Daily 30 Popular Posts with 'politics' tag

in #politics7 years ago

※ These posts are ranked by the sum of votes and comments.

1. A Message from President Trump

@craig-grant, 154 votes, 12 replies, $27.71

2. Trump Tax Plan Looks Like Pile Of Hot Garbage - Another Giveaway To The 1%

@lexiconical, 81 votes, 19 replies, $13.88

3. Trump must get "the rich" to pay more taxes. They aren't paying their "fair share"

@davebrewer, 42 votes, 58 replies, $5.10

4. The Whistleblowers (Series): #27 - "British Gov Leaders Were Into Cocaine, Sex With Prostitutes & Bondage/Torture: Psychopaths That Perform Rituals Involving Killing Baby Pigeons & Molesting Dead Pigs!" - Natalie Rowe, Ex-'Dominatrix to the Elite'.

@ura-soul, 81 votes, 14 replies, $35.35

5. If voting made a difference, they'd make it illegal... Wait.

@rvanstel, 67 votes, 19 replies, $5.04

6. Apple reports 400 percent rise in national security requests

@dana-edwards, 69 votes, 5 replies, $45.67

7. Steve Wozniak says the Internet as we know it is about to end if network neutrality is rolled back

@dana-edwards, 55 votes, 15 replies, $46.06

8. Parliamentarism in the UK and Iceland: visions for the 21st Century [Audio]

@lovejoy, 64 votes, 4 replies, $64.60

9. "Don't Tase Me Bro!" 10 Years Later - Andrew Meyer On His Life As A Meme

@joshsigurdson, 64 votes, 3 replies, $45.49

10. Not exactly breaking news, but Stefan Molynuex is on Steemit - some thoughts on Steemit "celebs"

@scandinavianlife, 45 votes, 13 replies, $18.02

11. Syrian Civil War Report / 30-09-2017

@lordoftruth, 40 votes, 17 replies, $9.95

12. an open letter to my president

@nideo, 36 votes, 15 replies, $1.00

13. 1000 national socialists (nazis) demonstrate in Sweden - here is why I think that is

@scandinavianlife, 35 votes, 13 replies, $10.70

14. Left v Right Illusion

@scottermonkey, 22 votes, 23 replies, $1.46

15. Politically Correct : Why We Stand

@deanlogic, 9 votes, 34 replies, $0.23

16. This Photo are Example What is Your Power

@amankaur, 38 votes, 2 replies, $0.45

17. Introducing Citizen, The Game Of Politics And Power

@rajazia, 37 votes, 1 replies, $1.02

18. Having just got rid brutal/bloody one-child policy, China has secretly started mandatory two-child policy

@judetheobscure, 34 votes, 3 replies, $0.08

19. Protect The World

@dickdeepdog, 34 votes, 2 replies, $1.96

20. The Truth About The Sen. Bob Menendez Corruption Trial

@stefan.molyneux, 27 votes, 6 replies, $7.66

21. Police Union Complains That Public Got to See Them Roughing Up Utah Nurse

@jinmi17, 31 votes, 2 replies, $0.07

22. Dr. Shashi Tharoor's Oxford Union Speech

@dreamzchm, 31 votes, 0 replies, $0.08

23. Star Trek Discovery playing on Netflix - Great for feminists and PC fans

@upgrade, 29 votes, 0 replies, $0.07

24. Most western people think it is fair when 52 rich countries goes to war against one single poor country.

@rezpatex, 8 votes, 20 replies, $0.01

25. Presented with no comment...

@justastic, 22 votes, 0 replies, $0.07

26. Civil War Diary #39: Does Steve Bannon Really Wanna Kill Six Million Jews?

@dragon40, 11 votes, 10 replies, $2.98

27. Photo Of San Juan Mayor In Waist-Deep Water Goes Viral As Trump Criticizes Her Leadership

@epeakinfo, 18 votes, 2 replies, $0.11

28. First Lady Melania Trump Gives Dr. Seuss Books To School, Then Is Called Racist

@scottybuckets, 13 votes, 4 replies, $17.54

29. Politically Correct - The After Show : False Flags and Fake News

@deanlogic, 11 votes, 5 replies, $0.37

30. Informationwar is an Important new Steemian Sub-Group

@goldgoatsnguns, 13 votes, 3 replies, $0.88

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