren’t half bad; the rest are more sugar than coffee and are far too sweet (IMHO). Tea or coffee… the eternal choice in Japan. You must choose, choose wisely.

Tough Decision
Tough Decision

Speaking of choosing wisely, you better make sure to trash that pet bottle or can in the correct slot! I don’t know why there are separate holes for can/bottles and pet bottles—they go to the same trash bag. The real dirty little secret of these things is that people use them for all trash. Japan doesn’t have many trash cans in public. I’m still not quite sure why this is, although I have been given many many many different reasons over the years. At any rate, one of the consequences of this decision is that many people just throw their trash in these pet bottle/can bins and make life a little harder for the recycle guy who then has to sort the trash out of the bag.

Go Team Sakura Train
Go Team Sakura Train

The sakura train! Now with extra sakura.

Tiny Ieyasu Park
Tiny Ieyasu Park

This little guy is Takechiyo (tah-keh-chee-yoh), which is what Ieyasu’s name was when he was just a lad. Ieyasu is one of the biggest names in Japanese history. He would go on to conquer Japan in 1600 and start the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1603 that would go on to rule the country until 1868. He was born in Okazaki so there are statues of him and references to him pretty much all over the city.


†: Wait—is that In my humble opinion or In my honest opinion? An answer.

That’s all folks. Another set of photos come and gone. Did you enjoy any of them today? Let me know in the comments. If fortune truly favors the foolish, I shall return tomorrow to bring you another Random Japan. See you then.

If you like this random photo from Japan, be sure to check out @kaliju’s great Random Korea series. The latest entry there is Random Korea #25 - It’s Raining Bitcoins!?

Also be sure to follow @kafkanarchy84, @maxinpower, @boxcarblue, and @wllmdnnd for even more random Japan fun! @jrvacation has the occasional randomjapan post too. Also, be sure to follow the #randomjapan tag for more from Japan and #randomasia for random shots from the entire area.

Are you a Japan-based or Asia-based photographer who posts somewhat random photos from the country? If so, use the tag #randomasia, and #randomjapan (or randomASIANCOUNTRYYOUAREIN) on your posts. Also, join our Discord group. DM me on Discord for a link to the server.

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Missed a past Random Japan? I’ve got you covered!

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Hi there David LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.

Cool blog here!!! Thanks for the resteem, now it's my turn to take a look at your post!

Those thrash cans drive me nuts. There has to be a city or a station somewhere were they are used as intended, with a different bag attached to each hole. I have yet to find one though.

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