Social Change - Part 4 - The minority of Decentralization and the Blockchain

in #psychology6 years ago

Social Reality: Violence, Power and Change
Social Change - Part 4 - The minority of Decentralization and the Blockchain

"When existence is only subsistence there will be resistance" - charlie777pt


In the last decades, democracy controlled by capitalism and imperialism has fallen into decay, as a result of the political states and centralized systems, that are disintegrating and crumbling because they do not find internal solutions and they are dominated by the capital of big multinational financial groups.
The myth of increasing consumerism and eternal growth is devouring planet Earth and reducing human rights and solidarity.
Weaker nations either accept dependence and submission to the stronger countries and make deals on arms purchases or will be on the blacklist of countries where more civil war and conflict will emerge as battlefields fomented by imperialism.

1 - The signs of change

This is just a simple joke theory about the living signs of change I have experienced and seen in my life.
"Where there is no struggle for freedom, there is no freedom" - Benedictus de Spinoza


Social change has many origins, but let's see some the individual traits and social groups, with the generation of events or activities with disruptive or constructive purposes, like chaos or equilibrium.
There are social phenomena that are disruptive signs of a change of the second-order in society.

Revolt (destroy the system with no alternatives) - Revolts have unpredictable lasting chaos until old dominant power re-structure itself.
When there is a long fascist dominance revolt can happen, but most of the times they are unsuccessful because there is no organization and the Power always finish by winning and take the defeat of the revolted as a reinforcement of control and authority.

Rebellion (against the system to create alternatives but without a cause just originating rebellion)
James Dean always reminded me of the "rebel without a cause".
I was a rebel in my youth (I think I'm still today a revolutionary rebel, hehe) and Punk was one of my references as a movement without a cause except to expose the perspective of "no future" for the kids as the first sign of what kept going on and getting worst till today.

Revolution (change the system, with alternatives - But normally leader's belly buttons turns into a new centralized oppressing structure of controlled groups).
I saw it happening in Africa and Portugal in the 70's, like a nightmare waking from the 50 years old fascism, but most of the ones that made the revolution are addicted to the power today, and they forgot the dreams of a revolution to the people and for the people.
In my life experience, I have seen these three signs of resistance against the System and I understood that the only common element is the total dissatisfaction with the individual, social, political or economic situations, constraints of power abuse, or old-fashioned collective conduct.

Real anti-conformism and resistance are normally "classified" by power and media as a disruptive rebel, revolted, raged or renegade, (they never say revolutionary) but we have a new kind of Man on the "blockchained" communities what I will call the "Resistants"
The "Resistant" (a Resilient Agent of Change) is a facilitator advocating freedom fight, defiant innovative, and creative ways to find new paths for values of life that are never attainable - you can practice but never get perfection :) - "The Resistance".

2 - Polycracy or Democracy

"Existence is not subsistence" - charlie777pt
Actual democracy means control by governments of the collective social organisms, actually making human existence as subsistence and eliminating social life and solidarity.
The imperialists dominance is not benefiting their own citizens, because it only uses the tool of war to create more chaos, suffering, hate, and to sell more guns, without realizing what happens to every generation that has their youth in wars, that come back with irreversible traumas and socialization problems in the collective unconscious.
When a nation makes blood ends up feeding in its own blood.

We need to create a "Polycracy" as the new political theory born of the discovery that the negotiation of majorities with the new values of minorities rather than their denial, is more beneficial for the whole of society.
The current Democracy has transformed itself into the annihilation of the interests of minorities for the preservation of the privileges of the dominant majorities, which in turn are controlled by a majority that preverts the economic system of the real capitalism of free, decentralized and decconcentrated financial power of entrepreneurship.

Uniformed social rules for groups relationship, are consubstantiated in norms that define our expectations as predictions of other's conducts, what they expect and predict from our behavior, and minorities are a menace to this equilibrium.
The big debate is about is the forms of the social order of a group is based in the total subordination of the individual to the collective interests and will of the group or if the individual rights to be different is above the group norms in a polycracy of an "existentialist anarchy".

3 - The "Blocknet" of Decentralized Resistance

"True globalization is decentralization in the "Blocknet"." - charlie777pt

Nakamoto, the entity or person, that created the technology supporting social decentralization, is an example of a gift for humanity, showing that one or a few can make such a social change and influence, that we are now just scratching the tip of the iceberg.
The special marriage of a technical revolution of the blockchain with the supra-social evolutionary theory of decentralization is the most influential re-evolution of our Era of post-centralization.

The blockchained citizens of the world, are a revolution with very clear functioning alternatives to decentralize the structure of power control and dominance over the markets, economy and the planet's destiny.
This is a total non-violent, anti-power globalized movement, with the particularity of having solutions to demonstrate the centralized state machinery obsolescence.
Anarchist, activist, and voluntarist movements of inorganic contestation and resistance(without organization and defined leadership), by their very nature, are prone to disregard their own philosophy of denial of concentration and centralization of power, and that other political groups with leadership are able to direct these forces to themselves.
Anarchism movements by its philosophy tend to dissolve because there is no centralized emanation of Power in the ideology.
Activists, sometimes come from the privileged classes of society because they feel the decadence of their own social strata and have a enormous identification with the problems of disadvantaged groups, whose rights are not accepted by the dominant majorities.

A juvenile hedonist, conformist and individualist generation, is opening doors for the false liberalism of right-winged ideology, tailored by power in their youth mind, using the media and device addiction, to disconnect people from other people and make the funeral of human solidarity.
This new generation has been brainwashed by the myth of our imperialist nations of the unattainable bourgeois dream of a democratic society, by creating a sino-soviet boogie-man as the devils of deep state centralism to distract our attention for their internal affairs of power and to hide the inability to solve social problems.

There is a uncontrollable urge to resist the destruction of our planet and the death of democracy and unfair capitalism by collective action.
"Make love, not War", was the most known and bigger message of the movements in the 60's, the first anti-system utopias and strong activism by the intellectuals and students and later backed up by all the working class.
The components of the complexity paradigm are order and disorder, but the best way to deal with change, as seen in biology and social terms, seems to be self-organization in shared decentralized systems.

Using a paraphrase of May 68, actual social inequalities are an ogive and climate change is an atomic bomb, with people discontent and delusion about the fair power of the State and Institutions.
May 68 was a big explosion from the shock of politics and culture, a socio-economic resistance, a subversive mentality, a spontaneous and creative movement changeling the current social order rejecting authoritarianism, militarism, conservatism, and wars.
What started with a peaceful movement ended up in violent actions, confrontation with the police and radical speech
The involvement of the movement of existentialism, well visible in one of the greatest figures of the movement - Jean-Paul Sartre - promoting the equality of the community and the right to be different from the cachectic France of the time.

Actual consumerism is a detonator and credit is an explosion in the economy of the planet, because people are compensating their loss of buying power with loans, to pay even more interests to the banksters for goods that are not essential for survival, just to feed their vanishing human ego that is being possessed by the religion of the mechanism of the consumerism consuming the consumer.
The blockchain as a platform with a technical consensus, supporting an economy of decentralized cyber communities in social consensus, creates the conditions for the emergence of this new polycracy, free from the consent imposed by governments, without our scrutiny of their exercise of power, to favor a minority that concentrates financial capital and manipulates the Deep State.

Steemit is a minority in social media terms, a new way of shared social thinking, and the cradle where people are learning to deal with the reality of a decentralized blockchain (anybody can come in and compete) but on the other hand it is open anarcho-capitalist ecosystem, that has an entrepreneurial centralized enterprise like Steemit inc (by right of being the best and total changer of the interface) and some small players like .

The crypto-economy has the similarly expected pyramid of wealth distribution of the current society, but it is an open stair to people that want to contribute and give a lot of attention before being rewarded and get a reputation.
The blockchain and Steemit are not, and can't be, for now, a decentralized platform in relation to objects (vest voting power).
An equality in relation to possessions, is not yet feasible in the actual development of society and even in the anarcho-capitalist theories, because we still believe in the principle of private property.

The Blockchain is a science and the ultimate tool to fight the System as a proof of its absence, with the possibilities of a total decentralized transparent governance, smart contract transactions with decentralized money, decentralized justice and open education practices for all.
Anarcho-capitalism, the blockchain or Steemit are Equalitarian Communities in relation to people, but there is a Hierarchical Society in relation to Objects or assets (crypto-economy).
Satoshi Nakamoto created a singularity to change the current savage Capitalism back to Ethical Anarcho-Capitalism in an E-world based on Human Values.

The blockchained citizens today are a very powerful minority that can make a second-order-change in the world, by decentralized communities with a free economy and participative market.
The "Blocknet" better known as the "Decentralized Internet" will have a similar curve of use and users growth as the early web in 1994, and will be a future matrix for crypto-economics adoption for identity, store of value, assets, payments, etc.

But we have the risks of centralized power attacking in the "nodes" where decentralized systems are still connected to the centralized economy world and the banks, and the problem of cryptocurrencies being used just for speculation, obliterating its social change by the philosophy of decentralization.

In the next post, we will see the conclusions and an index of all the posts of this saga about Social Reality with the series about Violence, Power, and Change.

Last posts in this series on Social Reality: Violence, Power and Change

Social Reality: Violence, Power and Change

A - Violence:

An Introduction to Violence
The Concepts of Violence, Aggression, and Aggressiveness
The Theories on Violence
The influencers of Violence -Part One - Culture and Social Context
The influencers of Violence -Part Two - Social , Cognitive and Environmental Factors
The ascend of Today's Violence

B -Power:

What is Power? - Introduction
The Nature of PowerThe Dynamics of Power:The Effects and Consequences of Power

C - Change:

Change and Culture
The Theories and Concepts of Change
Factors determining ChangeThe Ways of ChangeA Social Change

Articles from the next series of posts about Social Reality: Violence, Power and Change:
C - Change:(cont.)

A Social Change
Conclusion - The Series that changed to a Saga

References consulted:

Les concepts fondamentaux de la psychologie sociale - Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
La psychologie sociale - Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
The social-violence dynamics, Power, change - Gustave-Nicolas Fischer, Planeta / ISPA, 1980
Gustave-Nicolas Fischer is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Psychology Laboratory at the University of Metz.

French, J. R. P., and Raven, B.H. (1959). The bases of social Power.
Raven, B. H. and Rubin, J. Z. (1976). Social psychology: People in groups
Castel, R. The metamorphoses of the social question. Voices, 1998.
Moscovici, S. (1976). Social influence and social change. London: Academic Press
Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
Festinger, L. (1954). A theory of social comparison processes.
French, J. R. P., Morrison, H. W., and Levinger, G. (1960). Coercive Power and forces affecting conformity
Dahl, R.A. (1957), The Concept of Power.
Giddens, Anthony, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of the Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber, 1971.
Grabb, Edward G., Theories of Social Inequality: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives,1990.
Weber, Max, Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology,1968.
Lewin, K. (1948) ‘Action Research and Minority Problems’, in G.W. Lewin (ed.),Researching Social Conflicts , New York: Harper and Row
Parsons, T. (1966). Societies: Evolutionary and comparative perspectives.
Levy, A. (1986) Second-order planned change: Definition and conceptualization, Organisational Dynamics
Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J.H., Fisch, R. (1974) Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution. New York, Norton.



Thanks a lot.

Great article with many "quote-like" sentences.

"When existence is only subsistence then there is resistance"

That is exactly my philosophy. Working in order to make a living in order to survive is so against my philosophy. You know, many people do a job they don't like, and they do so to "make a living in order to survive". Yet even when we say that we enjoy our job, the primary reason we do that work is not that it is fun but still "to make a living in order to survive". So in either case, the financial survival is the propulsory force. So long as this very financial survival hasn't been dismantled in our lives, there cannot really be 100% Joy in our every moment of Being. Only when the financial survival question is undone at its deepest root, we can unleash 100% Joy in the present moment, and from this position anything we start doing will be voluntarily, Heart-based and hence most successful. The child-like zest for life is something I yearn for rediscovering, yet it might take a bit longer :)

Yes, most of the people confuse "to Be" with "to Have", generating an internal castle of "false-selves" that will our "fake self" as our history.
The actual "Kitsch" society is a typical product of modernity and modernization, marked by economic development "to HAVE" and preventing the evolution "to BE".
Thus the main causes of most of people's lives are demand for status, social display, and consumerism by the spirit of ostentation.

Great post man

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