The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet: Day 8steemCreated with Sketch.

in #prepping6 years ago (edited)

Today was Day 8 for my test of Mountain House food packets as emergency food, The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet. Lots of preppers recommend storing food for a disaster; this series tests it out. As detailed earlier, this diet has turned into a weight-loss diet too.

I ticked along fine today. The insomnia I've been noting is prolly me shifting to a more night-owl cycle. One interesting facet of this diet is that I'm slowly becoming used to the restricted calories; the "hungries" are less extensive. As per usual, there was no issues with the food and no health effects, not even exhaustion.

Today's Meals

Since Mountain House supplied only two varieties of breakfast packets, I'm on the flip-flop. Similar to Day 5, today's was a packet of granola with milk and blueberries.

No boiling water, no waiting after adding the 1/2 cup. As per usual, it looked a bit of a mess:

but tasted good. The "mess" is actually sweetish fluid that looks like it had been dyed with blueberries. :)

Dinner was a new variety, one of the packets that Mountain House didn't supply much of. Namely, Beef Stew:

True to its name, the liquid in the reconstituted pack was not a sauce; it was a thick broth:

Lots of vegetables, including cubes of potato. There were also chunks of beef in addition to the broth. The veggies were a bit on the crunchy side. I couldn't detect any difference in taste between this meal and a Campbell's can full of chunky beef. The main different was the size of the beef chunks, which are much smaller in the packet because of the freeze drying and the need to reconstitute.

Effects, So Far:

Evidently, I'm becoming used to the regimen. My energy level is still at the new normal, and the feelings of hunger are diminishing. I can't say for sure, but the lessening hunger dovetails well with me hitting that weight plateau. The tetchiness I had experienced is gone too.

To get back to the weight:

I'm still stuck on that plateau, but the flatlining might come to an end soon.

Conclusion For Day 8

The new normal is still in play, and my frustration has all-but disappeared. In addition to any lack of symptoms, my feelings of hunger have diminished during the day. There's been no concern or issue with the food, and the standardized reconstituting routine is a help.

In the woods or bug-out retreat kind of homestead, the packets leave behind very little waste. I should also mention that the food leaves little "waste product" of the digestive kind. After I finished yesterdays post, I had my first #2 in a week and part of it was diarrheic. Not fully, but somewhat. I haven't counted this as a symptom because its mildness compared to some, uh, full attacks. :)

Note: I've posted this installment early because I'll be attending Decentral’s 4th Anniversary Meetup Celebration in Downtown T.O.

Thanks for reading.

And feel free to comment below!

Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13


Where's the beef? ;>

How much water are you drinking? You might want to add some more aqua intake to help the wight loss

I drink a lot of coffee, mostly weak coffee. That might not help with hydration, but it does help with the hungries.

mmmm yes it does, drinking a cup now ;>

oops, reminds me. powdered milk is another goodie to add to your prepping stocks

Damn, I forgot that. I just have a wee bag of it I hardly use.

Here's an article about the storage life of powered milk: "Learn How Long Powdered Milk Really Lasts." It says that non-fat (skim) will ten years if stored in a root-cellar environment and if left unopened; at room temperature, four years. Once opened, about three months.

and there is always the question of bug-in vs bug-out...

OUT means carrying stores of food, water, and fuel

OUT means carrying stores of food, water, and fuel

And therein's the trouble, unless you carry them out in advance.

Interestingly, a natural disaster is: a) "easiest" to bug-out from, in that there's usually advance warning; b) an SHTF-Lite event for which the government wants you to bug out.

natual disasters are usually going to be localized too, making them easier for FEMA to respond to...unless a series of them occurs in a row

i.e this past hurricane season

Are preparing and acclimating your diet for the Z apocalypse? 😁

Looks delicious and those packs are just right for outdoor adventures. I think we have those similar products sold in my locale. But yours is cool as you don't need hot water or boiling the food.

Thanks for sharing and you might have just rekindled my taste for pack-and-go foods.

Are preparing and acclimating your diet for the Z apocalypse?

Nice one!

Good article for over weight personnel. I think who want to diet they should read this article and they have to follow this rules and food menu. Very informative article dear, thank you very much for sharing with us. I want to say all visitor in this blog... please copy this article link and forward to your faty friends who like diet.

I've always been tempted to purchase a few of the Mountain House products to give them a try but I've always been put off by the price. Will have to look for a sale or just break down and stop being so cheap ;-)

Yes, that's the downside right there. To be honest, a basic emergency-food cache of beans, flour, rice, canned veggies, basic pasta, pasta sauce, basic meat like hot dogs and burger patties (if you have power for a freezer) is a lot cheaper than the Mountain House.

The main advantages of the Mountain House are: a) it's easy to prepare; b) it seems to be nutritionally balanced, which the basic-stores option is not. For the basic option, it's a very good idea to add bottles of multivitamins.

So good to see your post. Sorry to see the weight loss is in limbo but don’t give up never surrender you can do this as long as no health issues you will be okay. You will also feel better in the long run when completed. Again great post keep up the job 👍👏👏👏👏🎉😁

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