Random Japan #43 :: In The Shadow of Fujisan

in #randomjapan6 years ago

Welcome to issue 43 of everyone’s favorite random look at the land of the rising sun, Random Japan. Today: Fujisan! Oh, and some other random shots too that are also cool, I suppose. But… Fujisan!

Let’s get started. Let’s enter…

Random Japan

Might as well start with the biggie. Here we go.

Do You See What I See?
Do You See What I See?

Yes, the famous Mount Fuji back there, known as Fujisan in Japan. I wasn’t actually visiting it, just taking the bullet train past. That is one of the many perks of the bullet train, going past this beautiful mountain.

There is a reason I use the Japanese name for the title and intro of this post, by the way. There is a modern myth in the west that even some travel books promulgate, that the Japanese call it “Fujisan” out of respect, giving it the respectful -san suffix. Not true. In kanji it looks like this: 富士山. The 山, -san, in Fujisan just means mountain, so they are literally saying “Fuji Mountain”. Now you know (and knowing is half the battle)

Guarding the Nest
Guarding the Nest

I came across this swan sitting on her eggs while riding my bike through a random neighborhood. There is a small pond in the middle of the area and evidently she thought it a good place to lay some eggs.

Honey, Im Home
Honey, I’m Home

Seems like the swan papa is hanging out there too. I’m not sure why someone hung some CDs up above them. To reflect the sun, I suppose, but why?

Frog Love Shack
Frog Love Shack

It’s rice planting time. Most of the fields are planted and flooded now. The frogs are enjoying it, and you can hear them playing and croaking all night.

That’s all for now. Come back tomorrow for more Random Japan!

If you like this random photo from Japan, be sure to check out @kaliju’s great Random Korea series. The latest entry there is Random Korea #23 - What Will You Explore Today?

Also be sure to follow @kafkanarchy84, @maxinpower, @boxcarblue, and @wllmdnnd for even more random Japan fun! @jrvacation has the occasional randomjapan post too. Also, be sure to follow the #randomjapan tag for more from Japan and #randomasia for random shots from the entire area.

Are you a Japan-based or Asia-based photographer who posts somewhat random photos from the country? If so, use the tag #randomasia, and #randomjapan (or randomASIANCOUNTRYYOUAREIN) on your posts. Also, join our Discord group. DM me on Discord for a link to the server.

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Hi there David LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.

It's a wonderful work that you do, thanks for share! Greetings from Venezuela

Thanks for the kind words :)

Could the CDs be there to scare craws? They seem to eat pretty much anything, so maybe they would also target these swans' eggs.

I thought that too, but I wasn't sure. Without any other ideas, we'll go with that :)

Rice planting time already?

Around the Tokai area they usually start planting during Golden Week or just before. When do they usually begin planting up in Hokkaido?

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