Social Reality: Conclusion - The Series that changed to a Saga

in #psychology6 years ago

Social Reality: Violence, Power and Change
Conclusion - The Series that changed to a Saga

"I exist, therefore I resist"- charlie777pt


We have analysed the group social dynamics, with its epicenter in the phenomena of conflict as the main constituint of the collective regulation of the forces in contend, from the individual pulsions to the influence of the norms to the constraints/facilitators of the situation and context.
We saw that the almost hidden function of power, that can generate violence and change in the dimension of Reality.
Index and Conclusions of the Saga of Social reality

I - Violence

In the first series on Social Reality, we studied the phenomenon of Violence in its three perspectives, Violence itself, Aggression and Aggression.
We learned that in Violence there are several forms of recurrence to force, and we have identified this phenomenon in two aspects: the individual and the social in daily life, in the family, in school as a component of social interactions.
We also learned the concepts, theories, and factors that influence Violence, ending by analyzing its rise in today's society.

Social Reality: Violence, Power and Change An Introduction to Violence The Concepts of Violence, Aggression, and Aggressiveness The theories on Violence
The influencers of Violence -Part One - Culture and Social Context The influencers of Violence -Part Two - Social, Cognitive and Environmental Factors The ascend of today's Violence  

II - Power

In this series on the phenomenon of power, we approached its philosophical perspective, as well as the notions of social psychology, beginning by talking about the nature, the dynamics, and the consequences in human social exchanges. We also discussed the issue of authority and the phenomenon of leadership and the phenomenon of emerging power in cyberspace with decentralization.
What is Power? - Introduction The Nature of Power, Part I - The Notions of Power The Nature of Power, Part II -The Dimensions of Power The Nature of Power , Part III -The foundations Of Power
The Dynamics of Power - Part 1 - The Legitimacy of Authority The Dynamics of Power - Part 2 - The Models of Leadership The Dynamics of Power - Part 3 - Characteristics of Leadership The Dynamics of Power - Part 4 - The Relation in Leadership
The Dynamics of Power - Part 5 - Decision-making and Leadership The Effects of Power - Part 1 - Philosophical Rally on the Matrix of Power The Effects of Power - Part 2 - Dipravation The Effects of Power - Part 3 - Submission
The Effects of Power - Part 4 - Corruption The Effects of Power - Part 5 - Resistance to Power The Effects of Power - Part 6 - Power in Cyberspace  

III - Change

We began this series with a philosophical drift on the theme of Change and the phenomenon of decentralization. In the following posts of this series on Change, we talked about the factors that determine the changes, their forms, theories, and concepts. The last posts analyzed the phenomenon of a person or small groups as generators of change, ending these series with the minorities of blockchain and decentralization as the true alternative to the real Globalization.
Change and Culture - Decentralize All The Theories and Concepts of Change Factors determining Change - Part 1 - Lite version Factors determining Change -Part 2 - Complex version
The Ways of Change - Part 1 - Concepts and Theories The Ways of Change - Part 2 - The Process of Attitude Change A Social Change - Part 2 - Minorities as Social Influence The Social Change - Part 1 - Innovative Change by Minorities
Social Change - Part 3 - Minorities and Social change Social Change - Part 4 - The minority of Decentralization and the Blockchain    

My deepest thanks to all who spread, followed, read, commented and voted on this saga on Social Reality: Violence, Power and Change.

I would like to see here, comments on possible topics that people want to read in my next posts, since the indecision is great between Existentialism and Anarchism, Analysis and definitions of Alternative Media, or on the Dialectic of Liberation.
Choices and suggestions are accepted in the area of philosophy, social psychology, decentralization in the blockchain, or psychotherapies.


Well, your series indeed turned into a saga, and who knows, one day our descendants might consider it a fairytale or a legend ;)

Personally, I am quite sure that in a not too distant future there will be decentralized schools, and the subjects and concepts being taught there will be all 5D consciousness inspired. I guess we have quite some people already with the perfect curriculum to be great teachers there ;)

That would be very cool, I guess.

The indecision of choosing between several great topics is very much something I know too good. Most often this indecisiveness is so big that I end up conjuring uo something entirely different :)

So, I am the wrong person to ask which way to go now 😃

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