1000 national socialists (nazis) demonstrate in Sweden - here is why I think that is

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Yes, ACTUAL nazis. The Nordic resistance movement are actual nazis. It's fun to watch how the mainstream media tries to portray them as right wing, while the movement themselves define themselves as national socialists.



From their homepage;

"Even he (Hitler) did not view himself as right or left-wing. The right had no social thinking, while the left lacked the nationalist part"

These people are clearly fascist in their thinking. They want large government. They want nationalism. They want socialism.

The funny thing is that the so called "anti-fascists" the "anarchist" are demonstrating against them. I mean..what are they really disagreeing on? They are pretty much aligned on everything except immigration. Which makes them closer than any regular political parties. They are both totalitarian, fascist and socialists. They only disagree on the nationalistic aspect.

The rabiat far left extremists have a self destructive element to their ideology. They view their race as inferior and destructive. While the national socialists view their own race as perhaps not superior, but at least worth defending.

I must say, If I had to chose between these two fascist ideologies, I would have chosen the national socialists - not just the socialists. At least they seem to have some sort of self preserverance.

But all in all, they are pretty much the same. Authoritarian fascists who wants a strong leader, who want big government and who fight for totalitarianism. Both of them despite freedom and individual rights. They are also racist. The only difference is that one side is racist towards themselves, while the other side is racist towards others.

The mainstream media doesn't understand

Again, as usual the mainstream fails to understand why this is happening. " Oh my..why are actual nazis demonstrating??" Well, why do you think? You've turned your beautiful country into a slowly decaying corpse, where you let your grandparents rot away in undermanned sickwards, your children gets abused by immigrant kids in school, you have ghettoes and no-go zones, the idea of fun for you is making a music video where a white woman rides a black man while moaning the national anthem, and where fewer and fewer people are actually working. You brought this on yourselves. I am amazed that there aren't more radicalized people in Sweden.

As long as people don't understand what the CAUSE is, and instead focus on the symptoms, we will always be fighting against each other. The CAUSE of the problems are always governments. The symptoms are consequences of different opinions. In a free society national socialists could just live as national socialists in their national socialist haven. While dirty hippe-collectivists could live in their own garbage. Others would live in prosperous capitalist societies with a huge wall around it :)

Good luck Sweden. It will be interesting to see how you will deal with this. I suspect fractions like this will grow larger by the day, until you have social unrest on a much larger scale. Young Swedish men with no future will join movements like this. People need something to identify with. YouTube-channels like the Golden One have over a long time been a place for young frustrated swedish men.

Of course this will continue. Of course there will be resistance. Of course not all men will lay down and die. Feminist telling them they're abusive and evil rapists, while at the same time they are welcoming hundreds of thousands of immigrants. Can you imagine many swedes feel betrayed by their own? By their government, by their women? By their parents? Feminists telling them they shouldn't SIT in a certain way (man spreading) while neglecting child marriage, hijabs and honor murders in their own country.

Now all they can do is look for some sort of meaning. Some sort of group or place where others who see the madness are. It is hard to walk around as a young person with the notion that your society is sick and hypocritical. So what do they do? Do they become individualistic anarco capitalists? Libertarians? No. They look for other options within the structures they understand and know.

So they believe that the opposite of the regime they live under right now is national socialism or identitarianism or alt-right. But that's not the case. Sure, it's on the opposite side of the fascism, but it's still fascism. The opposite of fascism is less government.

They are basically kids that have lost their way - which is understandable. I don't like their ideology, I don't like violence and like the politicians I "condemn" it (what an empty phrase), but I do however UNDERSTAND it happening.



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You cover a lot of ground in your post, but i agree with much of what you say. Yours is a clearly written piece by a level headed reality-ism-ist!

It's nice to hear smart, responsible adults speak once in a while.

Thanks! I had a misspelling by the way (hopefully not a Freudian slip) "The opposite of fascism is not less government" :D Fixed it. (-no)

I'd also prefer "national socialists " freedom of speech .
Thanks for this post .I learnt few things about Sweden 😁

This information is of interest to me who do not really understand how politics is in Sweden. Because I live in Asia.

Thanks for sharing

"actual nazis"

They are :D
They call themselves national socialists.

I'm not one who calls people nazis for no reason ;)

Calling yourselves National Socialist does not make you NAZI.

It doesn't? What are nazis then? I thought it was short for National Socialist..

National Socialist German Workers' Party. More than 60 years ago. Not a Swedish group called Nordfront, present day.

They identify with national socialism. They qoute Hitler and say that national socialism is the only way.

They are National Socialists.

So you can't call people Stalinists or Leninists or Marxists?

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