The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet: Day 6steemCreated with Sketch.

in #prepping6 years ago (edited)

Today was Day 6 for my test of Mountain House food packets as emergency food, The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet. Lots of preppers recommend storing food for a disaster; this series tests it out. As detailed earlier, this diet has turned into a weight-loss diet too.

This day, the rebound continued. Unlike yesterday, I didn't succumb to exhaustion. But I did have insomnia, which led to me waking up must later than usual. Perhaps that's why my pep returned. As per usual, the food was good. No dizziness, fainting or other symptoms and no sign of any vitamin deficiency.

Today's Meals

Similar to Day 4, a packet of scrambled eggs with ham and green pepper.

In another perhaps-amusing lapse from my routine, I leaped right into eating it before taking the usual picture of it reconstituted. It looked and tasted like the others, though this time there was a little more excess fluid. Unlike the granola, it took a cup of boiled water.

Dinner was Turkey Tetrazzini:

Like all the others, it took two cups of boiling water, two bouts of stirring, and about eight to ten minutes of cooling before ready.

I have to say, the beans were a nice touch.

It went down well. Relatively light on the spices, it included a lot more turkey than the Chicken and Rice had chicken.

Effects, So Far:

As mentioned above, my pep returned after a stretch of insomnia. Unfortunately, that stretch included some simmering that I kept bottled up. You could say, in a manner of speaking, that I had a wee little visit from the Night Gods.

Basic common-sense psychology says that frustration over the stresses of the diet got the better of me. That's true as it stands, but it does make me wonder what would boil over in a real SHTF event. Thankfully, the disasters I've experienced featured nothing of the sort. The worst was an ice-storm power outage; folks just hunkered down or moved to shelters where there was heat. No trouble broke out.

Today is Shrove Tuesday, or "Fat Tuesday." The fattening-up and Mardi-Gras partying is still with us, even if the fast or sacrifice of Lent isn't as much observed. It's my bet that, in a real post-disaster environment that lasts for months, similar customs will come into play: community parties where everyone brings some pre-disaster luxuries to remind them of the good old days.

In the humble present, I have hit one of those notorious plateaus:

I actually ricocheted a couple of pounds upwards. Maybe this is my way of observing Fat Tuesday. :-) Happy Mardi Gras.

Conclusion For Day 6

My pep came back, though not before a bout of insomnia that included bottled-up venting of frustration. The exhaustion I experienced yesterday did not return. It's too soon to say I bounced back, but if I keep the vim then there might actually be something to the food. At this point, too soon to say.

I can say that any frustration sessions only come during after-lights-out night, "when the demons come." Nothing during the day, which was upbeat.

Bit of a bounceback for Shrove Tuesday. Thanks for reading.

And feel free to comment below!

Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12


Lots I can say and type here on all this content but first thanks for LMK you were doing this series.

No insomnia thinking of content for Steemit at least.


TLDR from me:

  • I would consider using the science tag. There is a lot of science here, both in the food, and the physiology and .... well a lot of people read / use that tag. You can change everything in your tags but the first one if you want to edit.

  • As I said last week or 2 weeks now I guess, these things are all high in sodium and it will affect your bloat, weight and water retention no matter what else you do for exercise, sauna the water out / detox, or other calorie issues.

  • Your mind and body is still adjusting to all this, so that is part of why your mind is wound up, along w what it does to your body and the 2 are connected as you know.

-- I would say that in a real SHTF situation, mentally and physically you would likely adjust quicker because your mind knows there is no choice and this is the new reality

I think this is a great idea, I mentioned that on my food preps post to you, good on ya.

Thanks a whole lot for your points. Upvoted to the top.


Your doing great so far @nxtblg , glad to see your still hanging in there , will you be eating any extra stuff or chocolates on Valentines day !? lol , good luck , im off to sleep , happy Valentines day !❤💕👌✌👍😋💕
And i dont think of Ash Wednesday . Upped and resteemed !

Thanks a lot, and enjoy your Valentine's!

your welcome ! keep it up and stay positive!

yeah, that is something to consider, I can't sleep on an empty stomach, I would need some survival late night snacks. Perhaps an appetite suppressant like Hydroxycut should be included with these meal kits.

Perhaps an appetite suppressant like Hydroxycut should be included with these meal kits.

That's an intriguing idea. It could be worked into a post-SHTF novel as well as a prep plan.

LOL a world where there is no food but plenty of speed! That would be interesting, I hate when the zombies are fast, there is nothing worse than fast zombies.

Make sure to eat as much chocolate as you can today, just blame it on valentines day haha. Hope the energy comes back

Heh, heh - nice thought!

But it does have a serious side. Falling off the diet wagon and then clambering back up as if nothing had happened is a good way to test your resolve.

I am happy to see your post....remember with any diet some times weight comes back on I have never figured that out yet. Don’t worry about it keep going you will make it to your goal. Again great post keep it up!😁👍🎉🎉

Thanks, and nice to see you again!

with any diet some times weight comes back on I have never figured that out yet

I don't think anyone has, but lots of people know about it. ;)

Dieting is hard. Keep going! You are very detailed in your description of your progress.

Thanks a lot!

good diet tip


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